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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

August 01, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Honorable Oscar Ewing)
Congressman James E. Nolan, Indiana (Wished to discuss appointment of District Attorney in Southern District of Indiana, about which he claims Judge Minton also spoke to the President; also 52-50 extension. On this latter subject the Congressman said he had introduced a bill which is in line with Budget's recommendations.)
Honorable Harold M. Stephens, Chief Justice, U. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and said that the Attorney General had suggested that he see the President)
Congressman A. S. J. Carnahan, Missouri (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this appointment)
Honorable John W. Kern, Presiding Judge, Tax Court of the United States (Judge Kern told Mr. Dawson he had never met the President, and would like opportunity to pay respects.)
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Brown Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baldus
(Mr. William T. Faricey) (Arranged by Mr. Dawson, who brought Mr. Faricey - off-the- record)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (Under Secretary of Defense) (The Secretary of the Navy [Francis P. Matthews]) (Colonel Lewis Renfrow)
(Major General Glen E. Edgerton) (Mr. Richard E. Dougherty) (Mr. William Douglas Orr) (Are meeting here today and the President suggested they come in after meeting for an off-the-record talk with him.)
(Honorable Oscar Ewing) (Honorable Charles Murphy)
Honorable Thomas B. McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
The President received the Boys' Forum of the National Government of the American Legion. Approximately 100 boys were received. This is held annually on the campus of the American University. The appointment was requested by Commander Perry Brown of the American Legion. The President also received the Forum in 1947 and 1948.) [Public Papers: Remarks to the American Legion Boys Forum of National Government]
(Mrs. Olive Goldman)
(Mr. Emmet Scanlon) (Asked to see the President before sailing for Italy on Friday of this week. Off the record)
The President signed H.J. Resolution 170, "Designating June 14th of each year as Flag Day." The following were present: Senator Francis J. Myers, Pa. Congressman Francis E. Walter, Pa. Mr. Charles Helms, National Secretary, Patriotic Order, Sons of America (Arranged at request of Senator Myers and Congressman Walter.)
(Honorable Basil O'Connor)
Honorable Charles H. Fahy, Chairman of the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services (Arranged at the suggestion of David Niles)
Honorable Christian M. Ravndal, American Ambassador Designate to Uruguay (Asked through Mr. Woodward to pay respects and say "goodbye" before leaving for post at Montevideo)
(Mr. Abraham Feinberg) (Arranged at the suggestion of David Niles, who will bring Mr. Feinberg in off-the-record)
Mr. Woodville Rogers
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
(Colonel Cornelius Mara)
Mr. William Boyle Mr. Monroe Sweetland, Democratic National Committeeman, Oregon
(The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Dined with Honorable William Boyle and his family at Mr. Boyle's residence)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Senator Theodore Francis Green, R. I. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday to ask for this appointment)
Congressman Edward H. Kruse, Jr., Indiana (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly Tuesday to ask for this)
Mr. W. T. Kennedy, President Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (Successor to late A. L. Whitney. Kennedy mentioned to Dr. John R. Steelman that he would like opportunity to pay respects)
Congressman Emanuel Celler, N. Y. (Was coming in at 12.15 p.m. for signing of H.R. 4566 and told Mr. Matthew Connelly he would like to come earlier and see the President alone on another matter.)
The President signed H.R. 4566, An Act "To Revise, codify, and enact into law, Title 14 of the United States Code, entitled 'Coast Guard'". The following were present: Congressman Emanuel Celler, N. Y. Congressman Joseph R. Bryson, S. C. Congressman Chauncey W. Reed, Ill. The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder] The Under Secretary of the Treasury Admiral Joseph F. Farley, Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard Commander L. J. Webb, Legislative Counsel of Coast Guard Captain Alfred C. Richmond, Coast Guard Senator Herbert R. O'Conor, Md. Congressman James J. Murphy, N. Y. Mr. Charles Zinn, House Judiciary Committee Mr. Maurice Covert, Senate Judiciary Committee
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
(The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (Mr. William Boyle)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson} The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]
(Mr. James Farret) (Dr. George Spurdy)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except the Attorney General, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense who was represented by Under Secretary Early.)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. Senator Elbert D. Thomas, Utah Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I. Speaker Rayburn Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass. Congressman J. Percy Priest, Tenn. Honorable Oscar Ewing Honorable Charles Murphy (Mr. Matthew Connelly invited them to come to see the President to discuss Aid to Education legislation)
(Mr. Bill Francisco and son, William, Jr.) (Wrote to the President that his son is stationed near Washington, and that he hoped he might combine his visit with his son with a call on the President. Off the record)
Honorable Georgia Neese Clark, Treasurer of the U. S. Mrs. John Downey (Mrs. Clark asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if she might bring in her guest, Mrs. Downey, to meet the President)
Mrs. India Edwards Mrs. Robert L. Coffey (Mrs. Coffey is mother of the late Congressman Coffey of Johnstown, Pa. She is running for election to fill his seat in special election to take place September 13th.)
H.E. Senor Dr. Don Luis Oscar Boettner, the Ambassador of Paraguay (Mr. Charles Spraks, Acting Chief of Protocol) (Mr. Falbara Galvan, interpreter from the State Department) (Newly Appointed. Presented credentials)
Commodore O. O. Kessing, Commissioner of the All-America Football Conference Mr. Walter Driskill, President and General Manager, Baltimore Colts Mr. Robert E. Embry, Baltimore Colts (Asked if they might come in and present to the President, the annual gold pass to all of the League football games for 1949 season.)
Dr. John G. Heinberg, and family (wife, son and daughter) (Dr. Heinberg is Professor of Political Science at University of Missouri and is in Washington this summer on Summer Research Professorship to study system of federal prosecutions. Wrote to the President and asked if he might bring his family in before they return to Missouri. Mr. Charles Ross passed on this.)
The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House and motored (the President driving) to Shangri La for the weekend.)
At Shangri La.
At Shangri La.
Senator Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this appointment)
(The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark]) (Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I.) (Mr. William Boyle) (Honorable Peyton Ford) (Honorable Donald Dawson) (Off the record)
(The President left for the National Airport to meet the President of the Republic of the Philippines.)
[Public Papers: Remarks of Welcome to President Quirino of the Philippines at Washington National Airport]
(The President left for the Carlton Hotel, where he gave a stag dinner for President Quirino of the Philippines.) [Public Papers: Toasts of the President and President Quirino at the State Dinner]
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill Amending Provisions Relating to the Retirement of Reserve Personnel]
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill To Provide Without Charge Certain Information From the Census Records]
Honorable William O. Douglas, Associate Justice, U. S. Supreme Court (One-half hour - called Mr. Connelly)
Honorable Frederick J. Lawton, Bureau of the Budget (Mr. Pace away, and Mr. Lawton is acting Director.)
Honorable Lawrence E. Imhoff, former Congressman from Ohio (New member of Board of Appeals, Veterans Administration. Requested appointment)
Honorable Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Mr. Leon H. Keyserling Mr. John D. Clark (Asked Mr. Connelly for appointment - needs one-half hour)
Honorable John L. Sullivan (Former Secretary of the Navy. Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this.)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virginia (Phoned Mr. Connelly last Friday to ask for this appointment)
Major General Philip B. Fleming, Chairman, Maritime Commission of the United States (Asked Mr. Connelly last week if he might come in for half hour today.)
(Honorable George Allen)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] Honorable Gordon Gray Honorable W. Averell Harriman
Honorable Paul Hoffman
H.E. President Quirino, of the Republic of the Philippines Mr. Pedrosa, Secretary of Finance of the Philippines Mr. Jose Yulo, Member of Council of State, Philippines The Philippine Ambassador to the U. S., Mr. Joaquin M. Elizalde The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] Honorable Myron Cowen, American Ambassador to the Philippines
(The President left for the Statler Hotel where he attended a stag dinner given by the Ambassador of the Philippines in honor of President Quirino. Following the dinner the President will attend a reception in the adjoining room, which started at approximately 10.00 p.m.) [Public Papers: Toasts of the President and President Quirino at a Dinner in Honor of President Truman]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the National Security Act Amendments of 1949]
The President signed H.R. 5632, An Act "To reorganize fiscal management in the National Military Establishment to promote economy and efficiency, and for other purposes." The following were present: NATIONAL MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT: Honorable Louis Johnson, Secretary of Defense Honorable Stephen T. Early, Under Secretary of Defense Honorable Gordon Gray, Secretary of the Army Honorable Francis P. Matthews, Secretary of the Navy Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force Mr. Marx Leva Mr. W. J. McNeil Mr. Paul Griffith Mr. John Adams General Omar N. Bradley BUREAU OF THE BUDGET: Mr. Charles B. Stauffacher ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE OF THE SENATE: Senator Richard M. Russell, Georgia Senator Virgil Chapman, Kentucky Senator Styles Bridges, New Hampshire Senator Leverett Saltonstall, Massachusetts HOUSE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE: Congressman Carl Vinson, Georgia Congressman Overton Brooks, La. Congressman Paul J. Kilday, Texas Congressman Carl T. Durham, N. C. Congressman Dewey Short, Missouri Mr. Bryce Harlow, Staff Member
Congressman George A. Smathers, Florida (Phoned Mr. Connelly that he had just returned from Florida; that the President had asked him to make survey and report; will discuss political situation in Florida.)
(Judge Starr)
Congressman Earl T. Wagner, Ohio (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this appointment)
(Mr. Victor Hunt Harding of Congressional Campaign Committee, and son, Kenneth) (Asked Mr. Connelly if he might bring his son in to see the President. Off-the-record)
(Mr. William Malone)
Honorable Perle Mesta, Minister to Luxembourg
Honorable John G. Erhardt, U. S. Minister to Austria (Made request through Mr. Woodward's office. Wished to pay respects before departing for his post.)
Honorable W. Averell Harriman, U. S. Special Representative in Europe (One-half hour. Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange appointment)
Honorable Leslie Biffle
Mayor Thomas A. Burke of Cleveland, Ohio Mr. Hogate
(Colonel Monroe Johnson)
Mr. William Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Crenshaw and son of Independence, Missouri
Senator Carl Hayden
[Public Papers: Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of the Philippines]
[Public Papers: Letter to General Eisenhower Thanking Him for His Services as Presiding Officer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff]
(The President, accompanied by his three Aides, left Executive Office for the National Airport, MATS, where he will say "goodbye" to President Quirino of the Republic of the Philippines)
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Edmond N. Hanrahan, Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission (Phoned Mr. Connelly on Monday and asked for this appointment)
Honorable Willis Mahoney (Secretary of Defense asked Mr. Connelly to arrange appointment)
Honorable Frank H. McHale, Democratic National Committeeman for Indiana (Wrote Mr. Connelly August 3rd, stating he would be here at this time and would like to discuss appointment to Federal bench with the President)
Colonel Burris C. Jackson, President, National Association of Postmasters of the United States (Wrote Mr. Connelly that he would be here at this time and would like brief appointment)
Honorable John J. McCloy, U. S. High Commissioner for Germany (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange)
Mr. James Patton, President, National Farmers' Union (Wired Mr. Connelly August 8th, asking for appointment)
(Mr. Richard Gilbert) (Arranged at request of Senator Hayden. Wished to invite the President to attend a rodeo in Arizona.)