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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

July 22, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Senator Clyde R. Hoey, N.C. Senator Frank P. Graham, N.C. Congressman Graham Barden, N.C. Mr. Gilbert Alphin, Jr., President, Duplin Historical Association Mrs. John D. Robinson, Vice President Mr. N.F. Allen, Jr., Treasurer Mrs. J.D. Sandlin, Jr., Secretary Mr. O.P. Johnson, Duplin County Superintendant of Schools Mr. Albert Hall, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Judge Henry L. Stevens, Superior Court Judge Mrs. Henry L. Stevens, Organizing Regent, DAR Mr. John D. Robinson, Presidential Elector for 3rd, District, N.C. Mr. Sam Byrd, Author and Playwright (Requested by Senator Hoey - to present invitation from Duplin County Historical Association to attend the celebration in September 1949, to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Founding of Duplin County, N.C.)
Mr. D.W. Gilmore, President, Young Democratic Clubs of Missouri Mr. Vern Taylor, St. Paul, Nebraska (Mr. Gilmore wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly that this group was chosen as delegation to call on the President at a Conference of the Executive Committee of the Young Democratic Clubs of America, held in Salt Lake City July 1, 2 and 3. They presented resolution concerning fine manner in which Roy G. Baker, of Sherman, Texas, has discharged his duties during the past year as President of the Young Democratic Clubs of America)
Honorable Frank Walker (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York last week to ask for this)
General Jonathan Wainwright Honorable Maple Harl, F.D.I.C.
The President left for Union Station where he met Miss Truman. They returned to Blair House, packed for weekend and then motored to the Naval Gun Factory, where they went aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG for weekend on the river.
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on the Need for a Military Aid Program]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Speaker on Home Rule for the District of Columbia]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Sen. Scott Lucas, Ill. Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass.
The President signed the Instrument of ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty. The following people were present: The Vice President, Honorable Alben Barkley The Speaker of the House, Honorable Sam Rayburn The Secretary of State, Honorable Dean Acheson The Secretary of Defense, Honorable Louis Johnson Senator Scott W. Lucas, Illinois Senator Tom Connally, Texas Senator Walter F. George, Georgia Senator Elbert D. Thomas, Utah Senator Millard E. Tydings, Maryland (unable to attend) Senator Claude Pepper, Florida Senator Theodore Francis Green, Rhode Island Senator J. William Fulbright, Arkansas Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Michigan Senator Alexander Wiley, Wisconsin Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Iowa Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Massachusetts Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass. Congressman Kee, West Virginia Congressman Joseph W. Martin, Mass. (unable to attend) Dr. Francis O. Wilcox, Sec. of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate Hon. Dean Rusk Hon. Ernest Cross Mr. Lucius Battle Mr. Wm. Galloway Mr. John Foley Mr. Charles Spracks Hon. Stanley Woodward
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty]
General George C. Marshall
Congressman Richard Bolling, Missouri (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this)
Congressman Charles A. Plumley, Vermont (Requested this thru Mr. Hassett)
Mrs. India Edwards
Senator Dennis Chavez, N. Mex. (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange as he wished to discuss with the President a matter pertaining to the present Attorney General of New Mexico)
(Mr. Aloysius Fitzpatrick) (Judge James P. McGranery asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this. Mr. Fitzpatrick will come to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and see the President OFF THE RECORD)
(Dr. Knox T. Hutchinson) (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Dawson, who will bring Dr. Hutchinson in OFF THE RECORD)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (This is usual Monday appointment. Secretary of Defense advised Mr. Matthew Connelly's office he was accompanying Mr. Dean Acheson.)
(CABINET LUNCHEON - Commerce absent)
Congressman Overton Brooks, Louisiana (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this, stating he wished to discuss unification with the President)
Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
(Max Lowenthal)
(Albert Chow, Mayor of Chinatown)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Congressman Otto E. Passman, Louisiana (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange, stating he had been here three years and never had met the President)
Congressman Brent Spence, Ky. Congressman Clarence Cannon, Mo. (Mr. Connelly asked them to come up; to discuss D.C. Sesquicentennial)
Mr. Clifford Cooper of Alhambra, Calif. newly elected President, U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce Mr. Frank G. Fister, Executive Vice President Mr. C. William Gilchrist, National Vice President (Mr. Fister wrote Mr. Connelly asking if their new President might call)
Honorable Leland Olds, Federal Power Commission (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange, stating he wanted to bring the President up to date on Natural Gas Legislation)
Congressman Raymond W. Karst, Missouri Mother and his two small children (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
(Mrs. Lewis Schwellenbach) (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this, and wanted to come OFF RECORD. EAST ENTRANCE)
(Mr. Archibald Alexander) (Arranged at request of Mr. Dawson. OFF RECORD. Mr. Dawson will bring in)
(Miss Georgia Lusk, of New Mexico) (OFF RECORD. Either Mr. Boyle or Mr. Dawson will bring her)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (The Secretary of Air Force [Stuart Symington]) (Hon. Frank Pace, Dir. Bureau of Budget)
(Mr. E. H. Busick of Nevada, Mo.)
(Mr. William Hillman) (Will come to see Mr. Connelly and see the President OFF RECORD)
The President received group of German Editors and Publishers. Bintz, Udo, licensee, Offenbach Post Burkart, Ernst, Editor, Dena News Agency Drexler, Frank E.W., Editor, Stuttgarter Nachrichten Dietz, Fritz Rudolf, Editor & Publisher, Franckische Nachrichten Gaebel, Hans Herbert, Licensee, Frankfurter Rundschau Hartwig, Frank, Local Editor, Nordee Zeitung Konrad, Kard Eduard, Editor, Heidenheimer Zeitung Kretschmar, Otto, Editor, Dena News Agency Linpinsel, Eduard, Chief, News Desk, Dena News Agency Maier, Franz Karl, Editor, Stuttgarter Zeitung Nolte, Heinz H.F., Chief Reporter, Neser Kurier Peiler, Herbert, Editor & Publisher, Hessische Nachrichten Remple, Hans, Licensee, Giessener Freie Presse Reschke, Oscar W., Bureau Chief, Dena News Agency Stackelberg, J.H. Secretary Bavarian Journalists Assoc. Schoening, Franz Joseph Sonnenfeld, Hans, Publisher, Der Abend, Berlin Tschuppik, Walter, Chief Editor, Abendseitung Weber, Paul Friedrich, Publisher, Frankfurter Neue Presse Hon. John Thurston, Acting Administrator, FSA Dr. G. Kerry Smith, Publications Service, Office of Education Mrs. Allen Woodward, Dir. Office of International Relations, FSA Wm. H. Norris, Office of Education Miss I.S. Sangner, Vienna Mr. Karl Siepen T.F. Cyrus, Vienna
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of German Editors and Publishers]
(Judge Sherman Minton)
(Mr. Freb Bowman)
Congressman Adolph J. Sabath, Illinois (Wrote to Mr. Connelly asking when he might see the President on legislation before the Rules Committee)
Congressman John R. Walsh, Indiana (Wrote to Mr. Connelly stating he had several matters of mutual interest that he would like to talk to the President about)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W.Va. (Asked Mr. Connelly if he might see the President alone before seeing him with Colonel Toulmin at 10.45 today)
Colonel Harry Toulmin Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W. Va. (Senator Kilgore asked if he might bring Colonel Toulmin in to see the President)
(General Charles E. Drake) (Off the record)
Judge Bennett Champ Clark (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this. Was to have come last week with some relatives, but they were unable to get back to Washington in time)
Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, Democratic State Chairman, N.Y. (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
(General Joseph T. McNarney) (Arranged by Secretary of Defense yesterday when he called on the President - off-the-record)
Mr. Allen M. Cage, of Kansas City Captain Lee E. Cage (son) (Mr. Cage wrote to the President July 13th, stating he would be here with son, who has recently returned from Germany to be instructor at West Point.)
Congressman Eugene Worley, Texas (Phoned Mr. Connelly late yesterday to ask for this)
Honorable W. Averell Harriman, U.S. Special Representative in Europe, ECA.)
(Honorable Edwin Penlay)
(Mr. Walter Miller of Kansas City, Missouri)
Mr. John A. Park, Editor-Publisher, The Raleigh Times, Raleigh, N.C. Mrs. John A. Park Miss U.A. Reinsch Miss D.C. Hillenbrand, of Germany (This arranged at request of Senator Hoey and with approval of State Department. Mr. Park is originator of a Book Aid Program, to promote better feeling between this country and Germany by exchange of books. Program sponsored and approved by General Clay. As part of the program these two girls, aged 19 and 15, are to attend North Carolina colleges.)
(Mr. Dwight Palmer)
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
The Secretary of Commerce [Charles Sawyer]
(The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark]) (Senator Howard McGrath, R.I.) (Mr. Connelly called them and told them the President wished to see them OFF RECORD. EAST ENTRANCE)
(Neal Helm)
Congressman Overton Brooks, La. (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday, stating he wished to talk to the President about a judgeship)
(The President signed H.R. 3901, An Act "To increase the salaries of the Judges of the Municipal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and the Municipal Court for the District of Columbia") (Mr. Bill McLeod, of House District Committee will be present when the President signs Bill) (Mr. McLeod asked Mr. Connelly if he might come in for this and Mr. Connelly said he might, but it would have to be OFF RECORD. Will come to see Mr. Connelly)
Hon. Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked Mr. Connelly to let him have 15 minutes)
The Postmaster General [Jesse M. Donaldson] (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange)
Mr. Ed Wall, Editor, The Paper Maker (Asked to present to the President Volume One, leather bound, of the "Paper Maker", a montly newspaper established year ago. First issues contained letter from the President. Said, in requesting this is letter to Mr. Connelly, "As a labor publication born near the outset of the Fair Deal, we should like to celebrate our first birthday by telling the President of our appreciation of his efforts and of our continued interest and support.")
Hon. Monnett B. Davis, American Ambassador to Panama (Asked thru Mr. Woodward, to pay respects, before returning to his post at Panama City)
H.E. Eliahu Elath, the Ambassador of Isreal (Asked for this thru Mr. Woodward. Has just returned from Tel Aviv bearing personal message for President Truman from the President of Israel)
(Wm. Pawley)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Richmond Keech)
(Jonathan Daniels) (Will come to Press and stay afterwards. Needs half hour at least)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Providing for a Management Improvement Program in the Executive Branch]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing Federal Assistance to the Fort Sumner Irrigation District, New Mexico]
Cabinet [Meeting] (Commerce represented by Mr. Whitney. Gordon Gray for Defense)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Instead of usual Thursday appointment)
Mr. Charles M. LaFollette, National Director, Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) (Wrote to Mr. Connelly, asking if he might pay respects as newly-elected National Director of ADA; "also with action taken by organization, at its Second Annual Convention *** wherein it was the sense of the Convention that We recognize that cooperation with the Fair Deal elements of the Democratic Party offers the best opportunity on the national level for the achievement of liberal purposes.")
Mr. Raymond W. Marshall, President of Kaw Valley RB, Kansas (Also Chairman of Board of Alaska Airlines. Contributor during campaign. Arranged at the request of Don Lathrom)
Hon. Sam M. Wassell, Mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas Mr. T.J. Gentry, City Attorney of Little Rock Mr. I.A. Henry, Consulting Engineer (Mayor Wassell wrote to Mr. Connelly, asking for this, and later wired and asked if the other two gentlemen might come in and shake hands and then retire so that he might have a few minutes alone with the President)
Hon. Walter Thurston, American Ambassador to Mexico (Here for consultation in State Department, and asked to pay respects before returning to post at Mexico City.)
Honorable Roy J. Turner, Governor of Oklahoma (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this.)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Fifteen minutes)
The President left Blair House by motor for Shangra La.
At Shangri La.
(The President left Shangri La by motor for Silver Springs, Md. B. and O. RR Station, where he met Mrs. Truman's train from Missouri, continued by motor with Mrs. Truman to Blair House, arriving at 12:10 p.m.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Reviewing the Nation's Atomic Energy Program]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott Lucas, Illinois Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Mr. Karl Nix (Arranged at the suggestion of Mrs. Truman. He is nephew of very close friend of hers; just returned from Japan; comes from Akron, Ohio.)
Honorable James T. Blair, of Jefferson City, Missouri Mr. Curtis J. Quimby Mr. Clarense E. Mankin (Mr. Blair phoned Mr. Connelly last Friday from Jefferson City, to ask for this)
Mr. Galloway Calhoun, former Potentate of the Shrine (Frank Land phoned Mr. Connelly from Kansas City last week to ask for this)
(Mr. Dick Musser, Assistant U. S. Attorney, Kansas City, Mo.) (Appointment requested by Mayor Sermon of Independence. Mr. Musser came in off-the-record)
(Honorable Ernest W. Gibson, Governor of Vermont) (Senator Akin's office phoned Mr. Connelly last week, saying that the Governor wished to call on the President, and wanted appointment to be kept off-the-record)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(Cabinet luncheon - Secretaries of Agriculture and Commerce absent)
(Honorable Stephen T. Early) (Mr. Carl Elgenfritz) (Mr. Dawson arranged. The Secretary of Defense was to have brought Mr. Elgenfritz in off-the-record but was unable to come.)
(Senator J. Howard McGrath)