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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

July 13, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(The President went to the bank)
Congressman Michael J. Kirwan, Missouri (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly late yesterday to ask if he might have just five minutes today)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W.Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Brawley (Mr. Brawley is a news commentator connected with Radio Station WCHS, and has set of books, "Messages and papers of the Confederacy", which Senator Kilgore says contain interesting and valuable aids for study of Civil War; are rare books, being copies of the official publication. Mr. Brawley great admirer of the President and wishes to present them to him)
Congressman George H. Christopher, Mo. (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for this, stating he wished to discuss political situation in Missouri)
Congressman J. Percy Priest, Tenn. Dr. Andrew D. Holt, President, National Education Association (Congressman Priest asked for this, stating Dr. Holt had been delegated by teachers of America, to thank the President for the message he sent NEA Convention.)
(Congressman Clarence Cannon, Missouri) Off the record - asked for this appointment)
Dr. B.J. Palmer, of Davenport, Iowa (Arranged at the request of Governor Wallgren, Dr. Palmer heads Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport; also founder and creator of Radio Station, WOC, Des Moines. Traveled through State of Iowa on the President's train during last campaign. Mr. Matthew Connelly checked with Jake More, who reported that Dr. Palmer, though a Republican, supported the President; cooperated with More in making the arrangements for the Plowing Contest at Dexter, and Mr. More says that without Dr. Palmer they could not have made it such a big show.)
Commander Lyall T. Beggs, Commander in Chief, VFN Senator Claude Pepper, Fla. Senator Spessard Holland, Fla. Mr. Omar Ketchum, VFN (Requested by Omar Ketchum. Wish to pay respects and invite the President to attend their Convention in Miami, August 21-26)
Honorable John Farr Simmons, American Ambassador to Ecuador (Requested through Mr. Stanley Wooodward. To pay respects before leaving for post at Quito.)
Mr. Rex Whittmore, State Commander of American Legion of California (Is also Chairman of Commanders' Council which represents the five veterans organizations in the State. Asked to come in and discuss political matters in connection with veterancs affairs)
Mr. John E. Bierwirth, President, New York Trust Co. (Wrote the President he had talked with many people all over Europe and believes he has reached some conclusions in his own mind on general economics and business situation here and abroad, and as the President had previously ex- pressed willingness to see him again, asked if he might come down for talk)
Miss Mary B. Womack, of St. Louis (Schoolmate of the President and of Mr. Charles Ross. On way home from NEA and wrote to the President asking of while here she might call on him.)
Mr. William Boyle (Mr. Donald Dawson) (Usual Wednesday appointment)
The President broadcast to the Nation over a Nation-wide hook-up. [Public Papers: Radio and Television Report to the American People on the State of the National Economy]
[Public Papers: Memorandum to Agency Heads on the Channeling of Federal Procurement, etc., Programs to Areas of Economic Distress]
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (Mr. Thomas E. Murray) (Secretary Louis Johnson spoke to the President on Tuesday about bringing Mr. Murray in for an OFF RECORD talk)
Mr. George Killion (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this)
Rear Admiral Ross T. McIntire, USN Hon. Robert Ramspeck Mr. William McCabe (Admiral McIntire asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if they might come in and discuss with the President the bill to Aid the Physically Handicapped.)
Mr. Norman Moray, President, Warner-Pathe News Mr. George Dorsey (Mr. Moray is also head of Warner Short Subjects and is fellow who has had made the four-reel picture of the history of the President, which picture is to be added to as time goes on. Is going to hand the President two copies of this film, one 16 millimetre, and one 35 millimetre)
Honorable Paul A. Dever, Governor of Massachusetts Mr. James H. Vahey, Chairman, Democratic State Committee, Mass. (The Governor asked for this thru Mr. Vahey, stating he wished to tell the President personally of his interest in promotion of Judge Matt Maguire)
Honorable George Hamilton Combs, of N.Y.C. (Former Congressman. Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly week ago from New York to ask for this)
(Honorable Buell G. Gallagher and Mrs. Gallagher) (Misses Maryel and Barbara Gallagher, daughters) (Is Consultant with FSA - saw the President last Fall when Gallagher still in Congress and the President was in Oakland, Calif. To introduce his family. Will come to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and see the President OFF THE RECORD)
(Mrs. Carleton S. Hadley) (Mr. Clark Clifford)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Robert Uihlein Judge Backus (Saw the President after press)
(The following persons attended off-the-record meeting at Blair House: (The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley]) (Speaker Sam Rayburn) (Senator Tom Connally) (Senator Vandenberg) (Senator Brien McMahon) (Senator Hickenlooper) (Senator Tydings) (Cong. Durham, N.C.) (Cong. Cole, N.Y.) (Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (Mr. William Webster, Chairman, Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy Committee, Office of the Secretary of Defense) (General Dwight Eisenhower) (Mr. David Lilienthal, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) (Mr. Joseph Volpe, General Counsel, Atomic Energy Commission) (Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (Mr. Gordon Arneson, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Housing Act of 1949]
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray])
Cabinet [Meeting] (Under Secretary Foley will represent Treasury Department)
Mr. James D. Cooney, of Chicago (Mr. Cooney is President of Wilson & Company of Chicago. Made this request through Congressman McCormack's office. Is enroute to Chicago from Argentina, and says he has a message for the President from Ambassador Bruce.)
(The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin]) (Mr. Philip Kaiser)
Honorable Maury Maverick (Phoned last Monday to say he was in the city and had several matters which he feels are important, to take up with the President)
Mr. Roy Lehaney, head of Teamsters Executive Board of California Mr. William Boyle Congressman Cecil King of California (Arranged at the request of Mr. Boyle)
The President signed S.1070, An Act "To establish a national housing objective and the policy to be followed in the attainment thereof, to provide Federal aid to assist slum-clearance projects and low-rent public housing projects initiated by local agencies, to provide for financial assistance by the Secretary of Agriculture for farm housing, and for other purposes." The following persons were invited to attend the signing ceremony: Hon. Charles F. Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture Hon. Burnet R. Maybank, Senator from South Carolina Honorable John J. Sparkman, Senator from Alabama Hon. Ralph E. Flanders, Senator from Vermont Hon. Brent Spence, Congressman from Kentucky Hon. Wright Patman, Congressman from Texas Hon. A. S. Mike Monroney, Congressman from Oklahoma Hon. Raymond M. Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency Hon. John T. Egan, Commissioner, Public Housing Admin. Mr. B. T. Fitzpatrick, General Counsel, Housing and Home Finance Agency Honorable David Lawrence General Thomas Taylor Mr. Jack Carter, National Housing Officer Mr. Francis Sullivan, National Legislative Director Mr. Harold A. Keats Mr. James Carey Honorable William Green Mr. Lee Johnson Miss Laurine Winlack Father O'Grady Mr. Donah Hanks Mr. Larry Cox Mr. A. E. Lyons Mrs. Jeanette Welch Brown Mr. Harry See
(Mr. Jules Kahn)
(The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan])
(Honorable Alex Campbell) (Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rich and family)
Staff Meeting
(Honorable Edward Foley, Under Secretary of the Treasury)
(Honorable Joseph Martinez, Attorney General of New Mexico)
(The President and Miss Margaret Truman left Blair House and motored to the farm of The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson], arriving about 11:30 a.m.)
(The President and Miss Truman returned to the Blair House.)
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 8 of 1949: Department of Defense]
Honorable Carl Gray, Administrator of Veterans Affairs
The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Honorable Robert P. Patterson)
Honorable William Green, President, A.F. of L. Mr. Wm. C. Doherty, Pres., Letter Carriers Union Mr. Lee George, Pres., Post Office Clerks Union Mr. Frank Colman, Secy., Md. State Federation of Labor Mr. Thomas G. Walters, Government Employees Council (Mr. Green requested this Friday when he attended the signing of the Housing Bill.)
(General John H. Hilldring) (OFF RECORD. Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Niles.)
Honorable Chester Bowles, Governor of Connecticut (Called from Hartford last week to ask for this, stating he had two very important matters he would like to discuss with the President.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(LUNCH - CABINET - Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce absent)
Mr. James McCahey
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray] (This is Secretary Louis Johnson's usual Tuesday appointment, moved up from 12.30 because of the President's sechdule. Mr. Louis Johnson advised he was bringing Secretary of the Army, Gordon Gray)
(Left for Airport)
(Left for Chicago via THE INDEPENDENCE)
CDT Arrived in Chicago, Ill.
[Public Papers: Address in Chicago Before the Imperial Council Session of the Shrine of North America]
[Public Papers: Remarks in Chicago at the Shriners Diamond Jubilee Banquet]
Hon. Joseph Darst, Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri
Honorable Paul Porter (Asked to see the President, thru State Department, before leaving for Palestine tomorrow, where he succeeds Mr. Mark Ethridge on United States, Palestine Conciliation Commission)
Mr. William Boyle (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Mr. William Douglas Orr, Architect) (Mr. Richard E. Dougherty, Architect) (Mr. Connelly wrote them that the President would like to have talk with them first time they were in Washington. OFF RECORD EAST ENTRANCE)
The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin]
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Senator Clinton Anderson, New Mexico
(Ted Marks)
Congressman George A. Smathers, Fla. Congressman A.S. Herlong, Jr., Fla. (Phone Mr. Connelly earlier in week for this)
Honorable Myron H. Cowen, American Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines (Is leaving for post at Manila tomorrow, and wanted to see the President before going)
The President signed S. 1359, An Act "To repeal the provisions of the Alaska Railroad Retirement Act of June 29, 1936, as amended, and sections 91 to 107 of the Canal Zone Code and to extend the benefits of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amended, to officers and employees to whom such provisions are applicable." The following attended: Delegate E.L. Bartlett, Alaska Cong. Robert J. Corbett, Pa. (R) Cong. H.R. Cross, Iowa (R) Cong. Chester C. Goraki, N.Y. (D) Sen. Olin D. Johnston R.M. Lovelady, Pres. and Legislative Representative, Lodge No. 14 Canal Zone Miss Gertrude McMally, Secretary-Treasurer, National Federation of Federal Employees Cong. Eugene J. McCarthy, Minnesota (D) Cong. George P. Miller, Chairman, Sub-Committee Post Office and Civil Service in House Hon. Harry B. Mitchell, Pres., U.S. Civil Service Commission Cong. Tom Murray, Chairman, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee Harry See, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Thomas G. Walters, Operations Director, Government Employees Council Mr. Walter Jones James G. Yaden, President, American Federation of Government Employees Hon. Oscar Chapman, Under Secretary of the Interior Hon. Gordon Gray, Secretary of the Army
Hon. George P. Shaw, American Ambassador to El Salvador (Leaving for his post at San Salvador and asked to pay respects)
Senator Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma (Phoned Mr. Connelly to ask for this)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Hon. George A. Garrett, American Minister to Ireland
(Mr. Jack Shelley of San Francisco)
Mr. A.S. Millard (When Mr. Millard saw the President June 15th, the President suggested he return to Washington in order to further discuss some Argentine and ECA matters that came up during previous interview)
(Honorable John L. Sullivan)
On this date the U.S. Senate approved the ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty by a vote of 83 to 13. See student research file The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: documents, photographs and more.
Cabinet [Meeting] (Foley for Treasury; Oscar Chapman for Interior; Whitney for Commerce; Labor was not represented)
Honorable Joseph Flack, American Ambassador Designate to Costa Rica (Leaving today for post at San Jose, and wishes to pay respects)
Mr. Ronnie F. Greenwell, of Hayti, Missouri, Executive Secretary of Producers Ass'n of Missouri Son and Daughter of Mr. Greenwell Mr. C.H. Bell, Superintendant of the Hayti School System Mr. Ray J. Campbell, Pemiscot County Treasurer Mr. Ed Brittin of Washington, D.C. (Just to shake hands. Mr. Greenwell requested this through Mr. Neal Helm)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable Frank Weil, Chairman of the President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces (Mr. Frank Weil requested this through David Stowe)
Senator Milton R. Young, N. Dakota Mr. Carl Whitman, Jr. Mr. Ben J. Youngbird (Both these gentlemen are members of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes with headquarters at Elbowoods, N.D. Mr. Whitman is Chairman. Senator Young asked for this, stating they wish to discuss with the President briefly, the problem of these Three Affiliated Tribes in losing 155,000 acres of their choicest land, which falls within reservoir area of the Garrison Dam in N. Dakota)
(Mr. David Noyes)
Honorable J. Monroe Johnson, Interstate Commerce Commission (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly early in week to ask for this)
State Senator Ashton Williams, S.C.
(Mr. O.E. Jennings, of Springfield, Missouri)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Asked for this about ten days ago, stating he had some important matters to discuss)