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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

June 23, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Mr. Roy Ashley)
Senator Olin D. Johnston, S.C. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly earlier in week to ask for this)
Honorable John J. McCloy, U. S. High Commissioner for Germany (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly that he would be in town today and would like opportunity to say "goodbye" to the President, as he is leaving for Europe early next week.)
Congressman Clyde Doyle, California Mr. James Roberts, of Los Angeles (Congressman Doyle asked if he might bring in Mr. Roberts, who is one of the sponsors of National Children's Day. The Congressman is trying to get a resolution on National Children's Day through, and states it is backed by Kiwanis International and Lions International)
Congressman Emmanuel Celler, New York (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday to ask for this)
(Mr. Robert O. Richardson) (Was nominated by the President, when Senator, for Annapolis; now patent examiner in Patent Office, and asked to come in to pay respects. Off-the-record)
(Honorable Maple Harl, Chairman, F. D. I. C.) (Off the record - asked for this appointment)
Mr. James Wilson and nephew, Pat Robinson (Requested last night by the Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] and Mr. Biffle)
Honorable Edmond M. Hanrahan, Chairman, S. E. C. (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
(Lunch - downstairs in the Executive Office)
(Honorable Richard Nacy) (Honorable William Boyle) (Judge James McGranery)
Mrs. Pearl [Perle] Mesta
Mr. Walter Wolfner of St. Louis Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin] Honorable William Tyson - Counsel to Secretary of Labor
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Recommending Point 4 Legislation]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Recommending Further Reorganization of the Post Office Department]
Cabinet [Meeting] (Under Secretary Foley will represent Treasury. All other present)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable John Foster Dulles (Made this request through his New York office before he left for Paris)
Honorable Capus M. Waynick, American Ambassador to Nicaragua (Asked to be allowed to pay respects before leaving for his post at Managua)
H. E. Baron Silvercruys, the Ambassador of Belgium Honorable Georges Theunis, Minister of State of Belgium, and former Prime Minister (The Ambassador asked through Mr. Woodward, to bring Mr. Theunis in to see the President. Theunis is in the United States in connection with meetings of the International Chamber of Commerce. The call is only one of courtesy, according to the Ambassador)
Honorable Harley Hise, Chairman, Board of Directors, RFC (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this appointment)
Honorable Douglas McKay, Governor of Oregon Honorable Arthur B. Langlie, Governor of Washington Honorable Vail Pittman, Governor of Nevada (These Governors are here appearing before the Senate and House Public Works Committees, and made this re- quest through Senator Gordon. They wish to discuss with the President, problems relating to the CVA)
(Mr. Victor S. Mersch, Chairman, Committee on Probate Law, Bar Association of the District of Columbia) (Off the record. The President signed in Mr. Mersch's presence these four Bills, S. 1127, S. 1131, S. 1132, and S. 1135. All amending the District Code pertaining to probate matters. He, as Chairman of this Committee, helped pilot these bills through the Congress.)
Mr. Joseph Stewart, head of the Red Cross in Kansas City, Missouri (Mr. James Pendergast telephoned Mr. Connelly yesterday from Kansas City to ask for this appointment)
Honorable Thomas B. McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
(Honorable Gordon Gray, the Secretary of the Army)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
(Mr. Howell Crim)
(Mr. John H. Makin, of Grandview, Missouri) (Mr. John J. Happer, Kansas City, Missouri) (Mr. Vernon T. Finley, Lee's Summit, Mo.)
(Mr. John C. Detlin) (Mr. Willaim Dresselhaus) (Mr. Larry Johnson)
The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott W. Lucas, Illinois Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass. (Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] unable to attend)
(Mr. Vincent Daley)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One half hour)
Congressman John McSweeney, Ohio (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange)
Mr. Jack Black, Vice President of International Bank and Trust Company of Kansas City, with Mrs. Black and daughter, Margo Ann (The President was asked to see Mr. Black by Jack Bullard, of Kansas City, who wrote the President about it.)
Honorable Ward M. Canaday, U. S. Co-Chairman, Caribbean Commission (Mr. Canaday asked to have this at an early date)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(Cabinet Luncheon - All present with exception of the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Vice President)
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Vice Chairman Honorable John D. Clark, Member (Dr. Nourse asked Mr. Connelly to arrange appointment)
(Mr. George L. Shultz, artist) (To take some photographs for use in portrait he is painting)
Honorable Georgia Neese Clark, Treasurer of the U. S. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday, to ask if she might call and thank the President for her appointment)
Congressman Paul C. Jones, Mo. (Mr. Matthew Connelly phoned him that the President would like to have him come in)
Senator Harley Kilgore, W. Va. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly early last week to ask for this appoint- ment)
The President met with the Members of the National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission: Seantor J. Howard McGrath, R. I. Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Maine Congresswoman Mary T. Norton, N. J. Congressman Walt Horan, Washington Honorable J. Russell Young, D. C. Commissioner Mr. Carter T. Barron Mr. Joseph C. McGarraghy Mr. Robert V. Fleming Honorable Robert Woods Bliss (This meeting was called by the President)
Mr. J. O'Connor Roberts Mr. Clark Griffith Chief Clement Murphy, D. C. Fire Department Mr. J. K. Edwards, General Chairman of Fireman's Ball Game (This game is to be held for the benefit of Metropolitan Police Boys Club; and Washington Fire Department is playing the New York City Fire Department. At the same time they called they presented the President with a membership in the International Firefighters' Association.)
(Mr. William L. Laurence, of the New York Times) (Mr. Charles Ross will bring him in off the record)
Congressman Toby Morris, Okla. Congressman Victor Wickersham, Okla. (Asked to come down to extend invitation to the President to an Indian Exposition, and also to take up some political matters.)
Honorable James H. Flanagan, Chairman, District Public Utilities Commission (Asked to come in and thank the President for his appointment)
Honorable Roy J. Turner, Governor of Oklahoma Mr. Joe R. Jarboe, Tulsa, Okla. Mr. H. W. McNeil, Oklahoma City, Okla.
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Congressman Tom Steed, Okla. (Asked to present a crate of blackberries to the President. It is a gift of McCloud Oklahoma Blackberry Association, which association represents about 300 members of a small farmers' group.)
Honorable Paul Hoffman, ECA
(Honorable Paul Dillon)
(The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I. (Mr. Matthew Connelly asked the Senator to come up to discuss D. P. Legislation with the President)
Congressman Graham A. Barden, N. C. (Asked through Mr. Charles Murphy, for chance to see the President to discuss Federal Aid to Education)
Congressman Mike Mansfield, Montana (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday to ask for this)
Congressman Compton I. White, Idaho Major Henry Jacobson (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if he might bring Major Jacobson in to shake hands with the President)
Mr. Harvey Brown, retiring President of International Association of Machinists Mr. A. J. Hayes, successor to Mr. Brown (Mr. Brown asked Mr. John R. Steelman sometime ago if he might bring in his successor and introduce him to the President)
Honorable Jennings Randolph, former Congressman from West Virginia (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
Honorable Dan E. Gervey, Governor of Arizona Congressman Harold A. Patten, Arizona Congressman John R. Murdock, Arizona Mr. Ed Jameison, former Speaker of the House of Arizona Legislature Mr. Earl Cook, former State Senator of Arizona (Senator McFarland called Mr. Matthew Connelly last evening to ask for this appointment)
Honorable E. L. Bartlett, Delegate from Alaska (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week)
(Mr. Howard Hunter)
Honorable Willard L. Beaulac, American Ambassador to Colombia (In Department on consultation and requested this through Stanley Woodward)
Mr. Earl Stewart (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York to ask for this.)
Honorable A. Harry Moore, former Governor of New Jersey (Wired Mr. Connellly last week to ask if he could come in and extend invitation to the President)
The President received the members of the Student Citizen- ship Seminar conducted by the National Intercollegiate Christian Council: Leadership: Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Abraham Reverend and Mrs. Maynard Cutchings Reverend and Mrs. Thomas Keehne Mr. and Mrs. Walter Royall Student Group: Asby, Joan~Hunkins, Ralph Alexander, Philip~Jesten, Emmy Lou Alpern, Elinor~John, Emilie Anderson, Doris~Kaut, Grace Austin, Katherine~Krecker, Patricia Abrret, Barbara~Bergfalk, Robert Blus, Beverly~Botts, Marjorie Boyer, Dorothy~Bradford, Gloria Britting, John~Bruce, Marjorie Bunn, David~Cadwell, Mary Ann Christopher, Dorothy~Clark, Jean Cober, Miriam~Coffey, Gannon Crews, Mary Ann~Criag, John Dailey, Patricia~Davidson, Frank Davis, Warner~Diebel, Norman Diehl, Erika~Diggs, Eugene Dressner, Barbara Jean~Edes, Judith Eaton, Davis~Finegan, Thomas Fossen, Mary~Foster, Dorothy Jane Francis, Donald~Frank, Norman Frost, Richard~Frye, Harriet Gaudino, Robert~Gage, William Glessner, Phyllis~Gorman, Sue Von Grimm, Joy~Hart, Donald Heater, William~Heinicke, James Hillstrom, Betty~Edwards, Weylene Lewis, Mary~Lowery, Howard Mahon, Dean~Malloy, Susane McElderry, John Robert~McNare, Earl Meyer, Charles~Miller, Doris Fern Naifeh, George~Nicholls, Mary Ellen Oates, Richard~Olson, Lois Parker, Betty June~Parsons, Estelle Peterson, William~Pettit, Alfred Phillips, Robert~Pletcher, William Pollack, Sidney~Prater, Eugene Pringle, Jack~Reed, Carl Reid, Alice~Richards, Ann Rimel, Joyce~Roberts, Mary Roth, Nancy Lee~Rott, Joanne Rowland, Betty Joy Ruhmkorff, David Sanborn, Shirley Simons, Nancy Sloane, Frances Slaon, Ruth Marie Smith, Dwight Stafferton, Joanne Stanton, Robert Edwin Stryker, Barbara Stolper, Joan Sylestine, James Taylor, Malcolm Thomas, Eugene Travis, Ralph Wells, Margaret Anne Wong, Eleanor Woods, Harold Zwick, Daniel
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
(Mr. Charles Murphy)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Virgin Islands Corporation Act]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Report on Highway Needs]
[Public Papers: Letter to Jess Larson on the Signing of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949]
(Mr. Clarence I. Ingling) (Mr. Jules Rodier) (Mr. Harry L. Mickey) (These three White House employees are retiring. The President greeted them and gave them autographed pictures.)
Sir Alexander Fleming, of Great Britain, discoverer of penicillin Dr. Henry H. Turner, Chairman, Oklahoma Research Foundation, Oklahoma City Mr. Hugh Payne, General Manager Mr. Stanley Pate, Public Relations representative (This request was made by Congressman Monroney and also Governor Turner, of Oklahoma, and was cleared by Stanley Woodward with the British Embassy. Sir Alexander Fleming is the discoverer of penicillin, and is coming over to lay cornerstone for the Oklahoma Medical Research Association on June 30th. The Oklahomans shook hands with the President, then left Sir Alexander alone with the President for a private chat.)
Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico (Called Mr. Connelly Monday to ask for this appointment)
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
Robert Wagner, Jr.
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman of Council of Economic Advisers Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Vice Chairman Honorabel John D. Clark, Member (One-half hour)
Mr. Albert S. Gardner, Executive Secretary, Osteopathic Association of Illinois (Wrote to Senator Lucas stating he would be here at this time and would like to renew acquaintance with the President, if the President had time. Served together in the National Guard and 35th Division in World War I.)
The Secretary of the Interior [Julius A. Krug] Honorable Ingram M. Stainback, Governor of Hawaii (Governor Steinback asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
Honorable Edward R. Dudley, American Ambassador to Liberia (Asked through Mr. Woodward to be allowed to pay respects to the President before returning to his post at Monrovia)
Mr. Lessing J. Rosenwald (Wrote the President that he would appreciate opportunity of talking to him for a few minutes about the Displaced Persons Bill now before the Senate.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Honorable Arthur Hill)
(Colonel Victor Mahlon)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable Frank Pace)
(Honorable William Hillman)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Everyone present. Under Secretary Whitney represented Commerce as Secretary Charles Sawyer was unable to attend)
Honorable and Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes, former Senator from New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Palmer (Senator Hawkes called Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask if he might bring in Mr. and Mrs. Palmer to meet the President.)
Commander F.G. Dustin Father Daniel Linehan, of Boston College (The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin]) (Secretary Maurice J. Tobin asked for this. They wish to talk to the President about Boston College Expedition to Greenland. Commander Dustin is an aide to Admiral Byrd.)
Honorable John Hangle, of St. Louis Mr. Sylvester Lipic, a supporter of the President)
Honorable George Radcliffe, former Senator from Maryland (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly earlier in week from Baltimore)
(Honorable James Finnegan)