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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

June 06, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell and son) (Mr. O'Donnell is Chief of the Denver, Colorado, Police)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Recommending Continuation of Economic Assistance to Korea]
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Senator Tom Connally, Texas (Mr. Matthew Connelly phoned him that the President would like to have him come in)
(Mrs. Florence Mahoney and son, Michael)
Congressman Overton Brooks, La. (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange, stating he wished to talk to the President about several matters coming before the Armed Services Committee of the House; that he is disturbed by two or three matters and would like to mention them to the President)
(Honorable Grover Loening, citizen Member, Advisory Board of National Air Museum) (Wrote to Mr. Clark Clifford asking for this appointment, stating that not only are there many problems requiring guidance in connection with this development, but he feels that he would be greatly helped if he could have a few minutes of the President's time, to get his general views and directions as to how the Administration would like to see the work of the Board developed, and how soon. Off- the-record)
Honorable Richard C. Patterson, Jr., U. S. Ambassador to Guatemala Mr. Robert Heller (Ambassador Patterson asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange for him to bring Mr. Heller in. Mr. Heller is author of "A Progress Report - Strengthening the Congress.")
Honorable Ernest Gruening, Governor of Alaska (Had an appointment last week which he was forced to cancel.)
The President received the Members of the President's Committe on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services: Charles Fahy, Chairman Lester B. Granger Dwight Palmer John H. Sengstacke William E. Stevenson Mr. Kenworthy, Executive Secretary (Chairman Fahy asked Mr. Niles to arrange, and sent along a draft of initial recommendations of the Committee)
Honorable James E. Webb, Acting Secretary of State (Could not keep his usual Monday appointment, so asked for this.)
(Congressman Robert Doughton)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Lunch downstairs in the Executive Office)
(Honorable James Finnegan)
(Honorable Gordon Gray)
(Mr. Charles Keck - sculptor)
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn. Senator Edward Martin, Penn. (Mr. Connelly called Senator McKellar and asked him to come in and see the President)
Honorable Joseph Guffey, former Senator from Penn. (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this.)
Honorable Joseph R. Farrington, Delegate from Hawaii (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask if he might come in and talk to the President about strike situation in Hawaii)
(Mrs. Estes Kefauver and son, David)
(Honorable Jesse Larson)
Harold A. Keats, National Commander, AMVETS (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this in order that he might invite the President to the AMVETS Convention in Des Moines, Iowa, September 3rd, 4th, and 5th.)
Honorable John Kenney, Former Under Secretary of the Navy (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
Congressman Brent Spence, Ky. (Called Mr. Connelly on Monday to ask for this)
H. E. Mauricio Nabuco, the Ambassador of Brazil (Asked for this through State in order to convey his thanks to the President for the success of arrange- ments made for visit to the United States of the President of Brazil)
Honorable S. K. Patil, Mayor of Bombay, India Mr. Ghanshyam Das Birla, Managing Director of Birla Brothers, Limited (The Ambassador of India requested through Mr. Woodward of the State Department. These two men are leaders of the Indian Congress Party and are touring the United States on a general survey of conditions here with a view to improving conditions in their own country upon their return.)
Honorable Herschel V. Johnson, American Ambassador to Brazil (To pay his respects before returning to his post)
(Mr. George Charno)
Honorable John Blandford (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday to say he was just back from Athens, Greece, for a week in this country, and hoped he might see the President)
Mr. William Boyle (Usual weekly appointment)
(Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ross of Stanberry, Missouri) (Lt. Collier Ross)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
(Mr. Abraham Feinberg) (Off the record - Called Mr. Connelly from New York last week to ask for this)
The President signed H. R. 3334, "An Act to grant the consent of the Congress to the Pecos River Compact." The following were present: Senator Tom Connally, Texas Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, Texas Congressman Ken Regan, Texas Mr. Charles H. Miller, Pecos River Compact, Commissioner for Texas Mr. J. E. Sturrock, General Manager, Texas Water Conservation Association Mr. James Smith and wife Mr. J. C. Wilson, of Pecos, Texas Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico Congressman Antonio M. Fernandez, New Mexico Congressman John E. Miles, New Mexico (Congressman Regan, sponsor of this Bill, Senator Connally and Senator Johnson, all asked for this ceremony, stating the Texas Pecos Commissoners had suggested it.)
Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, Texas (Asked if he might stay on for private talk with the President, after ceremony)
(Mr. Hugh Fulton) (Asked for this about a week ago - off-the-record)
(Mr. Joe Bender)
Honorable William C. Foster, Deputy Special Representative, Economic Cooperation Administration Overseas (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange)
Honorable Jefferson Caffery, fomer American Ambassador to France (Asked, through Mr. Woodward, State Department, if he might pay his respects)
Mr. James A. Gray, Chairman, of the Reynolds Tobacco Company Congressman Thurmond Chatham, N. C. (The Congressman asked Democratic Committee to arrange this.)
Honorable James E. Webb, Acting Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
After Press: (Mr. Leon Perskie and 2 young daughters)
(Mr. and Mrs. James Bryant)
(Honorable Jonathan Daniels and daughter, Mary Cleves)
(Honorable James E. Webb, Acting Secretary of State)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Vice President unable to attend. Webb for State, Whitney for Commerce and Foley for Treasury. Post Office and Labor were not represented)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan]
(Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Melady)
(The President left for the airport where he and his party enplaned for Little Rock, Arkansas, where he attended the 35th Division Twenty-Ninth Annual Reunion)
(CST) (The President arrived at Adams Field, Little Rock, Arkansas)
(Motored to Robinson Auditorium and addressed the Business Session of the 35th Division Association)
[Public Papers: Informal Remarks in Little Rock, Arkansas, in Connection With the Reunion of the 35th Division Association]
The President repaired to his suite in Marion Hotel.
The President proceeded to the ballroom of the Marion Hotel where he spoke briefly at Reception of the 35th Division and then motored to home of Mrs. Joseph Robinson.
The President drove to Governors Mansion for Congressional Reception
The President returned to the hotel.
The President left for City Auditorium where he attended a Ball.
The President returned to his hotel.
At Little Rock, Arkansas:
The President left for the Coach Room in Marion Hotel, where he had breakfast with Members of Battery D. Returned to his suite at 8.05 a.m.
The President motored to 12th and Main Streets where he and his party joined the 35th Division Parade - Proceeded to official reviewing stand in front of War Memorial Building where the President reviewed the parade.
The President walked from the reviewing stand to hotel, where he rested for while in his suite.
The President attended luncheon in Coach Room, given by Governor Sid McMath of Arkansas.
The President returned to his suite.
The President and his party left for Fair Park, where the President delivered (nation-wide hook-up) address on occasion of dedication of War Memorial Stadium.
[Public Papers: Address in Little Rock at the Dedication of the World War Memorial Park]
The President and his party motored to Adams Field where they boarded The Independence for Washington, D.C. - were airborne at 3:30 p.m. CST.
The President arrived at the Blair House.
Senator Burnet Maybank, S. C.
Senator Estes Kefauver, Tenn. Senator John J. Sparkman, Ala. Buster McLain, of Cragford, Ala, First Prize Miss Blevyn Hathcock, Oakboro, N. C. Second Prize Mrs. Milbrey Covert, Associate Editor of Southern Agriculturist (Senator Kefauver made this request. These are the winners in the Annual Rural Life Contest given the boys and girls in the rural high schools in fifteen southern States - picture taken with the President)
(Mrs. Justin Mooney and three children) (Edward Jacobson wrote to Mr. Matthew Connelly, stating the Mooneys were old and dear friends of his and asking if they might meet the President. Off the record)
Honorable Leland Olds, Member, Federal Power Commission (To thank the President for his appointment)
Mr. Robert L. Johnson, Chairman, Citizens Committee for Reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Government (Asked to see the President in order to discuss with him the plan of this Committee for attaining effective citizen participation in the President's efforts to further the basic premises of the Hoover Report)
Colonel Carroll Cone (Arranged at the request of Senator J. Howard McGrath)
Honorable Caleb A. Leedy, Judge of Supreme Court of State of Missouri and son, Bill Leedy (Mr. Clark Clifford arranged this appointment)
Honorable James E. Webb, Acting Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Cabinet Luncheon - Vice President [Alben Barkley], the Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] and the Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin] were absent)
Honorable Gordon Gray
(The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Mr. Ernest Durig - sculptor) (Off the record)
(Mr. Max Lowenthal)
Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York last week to ask for this)
Honorable Raymond K. Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
(Senator Russell B. Long, La.) (Arranged at suggestion of General Harry Vaughan, who received the request from Congressman Brooks, La. - off-the-record)
Mrs. Dorothy Schiff, Publisher of the New York Post Home News Mr. James A. Wechsler, Editor of that paper (Arranged by Mr. Charles Ross)
Mr. Malvin M. Johnson, of Supreme Council of Scottish Rite, Boston, Mass. (Wrote to the President in May, stating he was sailing for London and Edinburg July 15th. Anxious to see the President before leaving.)
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Wightman, of Bethany, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberts, Gallatin, Mo. Lieut. and Mrs. W. R. True and son, Bill Miss Eleanor Roberts (Visiting Washington and asked if they might call. Requested appointment through Mr. Vivian Truman)
Rear Admiral Paul L. Mather, War Assets Administrator (Arranged at request of Joe Major)
Honorable Robert Kendall McConnaughey, former Commissioner on SEC (Retiring and wishes to say "goodbye")
(General Harry Vaughan and former Lt. Miller of Battery D)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carpenter and family (Retiring as Chairman of Munitions Board. Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] arranged for them to come in to say "goodbye" and came in with them.)
Honorable Louis Johnson, Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Congressman Leonard Irving, Mo. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday, stating it was rather urgent that he see the President with reference to a situation in Independence)