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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

May 25, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Honorable Ralph Bunche
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Mr. Max Lowenthal)
(The President left the Blair House for the Washington Hotel, where he will "drop in" on evening meeting of the President's Conference on Community Responsibility to Our Peacetime Servicemen and Women)
[Public Papers: Remarks to the President's Conference on Community Responsibility to Our Peacetime Servicemen and Women]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Receiving Final Report of the Hoover Commission]
(Honorable John Townsend, former Senator from Delaware) (To bring in his annual gift of strawberries from his farm. Off-the-record)
Mr. William Boyle (Weekly appointment which he usually gets on Wednesday afternoons but which had to be postponed.)
The President received Members of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government: Honorable Herbert Hoover, Chairman Honorable George D. Aiken Honorable Clarence J. Brown Honorable Arthur S. Flemming Honorable John L. McClellan Honorable Carter Manasco Honorable George H. Mead Honorable James K. Pollock Honorable James Rowe, Jr. Also; The Director, Bureau of the Budget (This meeting suggested to the President sometime ago by Secretary Acheson)
Congressman Wayne L. Hays, Ohio (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday to say that it was most urgent that he see the President today, as something had come up in his district that he must tell the President.)
Honorable Tom Holland, (former Judge) (From Kansas City, getting out of the Army here and asked, through Mr. Boyle to see the President before going home. Has been on active duty with the Air Force)
Honorable Frieda Hennock, Member, Federal Communications Commission (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange)
Mr. Robert Richman, of Institute of Contemporary Art Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright (architect) (Mr. Richman called Mr. Connelly to say that Mr. Wright expected to be in Washington at this time and would deem it a great honor if he could come in and pay his respects to the President)
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Taft Benson
Congressman Charles A. Eaton, N. J. (Phoned Mr. Connelly on Tuesday to ask for this appointment)
The Acting Secretary of State, James E. Webb (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers] (Dr. Daniel Poling will come to Press and stay afterwards for talk with the President. He wrote the President that he had just returned from 20-thousand mile journey to our bases in Pacific and to Japan, and the President wrote him back that he would be glad to have him come in next time he was in Washington)
(Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin])
On this date President received the final report of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (Hoover Commission). See Hoover and Truman: A Presidential Friendship: documents, photographs and more.
Cabinet [Meeting] (Mr. Webb for State, Oscar Chapman for Interior and Whitney for Commerce. Dr. John R. Steelman absent)
(The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan])
Dr. William W. Wurster, Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning, M.I.T., also Member of Park and Planning Commission (This arranged at suggestion of Don Dawson)
Honorable Joseph K. Carson, Jr., Commissioner, U. S. Maritime Commission (Mr. Matthew Connelly phoned him and told him the President wanted to see him)
Honorable Erastus Corning, Mayor of Albany, New York Mr. Lee Quinn (Mr. Paul Fitzpatrick called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week from New York to ask for this appointment)
(Mr. Frank E. Kelly) (Off the record. Wrote to Mr. Clark Clifford to ask if he might have talk with the President which will help him in doing an article on the President. Mr. Charles Ross sat in on this meeting)
Honorable Paul Hoffman, E. C. A.
Admiral Alan G. Kirk, American Ambassador to Russia (Asked for this through the State Department)
Honorable Samuel J. Morris, Democratic National Committeeman, Arizona (Arranged at the request of Senator McFarland of Arizona)
(The President left for the USS WILLIAMSBURG at the Naval Gun Factory as soon as he finished with his mail in the afternoon.)
(Under Secretary of State, James Webb) (Honorable Charles Murphy)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott W. Lucas, Ill. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Congressman Franck R. Havenner, California Congressman Richard J. Welch, California Congrssman George P. Miller, California (Last week Congressman McCormack asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this appointment)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Mrs. India Edwards, head, Women's Division, Democratic National Committee (Asked Mr. Connelly for this last week)
(The Acting Secretary of State, James E. Webb (Usual appointment)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Honorable Sam Jackson)
(The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Left Blair House with Mrs. Truman for Carlton Hotel, where they will attend dinner given for them by the Vice President and Mrs. Truitt)
Congressman Monroe M. Redden, N. C. Senator Frank Graham, N. C. Senator Clyde R. Hoey, N. C. (Congressman Redden phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this, and stated that Senator Graham had spoken casually about it to the President when he called con- cerning another matter.)
(Mr. Jules Kahn)
Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas, California (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
The Hon. Dr. Yousef Haikal, the Minister of the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom (Newly appointed)
(Honorable James Webb, Acting Secretary of State) (Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget)
(Mr. Roberts) (Mr. Leatherbury) (Mr. Bon Geaslin)
Mrs. Olive Remington Goldman
The President received a group of war correspondents who covered the invasion of Normandy in 1944: Mr. Lou Azrael, Baltimore News-Post, Baltimore, Maryland Hal Boyle, Associated Press, New York, New York Ed Ball, Associated Press, Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Wright Bryan, Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, Georgia Mr. Harry Butcher, Station KIST, New York, New York Mr. Herb Caen, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Calif. Peter J. Carroll, Associated Press, Boston, Massachusetts Frank Conniff, NY Journal American, New York, New York Donald Cravens Kenneth Crawford, Newsweek, Washington, D. C. Walter Cronkite, Station KMBC, Washington, D. C. W. A. S. Douglas, Chicago Herald-American, Chicago, Illinois Robert Demme Edward Doherty Joseph Driscoll, St. Louis Post Dispatch, St. Louis, Mo. Stanley Frank, New York Post, New York, New York Fred Graham, New York Times, New York, New York T. E. Grandin, American Broadcasting Company, Cleveland, Ohio Thomas Henry, Washington Star, Washington, D. C. George Hicks, National Broadcasting Company, Jackson Heights, N. Y. Carlyle Holt, Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts Henry B. Jameson, Abilene Reflector, Abliene, Kansas John W. Jarrell, Omaha World-Herald Bureau, Washington, D. C. Chester Kronfield Robert T. Landry, Life, Los Angeles, California Roelif Loveland Clark Lee, International News Service, Del Monte, California Larry LeSueur, Columbia Broadcasting System, New York, New York Boyd Lewis, Newspaper Enterprise Assn., New York, New York Jack Lieb, News of the Day, Chicago, Illinois Ted Malone, American Broadcasting Company, New York, New York John MacVane, National Broadcasting Company, New York, New York Walt Peters, Yank Magazine, New York, New York Stan Richardson, Blue Network, New York, New York Cameron Robertson Cornelius Ryan, Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Maryland L. S. Shapiro, Nana, New York, New York Captain Charles Spencer Neil Sullivan, RKO-Pathe, New York, New York Warren H. Kennet, Newark News John H. Thompson, Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois Robert Wear Joseph Willicombe, International News Service, New York, New York Thomas Wolf, Pathe News, New York, New York
Senator John L. McClellan, Arkansas
Mr. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
Mr. William Boyle (Weekly conference with the President. One-half hour)
(Mr. Michael Flynn) (Mr. Pittman)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Mr. Herman Rosenberg, Kansas City, Missouri)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable James Curley, Mayor of Boston, Mass. (Requested this appointment)
Mr. L. D. Long, of Charleston, S. C, (Mr. William Boyle) (Mr. Long is said to be largest individual builder of houses in the world; there has never been foreclosure of any kind on any FHA projects of Mr. Long's since organization of FHA, either in Continental United States, or Puerto Rico, where Mr. Long had done so much construction. Is now engaged in finishing 10,000 homes in Puerto Rico, which the President has seen; has in process of negotiation, construction of additional 30,000 homes in Puerto Rico)
General H. H. Arnold with 8 friends Honorable Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force (The General sent word to Mr. Matthew Connelly that he would be here at this time and would like to pay his respects. The Air Force, through General Harry Vaughan's office, has suggested that perhaps the President might like to present to the General personally, his new commission naming him a General of the Air Force. General Harry Vaughan brought this commission to the President for presentation to General Arnold)
Honorable James E. Webb, Acting Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
The President addressed a meeting of the Highway Safety Conference at Constitution Hall. [Public Papers: Address to the President's Conference on Highway Safety]
The President received the foreign delegates to the Inter American Bar Association Conference: Doctor Carlos Aguirre (Bolivia) Juan Martin Allende (Argentina) Maximino Arrechea (Mexico) Doctor Aldo Busot (Cuba) Doctor Edmundo Pereira Canto (Brazil) Senor Doctor Don Manuel Del Castillo (Peru) Gilberto Chacon (Guatemala) Senor Doctor Don Wilson Cordova (Ecuador) Carlos Cuenca (Argentina) Senor Don Enrique Dolz (Cuba) Doctor and Senora Eduardo Augusto Garcia (Argentina) Don and Senora Alberto Garnham (Chile) Walfrido Prado Guimarnes (Brazil) Doctor Alberto Guzman R. (Chile) Doctor and Senora Enrique Sayagues Iaso (Uruguay) Senor and Senora Jose C. Mai (Argentina) Senor and Senora Luciano F. Molinas (Argentina) Senor and Senora Felxi Navarro (Peru) Lic. Oscar Obregon (Mexico) Doctor Carlos Alvarez Escio (Cuba) Don Manuel Risueno (Chile) Doctor and Senora Carlos Sanchez-Majorada (Mexico) Nelson Pinto E. Silva (Brazil) Doctor and Senora Eduardo Otto Theiler (Brazil) Doctor and Senora Mauricio L. Yadarola (Argentina) Jonathan Ammerman (Miami, Florida) Robert M. Anderson, Washington, D. C. Henry F. Butler, Washington, D. C. Halon L. Clagett, Washington, D. C. Lawrence Egbert, Washington, D. C. Charles Fahy, Washington, D. C. J. Howard Flint, Washington, D. C. Judge Nadine Gallagher, Washington, D. C. Mary Frances Glenn, Washington, D. C. Helen Goodner, Washington, D. C. Rachael Woody Hanes, Washington, D. C. Francis Hill, Washington, D. C. Carolyn Royall Just, Washington, D. C. Daivd B. Karrick, Washington, D. C. Frank J. Kelly, Washington, D. C. Milton King, Washington, D. C. Howard Leroy, Washington, D. C. Mary Lucy Mendenhall, Washington, D. C. Justin Miller, Washington, D. C. George M. Morris, Washington, D. C. Elliott H. Moyer, Washington, D. C. James Oliver Murdock, Washington, D. C. George D. Neilson, Washington, D. C. Stanley I. Posner, Washington, D. C. John F. Richter, Washington, D. C. Ella Cooper Thomas, Washington, D. C. F. Gerald Toye, Washington, D. C. Edgar Turlington, Washington, D. C. William Roy Vallance, Washington, D. C. Charles M. Walker, Washington, D. C. Sam Ross Warner, Washington, D. C. Frederick Weigester, Washington, D. C. Dorothy Roth Wilson, Washington, D. C. Colonel William E. Reese, Washington, D. C. Madeline Dinu, Washington Bar Association Dr. Juan Daniel Abal (Uruguay) Dr. Ignacio Luis Arcaya (Venezuela) Senor and Senora Alberto Blanco (Cuba) Dr. Gustavo Bohorgues (Cuba) Dr. Humberto Camilloni (Peru) Dr. Felipe Casanova (Venezuela) Dr. Jorge Casuso (Cuba) Senor and Senora Natalio Chediak (Cuba) Dr. Germano Luiz Cantaria Guimaraes (Brazil) Dr. Manuel del Castillo (Peru) Dr. Ignacio Copete-Lizarralde (Colombia) Dr. Fernando Fournier (Costa Rica) Dr. Gaston Godoy (Cuba) Senor and Senora Enrique Molina Johnson (Mexico) Senor and Senora Antonio Ponce Lagos (Mexico) M. Juan Lisbonne (France) Dr. Hector Luisi (Uruguay) Dr. and Senora Pedro J. Mentellini Gonzalez (Venezuela) Dr. Clara E. Perez Lopez (Cuba) Senor Guillermo Lopez Martinez (Mexico) Dr. Carlos Leon Mondoza (Venezuela) Dr. Manuel S. Ordonez (Argentina) Dr. Carlos Panaberrera (Ecuador) Dr. Octavio Machado Perdo (Cuba) Dr. Isabel Siero Perez (Cuba) Dr. Miguel Richardo Roman (Dominican Republic) Senor and Senora Enrique Garcia Sayan (Peru) Senator Jose Ferreiro de Souza (Brazil) Senor and Senora M. E. Cadena (Ecuador) Senor and Senora Reginaldo Ramon (Mexico) Senor Alvaro Vargas (Chile) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox (Canada) Senor Aida F. Rubio Garcia (Cuba) Manuel Caryas (Pan American Union) Senor and Senora Jorge Menendez (Mexico)
[Public Papers: Remarks to the Foreign Delegates of the Inter-American Bar Association]
(Mr. Joe Hardin of Arkansas)
(Mrs. Greta Kempton McNamara - artist) (Arranged at request of Secretary John Snyder)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Secretary of State [Dean Acheson] and Secretary Whitney for Commerce. All others present)
Mr. H. W. Johnson, Kansas City, Missouri Chief Sheppherd, Chief of Police, Wichita
Senator Francis J. Myers, Pa. Honorable Joseph C. Martin, Mayor of Erie, Pa. (Senator Myers asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if he could bring in Mayor Martin)
Honorable Jasper Bell, former Congressman from Missouri (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
Honorable J. Bracken Lee, Governor of Utah (Rep.) (Senator Watkins of Utah asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this)
Senator Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
The President met with the Commission on the Renovation of the White House: Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn. Senator Edward Martin, Pa. Congressman Louis C. Rabaut, Michigan Congressman Frank B. Keefe, Wis. Mr. Richard E. Dougherty Mr. Douglas W. Orr (Dr. John R. Steelman arranged this, but will not attend himself)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
(Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kaugman and 3 small sons)
Honorable G. Nennan Williams, Governor of Michigan Mr. Lawrence Farrell, Executive Secretary Mr. George Kerr, Michigan State Police (Requested this appointment)
(Mrs. Lucille Walker)
(Staff Meeting)
(Corporal Bill Householder)
(Mrs. Georgia N. Clark)
(Mr. Joseph Magee of Kansas City)
(Mr. Honey Latimer of Kansas City, Missouri)
The President left for the First Baptist Church with Miss Margaret Truman
(The President left for the Carlton Hotel, where he attended dinner in honor of General George Marshall, given by the Ambassadors and Diplomatic Representatives of those countries benefitting from the Marshall Plan)
[Public Papers: Address at a Dinner in Honor of General George C. Marshall]
The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott W. Lucas, Illinois Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass. (The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] unable here and spoke to the President about it at Cabinet last Friday)
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Vice Chairman (Dr. Nourse asked for this about week ago. Mr. Clark, the Member, is out of town. One-half hour)
(Honorable Kenneth Royall)
Honorable and Mrs. Hugh Peterson Hugh Peterson, Jr., aged 14 Mrs. Jim L. Gillis Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson James Peterson, Jr., (Just graduated from Annapolis) (Hugh Peterson, former Congressman from Georgia, asked to bring in his brother and family, who were up here for graduation of James, Jr., from Annapolis. James Peterson, Sr. is Mayor of Soperton, Ga., and has had quite a news writeup and publicity in con- nection with his fight against the Ku-Klux)
Congressman Leonard Irving, Mo. (Phoned Mr. Connelly last Friday to ask for this appointment)
Mrs. Helen Reid, Publisher of New York Herald Tribune (Arranged through Bert Andrews of that paper)
(Mr. Ben Sonnenberg)
(Cabinet Luncheon - Only these five present - Secretary of Defense, The Attorney General, The Secretary of Interior, The Secretary of Labor, and the Secretary of Commerce)