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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

May 17, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Letter to Mon C. Wallgren Regarding Withdrawal of His Nomination as Chairman, National Security Resources Board]
The President received the Democratic Congressmen from the State of Ohio: Congressman Stephen M. Young Congressman Earl T. Wagner Congressman Edward Breen Congressman James G. Polk Congressman Thomas H. Burke Congressman Walter B. Huber Congressman Robert Thompson Secrest Congressman John McSweeney Congressman Wayne L. Hays Congressman Michael J. Kirwan Congressman Michael A. Feighan (This arranged at suggestion of Congressman Crosser of Ohio. He was unable to come due to death in family which necessitated his going to Ohio.)
Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico Congressman William M. Whittington, Miss. (Mr. Connelly asked them to come in to discuss Columbia River Valley Administration)
(The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]) (Miss Judith Anderson) (Mr. Green) (Off-the-record. Miss Anderson is star of MEDEA and is to give performance at Sylvan Theatre)
(Mr. William Stone of Kansas City, Missouri)
The President presented the Distinguished Service Medal (Second Oak Leaf Cluster) to General Lucius D. Clay, United States Military Governor in Germany, and Commander-in-Chief of United States Forces in Europe. Approximately 150 guests attended the ceremony which was held in Rose Garden.) [Public Papers: Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to General Lucius D. Clay]
(Senator J. Howard McGrath) (Senator Richard B. Russell)
Mayor and Mrs. Joseph Darst, of St. Louis Honorable and Mrs. James P. Finnegan Honorable John O'Toole, Director of Public Welfare, St. Louis (Mr. Finnegan asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
The President received Members of Advisory Council of the Home Loan Bank Board: Mr. J. Alston Adams, Washington Dr. Howard L. Bevis, Cincinnati Mr. W. Mergue Brock, Cincinnati Gordon C. Campbell Mr. Fermor S. Cannon, Indianapolis Mr. Frederick J. Dillon, Boston Mr. William K. Divers, Washington Mr. Raymond M. Foley, Washington, D. C. Mr. Cadman H. Frederick, New York Mr. Louis W. Grant, Topeka Mr. Guy E. Jacques, San Francisco Mr. A. H. Koepke, Chicago Mr. Roy W. Larsen, Des Moines Mr. O. K. LaRoque, Washington, D. C. Mr. James Grayson Luttrell, New York Mr. E. Harrison Merrill, Boston Mr. Frank Miller, Jr., Winston-Salem Mr. James J. O'Malley, Pittsburgh Mr. Louis D. Ross, Little Rock Mr. Ernest T. Trigg, Little Rock Mr. Harrington Wimberly, Washington, D. C.
(Mr. William Young of Council Grove, Kansas)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] Mr. James W. Simons, winner of the award for heroism of the American Forest Fire Foundation Mr. W. K. Beichler, State Forester of North Carolina and representing Association of State Foresters S. L. Frost, Exec. Dir., American Forestry Assn. Tom Gill, representing Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry Foundation Charles A. Gillette, representing American Forest Products Industries John D. Guthrie, representing American Forest Products Industries Mr. J. D. B. Harrison, representing Canadian Society of Forest Engineers Fred E. Hornaday, Secy. of Awards Committee, representing The American Forestry Association Earl W. Loveridge, Assistant Chief, Forest Service, U.S.D.A. R. E. McArdle, Chairman, representing the American Forestry Assn. Dana Parkinson, Chief of I. & E., Forest Service, U.S.D.A. Lyle F. Watts, Chief, Forest Service, U.S.D.A.
(Lunch downstairs)
The President attended a meeting of the National Security Council.
Honorable Frank Waring
(The President and Mrs. Truman left the Blair House for the 1925 F Street Club, to attend dinner given by the Secretary of the Air Force [Stuart Symington], and Mrs. Symington, in honor of Seantor and Mrs. Millard Tydings.)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Secretary of the Interior on the Transfer of the Pacific Islands to Civilian Administration]
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable Ernest W. Gibson, Governor of Vermont (Asked to come in while in city, through Mr. Hassett)
Congressman A. S. J. Carnahan, Mo. Congressman Morgan M. Moulder, Mo. Congressman George H. Christopher, Mo. Congressman John B. Sullivan, Mo. Congressman Frank Karsten, Mo. (Congressman Carnahan called Mr. Matthew Connelly on May 12th to ask for this)
Mr. Lawrence J. Fenlon, Chairman, National Economic Commission, the American Legion Colonel Paul Griffith Mr. Leon J. LeGendre, Asst. National Adjutant, the American Legion (This arranged by Mr. Ted Marks)
(Mr. Ed Loughlin)
Mr. Jacob Blaustein (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
(Mr. Andre Visson, of Washington Post and Reader's Digest) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this week.) (Is leaving for Europe latter part of month and would like to see the President before then. Mr. Charles Ross cleared)
Senator Richard Russell, Georgia Mr. A. B. Conger (Senator Russell asked for this when he attended ceremonies for General Clay yesterday. He spoke to the President about bringing in Mr. Conger who is under consideration for appointment to a Federal Judgeship)
Honorable Edwin A. Plitt, American Diplomatic Agent at Morocco (Has been in State Department on consultation and would like to pay respects before returning to his post at Tangier)
(Colonel Clarence Young)
(The Secretary of the Interior [Julius A. Krug]) (Assistant Secretary of Interior, Girard Davidson) (Honorable John Russell Young, D. C. Commissioner) (Honorable Guy Mason, D. C. Commissioner) (Brig. General Gordon R. Young, Engineer Commissioner, D. C.) (Mr. Matthew Connelly asked them to come in and discuss D. C. problems with the President off-the-record)
(Dr. Raymond B. Allen)
(The President and Mrs. Truman left the Blair House for the National Airport to meet the President of Brazil and his party)
[Public Papers: Remarks of Welcome to the President of Brazil at the Washington National Airport]
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the Carlton Hotel, where they gave a dinner for the President fo Brazil.)
[Public Papers: Remarks and Toasts at a Dinner in Honor of President Dutra of Brazil]
[Public Papers: Letter to Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., in Response to His Report on the United Service Organizations]
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Asked for this appointment as he felt there would be so little time for him to talk to the President alone before taking off on Friday for Foreign Ministers Council)
Honorable John Foster Dulles
Honorable Thomas B. McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (Asked for this as he said he wished to take up with the President, the status of his legislation)
Mr. Hendrix Alphin, of Arkansas (Senator McClellan asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this, stating that Mr. Alphin had been most helpful in campaign. Mr. Connelly checked this through Mr. Boyle, and Mr. Boyle reported that Mr. Alphin was very wealthy and had been exremely helpful and definitely for the President. Is anti-Dixiecrat.)
Mr. Harvey Firestone (One-half hour)
The President left Blair House with President Dutra of Brazil, and motored to the Capitol, where President Dutra addressed a Joint Session of the Congress
(The President remained at the Capitol for luncheon in honor of President Dutra, held in Speaker's [Sam Rayburn] Dining Room.)
(Mr. John Mullane)
The President received the Members of the Brazilian Press who accompanied President Dutra to the United States. [Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Brazilian Press]
(Mr. George W. Perkins) (Mr. O. A. Knight) (Honorabel James E. Webb) (Secretary Webb called Mr. Connelly for this appointment)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except Secretaries of Agriculture and Labor)
Honorable Clarence Cannon Honorable Paul Hoffman (Re ECA appropriations)
Mrs. Herman G. Place, President, Garden Clubs of America Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Acting Director, National Arboretum Mr. Frederick P. Lee, Chairman, Advisory Council, National Arboretum Mrs. T. N. B. McKnight, Vice Chairman, National Capital Committee Garden Clubs of America Dr. F. P. Cullinan, Assistant Chief of the Bureau Plant Industry, Agriculture Department (Arranged by Mrs. Gilbert Hitchcock - to present the President with check for $5000 for the National Arboretum)
Honorable Randolph Carpenter (former Congressman and U. S. District Attorney from Marion, Kansas - also candidate for Governor in last electon - appointment requested by Carl V. Rice, Democratic National Committeeman for Kansas)
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Corley, from Dallas, Texas Mrs. Elwood K. Morse (Mr. and Mrs. Corley here for few days visiting their daughter, Mrs. Morse - wanted to pay respects)
(Mr. Ernest Capps)
(Mr. Fred Whitaker) (Mr. Charles Brown) (Mr. Whitaker wrote Mr. Connelly for appointment)
(Mr. Ken Miller)
(Mr. Walter Wolfner)
(The President left the White House for the airport where he saw Secretary of State Acheson off for the Foreign Ministers Conference in Paris.)
The President threw switch from the office which started a new generator at Grand Coulee Dam. The following were present: Cong. Homer D. Angell Senator Harry P. Cain Honorable Oscar Chapman Sen. Dennis Chavez Senator Guy Gordon Honorable C. Girard Davidson Senator Zales E. Ecton Cong. Harris Ellsworth Sen. Carl Hayden Congressman Hal Holmen Cong. Walt Horan Cong. Henry M. Jackson Cong. Michael Kirwan Cong. Russell V. Mack Sen. Warren G. Magnuson Cong. Mike Mansfield Cong. Hugh B. Mitchell Sen. Wayne Morse Sen. James E. Murray Cong. Walter Norblad Sen. Joseph C. O'Mahoney Cong. J. Peterson Mr. Paul J. Raver Cong. John Sanborn Cong. Lowell Stockman Hon. Michael W. Straus Sen. Glen H. Taylor Cong. Thor C. Tollefson Hon. William E. Warne Congressman Compton I. White Congressman Wm. M. Whittington [Public Papers: Statement by the President on Activating a Generator at Grand Coulee Dam]
Honorable Frank Pace, Director of the Budget (one-half hour)
The President, Mrs. Truman and Miss Truman left for the Brazilian Embassay where they will attend dinner for the President of Brazil. [Public Papers: Toasts of the President and President Dutra at a Dinner at the Brazilian Embassy]
[Public Papers: Joint Statements Following Discussions With the President of Brazil]
(Staff Meeting)
Senator Clinton Anderson (Called Mr. Connelly for appointment)
Mr. Arthur C. Wahlstadt (Is in Washington from Kansas City to attend Gridiron dinner. Wants to talk with the President about dedication of Liberty Memorial site next Armistice Day. Mr. Wahlstadt is with Kansas City Star)
Honorable Paul Powell, Speaker of the House of Illinois Honorable Benjamin C. Cooper, Auditor, State of Illinois Senator Scott Lucas (Picture was made)
(John Griffin)
(Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burgess and son)
(Governor Adlai E. Stevenson, Ill. - at the Blair House)
(Left Blair House with Governor Stevenson for Union Station to see President Dutra off)
(Left Blair House for Statler Hotel where President attended Gridiron Dinner.)
(Honorable David Lilienthal)
Congressman Frank Fellows, Maine Mr. Charles P. Nelson Honorable Robert Hale (Brought salmon to the President)
Honorable Clarence Hood, Democratic National Committeeman from Mississippi - on record (Honorable Donald Dawson - off-the-record)
Mr. William K. Poindexter (Completing work at Harvard Law School on May 21st and returning to Kansas City - wrote President for the appointment)
Honorable Oscar Ewing; Dr. Leonard A. Schecke; Dr. Louis Williams, Jr. Dr. George E. Chisholm, Director General of the Permanent Organization for the World Health Organization (Director General Chisholm is Surgeon-General of the Canadian Army and Assistant Minister of Health) (Appointment arranged by Mr. Ewing)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore (Requested appointment)
The President received group of Philippine Junior Chamber of Commerce members: Ramon del Rosario Jose Mayuga Roberto Villanueve Eugenio Puyat Carlos Palanca, Jr. Joaquin Gonzalez Ernesto Escaler Roberto Benedicto Lauro Marquez Graciano Borja Hernani Coscolluela Fulvio Pelaez Ramon Merada Daniel Tan Rafael Estrada Oscar Arellano Jose Olben Abrerado Calencio
Honorable Richard P. Butrick, American Minister to Iceland (Requested by the State Department)
Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State (Regular Monday appointment)
(Cabinet Luncheon)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director of the Budget (Requested appointment)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
(Mr. David Noyes)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott W. Lucas, Ill. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Honorable Harry A. McDonald, Member of SEC Mr. C. B. McDonald (brother of Commissioner McDonald) (Commissioner McDonald called Mr. Connelly last week to ask if he could bring his brother in and present him to the President)
(Mr. John A. Kennedy, Editor and Publisher, San Diego Journal) (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange off-the-record)
(Senator Frank Graham, N. C.) (Honorable Jonathan Daniels) (Senator Graham asked Mr. Connelly to arrange)
Congressman Wilbur D. Mills, Arkansas (Mr. Mills asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
Judge Welden Mayock
Senator Estes Kefauver, Tennessee (Phoned Mr. Connelly to ask if he might come down today for brief talk with the President)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual Thursday appointment of one-half hour)
(Lt. Colonel Calude E. Sowers and Mrs. Sowers)
(Honorable Sam I. Rosenman)
(Honorable James E. Webb)
(Honorable Oscar Ewing) (Mr. Charles Murphy)
(Governor Mon Wallgren) (Mr. Jack Corey) (Mr. Jack Ballew)
(The President left the White House for Arlington National Cemetery to attend the funeral services of Honorable James V. Forrestal.)
The President was presented with the Annual Robert S. Abbott Memorial Award: The following were present: Senator Scott W. Lucas Senator Paul H. Douglas Congressman William L. Dawson Hon. Edward J. Kelly, former Mayor of Chicago Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, President, National Council of Negro Women Mr. Walter White, Executive Secretary, National Urban League Mr. John H. Sengstacke, Publisher & Editor, Chicago Defender Mrs. John H. Sengstacke Mr. Louis E. Martin Mr. Charles P. Browning Mrs. Benice Spraggs [Public Papers: Remarks Upon Receiving the Robert S. Abbott Memorial Award]
Mr. Woodville Rogers (Requested by Speaker Rayburn)