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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

May 07, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Honorable Robert Patterson) (Honorable Jonathan Daniels) (Honorable Sam Rayburn) (Honorable Arthur Vandenberg)
The President presented the Collier's Congressional Awards to Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg and Speaker Sam Rayburn. The following guests were present: Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg Mr. Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson Senator Lyndon B. Johnson Congressman John W. McCormack Congressman Wright Patman Congressman J. Percy Priest Mr. Cecil B. Dickson Mr. Robert T. Bartley Mr. Christian A. Herter, House of Representatives Mr. Robert M. LaFollette, Jr. former Senator Mr. A. S. Mike Monroney, House of Representatives Mr. Jesse P. Wolcott, House of Representatives Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anthony, Publisher Honorable Leslie Biffle Mr. and Mrs. Bromwell Ault Mr. Richard Chaplin, Assistant Publisher, Crowell-Collier Mr. and Mrs. William L. Chenery, Vice President, Crowell-Collier Mr. and Mrs. James C. Derieux Miss Gerry Dick Mr. William Hillman Mr. Eugene Meyer Mr. C. F. Norsworthy Mr. Theodore S. Repplier Mr. Louis Ruppel, Editor Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stouch Miss Genevieve Wall Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Winger, President Mr. Oscar Dystel, Managing Editor Mr. Lee Deschler, Parliamentarian of House of Representatives Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Smith Mr. Eric Johnston Mr. Harvey Winfield Brown Mrs. Dorothy Canfield Fisher Dr. George Gallup Mr. Clinton S. Golden Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby Mr. Allan D. Kline Mr. Robert Patterson Mr. Walker Stone Dr. Channing Tobias Mr. A. L. M. Wiggins Mr. E. H. Brodhead Mr. Paul Hoffman Mrs. Eric Johnston Miss Harriette Johnston Miss Merrie Smith
The President left for the Carlton Hotel, where he attended the Collier's Award Luncheon.
The President and Mrs. Truman left of the Anderson House to attend dinner given by the Attorney General [Tom Clark] and Mrs. Clark.
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on Reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Government]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Senator Elbert D. Thomas, Utah (Asked to see the President as soon as possible this week.)
Mrs. Emma Guffey Miller (Requested this appointment)
The President received the National Officers of the American Veterans Committee: Mr. Gilbert Harrison, National Chairman Mr. Andrew L. Rice, Deputy National Housing Director Mr. Jack Gordon (Florida) Mr. Hubert Will (Illinois) Mr. Martin Larner (Indiana) Mr. Saul Chaken, New England Regional Chairman Mr. Harold Libros (Pennsylvania) Mr. Bernard Bellush (New York) Mr. Samuel Geisen (New York) Mr. Joseph Clarety (California)
(Mr. Sam Wear)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(Cabinet Luncheon)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
(The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Dined at the home of George Allen. The following guests were present: Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson Honorable Clinton Anderson Honorable Stephen Early Honorable Joseph Davies Honorable Stuart Symington Honorable Clark Clifford)
(Honorable James Bruce) (Mr. Nat Lichtblau, of Democratic Natl. Committee) (Mr. Bruce asked for this as they need brief dicussion with the President before dinner tonight)
Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticut (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this.)
(Congressman Clarence Cannon, Mo.) (Phoned Mr. Connelly that he had just returned from Missouri and had some important matters he needed to discuss with the President. Cannon suggested it be off-the-record)
Congressman Wright Patman, Texas Senator Estes Kefauver, Tenn. Mr. Perry Brown, National Commander of the American Legion Mr. Bertram Giesecke, Chairman, National Housing Committee, American Legion Mr. Robert Poston, of American Legion Mr. Lawrence Westbrook, American Legion (Congressman Patman asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this. Wished to discuss H. R. 2811 with the President)
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange. One-half hour)
The President recevied the Members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association: Australia Commonwealth Branch Senator J. O. Crichley (Labor Party) State Branches Honorable Maurice O'Sullivan, MLA (Labor Party) Minister of Transport, New South Wales Canada Dominion Branch Senator the Honorable Arthur W. Roebuck, KC, Chairman of the General Council (Liberal Party) Malta Professor the Honorable P. P. Debono, ND., MLA (Labor Party) Speaker of Legislative Assembly and President of Branch Sir Howard d'Egville, KBE., LL.D. (Secretary to the General Council). Dr. Arthur Beausheane (Clerk, House of Commons, Canada) Col. N. J. Franklin (Sgt. at Arms, House of Commons, Canada) New Zealand Hon. H. E. Combs, MP. (Labor Party) Parliamentary Under- Secretary, Ministry of Finance Mr. T. Clifton Webb, MP. (National Party) Pakistan Hon. Mr. Tamizuddin Khan, MCA. President of the Constituent and Legislative Assembly Dr. Omar Hayat Malik, MCA. Mr. Hasan A. Shaikh, Secretary to the President Union of South Africa Mr. G. F. H. Bekker, MP (Nationalist Party) Senator the Hon. M. J. van Breda (United Party) United Kingdom Rt. Hon. John Wilmot, MP (Labour Party) Former Minister of Supply; member of Executive Committee of the Association and Chairman of British-American Parliamentary Group in the United Kingdom Parliament. Sir George Harvie Watt, Bt., KC., MP (Conservative Party) Hon. Treasurer (with Sir Stafford Cripps) of the United Kingdom Branch of the Association and Parliamentary Secretary during the war to Mr. Winston Churchill
H. E. Elihu Elath, the Ambassador of Israel Dr. Isaac Herzog, Chief Rabbi of Israel (The Ambassador requested this through Mr. Woodward of State Department)
Honorable Stanton Griffis, U. S. Ambassador to Egypt (Phoned Mr. Connelly from New York last week to ask for this appointment)
Honorable Edmond M. Hanrahan, Chairman, S. E. C. (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week, stating he had some general matters to discuss with the President)
(Mr. Ted Marks)
Governor Lee Knous, Colorado Senator Ed Johnson, Colorado
(Senator Clinton P. Anderson, N. Mexico) (The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan])
Honorable Robert E. Hannegan
(The President left for Reception and Dinner of the Finance Committee of the Democratic National Committee at 1925 F Street Club.)
Congressman Robert L. Doughton, N. C. (Mr. Connelly called him and told him the President wishes to see him)
(Mr. Vernon Moore) (Off the record)
(Mr. Tom Veatch, of Kansas City) (Off the record)
Honorable Sidney S. McMath, Governor of Arkansas Dr. A. B. Bonds, Arkansas Commission of Education (Asked for this appointment)
Honorable William Grant, Mayor of Fall River, Mass. (Paul Dever, Governor of Mass., phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday from Boston to ask for this appointment)
Honorable William Green, President, A. F. of L. (Phoned Mr. Connelly that he was leaving latter part of week to attend meeting of his Council, and wanted to talk to the President before meeting.)
Honorable Walter Lee Dunham, Member of Board of Directors, RFC (Arranged at the suggestion of Mr. Dawson)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual weekly conference - unable to come in on usual day, Tuesday.)
H. E. Senor Don Rafael de la Colina, the Ambassador of Mexico Javier Hajera Torres (aged thirteen) (This request came from Albert B. Hines, Executive Director, Madison Square Boys' Club. This Club, to promote good will between boys of Mexico and U. S. exchange boys, and this Mexican boy is the one to come. Jim Farley also wrote Mr. Connelly and asked that the President receive him, inasmuch as President Aleman is going to receive the New York boy who is exchanging with the Mexican boy.)
The Atomic Energy Commission Honorable David E. Lilienthal, Chairman Robert F. Bacher Honorable Sumner T. Pike Honorable Lewis L. Strauss (Chairman Lilienthal asked for this to report on year's work, and particularly peacetime application of atomic energy.)
(Honorable Oscar Chapman)
The Secretary of Commerce [Charles Sawyer]
Mr. William Taylor of Boston
Mr. Albert Chow of San Francisco and two Chinese gentlemen.
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Temporary Appropriations Bill]
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting Third Annual Report on U.S. participation in the United Nations]
(Mr. Francis Matthews, of Omaha, Nebraska) (Off the record)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(The President left for the Old State Deparment Building, where he "dropped in" on a meeting of the Board of the Committee for Economic Development.)
Congressman Phil J. Welch, Mo. Judge Steve Owens of St. Joseph, Mo., and son, Herbert Mr. Floyd Inman, County Clerk (Congressman Welch asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if he might bring these gentlemen in, stating the President had agreed to see them when they came to Washington)
Mr. A. L. Whitney, President, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen (Senator J. Howard McGrath phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask for this)
Honorable David K. E. Bruce, American Ambassador-Designate to France (To pay respects before departing for his post)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Honorable Dan A. Kimball, Assistant Secretary of the Navy)
H. E. Charles D. B. King, the Ambassador of Liberia (Presented credentials)
H. E. Shrimati Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Ambassador of India (Newly appointed)
(Father McGrail) (John McGrail)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
(Mr. Martin Coffey)
On this date the Soviet Russian government lifted the Berlin blockade. See student research file, The Berlin Airlift: documents, photographs and more.
(Honorable William Pawley) (Mr. J. A. Wills - artist) (This is the artist commissioned by Mr. Pawley. He is bring- ing along the portrait of the President)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except Secretary Julius A. Krug. Mr. Oscar Chapman represented Interior)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
Mr. Henri L. Warren of Corpus Christi, Texas (Wrote to Mr. Matthew Connelly asking if he could come in this week to discuss a bill introduced in the House creating additional federal judgeship in his district)
Dr. Allen B. Dumont, President of Allen B. Dumont Laboratories, Inc. (Also President of Dumont Television Network. Mr. Walter Compton of that company asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
Honorable Nelson Lee Smith, Chairman, Federal Power Commission (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable James Bruce, American Ambassador to Argentina (Asked for this as is leaving shortly for post)
Honorable Henry F. Grady, American Ambassador to Greece (Has been in Department on consultation for past two weeks and will remain to testify before Congressional Committees in connection with hearing on military assistance legislation.)
Colonel Herman W. Steinkraus, President, Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Elected at their meeting this month. Asked to pay respects)
Mr. Joseph L. Culbertson (Is son of Jerry Culbertson of Kansas)
(Mr. Henry A. Montgomery of Detroit)
(Honorable Gordon Gray, Acting Secretary of the Army)
(Honorable Louis Johnson) (General Dwight Eisenhower)
(Honorable John L. Sullivan)
The President went to the home of Honorable Joseph Davies. The following guests were present: Chief Justice Fred Vinson Honorable Clinton Anderson Honorable Stephen Early Senator Howard McGrath Honorable Stuart Symington Honorable Joseph Davies Honorable Clark Clifford
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan]
The President left Blair House for Griffith Stadium, where he and the following members of this Staff, who accompanied him, saw a baseball game: General Harry H. Vaughan Honorable Charles Ross Admiral Robert Dennison Mr. William Hopkins General Robert Landry Mr. Eben Ayers Honorable David Stowe
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the Statler Hotel, where they attended the Annual Dinner of the Women's National Press Club.)
At the Blair House (Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Vice President Alben W. Barkley Honorable Sam Rayburn, Speaker Senator Scott Lucas, Illinois Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
Seantor Sheridan Downey, California (Wrote to the President April 7th, re Relcamation Bureau, and in answering the President told him to get in touch with Mr. Matthew Connelly, who would arrange for Downey to come in. Attached for the President's information is correspondence)
Congressman Henderson Lanham, Georgia (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for this, stating he wished to discuss personal matter)
Honorable David A. Morse, Director General, International Labor Office (Cabled Mr. Matthew Connelly from Montevideo, asking if he could see the President)
The President receive the following delegation of Student Nurses: Miss Aranna Anderson, Negro Representative, Freedman's Hospital, School of Nursing Miss Sylvia Rita Freeman, Jewish Representative, Garfield Memorial Hospital, School of Nursing Mrs. Katherine Knauff, Chairman, District of Columbia Commitee on Careers in Nursing and Instructor in Nursing Arts, Garfield Memorial Hospital, School of Nursing Miss Theresa I. Lynch, Chairman, National Committee on Careers in Nursing, New York, New York Miss Mary Mahoney, Catholic Representative, Providence Division, School of Nursing Education, Catholic Univeristy of America Miss Priscilla Moorefield, Protestant Representative, Gallinger Municipal Hospital, School of Nursing Miss Rhobia Taylor, Washington Public Relations Representative National Committe on Careers in Nursing and Scientific Information Specialist, National Institute of Health
Honorable Herschel V. Johnson, American Ambassador to Brazil (Has returned from post to be here during visit of President Dutra, and asked to see the President before President Dutra's arrival.)
Mr. Zoltan Gombos, of Cleveland, Ohio (Owns chain of Hungarian language publications covering 85% of Hungarian language readership in country. At request of Governor Frank J. Lausche, who says that Gombos has "been a genuine friend of the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. He has stood by vigorously through thick and thin, etc.". Originally tried to arrange during campaign last fall but could not be done)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(CABINET LUNCHEON - Treasury, Interior, and Commerce absent)
Congressman Adolph J. Sabath, Ill. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly that he had some important Rules Committee matters to discuss with the President)
(Jack Redding) (Mr. Hackathorn of Missouri)
(Speech Conference)
The President made brief radio address for the Treasury's Savings Bond Drive program. [Public Papers: Radio Remarks Opening the Opportunity Savings Bond Drive]