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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 29, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn. Senator Carl Hayden, Arizona (Senator McKellar asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this.)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except the Secretary of Commerce. Mr. W. Averell Harriman was also present.)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Honorable James Finnegan)
(Honorable Ernest Gruening, Governor of Alaska) (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly for this appointment)
Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I. Senator John C. Stennis, Miss. (Senator J. Howard McGrath asked for this, stating he would accompany Stennis)
Honorable Frank A. Waring, Chairman, Philippine War Damage Commission (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask for this appointment)
Congressman John E. Lyle, Jr., Texas (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this. Wished to discuss gas legislation.)
Mr. Harland Bartholomew, of St. Louis (Wrote to the President April 14th, asking if the President would have time to discuss matters pertaining to the City Plan of Washington, as Bartholomew expected to be here at this time.)
The President received the Editors of the Railway Labor Monthly Journals: Miss Marie Downey, the Electrical Workers' Journal J. R. Garber and Mrs. Garber, The Train Dispatcher R. C. Howard, The Signalman's Journal D. B. Huggins and Mrs. Huggins, Railway Carmen's Journal Edward Keating and Mrs. Keating, Editor of Labor Irvin S. Lippe, Trainman News Tom McCoy and Mrs. McCoy, The Machinist Weekly Wm. P. Neville and daughter, Edna, Secy-Treasurer of Labor E. J. Ploncke and Mrs. Ploncke, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Journal John R. T. Rives, The Railway Conductor Ray Scott and Mrs. Scott, Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman and Enginemen's Journal Paul M. Smith, Locomotive Engineers Journal L. O. Thomas and Mrs. Thomas, Machinists Monthly Journal L. M. Wicklein, Sheet Metal Workers' Journal Phil E. Ziegler, Railway Clerk (These Editors are meeting in Washington and asked to be received. In railroad industry there are 22 or 23 unions. Each union has monthly magazine. In asking for this Mr. Edward Keating, Manager of "Labor" stated "There is not a Wednesday morning Democrat among them.")
(Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave of Kansas City, Missouri) (General Harry Vaughan)
(Mr. Russ Stewart) (Wrote us he would come through on way home to Chicago from attending Publishers Association Convention in New York.)
(Mr. Joseph Keenan of A. F. of L.)
(Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Leave for Party to be given by the White House Aides at the Anderson House.)
Staff Meeting
Congressman Clarence Cannon, Missouri Congressman John R. Kerr, N. C. Congressman Louis C. Rabaut, Michigan (Mr. Connelly called them and told them the President wished to see them.)
(Honorable John J. McCloy) (The President wanted to see him.)
(The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark])
(The President left the Blair House for dinner given by Mrs. Mesta.)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Francis J. Myers, Pa. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass. (Senator Myers will come in place of Senator Lucas, who is still in hospital)
Congressman Emanuel Celler, N. Y., Chairman, House Judiciary Committee Congressman Francis E. Walter, Pa. Congressman William T. Byrne, S. C. Congressman Thomas J. Lane, Mass. Congressman Martin Gorski, Ill. Congressman Michael A. Feighan, Ohio Congressman Frank L. Chelf, Ky. Congressman Ed Gossett, Texas Congressman J. Frank Wilson, Texas Congressman Robert L. Ramsay, W. Va. Congressman Boyd Tackett, Ark. Congressman Edwin E. Willis, La. Congressman Winfield K. Denton, Ind. Congressman James B. Frazier, Jr., Tenn. (Mr. Matthew Connelly asked the Democratic Members of House Judiciary Committee to come down and discuss with the President, the subject of Displaced Persons. One- half hour.)
The President received the Members of the National Association of Radio Farm Directors: Brannan, Charles F., Secretary of Agriculture Koenig, Nathan, Asst. Secretary of Agric. McCune, Wesley, Exec. Assistant to the Secy. of Agric. Almapi, Phil, Radio Farm Director, Radio Station WJZ, N. Y., N. Y.
Arnold, Frances~Atwood, Frank Battles, Roy~Bier, Joe Bliss, Milton~Brady, Betty Brofee, Linwood~Brown, Charles L. Buffum, Jesse H.~Cech, Richard Collin, Carl~Cooley, Frank Drips, William~Duncan, James Durham, Walter~Edwards, Lee Ellis, Harold~Eshbach, Charles Evans, Phil~Foltz, Miriam Fulton, Alice~Gammon, Earl Gapen, Kenneth M.~Givens, George Wm. Haeg, Larry~Hansen, Mal Harmon, Frank J.~Harper, Dix Harrison, Roger~Herndon, Charles Herrell, Cecil~Himebaugh, Keith Holman, Anna Jim~Hyman, Ted Jackson, C. W.~Johnson, E. A. Kadderly, Wallace~Kaiser, Louis Kirby, Amos~Koop, Ted Langfitt, Merrill J.~Leeper, Ted Larch, Donald G.~Mack, Chris Martz, Homer~McDonald, John McQuay, Joe~Miller, Henry Miller, Robert~Noone, Thomas Orme, Elvon W.~Page, Tom Peigelbeck, Will~Pitt, Elizabeth Plambeck, Herb~Rapp, Dorothy Rapp, Murrell~Reaves, Joe Reck, Sam~Reynolds, Dana Salisburg, Grant~Saunders, Sandy Schacht, Henry~Schmitz, Harold Schneider, Sam~Seabrook, Paul Shannon, George~Speece, Maynard Tatum, Virginia~Taylor F. P. Tonkin, Joseph~Totten, Hal Vaughan, Sidney~Visser, Paul Wanamaker, Allen~Ward, William B. Weill, Robert~Wells, Marshall White, Robert B.~Worcester, Charles Zipf, William
[Public Papers: Remarks to the National Association of Radio Farm Directors]
Honorable H. Freeman Matthews, American Ambassador to Sweden (Has been in Department on consultation and would like to pay respects to the President before returning to his post at Stockholm)
Reverend Laurence J. McGinley, S. J., President of Fordham, (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if he might come in and pay respects to the President)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(Cabinet Luncheon - Secretary of Treasury absent. Mr. W. Averell Harriman will attend.)
(The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin])
Mr. Ransom Williams, S. C.
The Secretary of Commerce [Charles Sawyer]
Honorable Paul Hoffman Honorable W. Averell Harriman
(The President accompanied by General Carl Gray of the Veterans Administration and General Harry Vaughan, General Robert Landry, General Wallace Graham, and Admiral Robert Dennison motored to Union Station, where they viewed a medical exhibit sponsored by the Veterans Administration in the Concourse of Union Station.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Releasing General Clay Following the Agreement to Lift the Berlin Blockade]
Mr. Blevins Davis Mr. Albert Sloan (Mr. Davis asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this. To discuss the Truman Memorial in Kansas City.)
Dr. C. Oscar Johnson, President, Baptist World Alliance Dr. Edward Hughes Pruden, Minister, First Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. (Dr. Pruden asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this as Dr. Johnson wishes to present an invitation to the President.)
(Honorable Wayne Coy, F.C.C.) (Phoned Mr. Connelly to ask for this - off the record)
Mr. Albert F. Greensfelder, of St. Louis (Phoned Mr. Connelly to say he was in Washington, and would like to see the President in order to discuss matters pertaining to the Mississippi Valley; also possibility of the President writing a preface to a report being prepared by the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, of which Mr. Greensfelder is a member)
Mr. William Boyle (One-half hour)
The President received the Members of the Agricultural Editors Association: The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] Berry Akers~W. L. Densford Phil Almapi~Margaret C. Dowe Mr. and Mrs. Henry Biederman Mr. and Mrs. Max Chambers William E. Drips~Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Dunk Bill Clark~E. R. Eastman Sam D. Coleman~J. H. Florea John M. Collins~Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gilkeson Rex B. Conn~Marrill C. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cunningham~Milon Grinnell Mr and Mrs. John C. Davis~Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Guard Ferdie Doering~Evelyn Haberkamp William A. Haffert~Thomas Leadley Herbert Hall~Bronte Leicht Ralph E. Hanson~Bert Livingston Paul C. Johnson~Walter Lloyd J. M. Jones~C. L. Mast, Jr. A. R. Junginger~Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Matlick Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Kable~Otis O. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keepers~Mr. and Mrs. E. R. McIntyre Lowell A. Kern~Earl McMunn William C. LaRue~R. T. Meister John J. Lacey~Eugene Meyer Keith Himebaugh~Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Moffit R. Neel~Carroll P. Streeter N. C. Neiman~John S. Strohm Alexander Nunn~Dave Thompson Malcolm Orchard~Leslie E. Troeger Leavitt Parsons~Sam L. Veitch Donald Veitch~Norman F. Reber James Ridout~Vernon Vine Robert Romack~William B. Ward J. S. Russell~James H. White P. D. Sanders~Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson M. C. Small~Ross Wurm Ernest Stewart~Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yarnell R. H. Stinchfield
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Agricultural Editors Association]
Mr. Franklin E. Reagan, of St. Louis (Wrote Mr. Connelly last month that he planned to be Washington at this time and would hope to see the President)
Honorable Robert Butler, American Ambassador to Cuba (Phoned Mr. Connelly and asked for this)
(Senator John C. Stennis, Mississippi) (Mr. J. P. Coleman) (When Senator Stennis saw the President on April 29th, he asked if this could be arranged. Off the record)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Judge John Miller, of Arkansas (Made through Mr. Biffle's office)
(Mr. Horace Deal)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Congressman Francis E. Walter, Pa. Mr. John Raymond, Director of Layfayette College Choir (The Congressman had originally asked if the entire Choir might call and present to the President an album of their records. The Choir is here to sing for the U. S. Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. Mr. Connelly arranged, however, for Congressman Walter to bring the director of the choir.)
The Secretary of the Interior [Julius A. Krug] (Phoned Mr. Connelly on Monday to ask for this.)
(Honorable Joseph Starnes, fomer Member of Congress from Alabama) (In town and asked if he might pay his respects to the President; said he preferred to come in off the record)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W. Va. (Asked Mr. Connelly a week ago to arrange this)
(Mrs. Mary Lasker) (Mrs. Daniel Mahoney)
Honorable Oscar R. Ewing, Administrator, Federal Security Agency (Just back from stay in New York and asked to see the President)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Phoned Mr. Connelly from New York last week to ask for this. One half hour)
The President received the Committee from International Civitan Club of Alexandria, Virginia: Mr. Randall Hicks Mr. Vaughan B. Coale Mr. F. T. Farmer Dr. Bruce T. Benjamin Mr. I. B. Goad Mr. J. Frederick Abel (To invite him to attend their banquet)
Honorable Kenneth C. Royall, former Secretary of Army (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this last week.)
Mr. Ralph Walker, President of the American Institute of Architects Mr. Edmund R. Purves, Executive Director (Mr. Purves wrote to Mr. Winslow, White House Architect, asking if the President would see Mr. Walker and receive from him invitation to be principal speaker of Convention of the Institute, to be held in Washington May 10th to 13th 1950)
Mr. Herb Plambeck, of Des Moines, Iowa Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson (Mr. Plambeck is man who was in charge of the National Plowing Match last fall, when the President opened his campaign in Iowa. Wrote to Mr. Connelly to ask for this appointment, and asked if he might introduce the Wilsons to the President. Mr. Wilson is editor of one of the leading farm organization papers. As a matter of fact, both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were with group that called on the President yesterday with the Agricultural Editors.)
Honorable J. F. Victory, Executive Secretary, National Advisory Committee For Aeronautics Mr. Frederick C. Crawford, President of the National Air Races and of the Air Foundation, Cleveland. (Mr. Victory asked for this for two reasons: 1. Mr. Crawford desires invite the President attend and formally open with a few remarks, the 1949 National Air Races in Cleveland, Ohio, September 3, 1949 2. Mr. Victory wishes to add invitation to the President to visit the NACA Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory on same day to see some new and unique research facilities and results of great significance.)
(Mr. Anthony Buford, of St. Louis) (Wrote Mr. Connelly in April that he would be here at this time and hoped he might see the President. Off the record)
(Lunch - downstairs in the Executive Office)
(Mr. Ross E. Anderson, Jr., of Kalamazoo, Michigan) (His father, Ross E. Anderson, Sr., wrote to the President, stating his son would be here for Chamber of Commerce meeting, and expressing hope the President would see for a few minutes. Off the record)
Rt. Hon. Herbert V. Evatt, President of General Assembly of UN (Asked for this through Mr. Woodward)
Honorable Dwight T. Griswold, formerly Chief of American Mission for Aid to Greece (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
(Mr. Charles Baker)
(Mr. Eugene Donnelly)
Honorable Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Vice Chairman Honorable John D. Clark, Member (Asked to come in to present their report)
Congressman George H. Fallon, Maryland (Asked for this to discuss Baltimore-Washington Highway)
Mr. Carl W. Brown, President, American Association State Highway Officials, Jefferson City, Mo. (Requested this through Judge Caskie Collett)
Mr. George Catts, of Kansas City Mr. Herbert Wilson of Kansas City (Mr. Catts called Mr. Connelly. They are here for U. S. Chamber of Commerce Meeting)
Dr. Virginia C. Gildersleeve (Wrote to the President that the Directors of the Near East College Association had asked her to see him and get advice about urgent problem of our American colleges in Turkey and Greece. She said they felt these are im- portant for the success of the Truman Doctrine in those countries.)
(Honorable J. Russell Young, D. C. Commissioner) (Mr. Connelly asked him to come in off-the-record)
The President received the United States Commissioners on the Caribbean Commission: Mr. Ward M. Canaday Governor William H. Hastie Ex-Governor Juan T. Pinero Dr. Rafael Pico (When Mr. Canaday called on the President last he asked if the President could receive the Commissioners while they were meeting in Washington at this time.)
Honorable Louis G. Dreyfus, Jr., American Ambassador to Afghanistan (Asked to pay respects before leaving for post at Kabul)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Cabinet [Meeting] (The Vice President [Alben Barkley], the Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson], and the Secretary of Agriculture [Charles Brannan] were absent. Mr. Stephen Early came for Mr. Louis Johnson)
(Honorable Stephen T. Early)
(Mr. William Kitchen, Kansas City, Missouri)
Major General Terence S. Airey (British Army), Joint Commander of British-United States Forces in Trieste (Arranged by Admiral Robert Dennison)
Senator A. Willis Robertson, Va. Mr. T. I. Martin, Chairman, Culpepper Bicentennial Mr. J. H. Newhouse, Vice Chairman Mr. Pat Robertson (Mr. Newhouse wrote to Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask if Committee might call on the President to invite him to attend this celebration to be held in July)
Honorable Wesley Disney, former Congressman from Okla. (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly early in week to ask for this.)
Honorable Charles U. Bay, American Ambassador to Norway (In Washington and asked, thru Mr. Woodward, to pay respects.)
(Mr. George Catlin, of London) (Mrs. Roosevelt gave him note of introduction to the President, and wrote the President that she has known him some time; that he is rather erratic but that she thought if the President could give him short informal chance to chat it might help his book be a little more factual. His book is to be called "American to Judgment". Mr. Matthew Connelly had Mr. Stanley Woodward check this man carefully with British Embassy, and they said he is a well-known writer, and approved of him calling in this fashion. Off the record)
The President received the following members of the Railway Express Emergency Board: Mr. David Cole Mr. Aaron Horwitz Mr. Leverett Edwards
The President received the Officers of the American Council on Education and Members of the Executive Committee: Brown, Francis J., Staff Associate, American Council on Education Brumbaugh, Aaron J., Vice President, American Council on Education Dodds, Harold W., President, Princeton University and Member Executive Committee, American Council on Education Elliott, Eugene B., Secretary, Council; President Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti Grumman, Russell M., Director, University Extension, University of North Carolina Hancher, Virgil M., President, State University of Iowa Hill, Harry H., President, George Peabody College Hovde, Frederick L., 1st Vice Chairman, Council; President of Purdue University Hunt, Harold C., Chairman, Council; General Supt. Schools, Chicago McGrath, Earl J., U. S. Commissioner Education Rooney, Rev. Edward B., S. J., Executive Director, Jesuit Educational Association Zook, George F., President, American Council on Education (They are in Washington attending their 32nd Annual Meeting. In asking for this they stated that at their two-day conference they will discuss four basic issues: the improvement of teaching; financial support of private institutions of higher education; the educational implications of atomic energy; and the cooperation of education in advancing Point Four of President Truman's Program.)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of Budget
Senator Clinton Anderson, New Mexico
(The President left of Naval Hospital at Bethesda, where he called on Admiral William D. Leahy)
(Honorable Jonathan Daniels)