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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 20, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One half hour)
The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin] (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
Commander-in-Chief Lyall T. Beggs, V. F. W. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, Managers of VFW National Home Keitha Smith, aged 5, an orphan child from VFW home Mr. Omar Ketchum Miss Georgia Leffingwell (This is the annual opening of their Poppy Drive - the orphan child will present the first one to the President.)
(Mr. Walter Clark) (Mr. Paul Brown)
Mrs. Gifford Pinchot (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this, stating that she was leaving for Persia very shortly.)
Mr. Roy Grimley
(Mr. William O'Connor)
H. E. Senor Dr. Oscar Gans, the Ambassador of Cuba (Newly appointed - presented credentials.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
(Mr. Neville McMillen, originally from Grandview, Mo,) (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask if he could see the President -- off-the-record.)
(Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force) (General Hoyt S. Vandenberg) (Lt. General Curtis E. LeMay, Commanding General Strategic Air Command) (Major General Carl Brandt, Chief, Operational Requirements Division, Headquarters, USAF) (Brig. General J. B. Montgomery, Director of Operations, Headquarters, Strategic Air Command) (Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Jr., Chief, Strategic Air Re- quirements Branch, Operational Requirements Division, Headquarters, USAF) (Lt. Colonel Patrick Fleming, Test Pilot, Flight Test Division, Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson and Muroc Air Force Bases) (Major John D. Bartlett, B-36 Group Operations Officer, Carswell Air Force Base, Fort Worth, Texas) (Captain Chester Butcher, Test Pilot, Air Proving Ground Eglin Air Force Base, Florida) (General Robert Landry) (Off-the-record meeting. Presented "briefing" for the President.)
(Honorable Robert Patterson)
Mrs. Jeanie Willard, President, The National Fraternal Congress of America Mr. Foster Farrell, Secretary-Treasurer and Manager (Mrs. Willard wrote the President asking if she might come in and invite him personally to attend to 63rd Annual Meeting of the National Fraternal Congress of America, to be held in Washington, D. C., September 28th and 29th, 1949.)
Honorable M. E. Dodd, Head of Food and Agricultural Organizations of UN (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask for this.)
(Mrs. Julian Friant) (Mrs. Walter Maloney) (Mrs. John Steelman) (Presented the President with a replica of Missouri Float - requested by Mrs. Truman - off-the-record)
Honorable E. D. Rivers, former Governor of Georgia (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday to ask for this.)
Honorable W. Cooper Green, Mayor of Birmingham, Ala., newly elected President of the United States Conference of Mayors (Mr. Betters wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask if their newly elected President, Mayor Green, could pay his respects to the President at this time, as he expected to be in Washington at this time. Wanted also to tell the President that the cities are "holding the line" on a nation-wide basis on Rent Control Act.)
Honorable Warren Lee Pierson, Chairman of Board, Trans- continental & Western Air, Inc. Mr. Ralph S. Damon, President, TWA (Mr. Pierson wrote to Mr. Matthew Connelly, recalling that Mr. Matthew Connelly had sent him, Pierson, word that the President would give him an appointment)
Honorable George Luckey, Vice Chairman, Democratic State Committee, California (Also State Senator - told Mr. Matthew Connelly he would be in Washington at this time and would like to see the President)
The President received the Member of the Associated Church Press: Dr. Reuben E. Alley Miss Mary E. Anstadt Mr. David D. Baker Dr. Louis H. Benes Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger Rev. Wilfred Bockelman Mrs. Elizabeth Bradley Miss Bettie S. Brittingham Dr. Aubrey N. Brown Dr. Charles Ewing Brown Dr. J. S. Brown Dr. Benjamin P. Browne Dr. Ernest R. Bryan Dr. Emory Stevens Bucke Dr. George W. Buckner Mr. Donald C. Bolles Dr. L. L. Carpenter Dr. Lin D. Cartwright Mr. Peter Day Dr. Delmar L. Dyreson Dr. Raymond L. Edie Dr. Phillips P. Elliott Dr. Harold E. Fey Dr. A. L. Goodrich Dr. John S. Groenfeldt Rev. J. C. Gunst Dr. Clarence W. Hall Major Lillian E. Hansen Dr. Stanley C. Harris Dr. G. F. Hedstrand Dr. Robert Lee House Dr. W. A. Visser 't Hooft Rev. Wallace Hamilton Miss Elizabeth Jay Husted Rev. John M. Jensen Miss Edna Ruth Johnson Dr. Alfred P. Klausler Dr. Joe Willard Krecker Mrs. Abram LeGrand Dr. Martin T. Leuschner Dr. William B. Lipphard Mr. Henry L. McCorkley Dr. Boyd M. McKeown Mrs. E. D. McKune Dr. John McNab Dr. W. C. Mangle Miss Margaret G. Macoskey Miss Juliette Mather Dr. Adolf F. Meyer Miss Marjorie E. Moore Dr. Clifford Morehouse Rev. Elisha P. Murchison Dr. Roy H. Murray Mr. Louis Minsky (The Member of the Associated Church Press were in Washington for their 30th Annual Meeting, and asked to be received by the President. In asking Mr. Charles Ross for this, their President, William B. Lipphard, stated, "I need not assure you that the President's program on Civil Rights and his hopes for world peace have our hearty endorsement." Said they would expect no formal statement from the President, but that he might wish to talk informally and "off-the-record" concerning such phases of American policy at home and abroad as would be of particular interest to the church press.)
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Associated Church Press]
(Mr. Douglas Orr, President, American Institute of Architects, New Haven, Conn.) (At suggestion of Mr. Donald Dawson, Mr. Matthew Connelly wired Mr. Orr asking if he would call on the President today, off-the-record.)
(Mr. Edward Jacobson)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Mr. Roy Roberts, of Kansas City Star) (Duke Shoop asked Mr. Charles Ross if Mr. Roberts might see the President while in Washington, stating that Mr. Roberts had something he felt would be of great interest to the President - come to Press Conference and stay afterwards)
(Mr. Ralph Pittman) (Mr. B. J. Pittman) (Mr. Ralph Pittman phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday. Off-the- record.)
(Mr. C. Arthur Anderson, of St. Louis Missouri)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on the Nation's Health Needs]
(Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State)
Cabinet (Postmaster General absent. Honorable Averell Harriman present)
(Honorable Averell Harriman)
Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico Mr. George Reynolds, part owner of Santa Fe New Mexican Newspaper of Santa Fe (Senator Anderson asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
Senator Hubert Humphrey, Minnesota Mr. Orville Freeman, Minnesota Democratic State Chairman Mr. William C. Simms, Administrative Assistant to Senator Humphrey (Senator Humphrey asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
Mrs. J. Borden Harriman Mr. A. L. Wheeler, State Chairman for D. of C. (Mrs. Harriman phoned Mr. Connelly to ask for this.)
H. E. Mr. Norman J. O. Makin, the Ambassador of Australia Sir Frederick Shedden, Secretary of Defense of Australia (Sir Frederick is now in United States for discussions with our defense officials and bears a personal letter to the President from Australian Prime Minister Chifley.)
Honorable Myron M. Cowen, American Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
(Mr. William A. Delano, of N. Y. - architect) (Wrote Mr. Connelly he exepcted to be here today, and would like five minutes with the President to answer a question which the President put to him concerning appoint- ments to the Commission of Fine Arts. Off-the-record)
(Mr. Richard Leach - off the record)
(Commissioner John Kane of Pittsburgh, Penn.)
(The President left for the Statler Hotel, where he spoke informally to meeting of American Society of Newspaper Editors)
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Meeting with the American Society of Newspaper Editors]
(Mr. Neal Helm and friends)
(Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of Budget) (Honorable Fred Lawton)
(The President left for the Naval Medical Center at Bethesda, Maryland, where he called on Honorable James Forrestal, Honorable Leslie Biffle and Admiral William D. Leahy, all of whom were hospitalized at the Center.)
(The President returned to his office, signed the mail and at 1.00 p.m. motored to the Naval Gun Factory and went aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG for weekend cruise.)
The President was joined aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG by the following: The Chief Justice The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark] Honorable Frank Walker Honorable Mon Wallgren Honorable Stuart Symington Admiral Sidney Souers Honorable Clark Clifford
The President returned to the Blair House from the USS WILLIAMSBURG.
(Mr. Jerome Walsh, his sister, and her friend (both Nuns) (At the request of Mr. Walsh, off-the-record)
Mr. James Patton, President, National Farmers Union Mr. Glenn Talbott, Chairman, Executive Committee (Mr. Patton wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly April 19th, to ask if they might see the President at this time to discuss Farm Program and other legislation.)
Honorable Wright Morrow, Democratic National Committeeman, Texas (Requested, through Bill Boyle, opportunity to pay respects to the President. Mr. Boyle says that Mr. Morrow has a check for $15,000 which he is going to turn over to the Committee. Check represents amount of money raised by dinner recently given in Texas. Mr. Boyle suggested that Mr. Morrow bring the check with him when he calls on the President.)
Honorable W. J. Kennedy, Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board (Congressman Crosser of Ohio phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly to request this appointment for Mr. Kennedy)
(Honorable John L. Sullivan, the Secretary of the Navy) (Admiral Louis Denfeld) (Vice Admiral John D. Price)
The President received the Members of the Small Business Advisory Committee of the Department of Commerce: Mr. John Arrington~Mr. Don Belding Mr. John Aitken~Mr. Walter R. Bimson Mr. William E. Draper~Mr. N. H. Engle Mr. William S. Ford~Mr. C. Cree Gable Mr. C. F. Hughitt~Mr. Charles M. Kaletzki Mr. Larry Lane~Mr. Charles J. Luthe Mr. H. B. McCoy~Mr. Myles L. Mace Mr. Harry L. Miller~Mr. Daniel O'Brien Mr. Charles S. Ragland~Mr. John C. Ridley Mr. Russell A. Stevenson~Mr. Ross Stewart Mr. Hayse Tucker~Mr. Robert Weaver Mr. Lysander T. White (Secretary Charles Sawyer brought the Members to the White House. Appointment arranged at his request.)
Honorable Paul Reynaud, former Premier of France Honorable Armand Berard, Charge d'Affaires of the French Embassy (Requested through Mr. Woodward. Mr. Woodward states Reynaud, Prime Minister at time of German invasion of France, opposed both the German, and later the Vichy Governments.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(The President and Mrs. Truman gave a luncheon in honor of the President of Israel and Mrs. Chaim Weizmann at the Blair House.)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of Budget
[Public Papers: Statement by the President upon appointing William H. Davis as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Labor Relations Panel]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass. (Regular Big Four Meeting. Senator Scott Lucas unable to be present.)
Mr. Emmet A. Blaes, President, National Council of Catholic Men, Wichita, Kansas; Mr. James S. Mitchell, Executive Secretary (Requested by Eugene Butler, Secretary, National Catholic Welfare Conference. The Board of Directors of the National Council of Catholic Men is meeting here and Blaes, as President, would like to have his picture made with the President for use in Catholic magazines.)
The Under Secretary of State Honorable Phililp C. Jessup Admiral Sidney Souers
Dr. Walter R. Miles, Professor of Psychology, Yale University School of Medicine (Wrote to the President last October after being awarded the President's Certificate of Merit for certain of his activities in the war; in this letter pledged his confidence in the President and his hope and also his work for the President's reelection. The President thanked him for this letter and Dr. Miles then wrote to Mr. Connelly in March 1949, asking as a citizen, a Democrat, and as a consulting scientist for the Armed Services, "I would be honored by an opportunity to meet the President briefly.")
H. E. Senor Don Jos Rafael Pocaterra, the Ambassador of Venezuela (Newly appointed. Presented credentials.)
(Dr. and Mrs. David Long, of Kansas City, Missouri)
(Mr. Augustus Tach [Tack]- painter.) (For a ten-minute talk. Off the record)
Senator J. Howard McGrath The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Francis J. Myers, Pa. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass. (Honorable Donald Dawson) (Honorable Charles Murphy) (Arranged by Senator J. Howard McGrath)
Congressman Charles E. Bennett, Florida (Asked to come in and discuss two bills which he has introduced, H. R. 120 to provide for federal financing of construction of Negro and Indian schools, and H. J. Res. 91, which redefines treason)
Congressman Phil Welch, of Mo. (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for this, stating he wished to dis- cuss an appointment to the War Claims Commission)
Mr. V. E. Phillips (Of Kansas City. Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly that he would be here at this time and would like to call on the President)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (This is Mr. Louis Johnson's regular set weekly conference, usually held on Tuesday.)
Honorable George R. Merrell, American Minister to Ethiopia (To pay respects and to say goodbye before returning to his post at Addis Ababa.)
Mr. Del Webb, Owner of New York Yankees (Presented to the President a special pass for the New York Yankee games.)
(Mr. Richard E. Dougharty, Advisory Consultant, N. Y. Central System) (Arranged at the suggestion of Don Dawson - off the record)
Dr. Frank L. Mott, Dean, School of Journalism, University of Missouri Mr. Al Muto, International News Photos Mr. John Howe, Chairman of Board of Encyclopedia Britannica (Presented to the President a copy of the book, "Great Pictures, 1948". Al Muto took the picture of the President reading the Chicago Tribune morning after election, which won the annual prize of the School of Journalism's contest)
(Mr. and Mrs. Corbett)
(Judge Caskie Collet)
(The Secretary of Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Honorable Jonathan Daniels)
(Mr. Paul Dillon)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting the Charter for the International Trade Organization]
(Mr. Augustus Tach [Tack]- artist) (Mr. Gifford Proctor) (Off the record)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable Thomas McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System) (Asked Mr. Connelly if he might come in off-the-record)
General Ralph Truman Mr. Lester Cox, of Springfield, Mo. (Mr. Cox is bringing the President a photograph, taken of the President and his mother.)
Mr. Robert Fleming, of Riggs Bank Mr. Oliver LaGorce, Vice President of National Geographic Society (Mr. Fleming asked if they might come in and discuss some matters pertaining to the National Geographic Society)
(Mrs. Anna Rosenberg)
Mr. Walter Cummings, Chairman, Board Continental Illinois Bank and Trust of Chicago (Arranged by Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] Senator Styles Bridges, N. H. Senator Kenneth S. Wherry, Nebraska (Mr. Connelly asked them to come in and see the President, to discuss China.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
(The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark]) (The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin]) (Honorable John Steelman) (Honorable Charles Murphy) (Honorable David Stowe)