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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 11, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable Oscar B. Ryder, Chairman, U. S. Tariff Commission (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Mr. Joseph Keenan, of A. F. of L. Mr. Lewis G. Hines (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
H. E. Eliahu Elath, the Ambassador of Israel (Newly appointed - to present credentials - attached are copies of letters to be exchanged, as well as brief biographical sketch)
Charge d'Affaires of French Embassy Lt. General Georges M. J. Revers, Chief of Staff of French Army (General Revers is visiting U. S. as a guest of U. S. Army. The Dept. of the Army, through the Dept. of State has requested that General Revers be given opportunity to pay his respects to the President before his return to France)
Honorable Ellis Arnall, the former Governor of Georgia (Phoned Mr. Connelly from New York City saying he felt it important that he see the President, and asking if he might stop by on way home to Georgia)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(CABINET LUNCHEON - Vice President absent. Secy. of Defense absent, Attorney General absent, Secretary of Agriculture uncertain on Saturday)
(Governor Mon Wallgren)
(The President had OFF RECORD meeting to discuss Columbia Valley Message. The following will be present) (The Secretary of the Interior [Julius A. Krug]) (Hon. C. Girard Davidson, Asst. Secretary of Interior) (The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan]) (The Secretary of the Army [Kenneth C. Royall]) (Maj. Gen. Lewis A. Pick, Chief of Engineers) (The Secretary of Commerce [Charles Sawyer]) (The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]) (Hon. Peyton Ford, Asst. to the Attorney General) (Hon. Frank Pace, Bureau of the Budget) (Mr. Elmer B. Staats, Bureau of the Budget) (Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers) (Mr. Charles S. Murphy)
(Photographers - 4th anniversary in office)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Senate Transmitting the North Atlantic Treaty]
(Mr. Ernest Durig - sculptor)
(Mr. Neal Helm)
Senator Walter F. George, Ga. Senator Richard D. Russell, Ga. (Senator George asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this)
Hon. J. A. Smoot, Postmaster of Salt Lake City, Utah (In the city for week - met the President on several occasions in Salt Lake City, and hoped he might pay respects.)
Congressman John F. Kennedy, Mass. Congressman Foster Furcolo, Mass. Congressman Philip J. Philbin, Mass. Congressman Harold D. Donohue, Mass. (Congresman Kennedy asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange - to discuss patronage situation)
His Eminence, Cardinal Francis Spellman Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I. (Senator J. Howard McGrath asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
Honorable Burton K. Wheeler (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
Honorable Rudolf E. Schoenfeld, American Minister to Rumania (Wished to pay respects and to say good-bye before leaving for his post at Bucharest)
(Admiral Sidney Souers) (Dr. Philip Jessup)
Mr. Bruce Campbell, of the Elks Foundation Mr. James Nicholson Honorable James Barnes (Mr. Barnes asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange. To tell the President about essay contest which Elks are conducting all over country on subject "Why Democracy Works". Awards to be made in June, when they hope they may bring winner in to meet the President.)
Honorable Louis Johnson (Usual Tuesday appointment)
The President attended buffet luncheon in District Committee Room, which was attended by all Senators, Democratic and Republican
[Public Papers: Remarks on the Floor of the Senate on the Fourth Anniversary of the Death of President Roosevelt]
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
(The President left for the Capitol where he called on Speaker Sam Rayburn, off-the-record.)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Recommending Establishment of a Columbia Valley Administration]
(Mr. Ernest Durig - sculptor)
(Mr. William Boyle)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W. Va. Senator Matthew M. Neely, W. Va. Congressman Robert L. Ramsay, W. Va. Congressman Harley O. Staggers, W. Va. Congressman Cleveland M. Bailey, W. Va. Congressman M. G. Burnside, W. Va. Congressman John Kee, W. Va. (Senator Kilgore asked Mr. Connelly if the West Virginia Delegation might call on the President in order to invite him to the Forest Festival to be held at Elkins, W. Va., next October.)
(Mr. Henry G. Reidel, of Hannibal, Missouri) (Mr. Frank T. Russell) (Off the record)
Mr. Everett Keith, Executive Secretary, Missouri State Teachers Association, Columbia, Mo. (Wrote the President in March that he would be in Washington at this time, and if possbile would like to call and extend to the President personally an invitation to address Annual Convention of the Missouri State Teachers Association in St. Louis next November.)
Congressman Michael J. Kirwan, Ohio Honorable Robert F. Jones, Member of F. C. C. (Congressman Kirwan asked if he might bring in Mr. Jones, who wishes to thank the President for his appointment to the F. C. C.)
Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, Democratic State Chairman, New York (Called Mr. Connelly from Buffalo last week to ask for this appointment)
Mr. Charles Detterding (Is Sacramento County Executive, wants to discuss Sacramento-Yolo Port Project with the President. This was requested by Oliver Carter, Democratic State Chairman of California. Mr. Detterding is very active in State Democratic Organization)
H. E. Mr. Necmettin Sadak, the Foregin Minister of Turkey H. E. Mr. Feridun C. Erkin, the Ambassador of Turkey (Mr. Raymond Muir, Assitant to Mr. Woodward) (This reqested through State Department)
Senator Bert H. Miller, Idaho (Mr. Connelly asked him to come in and see the President)
Congressman Morgan M. Moulder, Mo. (Told Mr. Connelly that he had never had a private appointment with the President, had only seen him with others, and would like ten minutes)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
Honorable James W. Gerard (Wrote to the President in March about general foreign situation and expressed hope that he might call on the President soon for a talk.)
(Honorable Stephen T. Early)
(Congressman Brooks Hays, Arkansas) (Off record)
(Mr. Lowell Mason) (Mr. Fred Murphy) (Off the record)
(Mr. Arthur Eisenhower)
(Mr. Walter Durig - sculptor)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget)
Mr. Clark Griffith and grandson, Clark Griffith III (To present Annual Baseball Pass to President and handbag for Mrs. Truman)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week for New York)
Honorable Jed Johnson, Judge, U. S. Customs Court, N. Y. (Wrote to the President April 4th, stating he would be here at this time and would like to call on him.)
Senator Robert S. Kerr, Okla. (Played a record for the President, called "Harry Lowered the Boom".)
(Judge James McGranery)
(Honorable David Lilienthal, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) (Honorable Robert F. Bacher, Member) (Honorable Sumner T. Pike, Member) (Honorable Lewis L. Strauss, Member) (Honorable W. W. Waymack, Member) (The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (To present Annual Report - off the record)
(Mr. David H. Powell, of Kansas City) (Arranged by Miss Rose Conway - off the record)
Honorable Welbern Mayock (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this appointment)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Commending the National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission]
(Mr. Joe Guilfoyle and wife) (Off the record)
Honorable James Bruce, American Ambassador to Argentina (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
Mr. Ward Canaday
Honorable Edward A. Tamm, Judge U. S. District Court, D. C. (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
Dr. Channing Frothingham, Chairman, Committee for the Nation's Health Honorable William Green, A. F. of L. Mr. Harvey Brown, President, International Association of Machinists Mr. James Carey, Secretary, CIO Mr. Chat Paterson, Executive Director, Committee for the Nation's Health Mr. Nathan Robertson, Secretary, Committee for the Nation's Health (Dr. Frothingham asked for the Committee to meet with the President to present a verbal report on their work on behalf of the President's national health insurance bill, and also to submit formal report prepared by the Committee on Research in Medical Economics on the record of the American Medical Association in opposing voluntary health insurance programs.)
The President met with the Commissioners of the National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission: Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn. Speaker Sam Rayburn Senator Spessard L. Holland, Fla. Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I. Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Maine Representative Mary T. Norton, N. J. Representative Walt Horan, Washington Commissioner John Russell Young Mr. Carter T. Barron Mr. Joseph C. McGarraghy Mr. Robert V. Fleming Honorable Robert Woods Bliss Mrs. Philip L. Graham (Mr. Matthew Connelly called this meeting for the President)
Vice Admiral A. W. Radford (Arranged by Admiral Robert Dennison)
The President received the members of the National Conference of Business Paper Editors. (This is a joint meeting of Canadian and American business paper editors- arranged at the request of Paul Wooton) Marcus Ainsworth~Automotive Industries Norbert Brown George Baker~Chilton Publications Edward S. Babcox, Jr.~Tire Review R. M. Barbour~Consolidated Press H. C. Braund~Plant Administration Stanley Cohen~Advertising Age Colin Carmichael~Machine Design Floyd S. Chalmers~Mcclean-Hunter Publications Maurice E. Cox~Opital Journal W. A. Craick~Industrial Canada R. E. Crawford~Canadian Machinery Bainbridge Crist~Tide T. J. V. Cullen~The Speactator Thomas Creighton Clifford Daniels~Canadian Trade Abroad M. K. Darby~Geyer Publications C. B. Delgado~The Glass Industry Arthur M. Dix~Purchasing Julien Elfenbein~Haire Publications Tom Falco~McGraw-Hill Publications R. L Fitzgerald~Boot & Shoe Recorder Joseph M. Gambatese~McGraw-Hill Publications Thomas Holden Edward F. Hamm, Jr.~Traffic World Eugene J. Hardy~Chilton Publications Carl C. Harrington~Mill and Factory Charles J. Heale~Hardware Age Charles O. Herb~Machinery Burton Holmes~Progressive Architecture George T. Hook~Commercial Car Journal A. H. Hubbell~Engineering and Mining Journal Bert T. Huston~Canadian Grocer Irving B. Hexter~Flow Guy Hubbard W. E. Irish~Industrial Equipment News Ronald A. Keith~Maclean-Hunter Publications Harvey Jones~Canadian Purchasor Lansford F. King~Jewelers Circular-Keystone Andrew W. Kramer~Power Generation E. C. Kreutzberg~Penton Publications Arnold Kruckman~American Artisan Palmer Langdon~Finishing Publications W. Arthur Lee~Gladd Digest Bert Linz~Oil and Gas Journal George E. Lockwood~Paper Trade Journal Richard G. Lurie~American Exporter George P. Lutjen~Engineering and Mining Journal James G. Lyne~Railway Age Louise C. Mann~American Paint Journal E. W. Mayo, Jr.~Sugar Gordon W. McBride~Food Industries John W. McPherrin~American Druggist Napier Moore~Maclean-Hunter Publications Richard Morris~Plant Engineering Carl Morrison~Bakers Helper Ernest Mickel George Nichols John T. Ogden~Glass Industry Judd Payne~Architectural Record Edgar A. Poe~Business Press News Bureau Olive E. Potter~Contractors & Engineers Monthly B. K. Price~Steel Eldridge Peterson Karl Rannells~Chilton Publications Kingsley L. Rice~Technical Publications Andrew Schuyler H. L Southall~Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co. Lawrence E. Stafford~Business Press News Bureau Royden Stewart~The Glass Packer Joseph C. Sullivan~Penton Publications Stanley Smith Walter Taft~Railway Age C. B. Tavenner~Railway Age Robert L. Taylor~Chemical Industries James Thomson~Hardware & Metal Frank P. Tighe~Motor Age Florence A. Van Wyck~Architectural Record Walter O. Voegele~Ahrens Publications F. W. Wallce~National Business Publications J. J. Wallace~Holliday Publications H. P. Weston~Consolidated Press Theodore Whitman~Distribution Age Robert Whitney~American Lumberman J. G. Wilcox~Hardware Age M. A. Williamson~McGraw-Hill Publications Kenneth Wilson~Maclean-Hunger Publications Frank J. Winters~Iron Age Paul Wooton, President, National Conference of Business Paper Editors Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wheelock
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the National Conference of Business Paper Editors]
(Staff Conference)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan]
Easter Sunday
(Left Blair House with Mrs. Truman and Miss Margaret Truman and walked to St. John's Church on Lafayette Square for services.)
(Returned to Blair House)
(Left Blair House with Mrs. Truman and Margaret and motored to the First Baptist Church at 16th and O Streets for services)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Making Public the Report of the Commission on Labor Relations in Atomic Energy Installations]
Honorable Raymond M. Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Mrs. India Edwards (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
(Lt. Henry Hanson, USN)
Mr. William H. Davis Mr. Edwin Witte Mr. Aaron Horwitz (This Committee appointed by the President to look into Atomic Energy labor relations. Wished to make a report.)
Honorable Francis Biddle (Former Attorney General. Phoned Mr. Connelly early last week to ask for this)
(Dr. Henry F. Smyth) (Off the record - Dr. Smyth is Head of Chemistry, Physics Department of Princeton University. Mr. Dawson arranged)
The President left for the Capitol, where he attended the Annual Baseball Luncheon.
The President returned to Blair House.
The President left the Blair House for the Griffith Stadium, where attended the opening Baseball Game.
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Senator Spessard L. Holland, Florida Senator Claude Pepper, Florida Congressman Dwight L. Rogers, Florida (They asked to come in to discuss Florida Flood Control program)
Congressman Clinton D. McKinnon, California (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
The President signed S. 1209, "To amend the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948". The following have been invited to be present: Senator Tom Connally, Texas Congressman John Kee, W. Va. Honorable Paul G. Hoffman, Administrator, ECA Honorable W. Averell Harriman, U. S. Special Representative in Europe, ECA Honorable William C. Foster, Deputy Special Representative Honorable Howard Bruce, Deputy Administrator, ECA (Also invited was Senator Vandenberg, who has a Committee Meeting and could not attend, and Congressman Eaton, who had gone to his New Jersey home for Easter.)
(Honorable Richmond Keech)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (Mr. Curtis Calder) (Off the record)
Mr. Herbert Emmerich, Director, Public Administration Clearing House, Chicago, Ill. (Mr. Emmerich wrote to Mr. Connelly in February asking for this. Mr. Connelly checked with Frank Pace, who felt the President should see. Appointment could not then be arranged, however, as the President left early in March for Florida.)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Honorable Oscar Chapman) (Honorable Donald Dawson)
(The President lunched downstairs in the Executive Office)
(Mr. David Noyes)
(The President left for the Statler Hotel where he addressed the Bond Drive Dinner.)
[Public Papers: Address and Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Volunteers in the Savings Bond Campaign]