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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 01, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Mr. Russell C. McMahan, of St. Louis) (Arranged at request of Mr. Kenneth Miller. Will come off record)
(Mr. J. O'Connor Roberts)
(Mr. Gordon Dean) (Arranged by Donald Dawson)
H. E. Mr. Mauricio Nabuco, the Ambassador of Brazil H. E. General Canrobert Pereira da Costa, the Minister of War of Brazil Colonel Anthony Biddle, American Aide assigned to the Minister of War during visit to this country (The Minister of War of Brazil asked to pay his respects to the President while visiting Washington as guest of U. S. Army.)
(Congressman Brent Spence, Ky.) (Mr. William Hess a former Republican from Cincinnati, Ohio) (Congressman Spence asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if he might bring Mr. Hess in off-the-record)
Congressman W. F. Norrell, Arkansas Jimmy Montgomery "The boy of the Year" Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Montgomery (Congressman Norrell asked if he could bring "Boy of the Year" in to meet the President.)
(General John H. Hilldring) (Off record - arranged at suggestion of Mr. Niles)
Mr. Ronald Reagan, President, Screen Actors Guild Mr. Kenneth Tompson, Executive Secretary Mr. Roy Brewer, of International Alliance of Stage Employees Mr. Richard Walsh, of International Allied Stage and Motion Picutre Craftsmen (Mr. Carter Barron) (Requested by Carter Barron, to discuss with the President the unemployment situation in Motion Picture Industry. Mr. Barron thought the President might like to know that Richard Walsh was the first to rise at the A. F. of L. Convention last spring, and introduce motion that they endorse the President for renomination and reelection)
(Newsreels and March of Time in Projection Room.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing for an Under Secretary of Defense]
(Speech Meeting)
(Staff Meeting)
The President received the following Members of the Committee on Public Works of the House of Representatives: Congressman William M. Whittington, Miss. Congressman Charles A. Buckley, N. Y. Congressman Clifford Davis, Tenn. Congressman James W. Trimble, Ark. Congressman John A. Blatnik, Minn. Congressman Leroy Johnson, Calif. Congressman Tom Pickett, Texas Congressman Robert E. Jones, Jr., Ala. Congressman Lanham Henderson, Ga. Congressman Robert T. Secrest, Ohio Congressman Morgan M. Moulder, Mo. Congressman John H. Marsalis, Colo. Congressman Chester A. Chesney, Ill. Congressman George A. Dendero, Michigan Congressman J. Harry McGregor, Ohio Congressman Paul Cunningham, Iowa Congressman James C. Auchincloss, N. J. Congressman Gordon L. McDonough, Calif. Congressman Russell V. Mack, Washington Congressman Charles W. Vursell, Ill. Congressman Gerald R. Ford, Michigan (This group having tour through White House at 11.00 a.m. and asked if they might also see the President. Arranged by Charles Murphy)
(The President left office for USS WILLIAMSBURG, where he lunched)
The President was joined aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG by Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson, Senator Clinton Anderson, Senator Warren Magnuson, Honorable Mon Wallgren, Honorable Joseph Grew, Honorable George Allen and Clark Clifford)
(Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget) (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly on Saturday to ask if he could have few minutes early today, as he needed to settle a policy question)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I. The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] (Senator J. Howard McGrath will present to the President, and to the Vice President, souvenir volumes of photographs of pictures taken during the Inaugural Ceremonies)
Senator Theodore Francis Green, R. I. Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I. Mr. Antoine Gazda Mr. M. Cieplinski (To present to the President a portfolio showing work of the Foreign Language Division of the Democratic National Committee)
Vice Admiral Wm. W. Smith, Chairman, Maritime Commission (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last Wednesday to ask for this)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly on Wednesday to ask for appointment as early as possible)
Honorable Donald R. Heath, American Minister to Bulgaria (Has been in Washington for consultation and is leaving for post on April 8th. Asked to call on the President before leaving country)
Honorable Stanton Griffis, American Ambassador to Egypt (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly from N. Y. last week to ask for this)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
The President addressed signers of Atlantic Pact at Inter-Departmental Auditorium [Public Papers: Address on the Occasion of the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty]
Address on the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty [Audio excerpts: MP3]
The President and Mrs. Truman left for Carlton Hotel where they were hosts for dinner in honor of signers of Atlantic Pact.
[Public Papers: Toasts of the President and the Prime Minister of Belgium]
The President and Mrs. Truman held Reception following dinner in North Lobby of Carlton Hotel for signers of Atlantic Pact and other guests.
On this date the North Atlantic Treaty is signed in Washington, DC by representatives of Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, the United States and Canada. See student research file, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: documents, photographs and more.
(The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark]) (Off the record)
Mr. Floyd Odlum (Arranged through Ambassador James Bruce)
Honorable Edward J. Flynn and son, James (Asked Mr. Connelly for this)
Honorable Melvin Thompson, former Governor of Georgia (Called Mr. Connelly last week from Atlanta; said he wanted to talk to the President about Judgeship in Middle District of Georgia)
Congressman Andrew J. Biemiller, Wis. Congressman Clement J. Zablocki, Wis. (Congressman Biemiller phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask if they might come in and discuss vacancy on Federal Bench)
Senator Claude Pepper, Florida Senator Elbert D. Thomas, Utah Senator James E. Murray, Montana Senator Matthew M. Neely, W. Va. Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, Minn. Congressman John Lesinski, Michigan Congressman J. Percy Priest, Tenn. Congressman John D. Dingell, Michigan Honorable J. Donald Kingsley, Assistant Federal Security Administrator (Senator Pepper asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this in order that they might disucss with the President health legislation. Charles Murphy suggested that we have Mr. Kingsley present at the discussion)
Congressman Wayne L. Hays, Ohio (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Senor Jaime Torres Bodet, Director General of UNESCO and former Foreign Minister of Mexico Hon. George V. Allen, Assistant Secretary of State (Senor Bodet in U. S. for Second National Conference of United States National Commission for UNESCO, to be held at Cleveland, March 31-April 2)
Mr. Philip Murray, CIO
(Mr. John A. Kennedy, Editor and Publisher, San Diego Journal) (Mr. Stoddard Johnson, Mr. Kennedy's nephew) (Wrote Mr. Connelly to ask for this - off-the-record)
Honorable A. G. Stanley, Chairman, U. S. Section, International Joint Commission Honorable Roger B. McWhorter, Member Honorable Eugene W. Weber, Member Honorable Jesse B. Ellis, Secretary Honorable J. Allison Glen, Member of Canadian Section, International Joint Commission Honorable George Spence, Member of Canadian Section Miss E. M. Sutherland, Secretary (Jesse Ellis, Secretary of U. S. Section, wrote to Mr. Connelly advising that the Commission would meet in Washington April 4th, 5th, and 6th, and hoped they might call on the President at this time. The Canadian members had expressed a particular wish to meet the President. Mr. Ellis stated that among other things which the Commission will be considering at this meeting, are references from the two Governments upon the investigation of the Columbia River Basin, including the storage on Arrow Lakes in British Columbia, which Columbia Basin Commission has recently requested, and the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project)
(Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaugnessy and daughter)
(Honorable Wayne Coy) (Called Mr. Connelly week ago to ask for this, off-the-record)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (one-half hour)
(Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Mr. Howell Crim) (Mr. Lorenzo Winslow)
Senator Millard E. Tydings, Md. (Mr. Matthew Connelly called him and asked him come in)
The President signed S. 790, "An Act to grant the consent of the United States to the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact." The following were present: Senator Carl Hayden Senator Ernest W. McFarland Congresman John R. Murdock Congressman Harold A. Patten Senator Edwin C. Johnson Senator Eugene D. Millikin Congressman William S. Hill Congressman John H. Marsalis Congressman Wayne N. Aspinall Congressman J. Hardin Peterson Senator Dennis Chavez Senator Clinton P. Anderson Congressman Antonio M. Fernandez Congressman John E. Miles Senator Elbert D. Thomas Senator Arthur V. Watkins Congressman Walter K. Granger Congresswoman Reva Beck Bosone Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney Senator Lester C. Hunt Congressman Frank A. Barrett Mr. Michael Strauss, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior (Secretary Julius A. Krug suggested that the President have a ceremony and invite the Congressional Delegations from States affected, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.)
Congressman Anthony F. Tauriello, N. Y. Congressman Hugh J. Addonizio, N. J. Congressman Peter W. Rodino, Jr., N. J. Congressman Anthony Cavalcante, Pa. Congressman L. Gary Clements, N. Y. (Congressman Tauriello asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange for these Italian-American Congressmen to call on the President to discuss Italian colonies)
The President received the Members of the General Advisory Committee of Atomic Energy Commission, as follows: Dr. J. R. Oppenheimer Dr. Oliver E. Buckley Dr. James B. Conant Dr. Lee A. Du Bridge Dr. Enrico Fermi Dr. Isidore Rabi Dr. Hartley Rowe Dr. Glen T. Seaborg Dr. Cyril S. Smith (Mr. Lilienthal thought as these men are Presidential appointees, responsible directly to the President, and are among best-known scientists in the world, that would be good idea for him to see.)
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Mr. Leon Keyserling (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if he might come in with monthly report)
Mr. Chris L. Edell, National Commander, Army and Navy Legion of Valor Mr. James G. Walsh, National Senior Vice Commander Mr. James F. Mannion, Past National Commander (Edell wrote to the President asking if he might call and pay respects)
Honorable William C. Foster, Deputy Special Representative of Economic Cooperation Administration Overseas Honorable Paul Hoffman, Administrator, ECA (Phoned Mr. Connelly on Monday to ask for this)
The President received the Officers of the Anit-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, who presented him with America's Democratic Legacy Award: The following officers were present: Honorable Meier Steinbrink, Chairman Mr. A. G. Gallenger, Vice Chariman Mr. Max J. Schneider, Vice Chairman Mr. Edmund Waterman, Chairman, Advisory Council Mr. Bernard Nath, Chairman, Executive Committee Mr. Benjamin R. Epstein, National Director Mr. Nathan C. Belth, Public Relations Director (Arranged through David Niles. The President has been awarded the annual America's Demoncratic Legacy Award of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, for "His unyielding courage and leadership" in behalf of civil rights. The President is sole recipient of ADL award this year. Winners for 1949 were Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Barney Balaban, President of Paramount Pictures, Charles E. Wilson, for work as Chairman of the President's Committee on Civil Rights and Dore Schary and Daryl Zanuck, motion picture producers. Citation of this award will be made on evening of April 6th, 9.30 EST on coast to coast radio show, called "The Goal is Freedom". This will be dramatic narration of turbulent course of civil rights during 1948)
(Mr. Martin A. Lewis, Jr. of Springfield, Ill.) (Wrote to Mr. Connelly that he would be here and would like to see the President. Off the record)
(The President left for the Reviewing Stand on Constitution Avenue where he reviewed the Army Day Parade)
(The President left for the Carlton Hotel where he attended buffet supper given for new Senators and Congressmen (Democratic) of the 81st Congress.)
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of New Democratic Senators and Representatives]
[Public Papers: Exchange of Messages Between the President and Prime Minister Attlee on the Anniversary of the Signing of the Foreign Assistance Act]
Senator Robert S. Kerr, Okla. (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
(Mr. Henry Dockweiler, of Calif.) (Off the record)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Congressman Watkins Abbitt, Virginia Honorable G. B. Buchanan, Mayor of Appomattox, Va. Mr. D. T. Robertson, Member Town Council Mr. C. H. Robinson, Editor of Paper of Appomattox Mr. Leon Anderson, Business man of Appomattox Mr. J. H. Lucado, Member of Town Council Mr. J. C. Hudgins, busines man (Congressman Abbitt asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this, stating that the townsmen of Appomattox had had made some very beautiful china plates bearing a reproduction in colors and gold of the McClean House where the surrender took place, and adding that they wished to present one of these plates to the President.)
(Honorable Edward M. Webster, Member of F. C. C.) (Off the record - Mr. Connelly asked him to come in and see the President)
Honorable Evan Howell, Judge of U. S. Court of Claims (Arranged by Clark Clifford)
Congressman Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., N. Y. (Called Mr. Connelly a week ago to ask for this)
(Captain James E. Lewis and fiancee)
Senator Owne Brewster, Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Maine Honorable Wallace H. White, Maine (Former Senator) (Senator Brewster asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
Honorable Herbert Hoover (In Washington just today and asked for this.)
Senator Francis J. Myers, Pa. Mr. Lamar Perkins Elder S. L. Michaux Mr. E. C. Wright Judge Armond W. Scott Mr. Horace M. Bond Mr. Earl Dales Dr. Nathaniel Duff Congressman William T. Granahan, Pa. (Senator Myers asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this. on February 1st, Freedom Day in Pennsylvania, this group voted to give the President the National Freedom Day Award, and as the President could not go to Philadelphia, they postponed the actual presentation, and then asked Senator Myers to arrange it.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
At the Blair House - the President received: The Foreign Minister of Great Britain, Honorable Ernest Bevin The British Ambassador, Sir Oliver Franks The Foreign Minister of France, Hon. Robert Shuman The French Ambassador, H. E. Henri Bonnett [Bonnet] The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] The Under Secretary of State The Chief of Protocol
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Making Public the First Report of the President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces]
(Tommy Murphy)
(Mr. John Crain) (To present the President with a painting of Bolivar. Arranged by General Harry Vaughan, who will bring Mr. Crain in OFF RECORD)
Honorable Frank L. Weil, Chairman, the President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces Mr. Truman Gibson Mr. Mark A. McCloskey Rev. Edmund A. Walsh Mr. Charles K. Brightbill, Executive Secretary (Mr. David Stowe) (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Dawson)
H. E. Signor Alberto Tarchiani, the Ambassador of Italy Hon. Giulio Pastore, Secretary General of the Free General Confederation of Labor Dr. Giovanni Canini Dr. Appio Claudio Rocchi (Heads of Right Wing Socialists and Republicans in aforesaid General Confederation of Labor) (The Department of State requested that the President receive these representatives of the Italian Free Labor Unions, brought to the United States by the ECA to study the problems of labor in this country. The group will have completed a tour of the United States)
Honorable Joseph J. O'Connell, Chairman, CAB (Mr. Matthew Connelly told Mr. O'Connell the President wished to see him)
(Mr. William Boyle) (One half hour)
(Phil Regan)
The Preident attended the Jefferson-Jackson Executive Committee Buffet Supper.
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Supper for the Jefferson-Jackson Day Executive Committee]
(Staff Meeting)
Speaker Sam Rayburn
(Mr. David Noyes)
The President dined with Senator J. Howard McGrath at the Senator's home. The following guests were present: The Chief Justice [Fred Vinson] Senator Scott Lucas Senator Francis Myers Senator Clinton Anderson Honorable Stuart Symington Honorable Clark Clifford
Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts Mr. Harold O'Neil, President of Board of Trade, Dorchester, Massachusetts (Congressman McCormack asked if he might bring Mr. O'Neil in and have his picture taken with the President.)
Mr. George Taylor Mr. Grady Lewis Mr. George Osborne
(Mr. Robert Fleming of Riggs Bank) (Mr. Carter Barron) (Requested by Mr. Barron, to discuss D. C. affairs. OFF RECORD - EAST ENTRANCE)