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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

March 24, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Mr. H. G. Robinson) (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask if he might come in and shake hands.)
Senator Brien McMahon, Conn. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly saying he had something important to discuss with the President)
Honorable Edwin Pauley (Wired from the coast to ask for this)
Mr. Ralph C. Wilson of Detroit Lt. Governor J. W. Connolly, Mich. Mr. Frank A. Picard, Federal Judge Mr. J. E. Frawley Mr. J. Lee Barrett, Secy-Treas. of Yachtmen's Assn. of America Mr. Jack Schafer, owner of Schafer's Bakeries, Inc. (Mr. Wilson asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange for this Committee to call on the President, in order to invite him to attend Harmsworth Trophy Races to be held in Detroit, July 30th to August 1st)
Admiral Chester Nimitz (Asked for this through Admiral Robert Dennison)
H. E. Senor Dr. Rafael Heliodoro Valle, the Ambassador of Honduras (Newly appointed)
(Mr. Lewis C. Burwell, of Resort Air Lines) (Off the record)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers: The President's News Conference]
(Mr. Alfred Teunis)
(Dinner at the Blair House for Rt. Honorable Winston Churchill)
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on Establishing a Commission on the Renovation of the White House]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the 128th Anniversary of the Independence of Greece]
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except the Attorney General)
(The Secretary of the Interior [Julius A. Krug])
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.
Renah F. Camalier, Potentate, Almas Temple of the Shrine Howard P. Foley, Past Potentate Julius B. Gay, Chief Rabban and General Chairman, Annual Shrine Circus (To present the President with book of tickets to Annual Shrine Circus, which begins March 28th)
Congressman Jere Cooper, Tenn. Dr. Edward Preston (Josh Lee arranged this when he called to see the President early in March. They are to invite the President to come to Cumberland University, and present to him also a gavel made of wood from the bench that Cordell Hull used while a law student at Cumberland University.)
Lt. General Walter Bedell Smith, U. S. Ambassador to Russia (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly Tuesday to ask for this)
(Honorable James Bruce, U. S. Ambassador to Argentina) (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this off-the-record)
H. E. Dr. John M. Chang, the Ambassador of Korea (Newly appointed)
Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for this, to discuss War Claims Commission)
Honorable John W. Kenney, Under Secretary of the Navy (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this)
(Lunch downstairs in Executive Office)
(Mr. Edwin Locke) (Off the record)
The President presented to Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, the Gold Star in lieu of the Third Distinguished Service Medal. The ceremony was a surprise to Admiral William D. Leahy and the following guests were present: The Secretary of Defense [James Forrestal] Honorable Louis Johnson The Secretary of the Army [Kenneth C. Royall] The Under Secretary of the Air Force The Under Secretary of the Navy General Omar Bradley, USA Admiral and Mrs. Louis E. Denfeld General Hoyt Vandenburg, USAF General Clifton B. Cates, USMC Vice Admiral Arthur W. Radford, USN Major General Alfred Gruenther, USA Captain and Mrs. W. H. Leahy Master Robert B. Leahy Mrs. A. F. Niblack Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN Fleet Admiral William F. Halsey, USN General Carl A. Spaatz, USAF Captain W. G. Lalor, USN Commander W. D. Kelly, USN Commander F. J. Blouin, USN Miss Dorothy Ringquist Honorable James E. Webb, The Under Secretary of State Honorable Dan Kimball, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air Honorable John T. Koehler, The Assistant Secretary of the Navy Rear Admiral Clifford A. Swanson, (MC) USN.
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy]
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
(Dr. Edward Pruden)
(Staff Conference)
(The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Mr. Powell Groner of Kansas City, Missouri)
(Senator J. Howard McGrath) (Mr. William Boyle) (Secretary Matthew Connelly)
The President broadcast from the Projection Room on a program sponsored by the Churches of America for world relief, "One Great Hour.) [Public Papers: Radio Address as Part of Interdenominational Program, "One Great Hour."]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. Congressman John McCormack, Mass. The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Speaker Sam Rayburn absent)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
(Honorable Thomans McCabe, Chariman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System) (Called from Sea Island, Ga., last week to ask for this. Off-the-record)
Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington Mr. Hoyt Haddock, CIO Mr. Joseph Curran, CIO Mr. Fraser Bailey Senator Herbert O'Connor, Maryland (Senator Magnuson asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this. Wished to discuss important matters pertaining to shipbuilding. Asked to have Dr. John R. Steelman also present)
The President and Mrs. Truman will receive the Ambassador of Greece and a Delegation from Greece, as follows: Mr. Zalacosta, Member of Parliament Corporal of the Commando Regiment, Greek Army Petty Officer, of Greek Navy 2nd Lieutenant, Greek Air Force Sergeant, Greek Gendarmerie One Lieutenant of the Royal Guard Madame Zalacosta Miss Skouse Miss Tsimonou Miss Kyrou Miss Londou (The Greek Ambassador requested this through Stanley Woodward. This Delegation here in connection with celebration of 128th anniversary of Greek Independence, March 25th, known as the "Work and Victory" rally, organized in Greece under patronage of the King & Queen. As token of gratitude of Greek people to U. S. they are bringing for presentation to the President, an antique Greek vase and fragment of marble from the Temple of the Wingless Victory with inscription in ancient Anthenian style, naming the President as "Proxenos of Greece" which was highest honor that could be conferred on anyone in ancient Athens. An embroidered dress of Queen Amelia style will be offered to Mrs. Truman on behalf of women of Greece.)
(Mr. Edgar Ansel Mowrer) (Wanted to clear up several points with the President in connection with piece on our foreign policy he is writing for FORTUNE.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(Cabinet Luncheon - All present. Both Colonel Louis Johnson and Mr. James Forrestal will be present)
(Mr. Max Lowenthal)
Honorable James Forrestal (At this time the President presented to him a D. S. M., which was a surprise to Mr. Forrestal, who thought he had a regular appointment. Only the Members of the Cabinet and the Secretaries of Army [Kenneth C. Royall], Navy [John L. Sullivan], and Air Force [Stuart Symington] have been invited for this surprise ceremony.)
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to James Forrestal]
(The President left for the Mayflower Hotel, where he "dropped in" on dinner given in honor of Honorable Louis Johnson)
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Dinner for Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson]
Congressman Richard J. Welch, California Congressman Clyde Doyle, California Congressman Cecil R. King, California Congressman George P. Miller, California Congressman John J. Allen, Jr., California Congressman Homer D. Angell, Oregon (R) Congressman Walter Norblad, Oregon (R) Congressman Henry M. Jackson, Wash. Congressman Thor C. Tollefson, Wash. Congressman Hugh B. Mitchell, Wash. Congressman Frank Haverner, California (Congressman Welch of California called Mr. Connelly to ask for this Committee to have opportunity to call on the President. They come as Committee representing Pacific Coast Delegation in House.)
(Mr. Morris Ernst) (Colonel Louis Johnson suggested the President see him as he felt Mr. Ernst had some good suggestions.) (Off the record)
(Mr. George Allen)
Mr. George Harrison, President of Union of RR Clerks (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Roy North, Postmaster of the City of Washington, D. C. (Asked if he might in and thank the President for his appointment)
Honorable Frank McHale
(Mr. John J. Carson, Director, Cooperative League) (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Dawson - off-the-record)
Mr. Abe S. Berliner, National Commander, Legion of Guardsmen Captain Francis K. Burke (To pay respects. This is small veterans' organization formed after last war, having something over 30,000 Members. They originally asked for appointment back last fall and wanted to meet him when he came to New Jersey and make him Member. Due to mix up and confusion in Jersey City they were unable to contact Mr. Connelly, and have trying ever since to have this appointment arranged)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
(Honorable William Boyle) (One-half hour)
Mr. John E. Bierwirth, President, the New York Trust Co. (Saw the President at one of Blair House off-record meetings in February and writes that since then has travelled around country good deal and "have arrived at some fairly definite conclusions as to general conditions".)
Rt. Rev. Pierre Pheas, Bishop of Lourdes (France) (To pay respects only. Commissioner John Kane phoned Mr. Connelly from Pittsburch, and Mr. Connelly arranged but through the State Department and the French Ambassador)
(Dr. Walbern Bowman, of Grandview, Missouri) (Mr. Carr, of Grandview, Mo.)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan]
(Honorable Jonathan Daniels)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Housing and Rent Act]
Senator Virgil M. Chapman, Ky. Senator Garrett Lee Withers, Ky. Congressman Frank L. Chelf, Ky. (Congressman Chelf asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this, as they wish to invite the President to the 100th Anniversary Celebration on June 1st of the Trappist-Cistercian Abbey, Our Lady of Gethsemani, fifty miles south of Louisville, Ky.)
Dr. Edwin C Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (For one-half hour)
Senator Francis J. Myers, Pa. Mayor Daivd Lawrence of Pittsburgh
Mr. Arthur W. Wilson of New York City Mrs. George W. Wilson, Sr. Mrs. Arthur Wilson Miss Priscilla Wilson (Wrote to ask for appointment)
(Honorable Robert F. Bacher, Member of Atomic Energy Comm'n) (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last Friday to ask for this. Wishes to discuss matter pertaining to the Commission)
Senator J. Howard McGrath, R. I. Honorable William Boyle Honorable Welbern Mayock (To present to the President a copy of Democracy At Work, this being the official proceeding of the 1948 Democratic National Convention)
Mr. Winthrop Aldrich, of Chase National Bank, New York City (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly on March 21st, when he was getting ready to go to Cuba, saying he wanted to talk to the President before he went to Cuba. As it could not be arranged, said he would come back from Cuba through Washington enroute to N. Y., and talk to the President.)
(Honorable John L. Sullivan, Secretary of the Navy) (Honorable John W. Kenney, Under Secretary of the Navy) (Off the record - Arranged by Admiral Robert Dennison)
General Daivd Sarnoff, Chairman of the Board, R. C. A. (Wrote to Mr. Matthew Connelly March 7th, stating he had just returned from six weeks business trip abroad and while there had unusual opportunity to observe present day developments. Visited France, England, and part of Italy. Saw Atlee and Churchill and thought the President might be interested in hearing brief report of this trip.)
Mr. Edward Carr, Chairman of the Cherry Blossom Festival Ball Mr. Cornelius J. Mack, Manager of the Mayflower Hotel Miss Marilyn Mack, daughter (To invite the President to the Cherry Blossom Festival Ball)
(Mr. Charles Murphy) (Mr. David Bell)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One half-hour)
(Honorable John W. Snyder)
(The President left for the National Press Club, where he dropped in on Founder's Day Buffet Supper and Reception.)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(The Postmaster General [Jesse M. Donaldson]) (Mr. Alex Sachs, the Postmaster of Kansas City) (Came for Press and Radio Conference and remained after to meet the President)
(Mr. Don Geaslin)
(Mr. Lester Markel) (Off the record)
Mr. Martin Larson, winner of the "Driver of the Year" award Mrs. Martin Larson Major General Philip B. Fleming, Public Works Administration Mr. Walter Belsen, of the American Trucking Assn.
Congressman A. S. J. Carnahan, Missouri (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask for this)
Mr. A. P. Irving, Vice President and General Manager of Glens Falls, N. Y. Post. Col., Publishers of Post Star and Times Miss Mary Irving (daughter) (Senator J. Howard McGrath asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this)
Honorable Warren E. Austin
Honorable James Bowen, Mayor of North Adams, Mass. Mr. James E. Wall, Manufacturer of North Adams Selectman George Depelteau Former Senator (State) James P. McAndrews, now Postmaster of Adams, Mass. Mr. Norton H. Burdick, Mr. George Hines, Personal rep. of Governor Mr. Albert Duprez, from North Adams Mr. Joseph McCabe, Berkshire Dr. T. Edward Quinn, Pittsfield Mr. William Goggins, Pittsfield Mr. John Mullen, North Adams, Mass. (Chester A. Dolan, Jr., President of the Massachusetts State Senate, wrote Congressman McCormack, asking if he could arrange for meeting with President for group of Senators and Mayors from Western part of Mass. to discuss flood control)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Senator Clyde R. Hoey, N. C. Senator Frank Grahamn, N. C.
(Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except Secretary of the Interior. Under Secretary Oscar Chapman represented Interior and Under Secretary Webb represented State)
Senator Carl Hayden, Arizona
The Secretary of the Army [Kenneth C. Royall] (Asked to remain after Cabinet and see the President)
Honorable Kenneth D. Johnson, General Counsel, National Security Resources Board (To shake hands, is going to Columbia as Dean. Wrote Dr. John R. Steelman to ask if might come in. His services with government actually terminated yesterday)