[Notices and Restrictions | List of Subjects Discussed]
These are transcripts of tape-recorded interviews conducted for the Harry S. Truman Library. A draft of each transcript was edited by the interviewee but only minor emendations were made; therefore, the reader should remember that these are essentially transcripts of the spoken, rather than the written word.
Numbers appearing in square brackets (ex. [45]) within the transcript indicate the pagination in the original, hardcopy version of the oral history interview.
These oral history transcripts may be read, quoted from, cited, and reproduced for purposes of research. They may not be published in full except by permission of the Harry S. Truman Library.
List of Subjects Discussed
Aberle, Sophie D., 708-711, 715, 734, 736
Acheson, Dean,663-665, 739-741, 763-766, 768-774, 779-781
Adams, Sherman, 943, 944
Agriculture, Department of, 45, 470, 528
Agriculture as an issue in the 1948 Presidential election, 89-94
Agriculture policy, 881-885
Akers, Milburn P., 83, 435, 436
Alaska, 453, 454, 588, 681, 695
Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California, 20
American Labor Party, 438
American Legion, 427, 791-803, 887, 888
Americans for Democratic Action, 134
Anacostia Bridge, Washington, D.C., 302, 306
Anderson, Clinton P., 470, 879, 880, 911, 912, 957, 958
Anderson, Marian, 280-287, 289-294, 296-298
Anderson, Patrick, 42, 43
Arab states and Israel, 765, 766-769, 774
Arizona Central Valley Project, 967
Aspinall, Wayne, 749-751
Barkley, Alben W., 77, 173, 175-180, 182, 186-189, 919
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, 691
Bartley, Ernest R., 490, 496-498, 501-503, 506, 516, 526, 535, 578
Baruch, Bernard, 65, 328, 421, 624, 625
Batt, William L., 171
Beck, Dave, 344, 349, 350
Berkeley, California, 95-97, 99, 100-104, 111, 142
Bethune, Mary McCloud, 298
Beveridge, Albert J., 263
Biffle, Leslie, 182, 314, 318
Birkhead, Kenneth, 171
Black Hills, South Dakota, 684
Blackmore, Dwight, 407
Blythe, Joseph, 323
Bone, Homer T., 860, 861
Bonneville Dam, 99
Bowles, Chester, 592, 593, 601, 612
Boyle, William M., Jr., 71
Brannan, Charles F., 89-91, 94, 108, 152, 214, 215, 812, 879-885, 955
Brophy, William A., 714-716
Brotherhood Day, 366, 367, 370
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 2, 452, 667-737, 742, 745-747
Bureau of Land Management, 580, 586, 587
Bureau of Reclamation, 446, 449, 458, 459, 471
Butte, Montana, 588
Byrd, Harry F., Sr., 635-640, 930-932
Byrnes, James F., 22-24, 69, 651-656, 658-660, 839-842, 921
Cabinet (Truman), 623-629, 650-666, 811-819, 822-824, 825-852, 879-884
Cain, Harry P., 474
California, 1948 Presidential Election in, 81, 82, 95-97, 118-120, 411-417
California, tidelands oil claims, 505, 530
Carey, Idaho, 121
Carlisle School for Indians, 735
Carlton Hotel, Washington, D.C., 1
Carpenter, Ferrington R., 553-556, 560, 564-567, 569-571, 572-574, 705-707, 749, 750, 894, 895
Chambers of Commerce and the 1948 Presidential election, 427-430
Chapman Poll on 1948 Presidential election, 425-432
Cherokee Indians, 688, 692
Cheyenne Indians, 690
Cheyenne, Wyoming, 124-127, 230, 232, 235-242
Chicago, Illinois, 244-251, 357, 358
Chicago Sun, 435
Chicago Sun&-Times, 83
Chicago Tribune, 434, 904
Childs, Marquis, 906
Choctaw Indians, 688
Civil rights, 195-201, 252, 253, 257-260, 274, 276, 277, 279-311, 600, 601, 785-788
Clark, Tom, 314, 315, 318, 363
Clawson, Marion, 587
Cleveland, Ohio, 404, 405
Clifford, Clark M., 33, 37, 41-45, 50-54, 68, 94, 98, 99, 102, 106, 107, 142, 145, 146, 148, 151-153, 171, 172,
- 239-246, 250, 319, 320, 385-387, 390, 531, 532, 613, 614, 616, 617, 725, 738, 739, 771, 773, 834, 835, 959-962
- Collier, John, 704, 706, 707, 709, 710, 714, 723
Colorado Bar Association, 368, 369
Colorado, oil production in, 539
Colorado, Presidential election of 1948, 86, 88
Colorado Supreme Court, 368, 369
Columbia Valley Authority, 450, 464-474, 618, 619, 713, 714, 823
Commodity Credit Corporation, 90, 149
Congressional election of 1946, 592, 613
Congress, special session of, 1948, 145-151, 172-174
Connally, Tom, 877
Connelly, Matthew J., 129-131, 232, 233, 235, 245, 315, 318, 364, 725, 738
Conservation, 456-463
Conservative political philosophy, definition of, 632-639
Constitution Hall, 281, 282, 284, 296
Cooke, Morris L., 683
Corcoran, Thomas G., 69, 72, 73, 179, 808, 822
Cord, E.H., 496-498
Corps of Engineers, 211, 220, 221, 226
Costigan, Edward P., 545, 546
Crazy Horse Memorial, 684-685
Daley, Richard J., 245-248, 352, 353, 357, 907, 916, 917
Daniels, Jonathan, 324, 325
Daughters of the American Revolution, 281
Daugherty, Harry, 378
Davidson, C. Girard, 279, 280, 373, 374, 447, 449, 450, 466, 472, 474-477, 479, 481, 482, 486, 550, 696-698,
- Dawson, Donald S., 158, 359, 360
Dawson, William, 247-251
Defense, Department of, 809-811
DeGoyler, M., 775, 776
Democratic National Committee, 71, 72, 77, 158, 159, 171, 321, 323, 360-363, 441, 593, 885, 886
Democratic National Convention (1940), 926
Democratic National Convention (1944), 9-27, 54, 61, 70, 71, 652, 653, 922-925
Democratic National Convention (1948), 77-79, 101, 150, 172, 177-181, 186-189
Democratic National Convention (1952), 87, 935
Democratic National Convention (1956), 927
Early, Stephen T., 314, 318
Ecuador, off-shore territorial limits of, 519
Edwards, India, 871, 872, 875, 876
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 134-139, 912, 938, 944, 952
Elections, Presidential See: Presidential Elections
Elk Hills Oil Reserves, 490
Eskimos, 452-454
Eugene, Oregon, 122, 132
Ewing, Oscar R., 94, 108, 109, 192, 314, 316, 318, 700, 701
Fair Deal, 592-597, 621, 622
Fair Employment Practices Act, 618
Fairfax County, Virginia, 934
Fall, Albert, 376-378
Farley, James A., 70-72, 193, 356
Farm Bureau Federation, American, 883
Federal Reserve System, 635
Federal Security Agency, 700, 701
Federal Works Program, 76
Finance Committee-Democratic National Committee, 805, 806
Finely, Forrest, 479
Fish and Wildlife Service, 2
Fitzpatrick, Paul E., 83, 436-439
Florida, tidelands oil claims, 502-504
Flynn, Edward J., 86, 439, 440
Forest Service, U.S., 451, 470, 528
Forrestal, James V., 325-328, 805-808
Forsling, C.L., 576, 577, 580
Fortas, Abe, 510, 512, 513, 549, 551
Foss, Phillip O., 554, 561, 567, 578
Frey, John W., 891-894
Fuller, Helen, 165-167
Galbraith, J. Kenneth, 522
Garner, John N., 74, 75, 289-291
Germany, 602
Gillette, Guy M., 425
Glass, Carter, 635, 636
Grand Coulee Dam, 99, 102, 142, 207-209, 212
Grand Junction Sentinel, 238, 239
Gray, Georgia Neese Clark, 869, 870
Grazing Service, U.S., 552-586, 704, 705, 747-755, 891-895
Great Britain, influence in the Middle East, 44, 764, 765
Green, Dwight H., 246, 248
Greater Los Angeles Press Club,396
Gruening, Ernest, 453, 712
Gulf of Mexico oil leases, 497, 498, 517
Hainos Point, 309
Halifax County, Virginia, 255, 256, 273, 275-277, 633-635, 640, 933
Hamby, Alonzo, 592, 593, 594
Hannegan, Robert E., 26, 61, 70, 924, 925
Harriman, W. Averell, 131, 170, 814-817
Haskell Indian Institute, 734, 735
Hastie, William H., 852, 853, 857
Hatch, Carl A., 314, 318, 334, 335
Henderson, Leon, 134
Hitler, Adolph, 602, 605
Hoeber, Johannes, 171
Hoffa, James R., 343, 345, 346, 349, 350
Hoffman, Paul G., 848
Holmes, Basil M., 424
Hoover, Herbert C., 135
Hoover, J. Edgar, 487-489, 588
Hopi Indians, 672
Hopkins, Harry, 85, 970
Housing, minority, 200, 201
Howard University, 278-280, 299, 537
Hoyt, Palmer, 239
Hughes, Sarah, 875-877
Humphrey-Biemiller Resolution, 276
Iceland, offshore territorial limits of, 519
Ickes, Harold L., 57-65, 72, 73, 76, 180, 283-289, 292-298, 310, 335, 336, 352, 375, 376, 418, 443, 444, 446,
- 450, 466, 479, 482-485, 490, 491, 501, 506-514, 516, 530, 537, 538, 540-544, 547-554, 564, 580, 599, 603-607, 643, 657, 658, 701, 702, 705, 706, 712, 717-722, 728, 743, 744, 750, 751, 803, 804, 808, 822, 923
- Illinois, election in 1948, 434-436
Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 2, 452, 667-737, 742, 745-747
Interior Department:
- Assistant Secretaries, rotation of, 743-745
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 667-737, 742, 745-747
Bureau of Land Management, 580, 586, 587
cafeteria, desegregation of, 296, 297
Chapman, Oscar R., appointed Secretary of, 365-375, 479-482
conservation policy, 456-463
divisions of, 2, 449-451
employees, FBI investigation of, 487-489
Grazing Service, 552-586, 747-755, 891-895
Ickes, Harold L., resignation as Secretary of, 57-65, 482-485, 540, 541
Krug, Julius, evaluation as Secretary of, 443-445, 447, 448
Malone, George, threatens action against, 887-891, 895, 896
Office of Education in, 278, 279
public power policy, 464-474
special interest groups, pressure from, 454-455
swimming pools in District of Columbia, desegregation of, 301-311
Tidelands oil policy, 490-518, 539-544, 548-550
International offshore territorial limits, 519-524
Iowa, Presidential election of 1948, 89-91, 94, 95, 425-427, 431, 432
Israel, 28-32, 33-48, 738-741, 759, 760, 763-774, 778-779
Jacobson, Edward, 46-48
Japanese-American War Relocation Camps, 727-731
Johnson, Frederick, 586
Johnson, Jed, 747, 751
Johnson, Louis A., 318, 320-327, 329-334, 336, 661, 791-795, 799-806, 808-811
Johnson, Lyndon B., 173-175, 878
Johnson, Vilas, 246
Journal of American History, 592
Kansas, 75
Keeler, William W., 688, 690-694, 698
Kefauver, Estes, 919, 920, 927
Kennedy, John F., 854, 855, 927
Kennelly, Martin H., 246, 248
Kerr Gas Bill, 956-961
Kerr, Robert, 959
King's River Dam, California, 963, 964
Kirwan, Michael, 347, 348
Kissinger, Henry, 626
Krug, Julius, 66, 311-313, 328, 371-375, 418-424, 443-445, 447, 448, 466, 478, 486, 580, 662, 663, 723, 724,
Land Management, Bureau of, 580, 586, 587
Lausche, Frank J., 404-409
LeHand, Marguerite, 285
Leviero, Anthony, 192, 314, 316, 323, 324
Lewis, John L., 867
Liberal political philosophy, definition of, 629-631
Liberal Party, 161, 162
Life magazine, 124, 127, 128, 231, 240
Lilienthal, David, 465-468
Lincoln, Abraham, 263-265, 267-270
Lincoln Memorial, 282-295
Lindsey, Benjamin, 110, 111, 242, 352, 368, 369
The Loneliest Campaign, 95
Los Angeles, California, 118-120, 142, 395, 396, 403
Los Angeles Press Club, 118-120
Lovett, Robert A., 844-847
MacArthur, Douglas, 944, 945
McCarran, Pat, 579-586, 747
McCarthy, Joseph R., 913, 949
McGhee, George C., 776
McGrath, J. Howard, 71, 77, 158, 159, 186, 187, 189, 190, 361-365
McKay, Douglas, 224, 939, 941-943
McKim, Edward P., 122, 228-230, 232, 234-236
McKinney, Frank, 71
McNutt, Paul V., 699, 700, 795-800, 802, 803
Madison Square Garden, 162, 438, 439
Magill, Mary T., 264
Maine, 193
Malone, George, 887-891, 895, 896
Mansfield, Mike, 348
Marshall, George C., 660, 661, 778, 780-790, 846
Marshall Plan, 661, 662, 946, 947
Marshall, Thurgood, 852, 854, 855, 857
Maw, Herbert B., 401
Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C., 34, 772
Mexico, 966, 967
Middle East, influence of Great Britain in the, 44, 764, 765
Mike Douglas TV Show, 49
Milford, Pennsylvania, 452
Miller, Nathan L., 441, 442
Minority rights, 195-201, 251-253, 257-260, 274, 276, 277, 279-311, 537, 538
Mitchell, Stephen A., 71
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 665, 666, 825
Mormon Tabernacle, 400-402
Morton, Rogers, 835, 836
Munoz-Marin, Luis, 865
Murphy, Charles S., 773, 834, 835
Murray, Philip, 344, 345
Muscle Shoals, 110, 631
Myer, Dillon S., 715, 726-729, 732-734
Nathan, Robert, 776
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 282
National Conference of Christians and Jews, 367
National Farmers Union, 880, 881, 883
National Guard, 237, 292
National Park Service, 2, 282, 283, 287, 300, 301, 310, 446, 447, 449, 458, 461, 514, 588-590, 639-649
National Plowing Match, 91-94, 380-383, 398
National Roosevelt Clubs, 592
Navajo Indians, 672, 676, 693
Nazism, 602, 605
Negroes, appointment to Federal office, 852-858
New Deal, 592-594, 597-599, 606, 617
New Hampshire Presidential primary of 1952, 919, 920
New York, Presidential election of 1948, 160-163, 436-440
New York Times, 81, 192, 314, 324
Nichols, John L., 592, 714, 722-724, 726
Niles, David K., 45, 46
Nixon, Richard M., 626, 834-836, 934, 935, 952, 953, 955, 966
Norris, George, 17, 18, 110, 630, 631
Nourse, Edwin G., 662
O'Boyle, Archbishop Patrick A., 303, 304
Office of Education (Interior Department), 537
Ohio, Presidential election of 1948, 404-410
Oil and the Middle East, 765-769, 774-777
Oil policy, U.S., 830-832
Omaha, Nebraska, 121-124, 126, 127, 155, 228-231, 233-235, 240, 243
O'Mahoney, Joseph C., 77, 179, 189-191, 479-481
Oregon, 209-212, 216, 217
Organization of American States,523
Osage Indians, 690, 691, 693
Patton, James G., 880-882
Pauley, Edwin W., 58, 59, 484, 490, 491, 508-511, 516, 540-543, 550
Pawhuska, Oklahoma, 691
Pawley, William D,. 314, 316, 318
Pepper, Claude H., 592, 601, 612
Perkins, Frances, 860, 867
Pershing, Warren, 315
Peru, offshore territorial limits, 519
Philippines, 2
Pinchot, Amos, 452
Pinchot, Gifford, 451, 452
Point IV, 946
The Politburo, 132, 133
Politics and Grass, 554
Porter, Paul A., 324, 325
Portland, Oregon, flood of 1948, 217, 218, 220-226, 385-387, 390-393, 403
Presidential election – (1940), 74, 75, 84, 85
Presidential election – (1944), 490, 922-925
Presidential election – (1948):
- California vote, 81, 82, 411-417
Chicago, speech of President Truman on October 25, 357, 358
Colorado vote, 86, 88
Democratic state campaigns, funding of, 437-442
Dexter, Iowa, National Plowing Match at, 380-383
Eisenhower, Dwight D., possible candidate for President, 134-139
farm vote, 89-94
Finance Committee (DN) activities of, 316-323, 337, 338
Fund raising, 320-323, 329-334, 336, 347, 348
Illinois vote, 434-436
Iowa vote, 89-91, 94, 95, 425-427, 431-432
Johnson, Louis as Democratic Party Finance Chairman, 320-323, 329-334, 336
Krug, Julius, failure to support President Truman, 418-421
labor vote, 341-351
minority (black) vote, 358, 359
National Plowing Match, Dexter, Iowa, 92-94
New York State politics, 160-163, 436-440
Ohio trips of President Truman, 404-410
travel schedules, preparation of, 213-215, 227, 228, 338-341, 352-356, 358, 384-390, 394-996, 398-411
Truman, Harry S., campaign itinerary, 338-341, 352-356, 358, 359
Wallace, Henry A., influence on, 160-167
Western trip of President Truman, 95-104, 121-132, 141-144, 154-156, 385-397
Whistlestop campaign, 105-120, 157, 227, 228
- Presidential election of 1952:
- candidates for the Democratic nomination, 919-922
Democratic National Convention, 935
Stevenson, Adlai E., as Democratic candidate, 904-911, 914-918
Truman, Harry S., decision not to run, 899-904, 909, 911, 912
Presidential transition, (1952‑53), 938-943
The President's Men, 42
Pribilof Islands, 588
Progressive Party (1948), 163, 166
Public power, 18, 110, 464-474, 619, 620, 713, 714, 822-824
Public Works Administration, 600, 606, 607
Pueblo Indians, 672, 676, 693, 708, 715
Puerto Rico, 711, 861-865
Rayburn, Sam, 172, 175, 877, 928, 929
Reclamation, Bureau of, 446, 449, 458, 459, 471
Reclamation Commission, 589
Reclamation development program, 213
Reclamation Service, 211, 221, 226
Red Cross, 209, 210, 219, 220, 222, 224, 393
Republican National Convention – (1912), 181
Republican National Convention – (1948), 100, 101
Reuther, Walter, 344, 345, 349
Roche, Josephine 867, 868, 871
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 643, 647
Rocky Mountain News, 230, 238
Rogers, William, 626
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 288, 289, 546, 547
Roosevelt Forums, 593, 612, 613, 623
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 20-23, 25, 26, 54-56, 68, 69, 75, 76, 84, 85, 110, 174, 192, 193, 196, 197, 201, 202,
- 204-206, 251, 257, 278, 283, 285-287, 356, 465, 592-595, 597-599, 602-612, 621, 628, 631, 642, 666, 712, 819, 921, 922-927, 970, 971
- Roosevelt High School, Washington, D.C., 280
Roosevelt, James, 139, 412-415
Roosevelt, Theodore, 181, 182, 257
Rose Festival (Portland, Oregon), 218, 219, 387, 391, 392
Rosenberg, Anna, 869
Rosenman, Samuel I., 314, 318
Rose Petal Day (Portland, Oregon), 209, 210, 212
Ross, Charles G., 129, 368-371, 382, 972
Ross, Irwin, 95
Rowley, James, 863, 864
Royall, Kenneth C., 627
Russell, Richard, 921, 922
Rutledge, Richard H., 566, 567
Salem, Oregon, 219
Salt Lake, Utah, 400, 401, 403, 575
San Francisco, California, 395, 396, 403, 411
Sawyer, Charles, 314, 318, 812, 813, 815, 817, 818, 822-824
Saylor, John P., 751
Schwellenbach, Lewis, 860
Sea resources, international territorial claims for, 519-524
Secret Service, U.S., 153, 235
Segregation, 639-641
Smith, George A., 400-402
Smith, Margaret Chase, 950, 951
Snake River Development Corporation, 642
Snake River Valley, 649
Snyder, John W., 65, 66, 811, 818, 819, 827, 828, 837
Social Security, 618, 622, 673, 677
Soviet Union, 168-170
Sparkman, John J., 928, 929
Sproul, Robert G., 95-97, 100, 183, 185
Stalin, Joseph V., 122, 132, 133
State Department:
- States Rights Party (1948), 340, 341
Stettinius, Edward R., 651
Stevenson, Adlai, E., 87, 178, 358, 904-911, 914, 915, 927, 928, 936
Stimson, Henry L., 627, 848-850
Straus, Michael W., 458-460, 471, 472, 589
Sullivan, Gael, 363
Sullivan, John, 366, 809
Sun Valley, Idaho, 131
Swedish Pioneer Centennial (1948), 246
Symington, Stuart, 884
Taft-Hartley Act, veto of, 350, 351
Taft, Robert A., 357
Taft, William Howard, 181, 182
Taylor, Edward T., 559
Taylor Grazing Act, 559, 560
Teachers Association (Iowa), 427
Teapot Dome, 376-378
Tennessee Valley Authority, 18, 66, 450, 631
Teton National Park, 649
Texas, tidelands oil claims, 493, 504, 505
The Tidelands Oil Controversy, 490, 510, 516, 517, 526, 527
Third term for President, tradition against, 659
35th Division Association, 123, 231-233
Thurmond, J. Strom, 160, 340, 341, 414
Tidelands oil, 490-518, 526-536, 539-544, 548-550
Tompkins, William J., 298
Townsend, John G., 637, 638
"Trail of Broken Treaties" , 667
Truman, Bess Wallace, 119-121, 771
Truman Committee, 3-15
Truman Doctrine, 946
Truman, Harry S.:
- accomplishments as President, 951, 953, 954
assassination attempt against, 862-864
bipartisanship in Cabinet appointments, 847-851
Byrnes, James F., appointed Secretary of State by, 651-654
Byrnes, James F., relationship with, 23
Cabinet members, and, 623-629, 650-666, 811-819, 822-824, 825-852, 879-884
Chapman, Oscar, appointed Secretary of Interior by, 64-66, 365-375
Chapman, Oscar, first acquaintance with, 1, 2
Chapman, Oscar, relationship with, 968-972
Chapman, Oscar, and Democratic Vice-Presidential nomination, 22, 25-27, 54-56, 61, 70
character assessment of, 756-762
Cheyenne, Wyoming, visits on 1948 Western trip, 230-242
Chicago, Illinois, visits to, during 1948 Presidential campaign, 245-251
civil rights, and, 252, 253, 275-277, 600, 601, 757-759
Columbia Valley Authority, support for, 469, 470
conservation of natural resources, advocate of, 456, 457
Democratic National Convention of 1948, at the, 77-79
Douglas, William O., offer of Vice-Presidential nomination to, 72, 73, 77
Fair Deal, and the, 592-594
Foreign policy, evaluation of, 945-948
history, place in, 756, 757
Human welfare, concern for, 201-203
Ickes, Harold L., and, 57-65, 482-485, 540, 541
Indian affairs, interest in, 686, 687, 689, 692, 736, 737
Israel statehood, recognition of, 31-32, 33-48, 759, 760, 763, 768-774
Kerr Gas Bill, veto of, 956-960
Krug, Julius, relationship with, 418-424
Labor Day address in Detroit (1948), 341-346
McGrath, J. Howard, relationship with, during 1948 Presidential campaign, 361-365
Mormom Tabernacle speech (1948), 400-402
National Plowing Match, Dexter, Iowa, speech, 380-383
Negroes, appointment of, to Federal office, 852-858
oil policy, 830-832
Omaha, Nebraska, visits on 1948 Western trip, 228-235
Oregon flood of 1948, and the, 223-226
Political philosophy of, 15, 16, 19
Portland, Oregon, visits during flood disaster (1948), 391-393
Presidential election of 1948, campaign itinerary, 338-341
Presidential nomination, decision not to seek in 1952, 899-904, 909, 911, 912
Public programs of, 614, 615, 617-622
Roosevelt, Franklin D. relationship with during the Democratic National Convention of 1944, 922-925
Roosevelt, Franklin D., continuation of policies, 592-601, 621
special session of Congress in 1948, calls, 145-151, 172-174
Stevenson, Adlai E., relationship with, 905-908, 910, 911, 914
Truman Committee hearings, and the, 3-15
Vice President, as, 608, 611
Vice-Presidential nomination in 1944, and the, 11, 19-27, 54-56, 61, 69, 70, 652, 653
Western trip, June, 1948, 95-104, 121-132, 141-144, 154-156, 209-213, 217-226, 228-249, 385-397
Whistlestop campaign of 1948, 105-120
women, appointment of1to Federal office, 859, 860, 868-877
- Truman, Margaret, 120, 380-383
Truman Memoirs, 23, 67, 653
Tuck, William, 254-256, 932, 933
Tugwell, Rexford, 970
Tule Lake Reservation, Oregon, 940-942
"Turnip Day", 150
21 Point Message, 828
22nd Constitutional Amendment, 595, 596, 903
United Auto Workers, 346
United Nations, 28, 34-38, 150
University of California, Berkeley, 95-97, 99-104, 111, 183-185
University of Colorado, 368
U.S.S. United States, 809
Vaughan, Harry H., 129
Vermont, 193
Vice-Presidential nomination-Democratic (1944), 922-925
Viet Nam War, 952, 953
Vinson, Fred M., 819, 826, 827
Virginia, history of, 264, 265
Virginia, native types of, 783, 784, 786
Virginia, politics in, 253-257, 632-635
Virginia, racial discrimination in, 258-260, 274-276
Virgin Island, 537
Wallace, Henry A., 19, 26, 61, 69, 70, 74, 82, 86, 87, 160, 163-168, 170, 414, 415, 417, 812, 813, 838, 839,
- Wallgren, Mon C., 479, 480
Walton, William, 165, 166
Wardman Park Hotel, 109, 171
War Production Board, 66
Washington Monument, 514, 515, 642
Weizman, Chaim, 47
Western Union, 289-291
White, Byron, 368
White, Mastin G., 500, 517, 518
White, Walter, 282, 283
Whitney, Cornelius V., 316, 317
Willkie, Wendell, 75
Wilma Coates Airport, 121, 128-131
Wirth, Conrad L., 461, 462
Women, appointment of, to Federal office, 859, 860, 866-877
Woodring, Harry, 804
Yalta Conference, 608
Yarborough, Ralph W., 777, 778, 876, 877
Zimmerman, William R., 714, 716-719
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