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Harry S. Truman Papers:White House Central Files:Confidential File

Dates: 1938-1953

The Confidential File includes, together with the President's Secretary's File, the most sensitive of Harry S. Truman's presidential papers. It is composed of materials that were retired by the President and his staff to the White House Central Files, and were felt by that office to require special protection. Defense and foreign policy related topics are particularly strongly documented by the Confidential File.

[Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List]


Size: 24 linear feet, 11 linear inches (ca. 45,600 pages)
Access: Open, with the exception that some documents are temporarily restricted in accordance with President Truman's letter of gift of February 12, 1957, his will dated January 14, 1959, and the requirements of the Executive Order governing the administration of classified information.
Copyright: President Truman donated his copyright interest in any of his writings in this collection to the people of the United States. In addition, documents prepared by United States Government employees in the course of their official duties are also in the public domain. Copyright interest in documents which do not fall in these two categories is presumed to remain with the writers of the documents.
Processed by: Dennis E. Bilger and Erwin J. Mueller (1976); Erwin J. Mueller, Raymond H. Geselbracht, Sharie K. Holbert and Mary Jo Colle (1989); Jan Davis and David Clark (2017).

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]


The Confidential File was maintained by the White House staff as a component of the White House Central Files. It consists of those documents in the custody of the White House Central Files that were considered to have a special sensitivity and thus to require greater protection than was accorded the rest of the files. It includes, among various other categories of sensitivity, documents which contained security classified information, and those concerning appointments to Government positions and other personnel matters.

When President Truman left the White House in January 1953, the Confidential File was moved along with the rest of the White House Central Files to the Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City, Missouri. On the recommendation of his aide David Lloyd, who thought he should have the Confidential File near at hand when he was working on his memoirs, Truman ordered it moved to his office in the Federal Reserve Building in Kansas City. When all of Truman's papers were moved to the Harry S. Truman Library in 1959, the Confidential File was placed in Truman's office suite in the Library and was not included in his initial donation of his presidential papers to the Government. It finally came into Government custody after Truman's death in 1972, according to the provisions of his will. It was opened for research in 1976.

The Confidential File consists of three series, a Subject File, a State Department File, and a Cross Reference Sheets file. Topics covered in the Subject File include lend-lease, the mutual defense program, the unification of the armed services, the coal strike of 1950, and the Korean War. The subjects are arranged alphabetically.

The large amount of material relating to the State Department which the White House Central Files office chose to place in the Confidential File has been separated into its own series, the State Department File, which consists of four subseries. The first is the Correspondence File, including folders of correspondence arranged chronologically.

Second is the Myron C. Taylor File. Taylor served as Personal Representative of the President at Vatican City from 1939 to 1950. The subseries includes correspondence between Presidents Roosevelt and Truman and Pope Pius XII, and correspondence concerning Taylor's assessments of conditions in several European countries. The files are arranged chronologically. Also included in the subseries are files from the office of William D. Hassett. Hassett, who was Truman's correspondence secretary, served also as his unofficial liaison with Myron Taylor's embassy in the Vatican. His files are arranged in alphabetical order.

The third subseries in the State Department File is the International Trade Agreements File. This file is arranged chronologically and includes material on specific countries, commodities and international agreements.

The fourth subseries is the Reports and Publications File, which is dominated by galley proofs for a report on China.

The Confidential File's third series is the Cross Reference Sheets file. This series, consisting of cross reference sheets, is in effect an index, created by the White House Central Files office, to the Confidential File. The cross reference sheets include abstracts of the documents referred to and indication of the documents' locations within the Confidential File. The reference to location is often not very precise, to "State" for example, which identifies only approximately where the document may be found. In such cases, the documents are probably located in a series or group of folders in which material is filed chronologically. A document whose location is described in a cross reference as "State," for example, is probably located in the correspondence subseries of the State Department File. There is no cross referencing between the Confidential File and the rest of the White House Central Files. The Cross Reference Sheets file is arranged alphabetically.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]

Series Descriptions

Container Nos.




  SUBJECT FILE, 1945-1953
Correspondence, memoranda, reports and press releases relating to such topics as the individual Executive Branch departments, the coal strike of l950, Latin American affairs, the Korean War, lend-lease, labor, the loyalty program, the mutual defense program, the Pearl Harbor Investigation, the reorganization of the Executive Branch, Secret Service reports, the Soviet Union, selective service, speeches of Executive Branch personnel, subversive activities, the unification of the armed services, the United Nations, universal training, and World War II. Arranged alphabetically.



STATE DEPARTMENT FILE, 1938-1953, consisting of four subseries, as follows:

  • 31-37 Correspondence File, 1944-1953: Correspondence, reports, background studies, and press releases relating to the State Department's role in foreign affairs. The subseries consists of chronological correspondence files.
  • 37-41 Myron C. Taylor File, 1938-1951: Correspondence and reports relating to Taylor's role as Personal Representative of the President at Vatican City. Information has been added in brackets to some of the chronological folder titles. The subseries includes files of William D. Hassett which relate to the Taylor mission. Arranged chronologically under Taylor's name, and then Alphabetically by subject under Hassett's name.
  • 41-47 International Trade Agreements File, 1945-1952: Correspondence and reports relating to tariff negotiations and commercial trade agreements. Arranged chronologically.
  • 48-49 Reports and Publications File, 1945-1950: Galley proofs and printed material relating to the preparation of a State Department report on China, foreign policy reports for 1945, and the State Department publication Weekly Review for 1949 and 1950. Arranged alphabetically.


Cross reference sheets, serving as an index to the remainder of the Confidential File. The cross reference sheets identify the document referred to by correspondent, date and subject, and identify its location, more or less precisely. Arranged alphabetically.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]

SUBJECT FILE, 1945-1953

Box 1

  • A
  • Ad-Hoc Committee on the Need for Further Economic Controls [1948]
  • Agriculture [Department, 1948-1950]
  • Air Coordinating Committee [Department of Commerce, 1951]
  • Air Force, Department of the, April-December, 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Air Force, Department of the, April-December, 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Air Force, Department of the, January-February, 1949
  • Air Force, Department of the, March-June, 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Air Force, Department of the, March-June, 1949 [2 of 2]
  • Air Force, Department of the, July-December, 1949

Box 2

  • Air Force, Department of the, January-July, 1950
  • Air Force, Department of the, November 1950-July 1952
  • Alaska [development of, 1949-1952]
  • Allied Reparations Commission [Germany, 1945]
  • Army, Department of the, May 1945-September 1949
  • Army, Department of the, Trial of Ilse Koch--report--1948
  • Army, Department of the, War Crimes Office, Judge Advocate General's Office, U.S. v. Josias Prince Zu Waldeck et al (Extracts from Record of Trial of Ilse Koch) Part I
  • Army, Department of the, War Crimes Office, Judge Advocate General's Office, U.S. v. Josias Prince Zu Waldeck et al (Extracts from Record of Trial of Ilse Koch) Part II

Box 3

  • Army, Department of the, War Crimes Office, Judge Advocate General's Office, U.S. v. Josias Prince Zu Waldeck et al (Extracts from Record of Trial of Ilse Koch) Part III
  • Army, Department of the, War Crimes Office, Judge Advocate General's Office, U.S. v. Josias Prince Zu Waldeck et al (Extracts from Record of Trial of Ilse Koch) Part IV
  • Army, Department of the, September 1948-August 1949
  • Army, Department of the, Sorge Espionage Case--1949-1950
  • Army, Department of the, July 1950-November 1952
  • Atomic Bomb and Energy, August 1945-November 1947

Box 4

  • Atomic Bomb and Energy, 1948-1949
  • Atomic Bomb and Energy, January-May 1950
  • Atomic Bomb and Energy, June 1950-June 1952
  • Atomic Energy Commission [1947-1952]
  • B
  • Bowman-Field Committee [Indochina study, 1945]
  • Bureau of the Budget, National War Program Monthly Progress Reports--March-May 1945
  • Bureau of the Budget, National War Program Monthly Progress Reports--June-September 1945
  • Bureau of the Budget, Operating Problems in U.S. Liberated Area Supply Machinery--July 25, 1945
  • Bureau of the Budget--The Federal Program--1946

Box 5

  • Bureau of the Budget--Immigration, World Food Distribution, Foreign Trade Relations, 1946
  • Bureau of the Budget--The Budget in Operation: Monthly Budget Highlights, June-July 1951
  • Bureau of the Budget--Budget Message of the President, FY 1950 and 1951
  • Bureau of the Budget--Budget Message of the President, FY 1951--Suggested List of Questions
  • Bureau of the Budget--Budget Message of the President, FY 1951--Drafts and Galley Proofs and Report
  • Bureau of the Budget--Budget Recommendations, FY 1951--Book I
  • Bureau of the Budget--Budget Recommendations, FY 1951--Books II and III

Box 6

  • Bureau of the Budget--Budget Recommendations, FY 1951--Books IV-VI
  • Bureau of the Budget--Budget Recommendations, FY 1951--Book VII-VIII
  • Bureau of the Budget, The Budget in Operation, FY 1953
  • Cabinet Committee on World Food Programs, January-March 1947
  • Cabinet Committee on World Food Programs, April-September 1947
  • Cabinet Committee on World Food Programs, October 1947-April 1948
  • Caribbean Commission [agreement for establishment of, 1946]

Box 7

  • Central Intelligence Agency, General 1950-1953]
  • Central Intelligence Agency, Foreign Broadcast Information Division, January-June, 1950
  • Central Intelligence Agency, Foreign Broadcast Information Division, July 1950
  • Central Intelligence Agency, Foreign Broadcast Information Division, August-November 1950
  • Central Intelligence Agency, Foreign Broadcast Information Division, December 1950
  • Central Intelligence Agency, Foreign Broadcast Information Division, January-February 1951
  • Civil Aeronautics Administration [1945-1949]
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--Air Navigation and Communications Facilities Abroad
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--Alaska Airlines Case--1949-1950 [1 of 2]
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--Alaska Airlines Case--1949-1950 [2 of 2]
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--Alaska Airlines Case--1951

Box 8

  • Civil Aeronautics Board--General [1945-1946]
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--General, 1952
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--Havana-New York Foreign Air Carrier Case, 1952
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--International Air Transport Agreements
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--Latin American Air Freight Case, 1952
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--National Aviation Policy
  • Civil Aeronautics Board--Seaboard & Western Airlines, Inc., and Transocean Airlines, Inc., 1950-1951

Box 9

  • Civil Aeronautics Board--Seaboard & Western Airlines, Inc., and Transocean Airlines, Inc., 1952
  • Civil Service, U.S.
  • Coal Strike--(1950), Attachments to Board of Inquiry Report (Coal Dispute) Under E.O. 10106 in order as per Memo from Richard E. Neustadt, I [1 of 2]
  • Coal Strike--(1950), Attachments to Board of Inquiry Report (Coal Dispute) Under E.O. 10106 in order as per Memo from Richard E. Neustadt, I [2 of 2]
  • Coal Strike--(1950), Attachments to Board of Inquiry Report (Coal Dispute) Under E.O. 10106 in order as per Memo from Richard E. Neustadt, II
  • Coal Strike--(1950), "Bituminous Coal Wages, Profits and Productivity," Prepared for Southern Coal Producers Association by Dr. Jules Backman and Presented Before Presidential Coal Board, February 1950
  • Coal Strike--(1950), General

Box 10

  • Coal Strike--(1950), Minutes of Public Hearings and Correspondence of the Board of Inquiry (Coal Dispute) Created by E.O. 10106
  • Combined Production and Resources Board [1945]
  • Commerce Department, 1945
  • Commerce Department, 1946-February 1948
  • Commerce Department, March 1948
  • Commerce Department, May 1948 [1 of 2]

Box 11

  • Commerce Department, May 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Commerce Department, July 1948
  • Commerce Department, August 1948-1952
  • Council of Economic Advisers
  • Criticisms of the President
  • Cryptographic Security Board [establishment of, 1945]
  • D
  • Defense Department, General, 1946-1949
  • Defense Department, General, 1950 [overseas counter-intelligence information and education program, etc.]

Box 12

  • Defense Department, General, 1951-July 1952 [personnel matters, aircraft procurement, etc.]
  • Defense Department, General, August-December 1952 [dissemination of news, military training, selective service, etc.]
  • Defense Department, List of Officers Retired for Physical Disability Since VJ Day, December 1947
  • Defense Department, Listing of Female Medical Personnel Relieved or Retired from Active Duty for Physical Disability
  • Defense Department, Report to the President from the Secretary of Defense, February 28, 1948
  • Defense Mobilization, Office of, Memoranda 1951-1952
  • Defense Mobilization, Office of, Second Quarterly Report of the Director, July 1951 [1 of 2]

Box 13

  • Defense Mobilization, Office of, Second Quarterly Report of the Director, July 1951 [2 of 2]
  • Defense Mobilization, Office of, Third Quarterly Report of the Director, October 1951
  • Defense Production Act, 1950-1951
  • Defense Production Administration, 1951-1952
  • Economic Cooperation Administration, 1947-1949
  • Economic Cooperation Administration, 1950 [1 of 4]
  • Economic Cooperation Administration, 1950 [2 of 4]

Box 14

  • Economic Cooperation Administration, 1950 [3 of 4]
  • Economic Cooperation Administration, 1950 [4 of 4]
  • Economic Cooperation Administration,1951
  • Economic Cooperation Administration, 1952
  • Economic Stabilization Agency, 1951
  • Export-Import Bank [memorandum to the President, July 18, 1945]
  • F
  • Fair Employment Practices Committee [Philip Murray correspondence, 1946]
  • Far Eastern Commission [March, 1949]
  • Federal Civil Defense Administration [Millard Caldwell letter to the President, January 14, 1952]
  • Federal Communications Commission [memoranda for the President, 1945]
  • Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service [Director's memorandum to the President, December 2, 1948]
  • Federal Power Commission [Thomas C. Buchanan report, January 7, 1949]
  • Federal Trade Commission, 1947-1952
  • Federal Trade Commission--"Report on Petroleum Cartels" [1 of 6]

Box 15

  • Federal Trade Commission--"Report on Petroleum Cartels" [2 of 6]
  • Federal Trade Commission--"Report on Petroleum Cartels" [3 of 6]
  • Federal Trade Commission--"Report on Petroleum Cartels" [4 of 6]
  • Federal Trade Commission--"Report on Petroleum Cartels" [5 of 6]
  • Federal Trade Commission--"Report on Petroleum Cartels" [6 of 6]

Box 16

  • Foreign Economic Administration [Reports, 1945] [1 of 2]
  • Foreign Economic Administration [Reports, 1945] [2 of 2]
  • Government Patents Board [reports on incentives and awards, 1951]
  • Gray Report (Dollar Gap Report)
  • Home Loan Bank Board [1 of 2]
  • Home Loan Bank Board [2 of 2]

Box 17

  • Housing and Home Finance Agency
  • Housing Expediter [1947-1948]
  • Inter-American Military Cooperation Act [1947]
  • Interior Department [Petroleum and National Security, Puerto Rican affairs, 1946-1950]
  • Interstate Commerce Commission [Staats memo re, January 6, 1950]
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff [August-October, 1945]
  • Joint Intelligence Committee [weekly summary, July 26, 1945]
  • Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission [1946-1948]
  • Justice Department [1 of 5]
  • Justice Department [2 of 5]
  • Justice Department [3 of 5]

Box 18

  • Justice Department [4 of 5]
  • Justice Department [5 of 5]
  • K
  • Korean Emergency [1 of 2]
  • Korean Emergency [2 of 2]
  • L
  • Labor [1945-1948]
  • Lend-Lease [1 of 2]

Box 19

  • Lend-Lease [2 of 2]
  • Loyalty Program [President's Temporary Commission on Employee Loyalty, 1947]
  • M
  • MacArthur, General Douglas [Korean Emergency and Dismissal, 1950-1951]
  • Metropolitan Police [District of Columbia--Protection of the President]
  • Munitions Board [1 of 6]
  • Munitions Board [2 of 6]
  • Munitions Board [3 of 6]

Box 20

  • Munitions Board [4 of 6]
  • Munitions Board [5 of 6]
  • Munitions Board [6 of 6]
  • Mutual Defense [Program] [1 of 5]

Box 21

  • Mutual Defense [Program] [2 of 5]
  • Mutual Defense [Program] [3 of 5]
  • Mutual Defense [Program] [4 of 5]
  • Mutual Defense [Program] [5 of 5]
  • Mutual Security Agency
  • National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy [1951-1952]

Box 22

  • National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics [1948]
  • National Housing Agency [1947]
  • National Military Establishment [Unification of the Armed Forces, 1947-1949]
  • National Park Trust Fund Board [1949]
  • National Science Foundation
  • National Security Council [Italy, Korea, Japan, National Security, etc.]
  • National Security Resources Board [1 of 7]
  • National Security Resources Board [2 of 7]
  • National Security Resources Board [3 of 7]

Box 23

  • National Security Resources Board [4 of 7]
  • National Security Resources Board [5 of 7]
  • National Security Resources Board [6 of 7]
  • National Security Resources Board [7 of 7]
  • Navy [Department] [1 of 2]

Box 24

  • Navy [Department] [2 of 2]
  • Nelson Report (Standby Industrial Plant Program) [1947]
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization--SHAPE [1951-1952]
  • Office of Defense Transportation [1948-1949]
  • Office of Government Reports
  • Office of Military Government [Mead Committee investigation of the military government in Europe, 1946]
  • Office of Strategic Services [Korea, 1945]
  • Office of Temporary Controls [1947]
  • Office of War Information [Harold Ickes, Japan, termination of the agency]
  • Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion [1945-1947]
  • P
  • Pearl Harbor [investigation of Japanese attack on, 1945]
  • Permanent Joint Board on Defense (Canada-United States)
  • Philippine Alien Property Administration [1946]
  • Philippine War Damage Commission [1949]

Box 25

  • Post Office Department
  • The President [Information on President Truman and the Presidency]
  • President-elect [Presidential transition, 1952]
  • Presidential Messages [1947 State of the Union, Economic Report, the Budget, etc.]
  • President's Commission on Internal Security and Individual Rights
  • President's Committee on Higher Education [1948]
  • President's Committee on the Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement [1945]
  • President's Communication Policy Board
  • President's Handwritten Notes
  • President's Scientific Research Board [Draft of Report, 1949]
  • Psychological Strategy Board [Correspondence, 1951-1952]
  • R
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation [correspondence, 1946-1947]
  • Recorder of Deeds, Office of
  • Reorganization [of the Executive Branch, 1946-1947]
  • Research and Development Board [1950]
  • Rosenman Report (1945)--Civilian Supplies for the Liberated Areas of Europe [1 of 2]

Box 26

  • Rosenman Report (1945)--Civilian Supplies for the Liberated Areas of Europe [2 of 2]
  • Rural Electrification Administration [transfer to the Department of the Interior, 1945]
  • Russian Matters
  • S
  • Secret Service Reports
  • Selective Service
  • Sex Perversion [investigations of Federal employees]
  • Southwestern Power Administration [1946-1947]
  • Speech Clearance [of speeches of heads of Government departments and agencies, 1950-1952]
  • T
  • Taft-Hartley Act [reports re views of labor specialists, 1947]
  • Tariff Commission [processing tax on coconut oil, 1949]

Box 27

  • Telecommunications Advisor to the President [Government radio stations, 1952]
  • Telecommunications Planning Committee [1952]
  • Treasury Department
  • Unification of the Armed Services--Bills
  • Unification of the Armed Services--Drafts [of legislation] [1 of 2]
  • Unification of the Armed Services--Drafts [of legislation] [2 of 2]
  • Unification of the Armed Services--Hearings
  • Unification of the Armed Services--Press Releases
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Trust Council [1948-1949]

Box 28

  • United States Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality [1945-1946]
  • United States Group Council for Germany [1945-1947]
  • United States Maritime Commission [1945-1948]
  • United States Maritime Commission--Ship Construction Program, 1938-1945 [1 of 2]
  • United States Maritime Commission--Ship Construction Program, 1938-1945 [2 of 2]
  • United States Special Representative in Europe [position of, 1952]
  • Universal Training [background and status of the President's proposed program]
  • Veterans Administration [operation of hospitals, 1948-1952]
  • W
  • Wage Stabilization Agency [1950]
  • War Assets Administration [1946-1948]
  • War Department [1 of 4]

Box 29

  • War Department [2 of 4]
  • War Department [3 of 4]
  • War Department [4 of 4]
  • War Department--Veterans [report on veterans' readjustment to civilian life, 1947]
  • War Production Board [1 of 3]
  • War Production Board [2 of 3]

Box 30

  • War Production Board [3 of 3]
  • White House [data on staff, visitors, maintenance]

STATE DEPARTMENT FILE: Correspondence File, 1944-1953

Box 31

  • Correspondence, 1944
  • Correspondence, 1945 [1 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1945 [2 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1945 [3 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1946 [1 of 3]

Box 32

  • Correspondence, 1946 [2 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1946 [3 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1947 [1 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1947 [2 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1947 [3 of 3]

Box 33

  • Correspondence, 1948 [1 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1948 [2 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1948 [3 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1949 [1 of 5]
  • Correspondence, 1949 [2 of 5]

Box 34

  • Correspondence, 1949 [3 of 5]
  • Correspondence, 1949 [4 of 5]
  • Correspondence, 1949 [5 of 5]
  • Correspondence, 1950 [1 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1950 [2 of 3]

Box 35

  • Correspondence, 1950 [3 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1951 [1 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1951 [2 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1951 [3 of 3]
  • Correspondence, 1952 [1 of 5]

Box 36

Box 37

  • Palestine
  • Subversive Activites
  • Subversive Activities Control Board
  • World War II

STATE DEPARTMENT FILE: Myron C. Taylor File, 1939-1952

  • 1939
  • 1942
  • 1943
  • 1944
  • 1946 [1 of 2]
  • 1946 [2 of 2]
  • 1947 [1 of 3]

Box 38

  • 1947 [2 of 3]
  • 1947 [3 of 3]
  • 1948 [1 of 3]
  • 1948 [2 of 3]
  • 1948 [3 of 3]

Box 39

  • 1949
  • 1950
  • 1951
  • 1952
  • W.D. Hassett File-American-Soviet Relations
  • W.D. Hassett File-Boegner, Pastor Marc C.
  • W.D. Hassett File-Clark, General Mark C.
  • W.D. Hassett File-Dibelius, Bishop Otto
  • W.D. Hassett File-Gowen, Franklin C.
  • W.D. Hassett File-Miscellaneous [1 of 3]

Box 40

  • W.D. Hassett File-Miscellaneous [2 of 3]
  • W.D. Hassett File-Miscellaneous [3 of 3]
  • W.D. Hassett File-Niemoeller, Pastor Martin
  • W.D. Hassett File-Permission Refused for Publication of Certain Correspondence
  • W.D. Hassett File-Press Releases
  • W.D. Hassett File-Repots to the President, 1949 Trip
  • W.D. Hassett File-Resignation of President’s Personal Representative to the Pope
  • W.D. Hassett File-Russia, Report on, 1951
  • W.D. Hassett File-Secretarial Help
  • W.D. Hassett File-Spellman, Cardinal Francis-Eleanor Roosevelt Controversy
  • W.D. Hassett File-Taylor, Myron C., 1948 Representative to Vatican

Box 41

  • W.D. Hassett File-Taylor, Myron C., 1951 Mission to Europe
  • W.D. Hassett File-Taylor, Myron C., 1952 Trip
  • W.D. Hassett File-Unity Religious Leaders Against Communism
  • W.D. Hassett File-Vatican City, Claims for Wartime Damage to
  • W.D. Hassett File-Vatican Missions, Indexes
  • W.D. Hassett File-Vatican, Pope Pius XII and Pres. Truman
  • W.D. Hassett File-Vatican, Representative at

STATE DEPARTMENT FILE: International Trade Agreements File, 1945-1952

  • 1945
  • 1946
  • 1947

Box 42

  • 1948
  • 1949 [1 of 4]
  • 1949 [2 of 4]
  • 1949 [3 of 4]
  • 1949 [4 of 4]

Box 43

  • 1950
  • Negotiations, 1949 [1 of 8]
  • Negotiations, 1949 [2 of 8]
  • Negotiations, 1949 [3 of 8]
  • Negotiations, 1949 [4 of 8]

Box 44

  • Negotiations, 1949 [5 of 8]
  • Negotiations, 1949 [6 of 8]
  • Negotiations, 1949 [7 of 8]
  • Negotiations, 1949 [8 of 8]
  • Negotiations, 1950 [1 of 2]

Box 45

  • Negotiations, 1950 [2 of 2]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [1 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [2 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [3 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [4 of 11]

Box 46

  • Negotiations, 1951 [5 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [6 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [7 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [8 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [9 of 11]

Box 47

  • Negotiations, 1951 [10 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1951 [11 of 11]
  • Negotiations, 1952 [1 of 3]
  • Negotiations, 1952 [2 of 3]
  • Negotiations, 1952 [3 of 3]
  • Negotiations, 1953

STATE DEPARTMENT FILE: Reports and Publications File, 1945-1950

Box 48

  • Foreign Policy Reports
  • Weekly Review [1 of 2]
  • Weekly Review [2 of 2]
  • White Paper on China [Background Correspondence]
  • White Paper on China--Galley Proofs [Letter of Transmission Giving Contents]
  • White Paper on China--Galley Proofs, Chapters [1 of 2]
  • White Paper on China--Galley Proofs, Chapters [2 of 2]
  • State Department--White Paper on China--List of Annexes and Chronology of Events

Box 49

  • State Department--White Paper on China--Galley Proofs, Annexes, Chapters [1 of 3]
  • State Department--White Paper on China--Galley Proofs, Annexes, Chapters [2 of 3]
  • State Department--White Paper on China--Galley Proofs, Annexes, Chapters [3 of 3]


Box 50

  • A [1 of 2]
  • A [2 of 2]
  • B [1 of 2]
  • B [2 of 2]

Box 51

  • C [1 of 3]
  • C [2 of 3]
  • C [3 of 3]
  • D [1 of 2]
  • D [2 of 2]

Box 52

  • E
  • F [1 of 3]
  • F [2 of 3]
  • F [3 of 3]
  • G [1 of 2]

Box 53

  • G [2 of 2]
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K

Box 54

  • L [1 of 2]
  • L [2 of 2]
  • M [1 of 2]
  • M [2 of 2]
  • N [1 of 2]

Box 55

  • N [2 of 2]
  • O
  • P [1 of 2]
  • P [2 of 2]
  • Q
  • R [1 of 2]
  • R [2 of 2]

Box 56

  • S [1 of 3]
  • S [2 of 3]
  • S [3 of 3]
  • T [1 of 2]
  • T [2 of 2]

Box 57

  • U
  • V
  • W [1 of 2]
  • W [2 of 2]
  • X-Y
  • Z
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