Sociologist and statistician; Assistant Director for Statistical Standards, Bureau of the Budget, 1940-1955
See also Mrs. Stuart A. Rice oral history.
Size: 75 linear feet, 8 linear inches.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Peter W. Bunce (1971, 1972); Jan Davis and David Clark (2016).
GOVERNMENT FILE, 1933-1950: Chronological File
Box 1
- Central Statistical Board, 1933
- Central Statistical Board, 1934
- Central Statistical Board, 1935-1936
- Central Statistical Board, 1937
- Central Statistical Board, 1938
- Confidential Office Memoranda
Box 2
- January - July, 1939
- August - December, 1939
- January - June, 1940
- July - December, 1940
Box 3
- January - June, 1941
- July - December, 1941
- January - June, 1942
- July - December, 1942
- January - June, 1943
Box 4
- July - December, 1943
- January - June, 1944
- July - December, 1944
- January - June, 1945
Box 5
- July - December, 1945
- January - June, 1946
- July - December, 1946
- January - June, 1947
- July - December, 1947
Box 6
- January - June, 1948
- July - December, 1948
- January - June, 1949
Box 7
- July - December, 1949
- January - June, 1950
- July - December, 1950
- Memos to and from Director, 1944
Box 8
- Memos to and from Director, 1945-1949
- Committee on Government Statistics and Information Services, 1933-1934, 1937, 1964
GOVERNMENT FILE, 1933-1950: Bureau of the Census
- Agriculture, Division of, 1934 - 1940
- Assistant Director, Bureau of the Census, 1933-1936
- Business, Division of, 1934-1940
- Census Advisory Committee, 1932-1937
- Census Index, Subcommittee on, 1931-1932
- Census of Distribution, 1933-1937
Box 9
- Census of Electrical Industries, 1932-1937
- Census of Manufactures, 1933-1940
- Census of Population, 1940
- Census of Population, Sample, 1941
- Census of Street Railways, 1937
- Census Tracts, Committee on, 1931-1937
- Civil Works Administration Projects, 1933-1936
- Committee on Government Statistics and Information Services, Census, 1932-1934
Box 10
- Committee on Government Statistics and Information Services, Census, 1935-1967, undated
- Correspondence, Miscellaneous, 1931-1936
- Correspondence, Miscellaneous, 1937-1942
- Correspondence, Personal, 1934, 1964-1966
- Debate with Senator Tobey, 1940
- Decennial Census Conference and Planning, 1936-1966
- Examination for Administrative Assistant to the Director, 1935
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Index of Employment and Payroll, 1933
- Geography, Division of, 1931-1935
Box 11
- Legislation, 1932-1938
- Machine Tabulation Division, 1935
- Mid-decennial census of Population, Proposed, 1933-1934
- Population, Division of, 1929-1937
- Religious Statistics, Division of, 1934-1936
- Reorganization, 1934
- Reorganization, 1935-1939
- Reports of the Census Bureau, 1938-1939
- Unemployment Census, 1930-1939, 1946-1947, 1966
GOVERNMENT FILE, 1933-1950: Central Statistical Board
Box 12
- Central Statistical Board and the Bureau of the Budget, 1938-1945-1946, 1950
- The Central Statistical Board and Its Work, 1935
- Defense of, 1936-1939
- Government Members of the Statistical Committee of Textile Conference, 1937
- Guide to Records of, 1933-1940
- Reports, 1937
- Reports, 1938-1940
- Reunion, 1963
- Statistics - Strategy, 1941, 1953
GOVERNMENT FILE, 1933-1950: Bureau of the Budget
- Director of, 1921
- Personal, 1939-1966
Box 13
- Statistical Coordination, 1944-1963
- Statistical Standards, Division of, 1945-1954
CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1913-1969: Personal
Box 14
- Family Correspondence, 1922
- Chineta and Marion, 1925-1928
- Chineta and her Mother, 1928-1931
- Marion, 1926-1932
- Notes of Dreams, Analytic and Post Analytic Period
- Reed, Ruth, 1930
- Betty (Ruth H. Bedford), 1930-1932
- De Laguna, Frederica and Mrs., 1930-1932
- Drinkaus, Mildred, ca. 1931
- Mead, Elizabeth, ca., 1932
- Thomas, Dorothy, ca., 1932
Box 15
- General, 1914-1935
- European, 1968
- Orientals, 1968
CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1913-1969: Korean
- Explanatory Notes
- Ahn, Chong Jick; Bullock, A.L.; Kim, Jun Joo; Ok, Koo Joo; Kang, Kang Chul; Juhn, Daniel
- Chang, Yun Suck; Chung, Hai Ja
- Cho, Lee Jay ("Joseph"), 1958-1959
- Cho, Lee Jay ("Joseph"), 1960-1968
- Cho, Pil Jay (Peter)
- Ha, Sunghea; Tchah, Kyun Hi; Suh, Jung Taek; Won, Kai Sook
- Hong, Haeja, before arrival in U.S., September 3, 1961
- Hong, Haeja, Washington, 1961 to Marquette University, August 1962
Box 16
- Hong, Haeja, Marquette University, September 1962 - Return to Korea, March 1963
- Hong, Haeje, from arrival in Seoul, April 1963-1968
- Kim, Yeongchul; Du Hwan, Young Duk; Chik Kon; Gil Kuo; Helen; Young Bai
- Kim, Young Hee; before marriage to Ke Chung Kim (2 folders)
- Kim, Young Hee; and Ke Chung, after Marriage, folder 1
Box 17
- Kim, Young Hee; and Ke Chung, after Marriage, folder 2
- Kim, Young Hee's Family
- Kim, Yun
- Koh, Seok Whan
- Lee, Ducksoo; Han Been; Hae Seung
- Mary Jessica (Jae Sook Ka)
- Oh, Chae Kyung; Hyung Keun
- Paik, George
- Park, Chai Bin; Ching Kee; Ester; Hong Nai
- Shin, Byong Hyun; Tae Whan; Won Tack
- Son, Kyung Sook
- Song, Chung Pum; Dong Jin; In Sang
- Sunwoo, Paul (and Haeja Hong)
- Tong, Chun Han, et al, Involved in her Problems
- You, Sanguine
Box 18
- Youk, Professor Chi Soo
- American-Korean Foundation, CARE, etc.
- Collier, Norma and other Statistical Advisory Group Staff re "Korean Children"
- Willey, Malcolm, re "Korean Children"
- Correspondence re Administration and Personnel, 1957-1964
- Correspondence to and from Korea, 1961-1963
- Miscellaneous
CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1913-1969: Special
Box 19
- Arnold Family, 1933-1941, 1967-1968
- Jacob, Hans, 1938-1940
- Jacob, Hans, 1941
- Jacob, Hans, 1942-1943
- Jacob, Hans, 1944-1961, undated
- Leonard, William R., 1946-1949
Box 20
- Leonard, William R., 1950
- Leonard, William R., 1951-1952
- Leonard, William R., 1953-1966
- Willcox, Walter F., 1933-1939
- Willcox, Walter F., 1940-1960
- Willcox, Walter F., 1961
- Willcox, Walter F., 1962-1966, undated
Box 21
- Willcox, Walter F., Reapportionment, folder 1
- Willcox, Walter F., Reapportionment, folder 2
- Willcox, Walter F., Centennial and Death
- Willey, Malcolm, 1926-1931
- Willey, Malcolm, 1932
- Willey, Malcolm, 1933-1939
- Willey, Malcolm, 1940-1968, undated
Box 22
- Willey, Malcolm, Sociology Courses, 1928-1930
- Letters and Documents of Special Personal Interest
- Letter, Memorandum and Christmas Card Found in the Books of Stuart A. Rice
CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1913-1969: General
Box 23
- A - AM
- Adair, Grover C. (Robin)
- AN - AX
- Archer, Laird
- BA - BEC
- Barrows, Henrietta
- Beck, Philip and Helen; Dorothy Fahs
- BI - BO
- Bradley Phillips
Box 24
- Brinton, Hugh P.
- CA - CL
- Carter, Hugh
- Caulfield, Henry
- Chaddock, Robert E.
- Chapin, Stuart F.
- CR - CU
Box 25
- DA - DE
- Das, Taraknath
- Deering, Tam and Ivah, 1913-1934
- Deering, Tam and Ivah, 1935-1969
- DI - DW
- Djanian, Aida
- Dublin, Louis I.
- Dunn, Halbert L.
- E
- Ehrman, Libert
Box 26
- FA - FL
- FO - FU
- Futran, John
- GA - GL
- Givens, Meredith B.
- GO - GU
- Griswold, Reverend Charles H.
- HA - HE
Box 27
- Hart, Hornell
- Hauser, Philip
- HI - HW
- Howlett, Duncan
- Hurlin, Ralph G.
- I
- J
- Japanese Friends, Miscellaneous (also see individual names)
- Johnson, Lyndon B.
- KA - KE
- KI - KU
Box 28
- Korean Children and Friends, 1963-1967
- Kuznets, Simon
- LA
- Lawrence, Charles B.
- LE
- LI - LY
- MC
Box 29
- MA
- Marshall, Herbert
- Mayer, Joseph
- ME - MI
- Mikol, Bettina and Vera
- Mills, Frederick C.
- Minobe, Ryokichi
- MO- MY
- Moore, Harry H.
Box 30
- N
- Nixon, Richard
- O
- Odum, Howard W.
- Ogburn, Will, Ren, Rubyn, Charlton
- P
- Q
- RA - RI
- RO - RY
- SA - SC
Box 31
- Scott, Ann
- SE - SH
- Sellin, Thorsten
- SI - SO
- SP - SZ
- Staker, Charlie, Florrie, Ena, Maurice
- T
- Thomas, Dorothy S.
- U
- V
Box 32
- Venneman and Todd
- WA - WE
- Wallace, Henry A.'s Speech - American Statistical Association, 1944
- Watson, Alfred N.
- Watson, David L.
- WH - WR
- White, R. Clyde
- Wickware, F. G.
- Willits, Joseph H.
- Wilson, E. B.
- Wirth, Louis
- Woodard, James W.
- X
- Y
- Yeatts, Maurice
Box 33
- Young, Daniel
- Z
- Unidentified
SUBJECT FILE: Political, Social, and Community Service
- Correspondence Concerning Stocks, 1905-1907
- Industrial Welfare Commission, State of Washington, 1912-1913
- Industrial Welfare Commission, State of Washington, resignation from, 1914
- Industrial Welfare Commission, State of Washington, 1914-1915, undated
- New York Department of Public Charities, Confidential Inspector Reports, 1914
- New York Department of Public Charities, Confidential Inspector Reports, 1915-1917, undated
- New York Department of Public Charities, Pamphlets, Clippings, Notes, 1914-1915, undated
- New York Department of Public Charities, Pamphlets, Correspondence, Reports, 1917-1927, undated
Box 35
- New York Department of Public Charities, Correspondence, 1914-1915
- Municipal Lodging House, 1914
- Municipal Lodging House, January 1915
- Municipal Lodging House, February - December 1915
- Municipal Lodging House, January - September 1916
- Municipal Lodging House, October - December 1916
Box 36
- Municipal Lodging House, Diary, January 15, 1916 - January 115, 1917
- Municipal Lodging House, 1917-1919 (and Health Pamphlets(
- Municipal Lodging House, undated (ca 1913-1918)
- Municipal Lodging House, cards, tickets, brochures (ca 1913-1918)
- Municipal Lodging House, 1928-1934
- Municipal Lodging House, Photographs
Box 37
- Municipal Lodging House, Report, 1932, Part I
- Municipal Lodging House, Report, 1932, Part II
- Assorted pamphlets on Social Problem, ca 1914-1924
- War Camp Community Service, 1918, 1920, undated
- Red Cross, Tacoma Chapter, 1918-1921, undated
- Social Services Board, Tacoma, Appointment to, 1919
- Stuart Rice Social Work, Newspaper Clippings, 1913-1928
- Washington State Politics, 1919-1922, undated; Committee of 48 and Farm-Labor Party
Box 38
- "Committee of 48," 1918-1921, Experiences and Writings, undated material
- Drafts and Articles Written as Hobo on Way to "Committee of 48" Convention, 1920, folder 1
- Drafts and Articles Written as Hobo on Way to "Committee of 48" Convention, 1920, folder 2
- Correspondence Re Domestic Legislation and International Affairs, 1916-1939
- Application for University Fellowship - Supporting Material, 1921-1923, Including Synopsis of Lectures Taught at YMCA
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1912-1925, undated
Box 39
- President Harding's Committee on Unemployment, Materials for Chapter in Report, 1922
- Questionnaires, Political and Social, 1920-1932
- Polls, Political and Social, 1923-1932
- Social Work Statistics
- Committee on the Care of Transients and Homeless, 1928, 1932
- Personal Experience, 1927-1941
- Welfare Council of New York City, 1927-1939, undated
- Welfare Council of New York City, Reports, 1932
Box 40
- Welfare Council of New York City, Reports, 1933 (2 folders)
- Statistical Progress, 1933
- Invitations to Read Papers, Write Reviews, 1930-1937
- Invitations to Conferences, and Programs, 1933-1945, undated
- Townsend Plan, 1935-1936, Rice Speech and News Clippings
- Traveler's Aid Society, 1935-1948
- Cooperative Forum, 1936-1967
Box 41
- Harvard University Graduate School of Public Administration, 1936-1942, Fellowship and Candidates
- Position Re Partisan Politics, 1936-1944
- Miscellaneous Washington Activities, 1937-1941
- Papers in Preparation, 1939
- National Press Club, 1939-1941
- Church Affairs, 1939, 1966-1968
- Pre and Post World War II New York Times, 1934, 1946; Other News Items, 1940
- Washington, D.C. - War Years 1940-1943
- Independent Citizens' Committee on the Arts, Sciences and Professions, Incorporated, 1944-1946
- Integrity of Government Statistics, 1946 (with 1964, 1966 Retrospective Views)
Box 42
- Foreign English Language Dailies: Nippon Times, December 1946, January 1952
- Foreign English Language Dailies: Japan News, Stars and Stripes, January 1947, April 1951
- Foreign English Language Dailies: Bangkok Tribune, Bangkok Post, Liberty, January - December 1951, January 1952
- Foreign English Language Dailies: Statesman, Times of India, Hindustan Times, November - December 1951
- Foreign English Language Dailies: La Bourse Egyptienne, Egyptian Gazette, Chronicle, November 1951, May 1952
- Advisory Council on federal Reports, 1952-1953, 1961, 1966-1967
- Washington Seminar on International Relations, 1953-1954
- Automation, 1955-1957
- Civic Matters, 1956
- Conference of Housing and Population Census Users, 1956-1957, 1966-1968
Box 43
- White House Conference on International Cooperation, 1965-1966
- U.S. Congress, House Subcommittee on Research and Technical Programs, Committee on Government Operations: Federally Sponsored Social Research, 1966
- Conference of European Statisticians, Washington, May 1968
SUBJECT FILE: University Lecture Notes and Correspondence
Box 44
- University of Washington, Class Notes, 1909-1912 (Folders 1-5)
Box 45
- University of Washington, Class Notes, 1909-1912 (Folders 6 and 7)
- University of Washington, Rhetoric - Themes, 1908
- University of Washington, Papers, Reports, Clippings, 1912-1938
- University of Washington, Transcript
- Columbia University Graduate School (2 Folders)
Box 46
- Correspondence about Columbia University
- Early Writings, 1908-1920's
- Dartmouth, Correspondence while there
- Dartmouth, Computations with Grades
- Dartmouth, Class Notes and Research
- Dartmouth, Lecture Notes and Exams (Folder 1)
Box 47
- Dartmouth, Lecture Notes and Exams (Folder 2)
- Dartmouth, Miscellaneous
- Dartmouth, Sociology 1, First Year Class Notes
- Sociology 2
- Sociology 1-S
- Sociology, Notes and Material (Folders 1 and 2)
Box 48
- Sociology, Notes and Materials (Folders 3 and 4)
- F.H. Giddings
- F.H. Giddings, Memorial Volume
- Teaching Materials, ca. 1926
- University of Pennsylvania, Correspondence, 1926-1932
- University of Pennsylvania, Correspondence, 1933-1936
- University of Pennsylvania, Correspondence, 1937-1942, 1964
- University of Pennsylvania, Correspondence, Emory R. Johnson, 1926-1932
Box 49
- University of Pennsylvania, Miscellaneous
- University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School Curriculum
- University of Pennsylvania, Class Notes: Methods of Research
- University of Pennsylvania, Class Notes: Statistical Reprints and Data
- University of Pennsylvania, Class Notes: Sociology 12, 1926-1927
Box 50
- University of Pennsylvania, Class Notes: 1939-1940
- University of Pennsylvania, Economics and Statistics, notes and outlines
- University of Pennsylvania, Seminar Reports, 1930-1931
- University of Pennsylvania, 1939
- University of Chicago, Correspondence, 1932-1934, Notes
- Students and the Campus, Clippings, 1967-1968
SUBJECT FILE: Professional Organizations
Box 51
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1933, 1939
- American Sociological Association, 1962-1968
- American Sociological Association, Emerti
- American Sociological Society, Publication, 1930-1932
- American Statistical Association, 1927-1934
- American Statistical Association, 1935
- American Statistical Association, 1936-1941
- American Statistical Association, 1943-1955
Box 52
- American Statistical Association, Advisory Committee to Bureau of Budget, 1946, 1961-1962, 1966
- American Statistical Association, Advisory Committee to Bureau of Budget, 1967
- American Statistical Association, Advisory Committee to Bureau of Budget, 1968-1969, undated
- American Statistical Association, 1965, Annual Meeting; Philadelphia, 125th Anniversary, Boston
- American Statistical Association, Business Cycle; Industrial and Commercial Area Versus Political Unit for Business Data (1933 Meeting)
- American Statistical Association, Chapter Relationships, 1927, 1933 (1933 Meeting)
- American Statistical Association, Citizens' Council, 1933
- American Statistical Association, Committee on Nominations, 1933-1934
- American Statistical Association, Committee to Stimulate and Coordinate Research: Meredith Givens, Chairman
Box 53
- American Statistical Association, Correspondence, 1931-1933, 1967
- American Statistical Association, Correspondence and Board of Directors, 1932-1934
- American Statistical Association, Don Riley Award
- American Statistical Association, Economic and Social Planning; Collection of Recovery and Planning Statistics (1933 Meeting)
- American Statistical Association, Federal Vital Statistics; Medical Statistics (1933 Medical)
- American Statistical Association, Journal, 1926-1934
- American Statistical Association, National Income (1933 Meeting)
- American Statistical Association, Philadelphia Chapter
- American Statistical Association, Presidential Address, 1933: "Statistical Opportunities and Responsibilities"
- American Statistical Association, Program for 1933
- American Statistical Association, Program Preparations for 1933 Meeting
- American Statistical Association, Program Steps, 1933
Box 54
- American Statistical Association, Prohibition Study, 1930
- American Statistical Association, Research Committee, 1931-1933
- American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Committee, Book "Statistics in Social Studies"
- American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Committee, Christmas Program, 1929
- American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Committee, General, 1927-1933
- American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Committee, Meeting, 1930
- American Statistical Association, Social Welfare and Criminal Statistics; Industrial and Labor Statistics (1933 Meeting)
- American Statistical Association, Washington Statistical Society, 1966-1967
- American Statistical Association, World's Fair Meeting (Chicago), 1933
- Cosmos Club, 1931-1968, undated
- District of Columbia Sociological Society, 1968
- Eighth American Scientific Congress, 1939
Box 55
- Eighth American Scientific Congress, 1940
- Eighth American Scientific Congress, Resolutions
- Eighth American Scientific Congress, Statistical Section of
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Correspondence, Reports, Forms, 1960-1969
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Documentation of Meeting of Nominations Committee; Reports, 1966-1967
Box 56
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Executive Committee, 26th Session, 1966, (2 Folders)
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Executive Committee, Agenda Supporting Material for 26th Session
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Executive Committee, 27th Session, 1967
Box 57
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Executive Committee, Agenda Supporting Material for the 27th Session
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Executive Committee, 29th Session, 1968
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Executive Committee, Agenda Supporting Material for the 29th Session
Box 58
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Executive Committee, Agenda Supporting Material for the 30th Session
- Inter American Statistical Institute, Organization of
- International Institute of Sociology, 1959-1966
- International Statistical Institute, 1964-1969
- International Statistical Institute, Correspondence, 1945-1961
- International Statistical Institute, Correspondence, 1962-1966
Box 59
- International Statistical Institute, Correspondence with U.S. Members as a Group, 1946-1947, 1949, 1950's, 1969
- International Statistical Institute, Elections
- International Statistical Institute, Elections (Candidates)
- International Statistical Institute, Far East Statistical Institute (Proposed), 1958, 1966-1969
- International Statistical Institute, International Statistical Conference, Finance, 1947
- International Statistical Institute, Membership, 1958-1969
- International Statistical Institute, Organization, 1966-1967
- International Statistical Institute, Revival
- International Statistical Institute, Revival, Reorganization
- International Statistical Institute, 23rd Session, Athens, 1936
Box 60
- International Statistical Institute, 24th Session, Prague, 1938
- International Statistical Institute, 25th Session, Washington, D.C., 1940
- International Statistical Institute, 26th Session, Bern, 1949
- International Statistical Institute, 27th Session, India, 1951
- International Statistical Institute, 28th Session, Rome, 1953
- International Statistical Institute, 28th Session, Rome, 1953, Family Correspondence
- International Statistical Institute, Stockholm, 1957, Scandinavian (by freighter)
- International Statistical Institute, 31st Session, Brussels, 1958, Paris, 1961
- International Statistical Institute, 32nd Session, Tokyo, 1960
- International Statistical Institute, 35th Session Belgrade, 1965, World Population Conference (UN)
Box 61
- International Statistical Institute, 36th Session, Sydney, 1967 (3 Folders)
- International Statistical Institute, 37th Session, London, 1969
- International Statistical Institute, 38th Session, (Proposed), Washington, D.C., 1971
- International Statistical Conferences (World Statistical Congress), 1946
Box 62
- International Statistical Conferences (World Statistical Congress), 1947, 1951
- International Statistical Conferences (World Statistical Congress), undated
- International Statistical Conferences, Volumes I, II
- International Statistical Conferences, Volume III, Parts A,B
Box 63
- International Statistical Conferences, Volumes IV, V
- International Statistical Education Center, Beirut and Calcutta, 1949-October 1950
- International Statistical Education Center, Beirut and Calcutta, November 1950-1951
- International Statistical Education Center, Beirut and Calcutta, 1952-1954, undated
- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 1966
Box 64
- Social Science Research Council, Administrative, 1931-1941
- Social Science Research Council, Crane, Robert T., 1931-1941
- Social Science Research Council, "Diary of a Research Expedition to Europe," James T. Shotwell
- Social Science Research Council, Economic Statistics, 1931-1933
- Social Science Research Council, Grants-in-Aid Committee, 1929-1932
- Social Science Research Council, Grants-in-Aid Committee, 1933-1936 (Fellowship Committee)
- Social Science Research Council, Grants-in-Aid Committee, (1936), 1937-1939
- Social Science Research Council, Hanover Meeting, 1926, Case Book on Methods
- Social Science Research Council, Hanover Conference, 1926, Volume I
Box 65
- Social Science Research Council, Hanover Conference, 1926, Volume II
- Social Science Research Council, Hanover Conference, 1927
- Social Science Research Council, Hanover Conference, Evening Discussions, 1928
- Social Science Research Council, Harvard Conference of University Social Science Research Organizations, 1937
- Social Science Research Council, Minutes, April 1932
Box 66
- Social Science Research Council, Report and Agendas, 1931-1932
- Social Science Research Council, Scientific Methods, Committee on, 1927-1932
- Social Science Research Council, Social Statistics Committee: Agendas, Minutes, Proceedings, Reports, 1931-1933
- Social Science Research Council, Social Statistics Committee: Correspondence, 1928-1934
- Social Science Research Council, Miscellaneous
- Social Science Research Council and American Council of Learned Societies: Federal Government, Census (WPA), 1933-1940
- Social Science Research Council and American Council of Learned Societies: Joint Committee on Materials for Research, 1931-1933, 1936-1941, 1952
- Social Science Research Council and American Council of Learned Societies: Joint Committee on Materials for Research, Washington Round Table, January 26th, 1932
Box 67
- Sociological Research Administration, 1954
- Miscellaneous Organizations, ca. 1940-1954
- Organizations and programs, Solicitations to Participate or Support, 1923-1964
SUBJECT FILE: United Nations and International Affairs
Box 68
- United Nations Contributions Committee, 1951
- United Nations Contributions Committee, 1952
- United Nations Contributions Committee, 1953
- United Nations Contributions Committee, 1953, Family Correspondence
- United Nations Contributions Committee, July-November, 1954
- United Nations Contributions Committee, December 1954, Family Correspondence, August 1954
- United Nations Contributions Committee, January-August 1955
- United Nations Contributions Committee, September 1955-1956
Box 69
- United Nations Statistical Commission, 6th Session, 1951
- United Nations Statistical Commission, 7th Session, 1953 (2 Folders)
- United Nations Statistical Commission, 13th Session, 1965
- United Nations Statistical Commission, 15th Session, 1968 (Folders 1 and 2)
Box 70
- United Nations Statistical Commission, 15th Session, 1968 (Folders 3, 4, and 5)
- United Nations Statistical Commission, Anecdotes and Telegrams, 1947
- United Nations Statistical Commission, Conference on Standards of Living, 1953
- United Nations Statistical Commission, Conference on Standards of Living, 1953, Working Materials
- United Nations Statistical Commission, Economic and Social Council: 18th Session; Position Paper, 1954
- United Nations Statistical Commission, International Seminar on Statistical Organization, 1952
- United Nations Statistical Commission, International Standard Industrial Classification, 1946-1949
- United Nations Statistical Commission, Organizations, undated
Box 71
- United Nations Statistical Commission, Standard Industrial Classification, 1947
- United Nations Statistical Office, 1947-1954
- United Nations Statistical Office, 1968
- United Nations Statistical Office, Bruce, William J., 1945-1953
- United Nations Statistical Office, Campion, Harry, 1946-1950
- United Nations: Assistance Programs (General), Data, 1946-1950
- United Nations: Assistance Programs (Technical), Data, 1946-1950
- United Nations: Clippings, 1945-1951
- United Nations: Seat of, 1945-1946
- United Nations: Seminar on Statistical Organizations, Ottawa, 1952
- United Nations: Trip, Correspondence with Peyton Stapp, 1948
Box 72
- United Nations: United States Mission to, 1946-1951
- International Affairs: Brookings Institute Study: "Administrative Aspects of U.S. Foreign Assistance Program," 1956
- International Affairs: Clippings and Articles, 1931-1942
- International Affairs: Clippings, 1956
- International Affairs: Colombo Plan, 1955
- International Affairs: Commonwealth Countries, 1956
- International Affairs: Correspondence, October-November 1956
- International Affairs: Correspondence with Foreign Embassies, 1956-1957
- International Affairs: Correspondence with State Department, 1945-1953
Box 73
- International Affairs: Diary, October 22-26, 1956
- International Affairs: European Countries, ca. 1954-1957
- International Affairs: Far East and Asia, 1951-1958
- International Affairs: Foreign Aid Programs, 1956-1957
- International Affairs: India's Request for Statistical Assistance, 1947-1950
- International Affairs: International Activities in General, 1964
- International Affairs: International Cooperation Administration, 1956
- International Affairs: Military Assistance, 1956
- International Affairs: Proposal for a New U.S. Foreign Economic Policy Max F. Millikan and W.W. Rostow, 1956
- International Affairs: Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Release and reports, 1955-156
- International Affairs: Special Committee to Study Foreign Aid Program - Foreign Aid Activities of Other Free Nations, Stuart Rice Association, Inc., December 31, 1956
- International Affairs: Special Committee to Study Foreign Aid Program - Meeting of Contractors, November 8, 1956
Box 74
- International Affairs: Stuart A. Rice Associates contract with Senate Foreign Relations Committee (3 Folders)
- International Affairs: Survey of Bilateral and Multilateral Foreign Economic Aid Programs Outside the United Nations, 1945-1956
- International Affairs: U.S. Economic Aid, Drafts by F.W. Bator and E.E. Hagen, undated
SUBJECT FILE: Surveys and Research Corporation
Box 75
- Samuel Weiss Research Associates, Rice-Ehrman Partnership, 1955-1957 (Pre Surveys and Research Corporation)
- Administration, organization and Management, 1961-1965, undated
- Business Records, 1955-1967
- Financial and Tax Statements, 1961-1964
- Officers' Staff Meetings, 1962-1963
- Progress Reports, 1962-1963, undated
- Project Promotion, 1963-1965
- Retirement Plan, 1962-1963
- Stockholder Relations, 1963-1968
- Stockholder meetings, July 23-24, 1965
- Watkins, Ralph and Ladd, Boyd; Association with Surveys and Research Corporation, 1961-1967
Box 76
- Miscellaneous Administrative Issues, 1962-1966
- Miscellaneous Documents, 1962-1965, undated
SUBJECT FILE: Korea Project (Alphabetical File)
Box 77
- Administrative, 1958-1960
- Administrative, 1961
- Administrative, 1962-1963
- Airgrams, 1958-1960
- Airgrams, 1961-1963
Box 78
- American Personnel: Cazell, Gabriel F.
- American Personnel: Collier, Norma J.
- American Personnel: Eiffert, Joan M.
- American Personnel: Fairley, Scott V.
- American Personnel: Fitzgerald, James S.
- American Personnel: Israel, Harold
- American Personnel: Lawrence, Charles B.
- American Personnel: Lynch, Elizabeth
- American Personnel: McBride, John W.
- American Personnel: Rice, Stuart A.
- American Personnel: Stocking, Collis
- American Personnel: Tepping, Benjamin J.
- American Personnel: Yentis, David
- Assembly Profile
- Contract
- Coordinator, June 5, 1958
- Correspondence, Miscellaneous, 1958-1962
- Demographic Institute, 1959-1962
- Dixon and Massey
- International Cooperation Administration, Regulations
Box 79
- Korean Statistical Program - Stuart A. Rice, 1957
- Medical
- Memos from File
- Motor Pool, United States Operations Manual, 1959-1963
- Names and Addresses
- Office Property
- Personnel
Box 80
- Petty Cash (2 Folders)
- Press Translations, Republic of Korea Government Reforms
- Project Agreement (PRO AG)
- Project Implementation order - Commodities (PIO/C)
- Publications, 1958-1963
- Reports (monthly and semi-annual)
- Shipping and Travel Invoices
Box 81
- Speeches, 1959
- Staff Meeting (TC-PA), 1958-1959
- Staffing, Statistical Advisory Group/Korea
- Statement of Working Days
- Statistical Organization, 1959-1961
- Statistics Law
- Surveys and research Contract, 1958-1963
Box 82
- Travel, 1958-1963
- United States Operations Mission, Memos and Letters, 1958-1963
- United States Operations Mission, Orders, 1958-1963
- Cross-References
SUBJECT FILE: Korea Project (Chronological File)
Box 83
- Chronological File, 1958, June
- Chronological File, 1958, July
- Chronological File, 1958, August
- Chronological File, 1958, September
- Chronological File, 1958, October
- Chronological File, 1958, November
- Chronological File, 1958, December
- Chronological File, 1959, January
- Chronological File, 1959, February
- Chronological File, 1959, March
- Chronological File, 1959, April
Box 84
- Chronological File, 1959, May
- Chronological File, 1959, June
- Chronological File, 1959, July
- Chronological File, 1959, August
- Chronological File, 1959, September
- Chronological File, 1959, October
- Chronological File, 1959, November
Box 85
- Chronological File, 1959, December
- Chronological File, 1960-1963, Invitations
- Chronological File, 1960, January
- Chronological File, 1960, February
- Chronological File, 1960, March
- Chronological File, 1960, April
- Chronological File, 1960, May
- Chronological File, 1960, June
- Chronological File, 1960, July
Box 86
- Chronological File, 1960, August
- Chronological File, 1960, September
- Chronological File, 1960, October
- Chronological File, 1960, November
- Chronological File, 1960, December
- Chronological File, 1961, January
- Chronological File, 1961, February
Box 87
- Chronological File, 1961, March
- Chronological File, 1961, April
- Chronological File, 1961, May
- Chronological File, 1961, June
- Chronological File, 1961, July
- Chronological File, 1961, August
- Chronological File, 1961, September
- Chronological File, 1961, October
- Chronological File, 1961, November
- Chronological File, 1961, December
Box 88
- Chronological File, 1962, January
- Chronological File, 1962, February
- Chronological File, 1962, March
- Chronological File, 1962, April
- Chronological File, 1962, May
- Chronological File, 1962, June
- Chronological File, 1962, July
- Chronological File, 1962, August
- Chronological File, 1962, September
- Chronological File, 1962, October
- Chronological File, 1962, November
- Chronological File, 1962, December
- Chronological File, 1963, January
- Chronological File, 1963, February
- Chronological File, 1963, March
Box 89
- Chronological File, 1963, April
- Chronological File, 1963, May
SUBJECT FILE: Korea Project (Washington File)
- Administrative: Contract Operation and Administrative, Correspondence with Statistical Advisory Group, February-May 1962
- Administrative: Contract Operation, Discussions and Correspondence with Henry Shavell, August 1961
- Administrative: Contract Operation, Discussions and Correspondence with Killen and Janow, March-June 1962
- Administrative: Contract Operation, Projected Activity Discussions with Killen, October 1962
- Administrative: Contract Operation, Projected Activity Discussions in Seoul, November-December 1962
- Agriculture: Census, 1958-1962
- Agriculture: Census Handbook, Techniques in Asian Countries
- Agriculture: General, 1958-1963
Box 90
- Census: General, 1958-1961
- Census: Population and Housing, 1959
- Census: Population and Housing, 1960
- Census: Population and Housing, 1961
- Census: Population and Housing, 1962-1963
- Census: Printing, 1959-1960
- Data Processing: Center, 1959-1961
Box 91
- Data Processing: General, 1959-1963
- Data Processing: Equipment, 1959-1963
- Data Processing: Equipment, Needs of the Government of the Republic of Korea
- Data Processing: Equipment, Specifications and Reports, 1959-1960
- General: Committee on Statistical Standards
- General: Conference of Asian Economic Planners, September-October, 1961
- General: Economic Matters, 1958-1963
- General: Family Planning in Korea
- General: Five-Year Economic Reconstruction Plan, 1961
- General: Income taxes and Economic Development
- General: Industrial census, Industrial Classification Committee
Box 92
- General: Institute of Demographic Research
- General: Manufactures and Mining Census
- General: Nursing Skill Resources
- General: Statistical Activities of the Government of the Republic of Korea
- General: Statistical Conference, May 1963
- General: Statistical Organization of the Government of the Republic of Korea
- General: Statistical Vocabulary
- General: Status Report on Budget and Program Requirements for National Statistics in the Republic of Korea, 1959
- Korean Government: Laws and Organization, Documents Antedating Korea Statistics Project
- Korean Government: Laws and Organization, Monthly Highlight Reports from International Cooperation Administration
- Korean Government: Laws and Organization, Statistics Law, 1962 (Statistics Council)
- Post Enumeration Survey
- Reports: Accomplishments of the Statistics Mission for Fiscal Year 1958
- Reports: Final
Box 93
- Reports: Monthly, From Surveys and Research Corporation/Korea, 1958-1960
- Reports: Monthly, From Surveys and Research Corporation/Korea, 1961
- Reports: Monthly, From Surveys and Research Corporation/Korea, 1962
- Reports: Monthly, From Surveys and Research Corporation/Korea, 1963
- Reports: Quarterly, From Surveys and Research Corporation/Korea, 1958-1961
- Reports: Semi-annual, From Surveys and Research Corporation/Korea, 1961-1963
- Reports: Special, Economic Activity and the Korean Population - D. Yentis
- Reports: Special, Economic Indicators in Korea - G. Cazell
- Reports: Special, Field Trip - S. Rice
- Reports: Special, Korean Import and Export Statistics - J.E. Ely
- Reports: Special, The 1960 Input-Output Study of Korea - M. Wood
Box 94
- Reports: Special, Sample Survey Service - A. King
- Reports: Special, Statistical Publication in Korea - J. Fitzgerald
- Reports: Surveys and Research Corporation to the Republic of Korea Government, Distribution List
- Speeches: L. Ehrman and S. Binder in Korea Re Surveys and Research Corporation Project
- Training: Participant, 1958-1962
- Training: Participant, IBM-Tokyo, 1960-1961
- Training: Republic of Korea Officials, Seminar on Industrial Statistics, Bangkok, September, 1961
- Training: Republic of Korea Officials, Training and Observation Programs, Tokyo, 1961-1963
- U.S. - Korean Aid Agreement, 1961
SUBJECT FILE: Korea Project (Correspondence and News Clippings)
Box 95
- Circular Letters: May-June, 1958
- Republic of Korea Anniversary: Korean Republic, August 1-14, 1958
- Republic of Korea Anniversary: Program and Clippings, 1958
- Clippings, Documents, and Notes: March-April, 1958-1959 (2 Folders)
- Family Correspondence: March-April 1960
- General Correspondence, Clippings: March-April 1960
- Circular Letters: June-November 1960, Numbers 1-24; also Travel Series
Box 96
- Circular Letters: June-November 1960, Numbers 1-24 (Duplicates)
- Newspapers: Eisenhower's Visit to Korea, June 1960
- Newspapers: June-December 1960
- Various Travel Letter: 1960-1962, undated
- Newsletters: August 1961 (3 Sets)
Box 97
- Employment Act of 1946: 20th Anniversary, Economic Seminar
- Federal Government and Scientific Research
- Federal Reserve System: Opening of Federal Reserve Building, Washington, D.C., October 20, 1937
- Government Reorganization: 1932-1933, 1936-1938, 1939, 1967
- National Association of Retired Civil Employees (NARCE)
- Newspaper Clippings: Assorted, 1920-1968, undated
- Paintings, Sketches, and Photographs of New York City from New York Times and New York World, 1922-1923
- Palmer, Gladys L.
- Reference Notebook
Box 98
- Roosevelt, F.D.: 1937 Inaugural Program; Victory Dinner Committee of District of Columbia
- Stamler, J. versus House Un-American Activities Committee, 1965-1968
- Strong, Anna Louise
- Tacoma Tribune: January 28,1912
- U.S. Departments of Labor and Commerce: Combined Employment and Unemployment Release, 1954
- Washington State Politics: 1911-1926 (2 Folders)
- Miscellaneous
TRIP FILE, 1928-1967: Chronological File
Box 99
- Trip File Outline, 1928-1956
- 1928: First Trip Abroad; France, Andorra, Spain, Great Britain
- 1930, 1931: Great Britain, with Mother, Ida E. Rice
- 1934: Europe, Honeymoon
- 1936: Athens, via Italian Line; International Statistical Institute
- 1938: Rice Family in Dieppe, France, Stuart Rice in Prague
- 1938: European Trip: Miscellaneous
Box 100
- 1939-1941: Foreign Correspondence
- 1945: European Trip, Great Britain, etc.
- 1945: United Nations Statistics, International Statistics Institute - London, the Hague, Brussels
- 1946: Brazil (Inter American Statistical Institute), Dominican Republic
- 1946-1947: First Statistical Mission to Japan
- 1946-1947: First Statistical Mission to Japan, Family Correspondence
Box 101
- 1947-1951: Correspondence Re Japanese Statisticians
- 1948: Stuart Rice and Son in Europe
- 1948: Mexico City
- 1949, March-May: European Trip
- 1949, August-September: Great Britain, Switzerland, France
- 1949, March-April, August September: Combined Family Correspondence from European Trip
- 1950: Colombia
- 1950, May-1951, April: Second Statistical Mission to Japan, Official Correspondence
Box 102
- 1951, May-1952, January, undated: Second Statistical Mission to Japan, Official Correspondence
- 1951, March-April: Second Statistical Mission to Japan, Personal Correspondence
- 1951: Second Statistical Mission to Japan, General
- 1951-1952: Around the World Trip; Official Correspondence, March-October, 1951
- 1951-1952: Around the World Trip; Official Correspondence, November 1951-August 1952, undated
- 1951-1952: Around the World Trip; Travel Letters and News Clippings
Box 103
- 1951-1952: Around the World Trip; Travel Letters (Typed Copies in Duplicate)
- 1951-1952: Around the World Trip; Meetings, Data and Reports - Japan
- 1952: Japanese Visit, Correspondence Re
- 1952: October, Canada
- 1953: New York City, United Nations Statistical Commission
- 1954: Geneva, United Nations Statistical Commission
- 1955: Brazil
- 1955-1961: Japan, Surveys and Research Corporation Projects
- 1956: Ryukyu, Japan
- 1956: January-March: Far East, Personal Correspondence
Box 104
- 1956: Far East, Official Correspondence, News Clippings
- 1965: Travel Expenses, Professional Organizations
- 1967: Fiji, Australia, New Zealand
TRIP FILE, 1928-1967: Travel Literature
- Algeria, Andorra, Azores, Bahamas, Belgium
- Brazil
- Cambodia, Canada, Ceylon, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark
Box 105
- Europe, General
- France (3 Folders)
- Germany
- Great Britain (Folder 1)
Box 106
- Great Britain (Folders 2 and 3)
- Greece, India
- Italy (2 Folders)
- Japan - pre 1960 (Folder 1)
Box 107
- Japan - pre 1960 (Folders 2 and 3)
- Japan - 1960
- Japan - 1960, Korea, and Nepal
- The Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal
Box 108
- Singapore, Southeast Asia (map)
- Spain
- Sweden, Switzerland
- Thailand
- United States: Alabama, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois
- United States: Louisiana, Maine, Maryland
Box 109
- United States: Massachusetts, Michigan
- United States: New England (General), New Jersey, New York, North Carolina
- United States: Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont
- United States: Virginia, Washington
- Miscellaneous: General
Box 110
- Miscellaneous: Stuart Rice Jr.'s Aeronautical Charts (2 Folders)
Box 111
- List of Writings by Stuart A. Rice
- Social Work, Social Problems and Issues (2 Folders)
- Sociology as a Science (2 Folders)
- Social Psychology
- Social Psychology, Clippings of Rice and Willey articles in the Dartmouth and New York Times
- Social Psychology, Materials
Box 112
- Science of Politics
- Government and Society
- Statistics and Society in Peace and War (2 Folders)
- Federal Statistical System
- Statistical Relations of Government and Business (2 Folders)
Box 113
- World Statistical System (2 Folders)
- International and Inter American Statistical Institute
- Other Countries: Korea, General and Miscellaneous (2 Folders)
- Other Countries: Japan
- Soviet Union
- Obituary and Other Personal Notices
Box 114
- Miscellaneous (3 Folders)
- Miscellaneous, Political Science Quarterly (reviews and notes)
- 25 Years of Federal Statistical Development (2 Folders)
Box 115
- Unpublished Manuscripts (4 Folder)
- Unpublished Manuscripts, The "Instinct" of Gregariousness as a Conditioned Response
- Unpublished Manuscripts, We're Agin' It
- Unpublished Manuscripts, Conception, Gestation, and Birth of IASI
- Unpublished Manuscripts, International Statistics, August 1962
- Unpublished Manuscripts, Post Mortem on Polls
- Unpublished Manuscripts, Bowery Breakfast
- Unpublished Manuscripts, Theory of History
- Unpublished Manuscripts, Assorted
- Unpublished Manuscripts, Notes, Thoughts
Box 116
- Why I Wanted to Become a Sociologist
- Why I Wanted to Become a Sociologist, Comments
- Toward "one World in Statistics, Drafts, Notes, Correspondence
- Rural Sociology in 1967
- The Use of Social Research in Federal Domestic Program
- U.S. Department of Commerce (2 Folders)
- Federal Statistics Users's Conference, "Data Bank Committee"
- Conference of Population and Housing Census Users
- District of Columbia Sociology Society Award and Response
- Other
Box 117
- Unlisted Writings (2 Folders)
- American Statistical Association Paper for Presentation, December 28, 1953
- Speeches, Publications
- Bibliography, Extras
Box 118
- Bibliographies on Method and Science
- Case Method and Statistical Method
- Draft of Plan for Study of Scientific Method in Social Science (MacIver)
- Interview, Method of
- MacIver Memo - Social Science Research Council
- Philosophy of Social Science
- Secrist's Class Material
- Terminology of Social Science
RESEARCH AND SOURCE MATERIALS FILE: Quantitative Methods in American Politics
Box 119
- Ages of Congressmen
- Appeal to Voters, Types of
- Apportionments
- Average Experiences of Congressmen
- Blocs, Clippings, 1922-1927
- Blocs, Work Material
- Campaign (1932), Advertisements and Forecasts
- Clippings, 1922-1939
- Conference on the Science of Politics
- Congressional Turnover, Massachusetts
- Farmers-Labor Relations
- Farmers in Politics
- Ku Klux Klan in Politics
- Labor in Politics
- LaFollette Vote Material
- Measurements of Opinion
- Methods, Miscellaneous Class Materials
Box 120
- Negro in Politics
- New Jersey Assembly
- Nominating Methods
- Non-Voting
- Political Statistics Material, Miscellaneous
- Prohibition, Opinions
- Richman's Pennsylvania Vare-Fisher Correlations
- Sectionalism in Politics
- General, Folder 1
- General, Folder 2, 1921-1933
RESEARCH AND SOURCE MATERIALS FILE: Politics and Development of Political Statistics
Box 121
- Campaign Literature, Republican, 1920 (2 Folders)
- Campaign Literature, Clippings, 1924
- Campaign Literature, General, 1924
- Campaign Literature, Republican, 1924
- Campaign Literature, Democrat, 1924
- Campaign Literature, Progressives, 1924
Box 122
- General Political Clippings, 1922-1923
- House of Representatives, Number of Terms Served, 1st-33rd Congress
- House of Representatives, Number of Terms Served, 34th-61st Congress
- House of Representatives, Variation in Age of Members of Congress, 1st through 68th Congress
- Research Notes and Manuscript
- Research Work by C. Blunt and R.W. Emmes for Sociology 58
- Reviews of Political Books
Box 123
- Studies of States, Illinois Legislature, 1924
- Studies of States, Maine, Study of Radicalism, 1924
- Studies of States, Minnesota, Questionnaires Returned by State Legislators, 1925
- Studies of States, Minnesota and Wisconsin, Foreign Born Representatives, 1921-1927
- Studies of States, North Carolina Legislature, 1924
- Town Meetings
- Washington Post Clippings on Roosevelt's Cabinet and Co-workers, 1934
Box 124
- Articles by Author, A-C
- Articles by Author, D-N
- Articles by Author, P-W (end), Anonymous
- Sociology 58, Social Investigation
- Advertisements and Pamphlets, 1920's (2 Folders)
Box 125
- Political Articles from: Independent, Liberator, and Nation, 1918-1921
- Political Articles from: New Republic and Survey, 1918-1920
- Articles, A-D
- Articles, E-K
- Articles, L-M
- Articles, N
- Articles, P-SL
Box 126
- Articles, SO-SP
- Articles, ST-T
- Articles, U-W (end)
- Correspondence, Reports, and Clippings, 1948-1950
- Correspondence, Reports, and Clippings, January-May 22, 1952
- Correspondence, Reports, and Clippings, May 23-25, 1952
Box 127
- Correspondence, Reports, and Clippings, May 26-December 1952
- Correspondence, Reports, and Clippings, 1953-1959, undated
- Correspondence, 1957-1958
- Data and Notes, undated
- Hearings (2 Folders)
Box 128
- Lecture Notes and Manuscript Ideas, Pre-Washington
SPECIAL PROJECTS FILE: Case Book, 1926-1930
Box 129
- Case Book, Stuart A. Rice
- Editor's Card Index of Correspondence Re Editing of Contributions to Methods in Social Science
- A
- Allport, Floyd H.
- Anthropology
- B
- C
- Case Studies, Possible Material for
- Clark, John M.- Mitchell, Wesley C.
- D
- E
- Economics
- F
- G
- H
- History
- J
Box 130
- K
- L
- Lasswell, Harold D.
- Lasswell, Harold D. Work Materials
- Lynd, Robert S.
- M
- MacIver, Robert M.
- N
- O
- P
- Pirenne, Henri
Box 131
- Political Economy IV
- Political Science
- Psychology
- R
- Rice Case - Hersey and Selekman
- S
- Secrist, Horace
- T
- V
- W
- Y, Z
SPECIAL PROJECTS FILE: Hoover Commission on Social Trends, 1931-1932
Box 132
- Recent Social Trends, Volume I
- Recent Social trends, Volume II
- Labor - Wolman
Box 133
- Communications Study: Airways-Postal Service, Air Mail Service
- Communications Study: Airways-Postal Service, Early Air Schedule
- Communications Study: Airways-Postal Service, Reasons for not Flying
- Communications Study: Motion Pictures; Annual Reports From Pennsylvania and New York, 1916-1932
- Communications Study: Motion Pictures; Pamphlets, Books, and Articles, 1922-1927
- Communications Study: Motion Pictures; Pamphlets, Books, and Articles, 1929
Box 134
- Communications Study: Motion Pictures; Pamphlets, Books, and Articles, 1930-1933
- Communications Study: Motion Pictures; Pamphlets, Books, and Articles, undated
- Communications Study: Newspapers (Jewish Press), undated
- Communications Study: U.S. Daily, Clippings on Communication, ca. 1933
- Communications Study: U.S. Post Office, Kachel's Material on (Cost Ascertainment Studies)
- Appendix: Statistics of Social Trends; Comments, B-F
- Appendix: Statistics of Social Trends; Comments, G-O
Box 135
- Appendix: Statistics of Social Trends; Comments, P-W (end)
- Appendix: Statistics of Social Trends; Miscellaneous, 1931-1932
- Appendix: Census of Housing Trends, 1939
- Appendix: Communications, 1935-1936
- Appendix: Council of State Governments, 1935-1937
- Appendix: County Government, 1934-1935
- Appendix: Crime Study; Missouri, 1928-1929
- Appendix: Criminal Statistics, 1926-1935
- Appendix: Devolution, 1932-1933
- Appendix: Divorce Statistics, 1931
- Appendix: Insurance Statistics, 1932-1933
- Appendix: International Managers Association; Municipal Administration, undated
- Appendix: Inventions, 1931-1938
- Appendix: Inventions, Chicago Exposition, 1931
- Appendix: Judiciary, 1936-1939
- Appendix: Labor Statistics, 1941-1943
- Appendix: Library Statistics, 1931-1932
- Appendix: National and State Income and Wealth, 1953
Box 136
- Appendix: Propaganda and Bugs, 1930-1938
- Appendix: Public Administration, 1928-1937
- Appendix: Public Opinion Attitude Studies, 1934-1941
- Appendix: Publications, Drafts
- Appendix: Putnam Patriot; Clippings, 1932
- Appendix: State and Local Government; Division of, 1935-1942
- Appendix: Statistical Research; Division of, 1935-1942
- Appendix: Vital Statistics, 1916-1940
- Appendix: Welfare Administration Statistics; Demonstration Project, 1931-1932
SPECIAL PROJECTS FILE: Social Indicators, 1967-1968
Box 137
- Correspondence and Papers, 1964
- Correspondence and Papers, 1965
- Correspondence and Papers, January 20, 1967 (3 Folders)
- Correspondence and Papers, January 10-march 10, 1967
Box 138
- Correspondence and Papers, March 21-May 1967
- Correspondence and Papers, June-July 28, 1967
- Correspondence and Papers, July-August, 1967
- Correspondence and Papers, August-November, 1967
- Correspondence and Papers, December, 1967
Box 139
- Correspondence and Papers, January-June 1968
- Correspondence and Papers, April 1968
- Correspondence and Papers, undated (2 Folders)
Box 140
- Ecology, 1967
- Foreign Affairs Research, 1967-1968
- Greer, F. Loyal, Incidents
- Printed Material, A-H
- Printed Material, I-N
- Printed Material, P-R
Box 141
- Printed Material, S-TO
- Printed Material, TR-W (end)
- Review of Social Indicators; Bauer, January-May 1967, undated
- Vietnam, 1965
Box 142
- Iowa in Times of War
- Rice-Hicks Genealogy
- Rice-Hicks Genealogy, Roots
PERSONAL FILE: Personal Data
- Appointments in Federal Service, 1931-1957
- Autobiographical Material (2 Folders)
- Biography of Parents by Stuart Rice
Box 143
- Clippings: Stuart Rice; Personal, 1923-1934
- Clippings: Stuart Rice; Personal, 1935-1943, 1955
- Comments and Problems; Self and Others, 1940-1953
- Death, June 4, 1969
- Efficiency Ratings and Job Description, 1941-1953
- Gerontology, 1966-1969
- Health, 1968-1969
- Korea; Personal Administrative Problems, 1958-1960
- Life Insurance
- Loyalty Board of the Bureau of the Budget, 1948-1952
- Payroll, 1946-1955
- Pencil Notes; Stuart Rice, 1929, 1942-1949, undated
- Personnel Security Questionnaire
- Professional Responsibilities, 1967
- References and Reviews, 1922-1964
- 75th Birthday of Stuart Rice, November 21, 1964
Box 144
- Wedding, 1934
- Miscellaneous, 1921, 1965
PERSONAL FILE: Correspondence (Family)
- Family Correspondence, 1901
- Family Correspondence, 1913
- Family Correspondence, 1914
- Family Correspondence, 1915
- Family Correspondence, 1916
- Family Correspondence, 1916 (November-December) trip to Longbranch, Washington - Father's Stroke
- Family Correspondence, 1917
- Family Correspondence, 1918
- Family Correspondence, 1919
- Family Correspondence, 1920
- Family Correspondence, 1921
- Family Correspondence, 1922
- Family Correspondence, 1922 (Father's Illness and Family Tensions)
- Family Correspondence, 1923
Box 145
- Family Correspondence, 1924
- Family Correspondence, 1925
- Family Correspondence, 1926
- Family Correspondence, 1927
- Family Correspondence, 1928
- Family Correspondence, 1929
- Family Correspondence, 1930
- Family Correspondence, 1931
- Family Correspondence, 1932
- Family Correspondence, 1933
- Family Correspondence, 1934
- Family Correspondence, 1935
- Family Correspondence, 1936
- Family Correspondence, 1937
Box 146
- Family Correspondence, 1938
- Family Correspondence, 1939
- Family Correspondence, 1940
- Family Correspondence, 1941
- Family Correspondence, 1942
- Family Correspondence, 1943
- Family Correspondence, 1944
- Family Correspondence, 1945
- Family Correspondence, 1946
- Family Correspondence, 1947
Box 147
- Family Correspondence, 1948
- Family Correspondence, 1949
- Family Correspondence, 1950
- Family Correspondence, 1951
- Family Correspondence, 1951-1952 (Family to Son, Stuart Jr.)
- Family Correspondence, 1952
- Family Correspondence, 1952 (From UN)
- Family Correspondence, 1951-1954 (Stuart Jr.'s Letters from Randolph-Macon Academy)
Box 148
- Family Correspondence, 1955
- Family Correspondence, 1956
- Family Correspondence, 1958 (From Korea)
- Family Correspondence, 1959
- Family Correspondence, 1959 (Accident and Office Correspondence)
- Family Correspondence, 1959-1960 (From France)
- Family Correspondence, 1961 (From Korea)
- Family Correspondence, 1962 (From Korean and Taiwan)
- Family Correspondence, 1963
- Family Correspondence, 1963, some 1962 (From Wife, Sarah Alice Rice)
Box 149
- Family Correspondence, 1964 (From Stuart, Jr. and Wife Caroline)
- Family Correspondence, 1965
- Family Correspondence, 1966 (January-May)
- Family Correspondence, 1966 (June-December)
- Family Correspondence, 1968
- Family Correspondence, 1969
- Family Correspondence, undated
- Family Correspondence: Childhood and Later; 1880-1936, undated
- Family Correspondence: Daisy's (Sarah A. Rice's Mother problem; 1969)
- Family Correspondence: European Trip; First, 1928
- Family Correspondence: Gilbert, A.L. and Hayes Family; 1933, 1950, 1964-1968
- Family Correspondence: Longbranch, Washington; 1909-1938, undated
- Family Correspondence: Melony, Mrs. Linn F., 1941-1968
- Family Correspondence: Michigan; undated
Box 150
- Family Correspondence: Nye, Ralph (cousin), 1931-1939, 1942
- Family Correspondence: Parents before Marriage; 1880-1916, undated
- Family Correspondence: Puyallup, Washington; 19008-1925, undated
- Family Correspondence: Rice, Edward M. (Father); diary, 1910
- Family Correspondence: Rice, Ida (Mother); Letter in Late Years, 1919-1946, undated
- Family Correspondence: Rice, Orin (Grandfather); 1850-1875
- Family Correspondence: Rice, Orrinda (Aunt); 1914-1918
- Family Correspondence: Rolla, Missouri; undated
- Family Correspondence: Stuart, George (Cousin); 1913-1938, 1965
- Family Correspondence: Upcraft, W. Major and Mrs.; 1912-1916, undated
- Family Correspondence: Wadena, Minnesota, 1892-1934, undated
- Family Correspondence: Washington, University of; 1908-1912, undated
- Family Correspondence: Miscellaneous; 1912-1962
PERSONAL FILE: Correspondence (General)
Box 151
- Addresses and Telephone Numbers, Early 1933
- Greeting Cards; Christmas, A-B
- Greeting Cards; Christmas, C
- Greeting Cards; Christmas, D-G
- Greeting Cards; Christmas, H-K
- Greeting Cards; Christmas, L-N
- Greeting Cards; Christmas, O-R
Box 152
- Greeting Cards; Christmas, S-T
- Greeting Cards; Christmas, V-Z
- Greeting Cards; Miscellaneous
- Guestbook, 1952-1955
- Library, Rice's Journals: Correspondence Re Disposition of Papers and Materials, 1964-1967
- Organizations and Professional Correspondence
- Retirement Correspondence (Acknowledged), A-L
- Retirement Correspondence (Acknowledged), M-Y (end)
Box 153
- Retirement - Future
- Retirement - Future; Correspondence, A-Y (end)
- Miscellaneous Alphabetical File
PERSONAL FILE: Pocket Diaries and Notebooks
- 1928-1956
Box 154
- 1957-1969, undated
Box 155
- Advisory Groups: Federal Reports, 1942-1968
- Advisory Groups: Government Questionnaire, 1942-1945
- Agriculture, 1918, 1924
- Appropriations Hearings: U.S. Congress; 1937, 1939, 1944, 1951
- Business and Economics, 1923, 1931-1969
- Business and Economics, Political Economies of Social Research
- Census and Population, 1950 Census
- Census and Population, 1960 Census, Folder 1
Box 156
- Census and Population, 1960 Census, Folder 2
- Census and Population (General)
- Census and Population, Korean Census, 1959
- Census and Population, Population
- Conservation, 1915
- Political Science, 1924, 1965
- Political Science (General)
Box 157
- Social Science, 1925-1939
- Social Science, 1926-1940
- Social Science, 1940
- Social Science, 1948-1964-1968
- Social Work and Welfare; 1913, Folder 1
Box 158
- Social Work and Welfare; 1913, Folder 2
- Social Work and Welfare; 1913-1915
- Social Work and Welfare; 1916
- Social Work and Welfare; 1917-1921
- Social Work and Welfare; 1922, 1932
- Socialist/Labor, 1908-1915
Box 159
- Socialist/Labor, 1916-1919
- Socialist/Labor, 1920
- Socialist/Labor, 1921-1931
- Socialist/Labor, 1934-1953
- Socialist/Labor, undated
- Statistics: American Statistical Association, 1893, 1935, 1965-1969
Box 160
- Statistics: Central Statistical Board, 1934-1937
- Statistics: Central Statistical Board, 1937-1939
- Statistics, Directories, 1935
- Statistics, Directories, 1938
- Statistics, Directories, 1940
- Statistics, Directories, 1941
- Statistics, Directories, 1946
Box 161
- Statistics, Directories, 1950-1951
- Statistics, Directories, 1954, 1960
- Statistics: Foreign Nations; Japan, 1967
- Statistics: Foreign Nations; Korea, November 1960-January 1962
- Statistics: Foreign Nations; Korea, February-March 1962
- Statistics: Foreign Nations; Soviet Union, 1952, 1967
Box 162
- Statistics; Inter American Statistical Institute, 1940
- Statistics; Inter American Statistical Institute, 1951-1955
- Statistics; Inter American Statistical Institute, 1960-1965
- Statistics; Inter American Statistical Institute, 1967-1969
- Statistics; International Statistical Conferences, September 1947
Box 163
- Statistics; International Statistical Institute, 1931, 1960, 1967
- Statistics; International 36th Session 1967, Volume I
- Statistics; International 36th Session 1967, Volume II
- Statistics; Joint Statistical Meetings, 1934, 1953-1954, 1965
- Statistics; Joint Statistical Meetings, 1968
Box 164
- Statistics; U.S. Government Statistics, 1919
- Statistics; U.S. Government Statistics, 1937, 1952
- Statistics; U.S. Government Statistics, 1959, 1966-1969
- Statistics; Miscellaneous, 1929-1941
- Statistics; Miscellaneous, 1950-1968
- U.S. Government, 1933-1942, 1946, 1967-1968
Box 165
- University Materials; Chicago, Columbia
- University Materials; Dartmouth, Minnesota, Pennsylvania
- University Materials; Pennsylvania
- University Materials; General
- Miscellaneous, B-M
- Miscellaneous, N
- Miscellaneous, New Deal
- Miscellaneous, W (end)
- Cross-References
Box 166
- American Labor Legislation Review, 1914-1915, 1930
- Harper's May, 1969
- Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 1965, 1967
- Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 1968
- Political Science Quarterly, 1925-1926
- Cross-References
- Cross-Reference Sheets
- List of Oversized Materials
GENERAL FILE, 1917-1968
Box 167
- American Association for Advancement of Science (4 Folders)
- American Association of Labor Legislation
- American Economic Association and Review
- American political Science Association and Review
- American Society for Public Administration
Box 168
- American Sociological Society - District of Columbia Chapter
- American Sociological Society - Executive Committee
- American Sociological Society - General Correspondence
- American Sociological Society - Journal (2 Folders)
- American Sociological Society - Papers Read at 22nd Annual Meeting
- American Sociological Society - Special Committee on Scope of Research
Box 169
- American Sociological Society - Special Committee on Scope of Research (3 Folders)
- American Sociological Society - Special Committee on Scope of Research Publications Committee
- American Sociological Society - Special Committee on Scope of Research Reports
- Civil Liberties
- Cooperative Forum
- Correspondence - General
- Econometric Society
- Election Statistics
Box 170
- Institute of Research Workers in Rural Social Organizations
- National Committee on Municipal Accounting
- National Conference of Social Work
- Populations Association of America
- Retirement from Government Service
- Roosevelt Library - Executive Committee
- Society for the Advancement of Management
- Sociological Research Association (3 Folders)
Box 171
- Agency for International Development - Operations Report, June 30, 1963
- Agency for International Development - Operations Report, June 30, 1964
- Agency for International Development - Operations Report, March 31, 1965
- American Economic Mission to Greece - Report of 1947 (2 Folders)
- Economics and Mutual Security
- Foreign Aid - Economic Reports
- Greece - Economic and Financial Data
Box 172
- Greece - International Monetary Fund Reports
- International Statistical Data
- Sociological Society of the District of Columbia - Artifacts of Merit, May 11, 1968
- United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans - Report of 1949
Box 173
- Photographs
- Card Files
- Certificates