Keyserling, Leon H. Papers

Dates: 1923-1989

Vice Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, 1946-1949; Acting Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, 1949-1950; Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, 1950-1953

The papers of Leon H. Keyserling document his entire career as an activist economist devoted to liberal causes. Keyserling himself compiled and bound the remarkable series of articles and reports he wrote, the speeches and testimony he gave, and the newspaper clippings that recorded the events of his long career. These series constitute about two-thirds of the collection. Most of the remainder consists of files of memoranda, correspondence, reports and transcripts of testimony that document Keyserling's work as Vice Chairman, Acting Chairman, and Chairman of President Truman's Council of Economic Advisers.

See also Oral History

[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Publications | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List]



Size: About 35 linear feet (approximately 70,000 pages).
Access: Open.
Copyright: Mrs. Mary Dublin Keyserling donated her copyright interest in any unpublished writings, including those of her husband, in this collection or in any other collection in the possession of the United States Government, to the people of the United States. In addition, documents prepared by United States Government employees in the course of their official duties are also in the public domain. Copyright interest in documents that do not fall into the above two categories is presumed to remain with the writers of the documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Dennis E. Bilger, Raymond H. Geselbracht, Sharie K. Simon, Bridget D. Lackey and Mary Jo Minter (1990); Dennis E. Bilger and Randy Sowell (2001).


[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Publications | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



1908 (Jan. 22) Born, Charleston, South Carolina
1928 A. B., Columbia University
1931 LL. B., Harvard University
1931-33 Graduate Student, Department of Economics, Columbia University
1933 Attorney, Agricultural Adjustment Administration
1933-46 Consultant economist to Senate committees on issues relating to banking and currency, industrial recovery and public works, housing, social security, labor relations and employment
1933-37 Legislative Assistant to Senator Robert F. Wagner
1937-46 General Counsel and other positions with the U.S. Housing Authority, the Federal Public Housing Authority, and the National Housing Agency
1946-53 Vice Chairman (1946-49), Acting Chairman (1949-50), and Chairman (1950-53) of the Council of Economic Advisers
1953-87 Consulting economist and practicing attorney, and especially, consultant to members and committees of the Congress on issues relating to banking and currency, industrial recovery and public works, housing, social security, labor relations and employment, taxation and monetary policy
1954-87 Founder and president, Conference on Economic Progress
1969 Became president of the National Committee for Labor, Israel
1987 (Aug. 9) Died, Washington, D.C.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Publications | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



1934  Redirecting Education (with Rexford Tugwell)
1954 Toward Full Employment and Full Production
1957 Consumption-Key to Full Prosperity
1959 The Federal Budget and the General Welfare
1962 The Peace by Investment Corporation (with Benjamin Javitts)
1963 Taxes and the Public Interest
1964 Progress or Poverty
1965 The Move Toward Railroad Mergers
1966 A Freedom Budget for All Americans
1973 The Scarcity School of Economics
1979 Liberal and Conservative National Economic Policies and Their Consequences, 1919-79
1984 The Current Significance of the New Deal

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Publications | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



The papers of Leon H. Keyserling document his entire career as an activist economist devoted to liberal causes. Most of the collection was compiled, arranged and bound by Keyserling himself, apparently in order to create a record for posterity of his amazingly energetic efforts to influence public policy. Keyserling's work as Vice Chairman, Acting Chairman, and Chairman of Truman's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) is documented principally in the Council of Economic Advisers File, and also in portions of the Speech and Article File and the Clippings File. This material constitutes about one-fourth of the collection. The rest of the collection documents primarily Keyserling's attempts through his speaking and writing, as well as through his associated activities as consultant and lobbyist, to influence public policy toward the creation of an equitable prosperity.

The collection is composed of ten series. A small Harry S. Truman File brings together documents related in diverse ways to President Truman. The series includes a small amount of correspondence between Keyserling and Truman, some of it, primarily from the years following Truman's presidency, concerned with economic policy. The series also includes a transcript of Keyserling's contribution to a conference on the Truman White House held at the Truman Library in 1977, a manuscript by Keyserling about Truman's Council of Economic Advisers, and files on Truman-related memorial activities in which Keyserling participated.

The Council of Economic Advisers File consists primarily of reports, memoranda, staff studies and transcripts of congressional hearings relating to Keyserling's work on Truman's Council of Economic Advisers from 1946 to 1953. The series has five subseries. The Report File includes the quarterly reports, special reports and annual reports sent by the CEA to the President, as well as the semiannual economic reports that the President sent to the Congress. The small Council Members File is composed of correspondence, reports, and articles arranged in name files for CEA members and staff. The Subject File, besides having files on such subjects as business groups, manpower, the steel industry, investment, fiscal policy and development, and welfare programs, includes biographical sketches of the members and staff of the CEA, a transcript of an oral history interview Keyserling gave to a representative of the Harry S. Truman Library in 1971, and--most important--three folders, entitled "White House Contacts," of correspondence exchanged between the CEA, President Truman, and members of the White House staff. The Staff Studies File contains reports, correspondence and other materials relating to several areas of economic study being considered by the CEA. The Hearings Before the Joint Economic Committee File contains published transcripts of the hearings before the Joint Economic Committee of Congress from 1946 to 1953.

The Subject File contains material dating from 1928 to 1986 and includes Keyserling's correspondence with such scholars as Professor Alonzo Hamby and Hugh S. Norton regarding economic issues and his work with the CEA; correspondence with various members of the CEA during the period after the Truman administration; articles by columnists and other writers on economic issues; documentation of international economic issues and Keyserling=s work in India and Israel; and personal correspondence with his friends, the Lowenthals, with whom he discussed his own genealogical background and relationship to the German Kaiser. This series also includes various newspapers and magazines, as well as Keyserling's correspondence with editors and writers for those publications. Also included is material on the Chandler Historical Prize, which was awarded to Keyserling by Columbia University when he was a student there in 1928.

The Congressional Correspondence File consists of three subseries: the Senate File, arranged alphabetically by the name of the Senator with whom Keyserling corresponded; the House of Representatives File, containing correspondence between Keyserling and members of the House of Representatives, also arranged alphabetically by name; and the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill File, which contains drafts of legislation and other material pertaining to the proposed Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act, which Keyserling worked on for Senator Hubert Humphrey and Representative Augustus Hawkins during the 1970s.

The Speech and Article File was compiled, arranged, and bound by Keyserling himself. It apparently contains virtually every speech he made and every article, letter to the editor, and statement of any kind that he contributed to the periodic press. Some of his school papers are also included in the series. These materials were unbound during processing and put into folders. Each item was given an individual folder and listed in this finding aid. Keyserling's arrangement has been maintained. It is chronological by year, and then, within each year, by various categories of document type. For example, the categories for 1967 are articles, speeches, unrecorded speeches and press releases. Arrangement within each category of document type is chronological. Keyserling's own listings of the contents of each of his thirty-six bound volumes are filed at the beginning of each volume's contents.

The Testimony File is arranged in two subseries. The Congressional Testimony File primarily contains published congressional hearings and reports that include testimony by Keyserling. Most of the material in this subseries dates from the period after Keyserling's tenure on the Council of Economic Advisers. The Non-Congressional Testimony File contains primarily transcripts of Keyserling's testimony before the Interstate Commerce Commission regarding the merger of the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central Railroad, and before various state public utility commissions regarding the electric power and natural gas industries.

The Studies and Reports File contains bound volumes of papers prepared by Keyserling, sometimes writing together with his wife, Mary Dublin Keyserling. It consists of four subseries, following Keyserling's own arrangement: the Labor Relations File; the International Economics File; the Conference on Economic Progress File; and the Miscellaneous File.

The Clippings File, which was compiled and arranged by Keyserling, documents his work from 1933 to 1983. It is arranged in six subseries: the Chronological File; the Council of Economic Advisers File; the "Important Clippings" File; the General Clippings File; the Clippings Re Price Increases, Tax Cuts and Interest Rates File; and the Conference on Economic Progress File. The Chronological File is the largest subseries, and is the only one to cover the period before Keyserling joined the Council of Economic Advisers. It is particularly informative for the years 1933 and 1949-52. The Council of Economic Advisers File contains clippings about the resignation of the first chairman, Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, and about the CEA's reports to the President and the President's reports to Congress. The designation "Important Clippings" is Keyserling's own.

The Memorabilia File contains a few of Keyserling's early school papers; several exchanges of correspondence, some of them substantive, between Keyserling and Hubert Humphrey, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson; and framed or mounted awards and citations that were given to him.

The Miscellaneous File, an accretion that was added to the collection in 2001, consists of three subseries: a Historical File, containing correspondence between Keyserling and Professor W. Robert Brazelton of the Economics Department of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, and copies of published items and documents relating to economic policy and Keyserling's career from 1945 to 1987; a Conference on Economic Progress Publications File, containing booklets on economic policy (mostly written by Keyserling) that were published by the nonprofit organization he established in 1954 to promote his economic views; and a Printed Materials File, which contains a variety of published items pertaining to Keyserling's career.

Materials relating to Leon H. Keyserling and the Council of Economic Advisers can be found in the following Truman Library collections: the papers of Harry S. Truman (President's Secretary's Files and Official File), Edwin G. Nourse, John D. Clark, Roy Blough, Robert C. Turner, Walter S. Salant, and John W. Snyder. Information concerning the Employment Act of 1946 can be found in the papers of Gerhard Colm. The papers of Raymond Foley, Bryn Hovde, Will Clayton and Philleo Nash contain material relating to public housing.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Publications | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



Container Nos. Series
1 HARRY S. TRUMAN FILE, 1946-1983
Correspondence, speeches, printed material (including newspaper clippings), and transcripts of an oral history interview and a scholarly conference, relating primarily to Keyserling's association with various activities commemorating Harry S. Truman. A small amount of correspondence between Keyserling and Harry and Bess Truman, and drafts of speeches on economic policy that Keyserling prepared for Truman following his presidency are also included. Arranged in rough chronological order.

consisting of five subseries as follows:

  • 2-4 REPORT FILE, 1946-1953, consisting of reports to the President and Congress, in the form of memoranda and formal, printed reports, relating to the American economy and the economic policies of the Truman administration. Arranged by type of report and chronologically thereunder.
  • 5 - COUNCIL MEMBERS FILE, 1946-1974, consisting of correspondence, memoranda, reports and articles relating to the work of the members and staff of the CEA. Arranged alphabetically by name of person.
  • 6-9 SUBJECT FILE, 1946-1976, consisting of correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings, charts and tables, speeches and statements, biographical sketches and a transcript of an oral history interview. Subjects covered include business groups, manpower, the steel industry, investment, fiscal policy and welfare programs. The folders entitled "White House Contacts" contain correspondence between the CEA and President Truman and the White House staff. Arranged alphabetically.
  • 9-10 STAFF STUDIES FILE, 1947-1971, consisting of reports, correspondence, a transcript and press releases relating to several areas of study of the CEA staff, such as anti-trust policy, international economics, productivity and small business. Arranged alphabetically by subject or name.
  • 10-15 HEARINGS BEFORE THE JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE FILE, 1946-1953, consisting of published transcripts of the hearings, together with a printing of the Employment Act of 1946 and related laws. Arranged in an approximate chronological order.
16-18 SUBJECT FILE, 1928-1987
Correspondence and other items. Arranged in alphabetical order.

Consisting of three subseries as follows:

  • 19-20 SENATE FILE, 1946-1987, arranged alphabetically by Senator and thereunder chronologically.
  • 21 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FILE, 1948-1987, arranged alphabetically by Representative and thereunder chronologically.
  • 22-26 HUMPHREY-HAWKINS BILL FILE, 1974-1985, consisting of drafts of legislation prepared by Keyserling, and other items. Arranged in rough chronological order.
27-50 SPEECH AND ARTICLE FILE, 1923-1989
Speeches and articles, course papers, press releases, newspaper clippings and other printed material, and correspondence relating to all of Keyserling's interests during his long career. Arranged chronologically by year, thereunder by various document types, and thereunder chronologically.

Consisting of two subseries as follows:

  • 51-56 CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY FILE, 1940-1987, consisting of published Congressional hearings and reports containing testimony by Keyserling. Most of the material in this subseries is from the period following Keyserling's tenure on the Council of Economic Advisers. Arranged chronologically.
  • 57-60 NON-CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY FILE, 1962-1974, consisting of Keyserling's testimony before the Interstate Commerce Commission and various state public utility commissions. Arranged chronologically.

Consisting of four subseries as follows:

  • 60-64 LABOR RELATIONS FILE, 1959-1980, consisting of reports prepared by Keyserling concerning the pay of various categories of workers and the prospects of certain industries. Arranged in chronological order, with the exception that three folders bearing early dates are filed at the end of the series.
  • 64 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS FILE, 1955-1979, consisting of reports written by Keyserling on economic programs and problems in India and Israel. Four reports on Israel, arranged chronologically, follow a single report on India.
  • 65-67 CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC PROGRESS FILE, 1954-1983, consisting of reports on employment, wages, inflation, interest rates, tax policy, agriculture, education and housing. Arranged in chronological order, with the exception that the last six folders begin the chronological order over again.
  • 68 MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1937-1970, consisting of reports concerning the judiciary, employment, the natural gas industry, and education. Arranged chronologically.

Consisting of six subseries as follows:

  • 69-76 CHRONOLOGICAL FILE, 1933-1983, consisting of clippings, arranged chronologically. This is the largest and most comprehensive subseries in the Clippings File. Its coverage is particularly strong for the years 1933 and 1949-1952.
  • 76-79 COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISORS FILE, 1946-1958, consisting of clippings about the resignation of the CEA's first chairman, Edwin G. Nourse; the CEA's reports to the President and the President's reports to Congress; Truman's messages and statements on subjects other than economics; and Truman's economic talks in 1958. Arranged chronologically.
  • 79-80 "IMPORTANT CLIPPINGS" FILE, 1959-1983, consisting of clippings concerning Keyserling's statements on economic issues. The designation "important" is Keyserling's own. Arranged chronologically.
  • 80 GENERAL CLIPPINGS FILE, 1963-1971, consisting of clippings relating to Keyserling and economic issues. The designation "general" is Keyserling's own. Arranged chronologically.
  • CLIPPINGS Re PRICE INCREASES, TAX CUTS AND INTEREST RATES FILE, 1955-1959. Arranged chronologically.
  • 81-83 CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC PROGRESS FILE, 1954-1975, consisting of clippings and a few press releases relating particularly to Keyserling, who was the founder and first president of the Conference on Economic Progress. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
83-84 MEMORABILIA FILE, 1927-1983
Three papers written by Keyserling in the 1920s, while he was a student at Columbia University; exchanges of correspondence between Keyserling and Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson, and John Kennedy; two reports written for candidate and President-elect John Kennedy; and awards and certificates given to Keyserling. Arranged in roughly chronological order, with the awards and certificates at the end of the series.

MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1945-1989 (2001 Accretion)
Consisting of three subseries as follows:

  • 84-85 HISTORICAL FILE, 1945-1987, consisting of correspondence between Keyserling and Professor W. Robert Brazelton of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, and copies of printed material, memoranda, and other documents relating to Keyserling and economic policy. Arranged alphabetically.
  • 85-86 CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC PROGRESS PUBLICATIONS FILE, 1956-1983, consisting of booklets on economic policy, most of them written by Keyserling, and published by the Conference on Economic Progress. Arranged alphabetically.
  • 86-87 PRINTED MATERIALS FILE, 1966-1989, consisting of various publications, many of them featuring articles by Keyserling. Arranged alphabetically.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Publications | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]





Box 1

  • Correspondence Between Truman and Keyserling, 1947-1972 [1 of 2]
  • Correspondence Between Truman and Keyserling, 1947-1972 [2 of 2]
  • Correspondence Between Mrs. Truman and Keyserling, 1974
  • Speeches of President Truman Prepared by Leon H. Keyserling, 1947-1962
  • Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)--Articles Re Truman's CEA and the Legacy of New Deal Liberalism
  • Truman Jubilee Committee, 1959
  • Harry S. Truman Memorial Service, Washington, D.C., January 5, 1973
  • Truman Statue Project, 1973
  • Harry S. Truman Library Institute--1977 Conference of Scholars on the White House Staff
  • Truman Centennial, 1982-1983
  • Bess Truman Memorial--1982 (Trinity Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri)
  • Newspaper Clippings and Magazine Articles

COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS FILE, 1946-1976 Report File, 1946-1953

Box 2

  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--First Quarter, 1947
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--Third Quarter, 1947
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--First Quarter, 1948
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--Third Quarter, 1948
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--First Quarter, 1949
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--Third Quarter, 1949
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--First Quarter, 1950
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--Third Quarter, 1950
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--First Quarter, 1951
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--Supplement to the First Quarter, 1951
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--Third Quarter, 1951
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--First Quarter, 1952
  • QR [Quarterly Report to the President]--Third Quarter, 1952
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--1947-1948 Budget, December 13, 1946
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--State of the Economy, December 16, 1946
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Portal-to-Portal Bills, May 8, 1947
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Tax Reduction Bill, June 5, 1947
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Labor Bill, June 16, 1947
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Steel and Coal Price Increases, July 10, 1947
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Impact of Foreign Aid on the Domestic Economy, October 1947
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Suggestion for Message on Price Situation--November 5, 1947
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Bank Credit, November 25, 1947
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Tax Reduction, December 13, 1947
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Steel Price Advance, March 12, 1948
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Steel Price Advance, March 24, 1948
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Individual Income Tax Reduction, March 31, 1948
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Nourse-Steel-Wage-Price Matter, May 3, 1948
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Anti-Inflation, July 19, 1948
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Anti-Inflation, December 7, 1948
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Stabilization Policies, January 14, 1949
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--1951 Budget Study, August 26, 1949
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--The Tax Program, December 21, 1949
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Debt-Management Policy, February 2, 1950
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Analysis of the Joint Committee Report, June 26, 1950
  • SR [Special Report to the President]-- Economic Trends and Policies, September 26, 1950
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Price and Wage Controls, December 7, 1950
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Price and Wage Situation in Steel, November 15, 1951
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Prices & Wages in Steel Industry, November 28, 1951
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Monetary Policy and Reserve Requirements, February 7, 1952
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Current Issues & Government Policies in Steel, March 28, 1952
  • SR [Special Report to the President]--Debt Management [and] Monetary Policy, August 29, 1952
  • R [Report to the President]--First Annual Report, December 1946
  • R [Report to the President]--Second Annual Report, December 1947
  • R [Report to the President]--Third Annual Report, December 1948
  • R [Report to the President]--Fourth Annual Report, December 1949
  • R [Report to the President]--Fifth Annual Report, December 1950
  • R [Report to the President]--Sixth Annual Report, December 1951 Economic Reports of the President, 1946-1949 [CEA reports to the President]

Box 3

  • Economic Reports of the President, 1947 [reports by the President to Congress, "The Economic Report of the President," January 8, 1947, and "The Midyear Economic Report of the President," July 21, 1947; and report by the CEA to the President, "The Impact of Foreign Aid Upon the Domestic Economy," October 1947]
  • Economic Reports of the President, 1948 ["The Economic Report of the President," January 1948; "The Midyear Economic Report of the President," July 1948; and "The Economic Situation at Midyear 1948]
  • Economic Reports of the President, 1949 ["The Economic Report of the President," January 1949; "The Annual Economic Review," January 1949; "The Midyear Economic Report of the President," July 1949; and "The Economic Situation at Midyear 1949"]
  • Economic Reports of the President, 1950 ["The Economic Report of the President," January 1950; "The Annual Economic Review," January 1950, "The Midyear Economic Report of the President," July 1950; and "The Economic Situation at Midyear 1950"]

Box 4

  • Economic Reports of the President, 1950-1951 ["The Economics of National Defense," December 1950; and "Sixth Annual Report to the President," December 1951 (transcript)]
  • Economic Reports of the President, 1951 ["The Economic Report of the President," January 1951; "The Annual Economic Review," January 1951; "The Midyear Economic Report of the President," July 1951; and "The Economic Situation at Midyear 1951"]
  • Economic Reports of the President, 1952 ["The Economic Report of the President," January 1952; "The Annual Economic Review," January 1952; "The Midyear Economic Report of the President," July 1952; and "The Midyear 1952 Economic Review"]
  • Economic Reports of the President, 1953 ["The Economic Report of the President," January 1953; and "The Annual Economic Review," January 1953]

COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS FILE, 1946-1976 Council Members File, 1946-1974

Box 5

  • Blough, Roy, 1948-1969
  • Clark, John D., 1946-1960
  • Keyserling, Leon H., 1946-1953
  • Nourse, Edwin G., 1946-1974 [1 of 2]
  • Nourse, Edwin G., 1946-1974 [2 of 2]
  • Turner, Robert C. [empty folder]
  • Waugh, Frederick, 1949

COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS FILE, 1946-1976 Subject File, 1946-1976

Box 6

  • Advisory Committees--February 1951 and January 1952
  • Business Groups--Meetings With, 1947-1951
  • Charts and Tables--April 22, 1949
  • Comments on Leon H. Keyserling's Speeches, 1946-1953
  • Committee on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, 1951 [includes correspondence with Charles E. Wilson, Chairman, Office of Defense Mobilization]
  • Congratulatory Messages [on Keyserling's Appointments as Vice Chairman and Chairman of the CEA]
  • Defense Production Act of 1950 [press release on]
  • Development and Welfare Programs, 1952
  • Economic Budget Studies, 1946-1951
  • Employment Act of 1946
  • Fiscal Policy, 1947-1952
  • General Organization [of the CEA staff], 1947-1951

Box 7

  • Inter-Industry Relationships, 1948
  • International Economic Problems, 1951-1953
  • Inventory of Requirements and Supply, 1950
  • Investment--Studies by Edgar M. Hoover, 1948-1949
  • Loyalty Procedure, 1948
  • Manpower--Memoranda and Reports Re, 1947-1951
  • National Security Resources Board--[study by Gerhard Colm, September 25, 1950]
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling--Harry S. Truman Library, 1971 [1 of 3]
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling--Harry S. Truman Library, 1971 [2 of 3]
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling--Harry S. Truman Library, 1971 [3 of 3]
  • Projections Committee
  • Regional Economics ["Regional Aspects of Economic Growth and Decay"--report by Edgar M. Hoover and Joseph L. Fisher, October 13, 1948]
  • Round-up Committee [of the CEA, re its work], 1947-1948
  • Soviet Economy [statistical studies for the Committee for Economic Development, 1952 -1958, and an address by Allen W. Dulles, Director of the CIA, to the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, April 28,1958-- "Khrushchev's Challenge"]
  • Special Studies--Annual Wage Study
  • Special Studies--"Some Intellectual Contributions of the Truman Council of Economic Advisers to Policy-Making," by Walter S. Salant, the Brookings Institution, 1966

Box 8

  • Staff [biographical sketches of Edwin G. Nourse, Leon H. Keyserling, John D. Clark, Benjamin Caplan, Gerhard Colm, John C. Davis, Joseph L. Fisher, Bertram M. Gross, Edgar M. Hoover, Francis M. James, Walter S. Salant, Mary W. Smelker, Frederick V. Waugh, etc.]
  • Statement by Edwin G. Nourse to Chairman, Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Dated February 9, 1949, re testifying at Hearings on "The Economic Report of 1949" on February 8, 1949
  • Statement by Leon H. Keyserling on "Projections of Productivity," March 2, 1950
  • Statement of Roy Blough Before the Subcommittee on General Credit Control and Debt Management of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, March 12, 1952
  • Steel Industry [price-wage control summaries]
  • Supergrades [letter, Leon H. Keyserling to Robert Ramspeck, Chairman, United States Civil Service Commission, May 2, 1951]
  • Testimony of Charles F. Brannan Before Joint Committee on the Economic Report, February 8, 1949, "The Economic Report of January 1949"
  • Testimony of John D. Clark Before Subcommittee on Monetary, Credit and Fiscal Policies of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, December 7, 1949, February 13, 1950, and February 2, 1951
  • White House Contacts--Charles S. Murphy, 1948-1976 [documents numbered 1 to 62, dated March 23, 1948 to March 28, 1952, and including information on "The Truman 10-Year Plan," labor relations, fiscal and monetary policies]
  • White House Contacts--Clark M. Clifford, 1946-1952 [documents numbered from 1 to 45 dated December 19, 1946 to April 15, 1952, and including information on the President's speeches and economic reports to the Congress] [1 of 2]
  • White House Contacts--Clark M. Clifford, 1946-1952 [documents numbered from 1 to 45 dated December 19, 1946 to April 15, 1952, and including information on the President's speeches and economic reports to the Congress] [2 of 2]
  • White House Contacts--Harry S. Truman, 1947-1953 [documents numbered l to 67 and l to 39, dated March 19, 1947 to January 15, 1953, and including information on the European Recovery Program, monetary and fiscal Policy, regional economic studies, the Defense Production Act of 1950, economic indicators, mid-year economic reports to the president, and budget estimates and speeches by the President on economic matters] [1 of 4]
  • White House Contacts--Harry S. Truman, 1947-1953 [documents numbered l to 67 and l to 39, dated March 19, 1947 to January 15, 1953, and including information on the European Recovery Program, monetary and fiscal Policy, regional economic studies, the Defense Production Act of 1950, economic indicators, mid-year economic reports to the president, and budget estimates and speeches by the President on economic matters] [2 of 4]

Box 9

  • White House Contacts--Harry S. Truman, 1947-1953 [documents numbered l to 67 and l to 39, dated March 19, 1947 to January 15, 1953, and including information on the European Recovery Program, monetary and fiscal Policy, regional economic studies, the Defense Production Act of 1950, economic indicators, mid-year economic reports to the president, and budget estimates and speeches by the President on economic matters] [3 of 4]
  • White House Contacts--Harry S. Truman, 1947-1953 [documents numbered l to 67 and l to 39, dated March 19, 1947 to January 15, 1953, and including information on the European Recovery Program, monetary and fiscal Policy, regional economic studies, the Defense Production Act of 1950, economic indicators, mid-year economic reports to the president, and budget estimates and speeches by the President on economic matters] [4 of 4]

COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS FILE, 1946-1976: Staff Studies File, 1947-1971

  • Anti-trust [background materials for a possible message by the President on anti-monopoly policy]
  • International Aspects of a U.S. Depression [transcript of proceedings of a meeting of economic consultants, September 20 and 21, 1949]
  • Point Four Program [capital investment aspects of Point Four, June 7, 1949]
  • Productivity [report to Leon H. Keyserling from J.C. Davis and T.K. Hitch, "Productivity Problems as Related to the Council's Needs"]
  • Small Business Aids [financial assistance to small business, February 1, 1950; guidelines for a financial and technical assistance program, February 28, 1950; a memorandum to the members of the Council from Gerhard Colm, "Tax Provisions of the Small Business Bill," March 16, 1950]
  • Social Security Program [memoranda to Leon H. Keyserling from David Christian and Gerhard Colm, 1949]
  • Stabilization Devices Committee [survey of stabilization devices for meeting a possible downswing in employment and production, May 3, 1949; memoranda from William Remington and Walter S. Salant to Leon H. Keyserling, May 1947-April 1949] [1 of 2]

Box 10

  • Stabilization Devices Committee [survey of stabilization devices for meeting a possible downswing in employment and production, May 3, 1949; memoranda from William Remington and Walter S. Salant to Leon H. Keyserling, May 1947-April 1949] [2 of 2]
  • Tobin, James--Keynesian Economic Theory [correspondence between Keyserling and Dr. James Tobin, Department of Economics, Yale University, 1971]
  • Wage-Price Guidelines [letter to Keyserling from John P. Lewis, staff member, Council of Economic Advisers, January 26, 1953]

COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS FILE, 1946-1976: Hearings Before the Joint Economic Committee File, 1946-1953

  • Employment Act of 1946, As Amended, and Related Laws
  • Vol. I--Price Developments in Re Economic Stabilization, 1947
  • Vol. II--Price Studies, 1947-1950

Box 11

  • Vol. III--The President's Anti-Inflation Program, 1947-1948
  • Vol. IV--Economic Reports, 1947-1949
  • Vol. V--Corporate Profits, 1948-1949
  • Vol. VI--Statistical Gaps; Regional Statistics, 1948-1950

Box 12

  • Vol. VII--Monetary, Credit and Fiscal Policies, 1948-1950
  • Vol. VIII--Low Income Families, 1949-1950
  • Vol. IX--[The] Economy of the South; Highways [and the Nation's Economy], 1949-1950

Box 13

  • Vol. X--Employment and Unemployment, 1949-1950
  • Vol. XI--Volume and Stability of Private Investment, 1949-1950
  • Vol. XII--Economic Report, 1950
  • Vol. XIII--Economic Report, January 1951

Box 14

  • Vol. XIV--Defense Mobilization Economics, 1951
  • Vol. XV--Low Income Families and Rural Unemployment, 1951
  • Vol. XVI--Economic Reports, January 1952
  • Vol. XVII--Tax Studies, 1952
  • Vol. XVIII--Monetary Policy and Management of the Public Debt--Study--Part I, 1952

Box 15

  • Vol. XIX--Monetary Policy and Management of the Public Debt--Study--Part II
  • Vol. XX--Monetary Policy and Management of the Public Debt--Hearings and Final Report, 1952
  • Vol. XXI--Index, 1947-1952; Pensions, U.S.; Economic Outlook, 1952 -1953

SUBJECT FILE, 1928-1987

Box 16

  • Agriculture Employment Bill (1974)
  • Atlantic Congress (1959)
  • Balanced Economic Growth Plan--Bill by Congressman Bolling (1975)
  • Brazil (1974)
  • Bryant College (1965)
  • Business Week (1952-1974)
  • Challenge Magazine (1958-1981)
  • Chandler Historical Prize--Columbia University Prize (1928)
  • Childs, Marquis--Columnist (1948-1950)
  • Commercial & Financial Chronicle (1948-1953)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Articles and Speeches re (1972)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Correspondence re Truman Library (1965-1977)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Donovan, Robert-Letter to re Truman Administration (1973-1977)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Hamby, Professor Alonzo-Ohio University (1975-1980)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Johnson Administration CEA- Leon H. Keyserling letters re Employment Act of 1946 (List)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Norton, Professor Hugh S., "Trilogy on History of the Council of Economic Advisers" (1970-1977)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Outside Studies of CEA--Flash, Edward, Jr. (1959-1978)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Presidential Studies Quarterly, "The Political Role of Academic Advisers: The Case of the U.S. President=s Council of Economic Advisers, 1946-76" by David Naven (1981-1982)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Response to Questionnaire about CEA from New Mexico State University (1986)
  • Council of Economic Advisors--Salant, Walter-Material Concerning Truman CEA article from Leon H. Keyserling (1971)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Saulnier, Raymond J. (1987)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--1979 Book on 10 Most Influential Economists by Robert Sobel
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Staff memoranda, Etc. (1947- 1953)
  • Council of Economic Advisers--Stein, Herbert, Letter to, Commenting on his book, The Fiscal Revolution in America (1969)
  • Doubleday and Company, Inc.
  • Draft Status of Leon H. Keyserling, 1942-1943
  • Dun's Review--Magazine (1965)
  • Edson, Peter (1958)
  • Employment Act of 1946--Proposed Amendments, by Leon H. Keyserling (1967)

Box 17

  • Fortune (1950-1958)
  • France--Correspondence with Baron B. De Jouvenel (1955-1960)
  • Fritchey, Clayton (Columnist)
  • Germany--Kiel Institute of World Economics (1983)
  • Germany--Miscellaneous Correspondence (1958)
  • Gonzales Full Employment Bill (1974)
  • Harper's Magazine (1945-1974)
  • Herling, John (Columnist ) (1971)
  • Honors for Leon H. Keyserling--Honorary Degrees
  • India--Free Enterprise Forum, October 15, 1957
  • India--Interviews in India, 1966
  • India--ISI [Indian Statistical Institute] Review Committee, 1966
  • India--ISI-Report to the Review Committee, December 1966; Leon H. Keyserling=s Report
  • India--Mahalanobis, P.C.--Correspondence (1957-1984)
  • India--Mehta, G. I. (Ambassador)--Correspondence (1954- 1961)
  • India--Memorandum for the Prime Minister from Leon H. Keyserling, November 2, 1957
  • India--Prime Minister Nehru--Keyserling=s Memorandum for Study (1957)
  • India--Nehru, B. K. [Commissioner General for Economic Affairs]-Keyserling Proposals (1959-1966)
  • India--Pant, Pitambar-Correspondence-Keyserling Proposals (1957-1973)
  • India--Parliament Address, November 1957
  • India--Press Clippings (1957)
  • Indian Statistical Institute-Talks of Leon H. Keyserling, October 24 and 26, 1958
  • Inter-University Case Program--Silverman, Corinne (1958-1959)
  • Israel--Halperin, Minister Dan (Economic Affairs) (1980)
  • Journal of Commerce (1949-1957)
  • Kent, Frank-Columnist (1948)
  • Kraft, Joseph-Columnist (1977)
  • Krock, Arthur-Columnist (1950, 1952)
  • Letters to Leon H. Keyserling--List
  • Lewis, Wilfred, [the Brookings Institution]--The Federal Government's Fiscal Policy in the Post War Recessions (1961-1962)
  • Life Magazine (1952)
  • Lippmann, Walter--Columnist (1949-1967)
  • Look Magazine (1948)
  • Lowenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander--Correspondence (1953-1987)

Box 18

  • Magazine of Wall Street (1960)
  • McClendon, Sarah--Columnist (1985)
  • Myrdal, Professor Gunner--of Stockholm, Sweden (1964-1984)
  • Nation, The (1948-1953)
  • National Conference on Public Service Employment (1973)
  • New Republic (1950-1987)
  • New York Times (1986) [Columbia College Contributions]
  • Newsday (1965)
  • Newsweek (1954-1966)
  • Parade (1955)
  • Pathfinder (1950-1951)
  • Pearson, Drew [Columnist] (1959)
  • Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1951)
  • Printer's Ink (1960-1963)
  • Progressive, The (1974-1987)
  • Public Affairs Pamphlets [Pamphlet No. 534, Unemployment: The Problem We Can Solve, by Andrew Levison] (1976)
  • Reporter, The (1949-1963)
  • Rowen, Hobart-[Columnist]-(Washington Post, formerly Newsweek) (1961-1984)
  • Saturday Evening Post (1946)
  • Smith, Howard K. (American Broadcasting Company, 1968-1977)
  • Swing, Raymond [Columnist] (1950)
  • Time Magazine (1962-1974)
  • U.S. News & World Report (1949-1962)
  • Wagner, Senator Robert F.--Legislation-Housing and Labor-75th Congress, 1st Session
  • Washington Evening Star (1949-1950)
  • Washington Post (1948-1985)
  • Westview Press (1984)
  • Wicker, Tom--[Columnist]--New York Times (1975-1976)
  • Wilson, Lyle C.--[Columnist] (1958)

CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1946-1987 Senate File, 1946-1987

Box 19

Box 20

  • Humphrey, Muriel (D, Minnesota) [1978]
  • Jackson, Henry M. (D, Washington) [1975]
  • Javits, Jacob K. (R, New York) [1951-1979]
  • Kefauver, Estes (D, Tennessee) [1952-1962]
  • Kennedy, Edward M. (D, Massachusetts) [1965]
  • Kerr, Robert S. (D, Oklahoma) [1956-1958]
  • Kerry, John F. (D, Massachusetts) [1987]
  • Lehman, Herbert H. (D, New York) [1959-1961]
  • Long, Russell B. (D, Louisiana) [1957-1972]
  • McGovern, George (D, South Dakota) [1958-1972]
  • Metzenbaum, Howard (D, Ohio) [Statement for Senator Metzenbaum's office, February 13, 1981]
  • Mondale, Walter F. (D, Minnesota) [1967]
  • Morse, Wayne (R, Oregon) [1949-1955]
  • Moynihan, Daniel P. (D, New York) [1977-1982]
  • Murray, James E. (D, Montana) [1949]
  • Muskie, Edmund S. (D, Maine) [1965]
  • Nelson, Gaylord (D, Wisconsin) [1978]
  • Neuberger, Richard L. (D, Oregon) [1957-1959]
  • O'Mahoney, Joseph C. (D, Wyoming) [1952]
  • Proxmire, William (D, Wisconsin) [1978-1983]
  • Sarbanes, Paul S. (D, Maryland) [1987]
  • Sasser, Jim (D, Tennessee) [Remarks before the Consumer Federation of America, February 5, 1981]
  • Simon, Paul (D, Illinois) [1976-1986]
  • Stevenson, Adlai E., III (D, Illinois) [1971-1978]
  • Symington, Stuart (D, Missouri) [1953-1961] [1 of 2]
  • Symington, Stuart (D, Missouri) [1953-1961] [2 of 2]
  • Taft, Robert A. (R, Ohio) [1946-1949]
  • Williams, Harrison A. (D, New Jersey) [1976-1978]
  • Yarborough, Ralph W. (D, Texas) [1963-1965]

CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1946-1987: House of Representatives File, 1948-1987

Box 21

  • Albert, Carl (Speaker of the House) [1971-1977]
  • Blatnik, John A. (D, Minnesota) [1955]
  • Boggs, Hale (D, Louisiana) [1959-1972]
  • Bolling, Richard (D, Missouri [1976-1980]
  • Conyers, John (D, Michigan) [1975-1987]
  • Davis, Clifford (D, Tennessee) [1959]
  • Dawson, William L. (D, Illinois) [1950-1958]
  • Edwards, Don (D, California)-Housing and Urban Renewal Study [1976]
  • Fauntroy, Walter E. (D, DC) [1976]
  • Gonzalez, Henry B. (D, Texas) [1968-1987]
  • Hayes, Charles A. (D, Illinois) [1985-1986]
  • McCormack, John W. (D, Massachusetts) [1957-1971]
  • Mills, Wilbur D. (D, Arkansas) [1959]
  • Ottinger, Richard L. (D, New York) [1976-1977]
  • Panetta, Leon E. (D, California) [1982-1985]
  • Patman, Wright (D, Texas) [1948-1976]
  • Pepper, Claude (D, Florida) [1950-1985]
  • Reuss, Henry S. (D, Wisconsin) [1958-1982]
  • Thompson, Frank, Jr. (D, New Jersey) [1958-1959]
  • Udall, Morris K. (D, Arizona) [1975-1977]
  • Ullman, Al (D, Oregon) [1978]
  • Wright, Jim (D, Texas) [1975]

CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1946-1987: Humphrey-Hawkins Bill File, 1974-1985

Box 22

  • Materials re the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill-->>Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act of 1975" (H.R. 50) [1 of 2]
  • Materials re the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill-->>Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act of 1975" (H.R. 50) [2 of 2]
  • Humphrey S. 3050--Balanced National Growth and Development Act of 1974 Correspondence, 1977
  • H.R. 50--January 4, 1977 [legislation introduced in 1975-1976, including H.R. 50, S. 50]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins Bill--Co-Sponsor
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Memoranda Relating to October 12, 1977, Draft of Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Press Release and Summary of Agreed upon and Released Draft of the Bill, November 14, 1977
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Draft of Bill, Dated July 25, 1977, Based On White House Draft of July 1977 and Given to White House on August 3, 1977
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--White House Draft of June 1977
  • Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act (H.R. 50)-- Correspondence, 1976
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-H.R. 50 and S. 50 Committee and Subcommittee Prints, Etc., January 14, 1975 to September 16, 1976
  • Humphrey-Hawkins Bill--Drafts of September 14, and 27, 1977, Based on Meetings with Administration People
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Muskie-Bellmon Comments on the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Senator W.R. Anderson--Letter of October 5, 1977
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--P.L [Public Law] 95-523--October 27, 1978, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978"
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--November 1977--Discussions in re to October 21, 1977 Draft of Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Memoranda Related to September 27, 1977 and October 27, 1977, Drafts of Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Draft of Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, November 7, 1977
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Draft of Bill as Released by Sponsors and White House, November 14, 1977
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Barnicle Comments on November 14, 1977 Draft
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--White House Summary of Humphrey- Hawkins Bill, November 14, 1977
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Press Release and Summary by Humphrey and Hawkins--Draft of Bill, November 17, 1977
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Humphrey Statement on Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-H.R. 50, Committee Print, December 14, 1977 (Accord with the President)

Box 23

  • Humphrey-Hawkins-"Why Not a Quantitative Goal for Price Stability?"
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Comments on Republican Recommended Humphrey-Hawkins Provisions
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Questions and Answers on Humphrey- Hawkins Bill, Etc., February 6, 1978
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Bill, February 10, 1978 Print.
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 8, 1978--House Debates on Humphrey-Hawkins Bill [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--February 15, 1976--Report of House Education and Labor Committee
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 20, 1978--Analysis of Amendments as Made by House
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--February 21 and March 22, 1978--House Budget Hearing on Cost of Humphrey-Hawkins Bill [Print]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Committee Report on H.R. 50, February 22, 1978
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-H.R. 50, February 22, 1978--Bill as Reported by House Committee on Education [Print]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 1978--Amendments Proposed on Floor of House
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 15, 1978--House Debates on Humphrey-Hawkins Bill [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 1978--House Vote on H.R. 50
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 3, 1978--Rules Committee Reported Bill (H.R. 50)
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--1978--Hawkins Statements and Letter to Press on Bill, March 7, 1978
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-1978--House Debate and Action on Humphrey-Hawkins Bill [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 20, 1978--(Legislative Day, February 6, 1978) Bill as Passed House, in the Senate [Print]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--April 1978--Bill Prepared by Committee Staff for Consideration by Nelson Subcommittee of Senate Human Resources Committee and approved by Senate Human Resources Committee
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--May 1978--Bill as Considered by Senate Committee on Human Resources after Rewrite of Parts by Staff
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--May 3, 1978--Title III Approved by Senate and House Committees--Leon H. Keyserling Earlier Draft Proposal
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--June 1978--Bill as Considered by Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and Amendments Adopted by the Committee
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--June 1978--Comparison of Various Drafts of Humphrey-Hawkins Bill--Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Analysis and Comments on Humphrey- Hawkins Bill for Use by Congressional Committees

Box 24

  • Humphrey-Hawkins--September 6, 1978--Reports on S. 50 by Human Resources and Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committees
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--September 6, 1978-S. 50 as Reported by Human Resources Committee and as Reported by Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee [Print]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 13, 1978--Senate Debate in Approving Humphrey-Hawkins Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 13, 1978--Senators Stating Unemployment Reduction Highest Priority Humphrey-Hawkins--October 13, 1978--Humphrey-Hawkins Bill as Approved by Senate (later accepted by House and Signed by President)
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-Files, October 13, 1978--Senator Williams Tribute to Leon H. Keyserling [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 13, 1978--Senate Debates on Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, Culminating in Passage [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Business Files--Hawkins Subcommittee, November 29, 1978, Work Program under the Humphrey- Hawkins Act
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Amendments to Humphrey-Hawkins Act, 1979
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--April 30, 1979--Humphrey-Hawkins Act, House Debates on and on 1st Concurrent Resolution, 1980 Budget [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 14, 1978-- Congressional Record re Debates on Humphrey-Hawkins Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 27, 1978--Ceremonies and President Carter Statements on Signing the Humphrey- Hawkins Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 30, 1978--Commentary on the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill by Congressional Research Service [Library of Congress]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--November 6, 1978--New York State Full Employment and Balanced Growth Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 14, 1978-- House Debates on Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, No Consequential Action [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 12, 1979--Banking Committee Report on Monetary Policy Under the Humphrey-Hawkins Act; Gonzalez Reporting on Same; Supplementary Views of Mitchell, Fauntroy, Garcia and Barnard; Minority Report; Dissenting Views of Ron Paul
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 16, 1978--House Debates on Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, Culminating in Passage [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 19-26, 1978--FEAC [Full Employment Action Council] Comments on Humphrey- Hawkins Bill as Approved [includes a memorandum from Coretta Scott King to "Black Americans, and to everyone who supports full economic rights to all minorities," October 19, 1978]
  • [Humphrey-Hawkins-Correspondence Between Congressman Augustus Hawkins, Labor Secretary Ray Marshall, and President Jimmy Carter, 1980]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--October 1979--Report After One Year of Act and on Full Employment Goal, by House Committee on Education and Labor [committee print]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--AFL-CIO Opposes President's Extension of Humphrey-Hawkins Goals, February 23, 1980 [AFL-CIO News, February 23, 1980]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--April 1980--Humphrey-Hawkins Debates in House [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--House Debate (Partial) on Fiscal 1981 Budget, April 23, 1980 [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-May 1980, Congressional Reference Service [Library of Congress]--Study of Action Under the Humphrey-Hawkins Act
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Debates in House, April and May, 1981
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--April 30-May 1, 1981--Budget Resolution Debates on Humphrey-Hawkins Requirements [Congressional Record]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--February 10, 1982--Federal Reserve Board Monetary Policy Report to Congress Pursuant to Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Congressional Record, March 23, 1983-- House Concurrent Resolution Debate Request by Humphrey- Hawkins
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Correspondence with Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, 1982-1987
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--List of Materials Prepared for Congressman Hawkins

Box 25

  • Humphrey-Hawkins-1976 Amendments to Humphrey-Hawkins Under Discussion at Various Times and Discussion Related Thereto
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Bill of June 19, 1974
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-Clippings, Articles, Publications (H.R. 50) --Press Comments [1 of 2]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-Clippings, Articles, Publications (H.R. 50) --Press Comments [2 of 2]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-Clippings and Articles by Others on Humphrey-Hawkins, December 1976, 1977, and 1978 [1 of 4]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-Clippings and Articles by Others on Humphrey-Hawkins, December 1976, 1977, and 1978 [2 of 4]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-Clippings and Articles by Others on Humphrey-Hawkins, December 1976, 1977, and 1978 [3 of 4]
  • Humphrey-Hawkins-Clippings and Articles by Others on Humphrey-Hawkins, December 1976, 1977, and 1978 [4 of 4]

Box 26

  • Humphrey-Hawkins--CEA [Council of Economic Advisers]: Analysis of Humphrey-Hawkins Bill by Various People
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--CEA: Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act of 1975 (H.R. 50), Congressman Hawkins and Leon H. Keyserling Testimony
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--CEA: H.R. 50--Leon H. Keyserling Study of Costs, May 23, 1975, and Study of 3% Feasibility of June 26, 1976 Humphrey-Hawkins--Letter of Hubert H. Humphrey (1977)
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Jerry Jasinowski--Work on Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Leaflets, etc. on Bill, 1978
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Organizations Supporting Humphrey- Hawkins Bill (1977)
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Press and [Jimmy] Carter Comments on September 27, 1977, Draft of Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--January 4, 1977 Print of Humphrey- Hawkins Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--March 22, 1976, S. 50, as Printed for Use of Senate Committee on Labor and Welfare
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Testimony of Ray Marshall (1976)
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Comments of Henry S. Reuss, January 27, 1976
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Alice M. Rivlin--Statements Related to Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (1976)
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Dennis Roth--Library of Congress Study of Bill
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Nancy Teeters--Activities in re Humphrey- Hawkins Bill (1976)
  • Humphrey-Hawkins--Testimony on H.R. 50, 1976 by Others
  • Humphrey-Hawkins Bill--Votes on Bill


Box 27

  • Vol. I--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1923 through 1937 [list of items in Keyserling's first bound volume]
  • Citizenship Essay, 1923--Beauford, South Carolina, High School
  • The Railroad Strike of 1894--American History Term Paper, [Columbia University], 1925
  • The Agricultural Problems in the United States Today--American Economic Life Term Paper, [Columbia University], 1925
  • Political Philosophy of Modern Shinto--Philosophy of Religion Term Paper, [Columbia University] 1928
  • New Republic, Letter to in Re "Michael Gold Literary Controversy
  • Anti-Trust Policy and the Railroads Since the War--Anti-trust Term Paper [Harvard University Law School], 1931
  • "Legal Education," Study for General Education Board, 1932, (Rockefeller Foundation)--Objectives of Professional Education, A., Law Schools, by Leon H. Keyserling, 1011 John Jay Hall, Columbia University, New York City
  • "Medical Education"--Study for the General Education Board, 1932, (Rockefeller Foundation)--Objectives of Medical Schools, by Leon H. Keyserling, Columbia University, New York City
  • "College Education," Study for General Education Board, 1932 (Rockefeller Foundation)--Objectives of the American Liberal Arts College, by Leon H. Keyserling, Columbia University, New York City
  • "Economic Research," Study for General Education Board, 1932, (Rockefeller Foundation) [Columbia University, New York City]
  • Social Objectives in Legal Education, Reprinted from Columbia Law Review, Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, March 1933
  • The Historical Outlook--Review by Leon H. Keyserling of Elements of Economics by Charles Ralph Fay, The Macmillian Company, New York, 1932
  • Vol. II--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches 1938-1940 [list of items in Keyserling's second bound volume]
  • Letter to Keyserling from Francis Biddle Congratulating Him on His Appointment as Chief Counsel of the Housing Authority, January 31, 1938
  • State Government, Vol. II, Nov. 5, May, 1938, "Low-Rent Housing: A Public, Non-Federal Program"
  • "The United States Housing Authority in the Framework of American Government and Law," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Speech Delivered by Mr. Keyserling at Twenty-Eighth Annual Convention Banquet of the N.C. League of Municipalities in Battery Park Hotel, Asheville, North Carolina, August 5, 1938
  • United States Housing Authority, Press Release No. 218, Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Deputy Administrator and General Counsel, League of Municipalities of Ohio, Columbus, December 15, 1938
  • "Legal Aspects of the Housing Problem," by Leon H. Keyserling, National Resources Committee, 1939
  • "Low-Rent Housing Builds on Sound Money," by Leon H. Keyserling, National Municipal Review, September 1937
  • Press Release, January 27, 1939, "The Cost of Public Housing," Address by Leon H. Keyserling at Luncheon of National Public Housing Conference, New York City
  • Press Release, February 12, 1939, "The Liberal's Stake in Public Housing," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Convention of National Lawyers Guild, Chicago, Illinois
  • Press Release, March 6, 1939, "The Lawyer's Interest in Public Housing," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, American Bar Association, Washington, D.C.
  • Press Release, March 13, 1939, "Public Housing: A Nationwide Cooperative Endeavor," Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Press Release, July 21, 1939, "Public Housing," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Harvard Summer School, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Press Release, November 1, 1939, "Public Housing," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, United States Housing Authority, Washington, D.C.
  • United States Housing Authority, "What does the Housing Program Cost?" March 1940
  • American Yearbook Article, December 9, 1940, "Slum Clearance and Low-Rent Public Housing" [draft]
  • Press Release, March 28, 1940, "The Place of Housing in Public Welfare," by Leon H. Keyserling, National Public Housing Conference, New York City
  • Press Release, April 17, 1940, Address by Leon H. Keyserling at Laying of Cornerstone of Vladeck Federal Houses, New York City
  • Press Release, May 4, 1940, "Public Housing," Address by Leon H. Keyserling over Radio Station WOR, New York, under auspices of the National Lawyers Guild
  • Press Release, August 2, 1940, "The Role of Public Housing in the Economy of the Next Few Years," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Conference of New Jersey Council of Housing Authorities at Ross-Fenton Farms, Asbury Park, New Jersey
  • "Re U.S. Housing Authority," Radio Newsreel Transcription, Washington, D.C., August 9, 1940
  • "Housing Talk," Staff Meeting, November 19, 1949--Russell Cook, Director of Personnel, Presiding, and Leon Keyserling, Deputy Administrator and Acting General Counsel, Speaker
  • Press Release, November 28, 1940, "The USHA Program of Slum Clearance and Low-Rent Housing," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, St. Paul, Minnesota

Box 28

  • Vol. III--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1941-1945 [list of items in Keyserling's third bound volume]
  • "Public Housing Marches On," by Leon H. Keyserling, To Use in Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, February 23, 1941
  • "Public Housing: Some Social and Legal Aspects with Particular Reference to New York State," February 23, 1941
  • Book Review--The Law of Public Housing by William Ebstein, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1940--Reviewed by Leon H. Keyserling, May 1941
  • Defense Housing Needs, May 20, 1941
  • Post-War Housing--September 8, 1941 (master copy)
  • Press Release, January 25, 1941, "The Challenge of Public Housing Today," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, 10th Annual Meeting of the National Public Housing Conference, New York City
  • "Continuing and Expanding the Housing Program for Both Defense and General Workers," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Eastern States Institute on Public Housing, Philadelphia
  • Staff Meeting, April 1, 1941, General Administration of USHA, Washington, D.C., Russell Cook, Director of Personnel, Presiding, and Leon H. Keyserling, Deputy Administrator and Acting General Counsel, Speaker
  • "The Framework of Federal-Local Relations Developed Under the Lanham Act," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Ninth Annual Meeting of the National Association of Housing Officials, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 18, 1941
  • "After Defense, What?" Address by Leon H. Keyserling, National Federation of Settlements, Inc., Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 1, 1941
  • "Planning for Post-War Housing," Agenda for Western Housing and Planning, October 1941, Leon H. Keyserling, Main Speaker for Conference
  • "Public Housing and Private Enterprise," Address of Leon H. Keyserling at Convention of American Bar Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 30, 1941
  • "War Housing," Press Release, Excerpts from Speech of Leon H. Keyserling Before a Meeting of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, January 26, 1942
  • "What Price Victory?" Radio Broadcast by Leon H. Keyserling, February 4, 1942
  • "Public Housing Takes Stock," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, National Public Housing Conference, Washington, D.C., February 6, 1942
  • "War Housing," National Public Housing Conference, Town Hall Club, New York City, March 14, 1942
  • "Programming for Present Need While Considering Its Effects on the Future"--Leon H. Keyserling as Panel Speaker, National Housing Agency, Washington, D.C., December 12, 1942
  • "The Government's Role in Urban Affairs," Johns Hopkins University (Evergreen House), July 10, 1943
  • "A Creed for Housing," October 22, 1943
  • "A Place to Live in Peace," Address by Leon H. Keyserling at the North Central (Region VI) Conference of the National Association of Housing Officials, Chicago, Illinois, January 12, 1943
  • "What NHA Plans for the Future," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 12th Annual Meeting of the National Public Housing Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 19, 1943
  • "Housing in the Transitional and Postwar Economy," Municipal Forum of New York, December 8, 1943
  • "The American Economic Goal--A Practical Start Toward Postwar Full Employment--Mr. Keyserling's Winning Plan"
  • "From Patchwork to Purpose--Full Employment--American Bill," by Leon H. Keyserling, March 1945
  • Progress Toward "The Right of Every Family to a Decent Home," (from FDR's Economic Bill of Rights), by Leon H. Keyserling--Reprinted from Lawyers Guild Review, Vol. V., No. 3, (May-June 1945)
  • "President Roosevelt's Interest in Housing," by Leon H. Keyserling, Reprinted from CHC Housing News, May-June 1945, Published by Citizens Housing Council of New York
  • Book Review, Lewis L. Lorwin, Time for Planning, by Leon H. Keyserling, April 24, 1945
  • "The Road to Freedom-A Postwar Approach for America," by Leon H. Keyserling, June 1945
  • "Preparation on the Home Front for Permanent Peace," Draft of Speech to the National Council of Jewish Women, April 10, 1945
  • "The Government Looks Ahead"--Speech by Leon H. Keyserling at a Community Forum of the Committee for Economic Development and Participating Groups, Newark, New Jersey, April 15, 1945
  • A Tribute to Dr. Edith Elmer Wood, (Citizens Housing Council of New York), May 9, 1945
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. VII, No. 33, August 21, 1945, "Should Congress Pass the Full Employment Bill?"
  • "Reconversion and Full Employment"--a Radio Address by Leon H. Keyserling--Radio WMCA, September 24, 1945
  • "Federal Housing: The Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill," Annual Conference of State Taxpayers Organization, Washington, D.C., November 14-16, 1945
  • Vol. IV--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1946-1948 [list of items in Keyserling's fourth bound volume]
  • "Homes for All--and How," by Leon H. Keyserling, Reprinted from Survey Graphic, February 1946
  • "Housing," by Leon H. Keyserling, American Federationist, June 1946
  • Address at People's Lobby Conference, February 9, 1946
  • University of Buffalo Centennial Celebration--"The Council of Economic Advisers: An Essay in Cooperation," September 27, 1946 [the Full Employment Act of 1946]
  • Housing Inventory and Forecast Conference, Chicago, November 19, 1946
  • "Employment and Government Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Catholic Charity Review, May 1947
  • "Must We Have Another Depression?" by Leon H. Keyserling-- Reprinted from Congressional Record, June 10, 1947
  • "The Next Ten Years," by Leon H. Keyserling, Public Housing Magazine, November 1947
  • "Full Employment"--Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling Before League of Women Voters, January 29, 1947
  • "The Contribution of Full Employment and Production to World Stability"--Address by Leon H. Keyserling, National Farm Institute, Des Moines, Iowa, February 15, 1947
  • "Maintaining Prosperity--Management and Government Roles"--Address by Leon H. Keyserling at Northern California Management Conference, San Francisco, California, March 20, 1947
  • "How Can We Avoid a Recession?"--Statement by Leon H. Keyserling--"People's Platform," CBS, New York, April 27, 1947
  • "Collective Bargaining"--Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling Before Industrial Relations Council of Metropolitan Boston, May 26, 1947
  • "Is a Depression Inevitable?"--Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling in Radio Forum, "What's On Your Mind?" June 17, 1947
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. IX, No. 26, July 1, 1947, "How Should We Deal With the High Cost of Living?"
  • "Role of Business in Stabilization," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Conference Board, February 1948
  • Discussion Meeting, Massachusetts Business Leaders and Leon H. Keyserling, Union Club, Boston, Massachusetts, December 11, 1947
  • "The Employment Act and High Prices," by Leon H. Keyserling, Democratic Digest, January 1948
  • "Everybody's Problem: Prices, Wages, Profits" by Leon H. Keyserling, Harper's Magazine, March 1948
  • "Can We Do It? Yes, in an Integrated Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Nation, May 15, 1948
  • The New York Times Magazine, June 13, 1948, "The Economic Test: Will We Act?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Town Meeting, January 27, 1948--Bulletin of America's Town Meeting of the Air, "Should the President's Tax Plan be Adopted?"
  • Discussion of the Council of Economic Advisers 2nd Annual Report and the President's Economic Report, January 29, 1948
  • "Domestic Economic Policy," Draft of ADA (Americans for Democratic Action) Speech, Philadelphia, February 21, 1948
  • "Democracy in a Crisis," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, League for Industrial Democracy, New York, April 3, 1948
  • "The Impact of Government Policy Upon Marketing," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Luncheon of American Marketing Association, June 14, 1948
  • "Inflation Control"--Extract from Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, August 4, 1948
  • America United, Vol. IV, No. 33, August 15, 1948, A Radio Forum Conducted by the Congress of Industrial Organizations on "Are the Present Laws Sufficient to Control Inflation?" NBC Network
  • "The Role of Government in Our Expanding Economy," Address by Leon H. Keyserling at First Annual Florida Business Conference, Gainesville, Florida, October 15, 1948
  • "The Role of Labor in Our Expanding Economy," Address by Leon H. Keyserling at First Annual Florida Business Conference, Gainesville, Florida, October 15, 1948
  • "Can We Achieve Lasting Prosperity?" Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Erskine Lectures, College of St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus, Ohio, December 5, 1948
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. XI, No. 10, December 28, 1948, "What's Ahead for Business in 1949?"

Box 29

  • Vol. V--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1949-1950 [list of items in Keyserling's fifth bound volume]
  • "For a National Prosperity Budget," by Leon H. Keyserling, The New York Times Magazine, January 8, 1949
  • "The Middle Way for America," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Progressive, May 1949
  • The Evening Star (Washington, D.C.) Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, July 22, 1949
  • "The Strength of the United States Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, United Nations World, July 1949
  • "Mr. Keyserling's Position," Letter to Editors of Fortune Magazine by Leon H. Keyserling, October 1949
  • "A Policy for Full Employment," by Leon H. Keyserling, New Republic, October 24, 1949
  • "Dr. Keyserling Takes Exception to Interpretation of His Views," Letter to Editor, Commercial and Financial Chronicle, November 10, 1949
  • Town Meeting, Bulletin of America's Town Meeting of the Air, Vol. 14, No. 36, January 4, 1949, "Are Corporate Profits Too High?"
  • "The New Truman Administration--Will Its Policies and Planning Lead Us Toward State Socialism?" Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Third Dinner Forum of Associate Membership of the New School, New York, January 18, 1949
  • Discussion of President's Economic Report and the Council of Economic Advisers Annual Report--Round Table Conference Sponsored by National Industrial Conference Board, New York, January 21, 1949
  • January 1949 Economic Report of the President, Hearings before the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Congress of the United States, 81st Congress, 1st Session, Pursuant to Sec. 5 (A) of Public Law 304, 79th Congress, February 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1949
  • "Avoiding a Recession," an Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, U.S. News & World Report, March 4, 1949
  • "Program for Prosperity," Sunday Bulletin, Philadelphia, March 22, 1949
  • "Business and Government in the American System," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, 3rd Annual Harvard Business School Conference on Business and Government Relations, Washington, D.C., April 9, 1949
  • "Domestic Repercussions of Foreign Aid and Development Programs," Lecture by Leon H. Keyserling, Department of State, Washington, D.C. April 21, 1949
  • "The President's Economic Program," Current Business Studies, Trade and Industry Law Institute, Inc., No. 3, June 1949
  • "Housing and a Liberal Economic Program," Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, National Public Housing Conference, Washington, D.C., May 18, 1949
  • "The Government's Economic Policy," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women, Washington, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1949
  • "Economic Outlook For Sales Management" by Leon H. Keyserling, National Federation of Sales Executives, Chicago, May 24, 1949
  • "Full Employment," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, press release, July 12, 1949, UAW-CIO Public Relations Department, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • "Current Economic Situation," Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, ADA Full Employment Conference, Washington, D.C., July 19, 1949
  • "Prospects for American Economic Growth," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, San Francisco, California, September 18, 1949
  • "The Outlook for Private Enterprise," by Leon H. Keyserling, 3rd Annual Conference of Business Men and Educators, Babson Institute of Business Administration, Babson Park, Massachusetts, October 14, 1949
  • "Housing and Economic Progress," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Conference, National Associates of Housing Officials, Boston, Massachusetts, November 16, 1949
  • "Our Economic Program for the Future," Speech Delivered by Leon H. Keyserling Before the National Convention of the Young Democratic Clubs of America, Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 19, 1949
  • "We Can Afford to Meet UJA Goals," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, United Jewish Appeal, National Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, November 27, 1949
  • "No Retreat from Planning," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Nation, January 21, 1950
  • "Housing and Inflation: Reply to Professor Ellis," by Leon H. Keyserling--Reprinted from American Economic Review, Vol. XL, No. 1, March 1950
  • "In Re Barr King--A Bare Little Bone?" The Nation, April 1, 1950 --Letter to the Editors by Leon H. Keyserling, March 15, 1950
  • Reply to Vermont Royster, Letter to the Editor, Wall Street Journal, June 1, 1950
  • "Planning for a $300 Billion Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, New York Times Magazine, June 18, 1950
  • "National Income Goals," Letter to Editor of The Washington Post, August 11, 1950
  • "Labor's Role in an Expanding Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Advance, September 1, 1950
  • "Expanding Economy: $300 Billion Target," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Washington Post, October 14, 1950
  • "Value of the Dollar," Letter to Editor, Financial World, November 29, 1950
  • "Defense Output and a $350-Billion Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Washington Post, December 18, 1950
  • "Leon Keyserling Complains of Jumbling of His Figures," Letter to Editor, The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, December 21, 1950
  • "A Look into 1950: Its Promise and Pitfalls," by Leon H. Keyserling, Institute of Scrap Iron & Steel Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., January 23, 1950
  • "Is a Welfare State Good for America?" [debate], Leon Keyserling and Merryle Stanley Rukeyser, University of Cincinnati, the 29th Annual Business and Professional Men's Group, January 27, 1950
  • "Government and Human Progress," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Southern Democratic Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, January 28, 1950
  • "The Economic Outlook-Do We Guess It or Do We Make It," Leon H. Keyserling, Speaker, Mortgage Bankers Association, New York City, January 31, 1950
  • "Pros and Cons of Council of Economic Advisers' Policies," National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., New York, February 2, 1950
  • "Wage-Price-Profit Relationships in Economic Growth," Seminar Speaker, Leon H. Keyserling, Department of State, Foreign Service Institute, Washington, D.C., March 14, 1950
  • "The American Economy: Freedom's Test," by Leon H. Keyserling, Address Before the Economic Club of Detroit, April 3, 1950--Reprinted from the Congressional Record, June 1, 1950
  • "Business and Government," Discussion Meeting of Leon H. Keyserling with Business Leaders, Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 31, 1950
  • Town Meeting, Bulletin of America's Town Meeting of the Air, May 2, 1950, "How Should Business and Government Deal with Unemployment?" Speakers, Leon H. Keyserling and Dr. Emerson Schmidt
  • "The Federal Budget and the National Economy," Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Jefferson Jubilee, Chicago, May 15, 1950
  • "Business Outlook Good for Long Time!" by Leon H. Keyserling, 2nd Annual Business Conference, Rutgers University, June 6, 1950
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. XIII, No. 24, June 10, 1950, "Where's Our Economy Headed?" Speakers Senator Owen Brewster and Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, July 3, 1950, "The United States Economy and World Events," excerpts from speech of Leon H. Keyserling, Seagram International Business Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 3, 1950
  • "Economic Policies to Meet Today's Problems," Radio Talk by Leon H. Keyserling, August 9, 1950
  • "The American Economy and World Developments," by Leon H. Keyserling--Reprinted from Proceedings of 43rd National Tax Conference, Pittsburgh, September 14, 1950
  • "Economic Policy Faces the Future," by Leon H. Keyserling, American Management Association, New York City, October 2, 1950
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. XIII, No. 43, October 21, 1950, "The Enemy's Sixth Column--Inflation"
  • "Production: America's Great Non-Secret Weapon," by Leon H. Keyserling, Herald Tribune Forum, New York City, October 23, 1950
  • Executives' Club of Chicago, Executives' Club News, Vol. 27, No. 8, November 3, 1950, "Dr. Keyserling Tells How U.S. Economy Will Be Affected by the Nation's Defense Program"
  • "Accent on Long Range Planning" by Leon H. Keyserling, National Planning Conference for Israel, Washington, D.C., October 29, 1950
  • "Output, Not Controls--Key Weapon in Crisis!" by Leon H. Keyserling, The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Vol. 172, No. 4968, December 14, 1950
  • Department of Defense, Washington, D.C., Conference on National Preparedness Orientation, November 30, 1950, "Economic Problems Arising out of the Defense Program," by Leon H. Keyserling, Speaker

Box 30

  • Vol. VI--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1951-52 [list of items in Keyserling's sixth bound volume]
  • "How to Deal with Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling, Banking Magazine, August 1951
  • "Correcting the Figures," Letter to the Editor of Pathfinder, October 31, 1951
  • "Mr. Keyserling's Speech," Letter to the Editor of the New York Herald Tribune, December 12, 1951
  • "Prophets of Prosperity," Letter to the Editor of the Washington Post, December 14, 1951
  • "Why We Can Have Butter and Guns," A Special Statement for Opportunity Readers by Leon H. Keyserling, February 1951
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. XIII, No. 7, February 18, 1951, "Where's Our Economy Headed?" Speakers, Leon H. Keyserling and Herman W. Steinkraus
  • Town Meeting, Bulletin of America's Town Meeting of the Air, Vol. 16, No. 48, March 27, 1951, "What Is Happening to Your Dollar?" Leon H. Keyserling and Robert S. Byfield, Speakers
  • "Current Economic Issues," Radio Talks by Leon H. Keyserling, Station WMCA, New York City, April 8, 1951
  • "Production Strategy for Defense," by Leon H. Keyserling, Radio Station WMCA, New York City, April 15, 1951
  • "Economics of Defense Mobilization," by Leon H. Keyserling, Management Report No. III, California Personnel Management Association, Berkeley, California, April 18, 1951
  • "How Important is Controlling Inflation?" by Leon H. Keyserling, Radio Station WMCA, New York City, April 22, 1951
  • "New Approaches for New Problems," by Leon H. Keyserling, National Industrial Conference Board, May 18, 1951
  • "Defense Economics--CEA Model," Studies in Business Economics, No. 29, The Conference Board Economic Forum, National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., June 1951
  • "The Role of Liberals in the Defense Program," by Leon H. Keyserling, ADA Conference, Washington, D.C., May 18, 1951
  • "Our Economic Job and How to Do It" by Leon H. Keyserling, Midwest & Western States Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 23, 1951
  • "Economic Trends Today," by Leon H. Keyserling, Retail Control, Summer Issue, 1951
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. XIV, No. 39, "Inflation Concerns Everyone," Leon H. Keyserling and Samuel B. Pettengill, Speakers, September 30, 1951
  • "New Economics for New Problems," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, National Planning Association, Washington, D.C., December 4, 1951
  • "How Can We Lick Inflation?" CBS Radio, People's Platform, Leon H. Keyserling and Dr. Jules Bachman, Speakers
  • "Economics and Industry," Review of The 1950s Come First by Edwin G. Nourse, New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1951 by Leon H. Keyserling, January 1952
  • "New Challenges to the Economist," by Leon H. Keyserling, New York Times Magazine, January 20, 1952
  • "Stability vs. Defense Spending," Letter to the Editor of Business Week Magazine by Leon H. Keyserling, February 23, 1952
  • "America's Part in World Security," by Leon H. Keyserling, Melbourne Argus, March 8, 1952
  • "The Impact of Rearmament on the United States," by Leon H. Keyserling, July 1952
  • "Full Employment, Price Stability Compatible," Keyserling Letter to the Editor, New York Journal of Commerce, October 20, 1952
  • "Economic Policy Coordination in the United States," Journal of Societe Belge d'Etudes et d'Expansion, November-December 1952
  • "The American Economy and World Responsibility," Speech by Leon H. Keyserling, Philadelphia, Roosevelt Day Dinner, January 26, 1952
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. XV, No. 4, January 27, 1952, "How Much Can Our Economy Stand?" Senator Styles Bridges and Leon H. Keyserling, Speakers
  • "Youth Questions Policy of Controls," The Georgetown University Forum, March 30, 1952
  • Press Release, April 4, 1952, Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Delivered at 5th UAW-CIO International Education Conference, Cleveland, Ohio
  • "The Nation and the People View the Economic Outlook," by Leon H. Keyserling, Municipal Finance Officers Association, Boston, Massachusetts, June 18, 1952
  • The American Forum of the Air, Vol. XV, No. 40, October 5, 1952, "How Best Can We Have a Stable Economy," Senator Styles Bridges and Leon Keyserling, Speakers
  • [Chronological listing of speeches and articles from 1923 to 1952]
  • Vol. VII--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1953-1954 [list of items in Keyserling's seventh bound volume]
  • Productivite Francaise, No. 12, December 1952, "L'Economie Americaine est Une Economie en Expansion Un Expose," de M. L. Keyserling
  • "Keyserling Defends Position on Economic Council's Role," Letter to Editor of Journal of Commerce, May 13, 1953
  • "Senator Wagner: Government for the People," by Leon H. Keyserling, New Republic, May 18, 1953
  • "American Experience and Israel's Needs," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Our Economy Can Continue to Grow," by Leon H. Keyserling, International News Service, October 7, 1953
  • "The Immediate Outlook for the American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, United Press Associations, October 16, 1953
  • "New Facts About Israel Bonds," by Leon H. Keyserling [pamphlet issued by State of Israel Bonds, American Financial and Development Corporation for Israel, New York]
  • The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November 1953--Leon H. Keyserling's Review of Book by Edwin G. Nourse, Economics in the Public Service, New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1953
  • New Republic, November 2, 1953, "The Economics of Survival," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "An American Visitor Views Israel's Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling--Reprinted from Israel Speaks, December 1953
  • Commercial and Financial Chronicle, December 31, 1953, "Leave Taxes as They Are," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Panel Discussion, WABD Radio, December 9, 1952, Martha Rountree, Moderator, and Leon H. Keyserling and Charles F. Roos, Speakers, "Is A Major Business Recession Inevitable?"
  • Talk of Leon H. Keyserling, Dinner for Businessmen, New York, January 6, 1953
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., "Economic Problems of Partial Mobilization," January 14, 1953
  • Press Release, January 19, 1953, Leon H. Keyserling's Statement on Resignation from the Council of Economic Advisers [biographical information on Keyserling and information on the 1946 Full Employment Act which established the Council of Economic Advisers] "The New Frontiers of Human Progress," Meeting of Tercentenary Committee, New York, April 12, 1953 (first draft, April 1, 1953)
  • The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Vol. 177, No. 5218, "Let's Not Talk Ourselves into Depression," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Can We Afford the Price of Peace?" by Leon H. Keyserling, Speech over Radio Station WCFM, Washington, D.C., May 12, 1953
  • Speech over Radio Station WCFM, May 19, 1953, by Leon H. Keyserling (Draft of May 19, 1953)
  • "More for Defense--Less for the Bankers," Radio Address by Leon H. Keyserling, WCFM, Washington, D.C., May 26, 1953
  • Draft of Speech by Leon H. Keyserling, June 2, 1953 [regarding President Eisenhower's message to Congress on plan to reorganize the Council of Economic Advisers]
  • AFDC--National Economic Conference for Israel, September 27, 1953, Washington, D.C., Address by Leon H. Keyserling
  • IUE-CIO Convention, September 28, 1953 [Keyserling's remarks to]
  • Frank H. Lee Company Sales Conference, September 29, 1953, "We Can Maintain Prosperity If We Do Not Lose Our Heads," Speech by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Conference on Taxation sponsored by the Committee on Economic Policy, Congress of Industrial Organizations, October 16, 1953, Washington, D.C., "Taxation and the Economics of Survival," Paper by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Excerpts from Address by Leon H. Keyserling at Conference Sponsored by National Pneumatic Company and Holtzer-Cabot Divisions, Boston, November 16, 1953
  • "Security and the National Economy," Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling at Women's National Democratic Club Luncheon, November 23, 1953

Box 31

  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling at Luncheon Meeting, American Congress for Labor Israel, New York, November 28, 1953
  • "On the Economic Front, The Time Has Come for Action," Address by Leon H. Keyserling at UAW-CIO Full Employment Conference, Washington, D.C., December 6, 1953
  • "The Business Outlook for 1954," Excerpts from Address by Leon H. Keyserling at Annual Meeting, Toy Manufacturers of the USA, New York, December 8, 1953
  • "Electric Power and Full Employment," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, National Electric Consumers Conference, Denver, Colorado, December 10-11, 1953
  • "American Economic Outlook for 1954," Excerpts from Address by Leon H. Keyserling at Annual National Conference of the United Jewish Appeal, New York, December 13, 1953
  • New Republic, January 4, 1954, "Good Times in '54 but...The Short-range Outlook is Bright, but the Administration Should be Looking Far Ahead," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Federal Reserve Review, January 5, 1954 [review of Keyserling's January 5, 1954 article in the New Republic, "Good Times in 1954 . . . ."]
  • Washington Post, February 7, 1954, "To Avert An Economic Downturn," [letter to editor re Walter Lippman's columns of February 1 and 2]
  • New Republic, February 8, 1954, "Eisenhower's Program for America," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Washington Post, February 21, 1954, "Stimulating Consumer Buying," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Israel's Needs and Our Responsibilities," by Leon H. Keyserling and Mary Dublin Keyserling [pamphlet issued by State of Israel Bonds, New York, 1954]
  • World Magazine, March 1, 1954, "American Power in 1960," by Leon H. Keyserling [from "Soviet Power in 1960," by Edward Crankshow]
  • New York Times, May 16, 1954, "What I Saw in Israel," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • New York Times Magazine, July 25, 1954, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "The Keyserling View"
  • New Republic, August 9, 1954--Report by the Conference on Economic Progress, "Toward Full Employment and Full Production"
  • "Israel Moves Forward, But the Race is Not Yet Won," by Leon H. Keyserling, August 12, 1954, State of Israel Bonds--Article for English-Jewish periodicals
  • Washington Post, December 3, 1954--Letter to Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Planning for Full Employment"
  • The Housing Yearbook 1954, Published by the National Housing Conference, Washington, D.C. "A 20% Ratio for Public Housing" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Guide to Politics 1954, Edited by Quincy Howe and Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Americans for Democratic Action, Chapter II, "Full Employment" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • National Farmers Union Dairy Producers Conference, January 22, 1954--Excerpts of Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling
  • ADA Roosevelt Day Dinner, January 28, 1954, "Pittsburgh Talk"
  • National Farmers Union Annual Convention, March 15, 1954, "Will the Recession End in Depression or Full Employment?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Let's Get Rid of the Consumption Deficit," Excerpts from Address by Leon H. Keyserling, 22nd Anniversary Convention, National Association of Tobacco Distributors, Chicago, March 29, 1954
  • The Democratic Conference, September 18, 1954, Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling
  • Proceedings of the Insurance Conference of the Cooperative League, September 28-29, 1954, "Investments and their Impact on the American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Economic Policies for Full Employment and Full Production," by Leon H. Keyserling, Howard University, Washington, D.C., November 4, 10, 18, 1954
  • Excerpts from Address by Leon H. Keyserling at Anniversary Dinner Tendered to Vernon Durbin by National Pneumatic Co. and Holtzer-Cabot Divisions, Boston, November 15, 1954
  • A.F. of L. Broadcast, December 30, 1954
  • Vol. VIII--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1955-1956 [list of items in Keyserling's eighth bound volume]
  • New Republic, March 14, 1955, "The Prospects for Prosperity in 1955," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Washington Post, January 2, 1955, "Keyserling Warns Against Complacence," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • A Look Into the Future, Henry Montor Associates, Inc., an Analysis by Leon H. Keyserling
  • State of Israel Bonds, January 29, 1955--Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, International Mobilization Conference, Miami Beach, Florida
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling at Conference on the Role of Labor in the International Scene, Under the Auspices of District 9, International Association of Machinists and American Labor Education Service, Cleveland, Ohio, April 2, 1955
  • "Economic Tasks Confronting Us" by Leon H. Keyserling, The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, May 5, 1955
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Founders Dinner, Health and Welfare Council, New York, May 17, 1955
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Meeting, Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America, New Orleans, May 23, 1955
  • DCI [Development Corporation for Israel] Mobilization Conference, September 9-11, 1955, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling [draft]
  • "The Businessman's Stake in the American Consumer," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, 60th Congress of American Industry, New York, December 7, 1955
  • Technion Yearbook, 1956 Edition, "Israel's Growing Economy," by Leon H. and Mary Dublin Keyserling
  • New Republic, January 16, 1956, "The State of the Union: Agriculture--All the Way with Secretary Benson," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "The CEA's Tasks in the Next Decade," by Leon H. Keyserling--Reproduced in Selected Recording, Senate Committee on Economics and Manpower, Vol. 7, 1966
  • "President Eisenhower's Influence on the 1956 Economic Outlook," by Leon H. Keyserling, Henry Montor Associates, Inc., New York
  • The New York Times Magazine, March 25, 1956, "For a National Prosperity Budget," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Is An Economic Decline Just Around the Corner?" by Leon H. Keyserling, A Report Prepared Especially for Henry Montor Associates, Inc.
  • The Machinist, May 17, 1956, "People on the Trailer Are Holding us Back," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Reporter, May 31, 1956, A Debate, "The Future of Liberalism--II," "Liberal Government is Not Enough," by Leon H. Keyserling, and other articles by A. A. Berle, Jr., Seymour E. Harris, Jacob K. Javits, Thomas K. Finletter, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and Max Ascoli
  • The New Republic, June 25, 1956, Letter to the Editors by Leon H. Keyserling, "Soviet and U.S. Economic Growth"
  • The American Economic Review, Vol. XLVI, No. 4, September 1956, "Agriculture in the Nation's Economy: Comment," by Leon H. Keyserling Re John D. Black's Address to the American Economic Association
  • "Another New Look at the 1956 Economic Outlook," by Leon H. Keyserling, A Report Prepared Specially for Henry Montor Associates, Inc.
  • The Machinist, September 20, 1956, "Leon Keyserling Says--This Is Time to Assess Past and Plan for the Future"
  • "U.S. Economic Outlook for 1957," The Market Monitor, Vol. 1, No. 22, December 20, 1956, A Report Prepared Especially for Henry Montor Associates, Inc.
  • The Machinist, December 27, 1956--Leon H. Keyserling on the 1957 Economic Outlook
  • Excerpts from remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, 52nd Annual Convention, Farmers Grain Dealers Association of Iowa, Des Moines, January 24, 1956
  • "New Economics for New Times," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Roosevelt Day Dinner, Washington Chapter, Americans for Democratic Action, Washington, D.C., January 28, 1956
  • Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Convention, Illinois Farmers Union, Springfield, Illinois, February 2, 1956
  • "Israel's Economy Must Move Forward With Our Help," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Miami Bond Conference, February 4, 1956
  • "The Business Outlook for 1956," Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Chicago, March 6, 1956
  • Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, 1956 Convention, National Association of Tobacco Distributors, Chicago, March 12, 1956
  • Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Biennial Convention, National Farmers Union, Denver, Colorado, March 21, 1956
  • "A Short and Long Range View of the Economic Picture," Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Auspices: Frank Block Associates, St. Louis, August 3, 1956
  • Summary of Talk at International Association of Machinists National Conference of Field Staff, Washington, D.C., May 7, 1956
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, "The Ability of the United States Economy to Support Military Preparedness for War in the Period 1956-1960," by Leon H. Keyserling, May 17, 1956
  • "Our Economy is Managed--But For Whom?" Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Farmers Union Family Conference, Des Moines, Iowa, May 24, 1956
  • "Almost Full Employment Is Not Enough," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Businessman's Committee for Stevenson, New York, June 5, 1956
  • "The Business Outlook for the Second Half of 1956," Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling at Opening of New Midtown Branch, Henry Montor Associates, Inc., New York, June 25, 1956
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on behalf of Americans for Democratic Action Before the Resolutions Committee, Democratic National Convention, August 8, 1956
  • Proceedings, 24th Grand Lodge Convention, International Association of Machinists, San Francisco, California, September 4-14, 1956, Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling
  • "The Mutual Interests of Workers, Farmers, and the People," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Delaware County (Indiana) Farm-Labor Meeting, October 18, 1956
  • "The New Industrial Revolution--Its Present and Coming Impact on Family Life," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Biennial Meeting, Family Service Association of America, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 15, 1956

Box 32

  • Vol. IX--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1957-1958 [list of items in Keyserling's ninth bound volume]
  • Family Service Highlights, February 1957, Family Service Association of America, "The New Industrial Revolution--Its Present and Coming Impact on Family Life," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times Magazine, February 3, 1957, "The Case for a Big Budget," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, February 12, 1957, "Fighting Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Crisis and Opportunity in the Middle East, American Christian Palestine Committee, New York, "For a Positive Economic Program," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, June 1, 1957, "The Limits of Prosperity," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, May 24, 1957, "More Leisure and More Pie," by J. A. Livingston [mentions Keyserling]
  • The Progressive, July 1957, "Cracks in the National Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • IUD Digest, published by the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, Summer 1957, "The Challenge of Abundance," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Speeding Israel's Progress," by Leon H. Keyserling and Mary Dublin Keyserling [booklet published by State of Israel Bonds, New York, September 1957]
  • Prospectus, November 1957, "Will the Boom Continue? No Downturn is Foreseeable" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Publication No. L57-157, "Ability of U.S. Economy to Support Non-Military Defense Programs 1957-1961," Leon H. Keyserling, Speaker, May 15, 1957
  • International Metalworkers' Federation, Address Delivered by Dr. Leon H. Keyserling at the International Metalworkers' Congress Held in Lugano, September 1957
  • Forum of Free Enterprise, Bombay, India. Report Appeared in the Hindu of Madras, October 16, 1957
  • "Aspects of Planning in the United States Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, Studies Relating to Planning for National Development, January 9, 1958, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
  • "Aspects of Planning in the Indian Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, Studies Relating to Planning for National Development, January 10, 1958, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
  • "An American's Faith in India's Economic Future," Address to members of [Indian] Parliament, New Delhi, November 13, 1957
  • The New Republic, January 13, 1958, "The Economy in '58," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, February 6, 1958, "Danger Signs in the Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "U.S. Economic Outlook for 1958 and Beyond," by Leon H. Keyserling, a Report Prepared for Henry Montor Associates, Inc., February 21, 1958
  • The New Republic, March 10, 1958, "Reversing the Recession," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Congressional Record--Appendix, A2289, Extension of Remarks of Senator Paul H. Douglas, March 12, 1958--Letter from Keyserling to Senator Douglas, March 10, 1958
  • "Republican Repression and Republican Recession," Speech # l, Revised Draft March 26, 1958 of Original Draft, March 15, 1958
  • The Progressive, April 1958, "The Road Back to Prosperity" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "What's Wrong With Our Economy and How We Can Right It," by Leon H. Keyserling, April 2, 1958
  • IUD Digest, Published Quarterly by the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, Spring 1958, "The 'Great Crusade' Against Wage Earners," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Israel's First Ten Years," (I. "Making a Modern Economy") by Leon H. Keyserling, April 1, 1958
  • "New Frontiers For Democratic Service to the People," by Leon H. Keyserling [draft of March 20, 1958, along with correspondence from Encyclopedia Britannica, April 1958]
  • The Jewish Digest, May 1958, "Ten Years of Economic Progress," by Leon H. and Mary Dublin Keyserling
  • Western World, No. 14, June 1958, "The Real Economic Danger: Underproduction," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), September 9, 1958, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Can't U.S. Afford Superiority?"
  • The Washington Post, September 23, 1958, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Administration Economics: Casting a Balance"
  • "The Great Deficits of the Great Crusade" [not dated]
  • "Highlights of U.S. Economic Problems for Today and Tomorrow, With Some Reference to the Metalworking Industries," by Leon H. Keyserling, October 6, 1958
  • The New Republic, October 27, 1958, "Eggheads and Politics," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times Magazine, November 23, 1958, "Next Step--A 600 Billion Dollar Economy?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Business Progress, published by the National Businessmen's Council, "Business Outlook for the Years Ahead," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, December 17, 1958, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Problems of National Growth"
  • Press Release, December 25 [1958], "Comments on the President's New Budget for Fiscal 1960," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "America Must Wake Up in Time," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Massachusetts Chapter, Americans for Democratic Action, Roosevelt Day Dinner, Boston, February 1, 1958
  • Press Release, ADA, Washington, D.C., February 12, 1958, "Leon Keyserling calls for Immediate Action to Halt Recession. Lays Out 10-Point Program"
  • "Partnership for Plenty," A Report on the Fifth National Conference on International Economic and Social Development, Washington, D.C., February 26, 1958
  • "How Strong is Our Economy?" 3rd Program in "The Great Challenge" Series Broadcast Over the CBS Television Network, March 23, 1958
  • Excerpts from Speech of Leon H. Keyserling at Hunter College, New York City, April 23, 1958, "The Fallacy of the Attempt to Balance the Budget at the Expense of the National Economy"
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner and Democratic-Farmer-Labor State Central Committee, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 26, 1958
  • "The Simple Economics of International Cooperation," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Area Conference on International Economic Growth, Miami, Florida, May 3, 1958
  • Address by Leon H. Keyserling, June 13, 1958 (Afternoon Session)
  • Revised Text for Television Script, Draft of October 7, 1958
  • "The Significance of Israel Bond Investments," by Leon H. Keyserling, The American Zionist, November-December 1958
  • "Prospects of Economic Growth," Notes on Talk by Leon H. Keyserling, International Cooperation Workshop, Sponsored by the National Conference on International Economic and Social Development, November 12-13, 1958, Washington, DC
  • Religion and Labor, June-July 1959, "Some Ethical Problems of Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, Excerpts from Talk by Leon H. Keyserling, AFL-CIO Conference Celebrating 20th Anniversary of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Washington, D.C., December 4, 1958

Box 33

  • Vol. X - Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1959 [list of items in Keyserling's tenth bound volume]
  • The Washington Post, January 3, 1959, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Economic Growth and National Survival"
  • The New Republic, February 9, 1959, "Is Inflation the Problem?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Some Economic Thoughts for Peace," by Leon H. Keyserling, February 13, 1958 [1959]
  • The New York Times, March 17, 1959, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, March 11, 1959, "Trend of Our Economy"
  • The Washington Post, March 18, 1959, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Federal Reserve's Economics"
  • The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. XL, No. 4, November 1958, Harvard University Press, "Brief Comments on the Recession," by Gottfried Haberler, Seymour E. Harris, James D. Duesenberry and John R. Meyer [includes "Wages and the Public Interest," by Keyserling]
  • The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. XLI, No. 2, Part l, May 1959, Harvard University Press, "Comment on 'Brief Comments on the Recession'," by Leon H. Keyserling, and "Further Comments," by Gottfried Haberler, Seymour E. Harris and John Meyer
  • The Washington Post, June 15, 1959, "Recovery Lessons..., Industry Given Credit," by Roscoe Drummond, and Leon H. Keyserling's Letter to the Editor in Re Roscoe Drummond's Article, June 22, 1959
  • Syracuse (N.Y.) Post Standard, June 28, 1959, "Is Stability of Prices Vital, Economist Asks," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, July 9, 1959, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "The Yardstick for Growth," Regarding Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post by Donald A. Melnick, "Fallacies of Growth"
  • North American Newspaper Alliance, Article by Leon H. Keyserling, "Keyserling Hits Tight Money Policy"
  • Business Topics, Michigan State University, Vol. 7, No. 3, Summer 1959, "The Three Basic Purposes of An Economic System," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., August 26, 1959 in Re, "The Shape of National Politics to Come," a Memorandum by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
  • Press Release, September 18, 1959, Robert R. Nathan, "Moderate Wage Increase and Price Reduction in Steel Industry are Possible, Leon H. Keyserling and Robert R. Nathan Say in Joint Statement on Steel Dispute" (Text of Statement)
  • The Washington Post, September 17, 1959, "Today and Tomorrow," by Walter Lippmann, and Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Lippmann column, September 21, 1959, "When Do We Begin?"
  • The Economy of Israel: Progress under Freedom, by Leon H. Keyserling and Mary Dublin Keyserling, September 1959, State of Israel Bonds
  • The New York Times, September 29, 1959, "Soviet Disputed on Growth Rate," by Richard E. Mooney; Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Mooney Article, "Comparing Economies--Conclusions on Soviet Versus Our Rate of Growth Dispute;" and Letter to Editor by Colin Clark, Director of Research, The Econometrics Institute, Inc., Oxford, England, October 20, 1959 in Re Leon H. Keyserling's Letter
  • The New Republic, September 21, 1959, "Inflation Again," by Robert Lekachman, Barnard College, Review of booklet by Leon H. Keyserling, Inflation--Cause and Care (Conference on Economic Progress)
  • The New Leader, October 12, 1959, "Goals for Full Prosperity," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Economics in Action, Readings in Current Economic Issues, Edited by Professor Shelley M. Mark and David M. Slate, University of Hawaii, 1958
  • The Reporter [not dated], Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Money and Power"
  • The Progressive, November 1959, "A New Economics for America" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • IUD Digest, Published Quarterly by the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, Fall 1959, "The Phony Crusade Against Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Memorandum from Leon H. Keyserling to Members, Advisory Committee on Economic Policy [Americans for Democratic Action], November 7, 1959, "Looking Ahead on Education and Politics," by Leon H. Keyserling, June 1953
  • Letter to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. from Leon H. Keyserling, August 26, 1959 in Re Article, "The Shape of National Politics to Come," by Schlesinger
  • "A New Look at Inflation," Draft Speech by Leon H. Keyserling, September 17, 1959 (Annotated)
  • Western World, Vol. II, No. 12, December 1959, "The Haves and the Have Nots," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, December 24, 1959, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, December 19, 1959, "Our Economic Growth," in Re Letter to The New York Times by Hans Apel, Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Bridgeport (Connecticut), December 10, 1959 and Professor Apel's Response Published January 6, 1960
  • The Machinist, December 31, 1959, "Do We Drive, Do We Drift? 1960s Will See Showdown," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • As We See It, American Broadcasting Network, January 25, 1959, AFL-CIO Public Service Program, "Keyserling on the Economic Report," Leon H. Keyserling, Participant, and Harry W. Flannery, Moderator
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., 1958-1959, "A Program for Maximum American Economic Growth," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Transcript of 2nd Annual Conference on the Economic Outlook, Sponsored by Editorial Committee, Magazine Publishers Association, New York, March 18, 1959
  • Excerpts from Talk of Leon H. Keyserling, Women's National Democratic Club, April 27, 1959
  • Excerpts from an Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Rotary Club of Chicago, September 22, 1959
  • Interview with Leon H. Keyserling and Radio Press Conference, September 27, 1959, Questions by Edward T. Folliard, Washington Post and Times-Herald; Bruce Morton, Radio Press International; and Eileen Shanahan, New York Journal of Commerce
  • "The Steel Strike of 1959 and the Recession of 1958," Statement by Leon H. Keyserling. The Board of Inquiry Created by Executive Order Dated October 9, 1959
  • Histadrut Foto News, [December 1959], "A Lesson to Free Men," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Voice of America Script, "Full Employment, Full Production, and Price Stability," Interview by Leon H. Keyserling, January 28, 1960

Box 34

  • Vol. XI--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1960 [List of Items in Keyserling's eleventh bound volume]
  • "Who Should be President in 1960?" and "What Should the Issues Be?" by Walter Friedenberg, January 1960 [Keyserling mentioned]
  • Journal American, New York City, January 2, 1960, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Newsweek, January 18, 1960, Statement by Leon H. Keyserling, et al. Re Steel Strike Settlement and Inflation
  • "Laymen Speak Out for Federal Support of Education," Pamphlet Published by the National Education Association of the United States, March 1960--Statement by Leon Keyserling, Eric Johnston, Governor David L. Lawrence of Pennsylvania, Herbert Lehman and Mrs. Eugene Meyer
  • The Washington Post, March 8, 1960, "Today and Tomorrow," by Walter Lippmann, and Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, March 21, 1960 Re Lippman Article
  • "Protecting our Senior Citizens" [portions of report on social welfare for aged]
  • Democratic Programs for Action, No. 5, "Toward a National Purpose in Our Economic Life: Specific Goals and How to Achieve Them," the Advisory Council of the Democratic National Committee
  • The New Republic, May 23, 1960, "Less for Private Spending?" by Leon Keyserling
  • The New Republic, Letter to the Editor by Professor Seymour E. Harris of Harvard University, June 13, 1960 and Leon H. Keyserling, June 20, 1960
  • Current, July 1960, "Or Plenty of Both in a Row?" Interview with Leon H. Keyserling on Public and Private Spending Policies
  • The Indianapolis News, June 13, 1960, "Private, Public Spending Should Both be Increased," Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Rebuilding our Economic Strength," 2nd draft, June 28, 1960 by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Printer's Ink, July 22, 1960, Special Report, "What is Advertising's Role? Politics or a Healthy Economy?" Statements by John Kenneth Galbraith and Leon H. Keyserling
  • Printer's Ink, August 26, 1960, Letter to Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Point of Emphasis"
  • The New York Times, July 24, 1960, "Top Economists' Views on Outlook Differ," by Burton Crane [Keyserling mentioned]
  • The Washington Post, July 29, 1960, Letter to Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Eisenhower on Growth," and Post-Times Herald, Letter to Editor by Donald A. Melnick, "Game of Growth," August 7, 1960
  • "Some Comments on 'Anti-Consumption' Economics; the Economics of 'The Affluent Society'," August 3, 1960, Review of John Kenneth Galbraith's Book, Affluent Society, Published in 1958
  • United States Information Service, American Embassy, London, Supplement to American Economic Report, 1. Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller, "Accelerated Economic Growth, A Key to the American Future," and 2. Leon H. Keyserling, "Public Wealth--and Private, too"
  • IUD Digest, Published Quarterly by the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, Fall 1960, "Private Spending and the Public Sector," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Texas Quarterly, Summer 1960, "A New Look at Prices, Wages and Profits," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Leader, October 3, 1960, "The Poverty of American Economics," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, October 8, 1960--Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, September 30, 1960, "Economic Trend Examined"
  • The New Republic, October 10, 1960, "Investment and Consumption," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, October 23, 1960, "Anatomy of Public Purse," by Leon H. Keyserling--Review of Book Spend and Survive by David Demarest Lloyd
  • Press Release, October 29, [1960], "A Reply to Henry A. Wallace's Comments on the Farm Proposals of two Candidates," by Leon H. Keyserling, and The New York Times Article on Wallace by Merrill Folsom, "Henry Wallace Assays Candidates' Farm Plans," October 27, 1960
  • Harper's Magazine, October 1960, "Three Unforeseen Jobs for the Coming Administration," by Peter F. Drucker, and Leon H. Keyserling's Review of the Article
  • Reprint from Assignment Israel, Edited by Bernard Mandelbaum, "Some Reflections on the Economy of Israel," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Progressive, November 1960, "The Economic Case for Kennedy's Election," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, December 30, 1960, NANA [North American Newspaper Alliance] Special No. 18--"Keyserling-Gold Outline Positive Program--Keyserling Says U.S. Worries Too Much Over Dollar Deficit"
  • The George Washington Law Review, Vol. 29, No. 2, December 1960, "The Wagner Act: Its Origin and Current Significance," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • As We See It, AFL-CIO Public Service Program, "What's Ahead in 1960?" by Leon H. Keyserling, Participant, and Harry W. Flannery, Moderator, American Broadcasting Company, January 3, 1960
  • 13th Annual Forecasting Conference of the Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia, Luncheon Session, "National Business in 1960," Speech by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., Publication No. L60-117, "A Ten Year Program for Sound Economic Growth," February 4, 1960, Speaker, Leon H. Keyserling
  • Excerpts from Keynote Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 29th Annual Meeting, National Housing Conference, Washington, D.C., March 13, 1960
  • Goals for America, Suggested Policy Statement, Democratic Midwest Conference, Detroit, Michigan, March 26, 1960, "Economic Growth"
  • "Inadequate Police Pay in Light of Proposed New York City Budget for 1960-1961," Excerpts from Statement of Leon H. Keyserling, Public Hearing on New York City Budget, April 8, 1960
  • "The Problem of National Resource Allocation," by Leon H. Keyserling, Presented at the Community Leadership Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, April 19, 1960, Sponsored by the Fels Institute of Local and State Government, University of Pennsylvania
  • Statement of Leon H. Keyserling, Regional Hearings with Respect to Democratic Platform, Detroit, Michigan, May 12, 1960
  • Address of Leon H. Keyserling, National Association of Social Workers, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 7, 1960
  • "A New Look at Prices, Wages and Profits," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Summary of the Conference on Collective Bargaining, July, 1960," August 22, 1960
  • Banking, Journal of the American Bankers Association, October, 1960, "Tight Money Debate" [involving Richard Morgan, Leon H. Keyserling and Charles E. Walker], by Herbert Bratter
  • Highlights of Statement of Leon H. Keyserling at AFL-CIO Executive Council Meeting, Chicago, August 15, 1960
  • As We See It, AFL-CIO Public Service Program, September 18, 1960, American Broadcasting Company, "Economic War with Russia," Leon H. Keyserling, Participant, and Henry W. Flannery, Moderator

Box 35

  • Vol. XII--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1961 [list of items in Keyserling's twelfth bound volume]
  • The New York Times, January 2, 1961, Letters to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, December 23, 1960, "Israel's Nuclear Power," and Arthur Krock, December 28, 1960, "Mr. Krock Replies"
  • Printers' Ink, The Weekly Magazine of Advertising and Marketing, January 6, 1961, "Private Spending: Key to Growth," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Post-Times Herald, Washington, D.C., January 22, 1961, Leon H. Keyserling's Letter to the Editor in Re Column by Walter Lippmann, January 17, 1961, and Correction, January 25, 1961
  • Iron Age, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, "Tax Loopholes," Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, February 2, 1961 in Re Article Published December 22, 1960, "Cure Suggested for Economy"
  • The New Republic, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Proposals for Tax Reform," in Re Article Published January 16, 1961, "Tax Reform for the Sixties" by Matthew J. Kust
  • Current, April 1961, "Should We Replace the Income Tax?" [Leon H. Keyserling's Views on Proposal by Matthew J. Kust for an Expenditure Tax]
  • The Synagogue Light, Vol. 27, No.7, March [1961] 572l, "Freedom and Social Justice" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the City of New York, Inc., "New PBA Study Shows New York Now Eighth in U.S. on Starting Salary for Policemen" [excerpts of report prepared by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • The Washington Post, May 24, 1961, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Correcting an Error"
  • IUD Digest, Published Quarterly by the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, Fall 1961, "We are Moving Too Slowly," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Revue De La Societe Belge D'Etudes & D'Expansion, No. 196, Mai-Juen-Juillet 1961, "La Croissance Economique Americaine de 1953 a 1960 et les Perspectives d'Avenes," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Republic, June 12, 1961, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Do We Need Tax Bonanzas?"
  • The Progressive, September 1961, "Old Economics on the New Frontier," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Republic, October 9, 1961, "JFK Economics: Should We All Stand Up and Cheer?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, October 25, 1961, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Taxes, Growth and Equity," in Re Letter to the Editor Published October 15, 1961
  • The New York Times, November 19, 1961, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Unemployment Examined," in Re Letter to Editor by Paul A. Samuelson, March 8, 1961, "Estimating Unemployment"
  • Business Horizons, Vol.4, No. 4, Graduate School of Business, Indiana University, Winter 1961, "Growth Economics: The Crucial Issues," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., 1960-1961, The American Economy in the Future, by Leon H. Keyserling
  • ADA World, April 1961, "The Role of Housing in Economic Growth," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • MPA Magazine News, Vol. V, No. l, May 1961, Magazine Publishers Association, Inc., New York, "Growth Is New Imperative of Magazine Industry--Deems," [discussion involving Leon H. Keyserling]
  • Histadrut in a World of Change, June 4, 1961, Washington, D.C., A Symposium on the Role of Israel's Labor Movement
  • Summary of Presentation to AFL-CIO Executive Council, Unity House, June 27, 1961, "The First Phase of My Discussion Deals with the Long-Term Rising Tide of Idle Manpower," [by] Leon H. Keyserling
  • Vol. XIII--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1962 [list of items in Keyserling's thirteenth volume]
  • Printers' Ink, The Weekly Magazine of Advertising and Marketing, January 5, 1962, "The Economy and Marketing: Whither in 1962?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, January 27, 1962, "The Rate of Economic Growth" by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of January 24, 1962, "Economic Report II"
  • Columbia (South Carolina) Record, March 30, 1962, "Keyserling Flays Growth Lag," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, April 27, 1962, "Affluence and Poverty," by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of April 24, 1962
  • Press Release, NANA--l, Spencer-Keyserling, "Keyserling Sees Omens of Recession Next Year," by George Spencer [not dated]
  • The Progressive, June 1962, "Two-Fifths of a Nation," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, July 8, 1962, "Long-Range Action," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times Magazine, August 5, 1962, "One Prescription for Unemployment," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Congressional Record-Senate, September 10, 1962, "One Prescription for Unemployment," by Leon H. Keyserling [entered into the Congressional Record by Senator Hubert H. Humphrey]
  • The Antitrust Bulletin, Federal Legal Publishers, Inc. Vol. VII, No. 5, September-October 1962, Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly with Respect to S. 3097, July 11, 1962
  • "Economics, Politics and Ethics," by Leon H. Keyserling, Draft Speech, December 12, 1962
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., 1961-1962, "The Potential of the American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • IUD Digest, Published by the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, Summer 1962, "Progress or Poverty in the Sixties?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • TV Statement, RLEA Dinner, February 8, 1962 [draft]
  • As We See It, AFL-CIO Public Service Program, "The Railroad Problem," Participant, Leon H. Keyserling and Moderator, Harry W. Flannery, American Broadcasting Company, February 11, 1962
  • "Economic Growth: Facts and Programs," April 23, 1962 [speech by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • ADA World, April-May 1962, "Getting Our Economy Off Dead Center," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 65th Annual Convention of the Zionist Organization of America, July 1, 1962
  • As We See It, AFL-CIO Public Affairs Program, "We Need a Tax Cut Now!" Participants: President John F. Kennedy (excerpts from State of the Economy Message) and Leon H. Keyserling; Moderator: Harry W. Flannery, American Broadcasting Company, August 19, 1962
  • Working on the Railroads, Script III, A Series of Five-Minute Radio Programs Sponsored by the Railway Labor Executives' Association, Program III--Leon H. Keyserling on the Economy, December 15, 1962
  • News from the RLEA, Railway Labor Executives' Association, Press Release, December 22, 1962--Text of Leon H. Keyserling's Statement
  • Highlights of Address by Leon H. Keyserling, American Transportation Research Forum, Pittsburgh, December 27, 1962
  • Vol. XIV--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1963 [list of items in Keyserling's fourteenth bound volume]
  • Printers' Ink, The Weekly Magazine of Advertising and Marketing, January 4, 1963, "The Economy and Marketing: What to Expect in 1963," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Congressional Record-Senate, January 15, 1963, "I Predict the Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling [entered into the Congressional Record by Senator Hubert H. Humphrey]
  • The Washington Post, March 12, 1963, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of February 25, 1963, "The Tax Cut Opposition"
  • The Progressive, April 1963, "A Time for Boldness," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Challenge, The Magazine of Economic Affairs, May 1963, Leon H. Keyserling's Review of Article by Bertram M. Gross, "New Look for the Employment Act"
  • New York Times Sunday Magazine, May 5, 1963, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "'Poor' Statistics," in Re Article by Herman P. Miller, "New Definition of Our 'Poor'," April 21, 1963
  • Statement on Taxes [signed by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • Current Magazine, May 1963, "Making the Economy Grow: Are Tax Reductions Enough?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Nation, June 15, 1963, Letter to the Editors by Leon H. Keyserling in Re "Abundance--Threat or Promise," by Robert Theobald, May 11, 1963
  • The New Republic, June 15, 1963, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Will Unemployment Rise?"
  • The New Leader, June 10, 1963, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Justice Black" in Re Article by Sidney Hook, "Lord Monboddo and the Supreme Court--Review of Biography of Hugo Black by Irving Dillard, One Man's Stand for Freedom
  • The Washington Post, July 19, 1963, "Past History of Interest Rates," by Leon H. Keyserling, and "Higher Interest: Conventional Pill," by Marquis Childs
  • The Carpenter, Official Publication of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, August 1963, "Full Employment--Dream or Prospect?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November 1963, Review by Leon H. Keyserling of Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom
  • Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tennessee, November 3, 1963, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of September 21, 1963
  • The Progressive, December 1963, "Warning from Gunnar Myrdal," by Leon H. Keyserling in Review of Book[s] by Gunnar Myrdal, An American Dilemma and by John K. Galbraith, The Affluent Society
  • "The Israel Economy Comes of Age," Text of Address by Leon H. Keyserling, January 13, 1963, Board of Governors Meeting, Israel Bonds, New York City
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., 1962-1963, "The Potential of the American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Investment Quality of Israel Bonds," by Leon H. Keyserling, Baltimore Bankers Dinner Meeting, State of Israel Bonds, March 13, 1963
  • Press Release, June 2, 1963, "Our Neglected Needs Beyond Civil Rights and Liberties," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Convention, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Chicago, Illinois, June 2, 1963

Box 36

  • Ohio Council on Economic Education, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, "Top Economic Policy Address," by Leon H. Keyserling, 12th Annual Ohio Workshop on Economic Education, July 2, 1963
  • News from the RLEA, Railway Labor Executives' Association, Press Release, July 4, 1963, "Economists Beattie, Keyserling and Malin Discuss Rail Mergers on Matthew Warren Radio Program, Perspective '63, Broadcast over Radio Station WMAL, Washington, D.C., July 4th"
  • Press Release, "Wrongful Railroad Policies in Perspective of Inadequate Economic Policies," Excerpt from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, National Convention of Switchmen's Union of North America, AFL-CIO, Buffalo, New York, July 18, 1963
  • As We See It, AFL-CIO Public Service Program, "Why a Tax Cut?" Leon Keyserling, Participant and Henry W. Flannery, Moderator, American Broadcasting Company, August 18, 1963
  • Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Keynote Speaker, Kentucky State AFL-CIO Convention, October 18, 1963
  • New University Thought, Vol. 3, No. 4, [not dated],"What We Can Do Now," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, DC, 1963-1964, "The Potential of the American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, December 10, 1963, "Focal Needs in Farm Policy," Highlights of Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Meeting, Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association, St. Paul, Minnesota, December 10, 1963
  • Vol. XV--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1964 [list of items in Keyserling's fifteenth bound volume]
  • Scientific American, January 1964, Review by Leon H. Keyserling of Challenge to Affluence, by Gunnar Myrdal
  • Printers' Ink, The Weekly Magazine of Advertising and Marketing, January 10, 1964, "What's Ahead for the Economy and Marketing? Mild, Sluggish Gain in '64," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Leader, March 16, 1964, "Poverty in the U.S.," by Leon H. Keyserling, in Re Article by Irving Kristol, "The Lower Fifth," February 17, 1964
  • The Progressive, May 1964, Review of Book by John H. G. Pierson, Insuring Full Employment, by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, May 10, 1964, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, May 5, 1964, "Public Spending Backed-- Keyserling Holds Only Works Program Can Solve Unemployment"
  • "Full Employment Possible--Triple Revolution Group Rebutted by Keyserling [not dated or further identified]
  • ADA World [not dated], "A Dialogue Between Robert Theobald and Leon H. Keyserling"
  • Statement on Economic Policy to the 26th Annual Convention, Communications Workers of America, Public Auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio, June 15-19, 1964 [annotated]
  • The Washington Post, July 10, 1964, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re "Today and Tomorrow: The Great Fiscal Experiment," by Walter Lippmann, June 23, 1964
  • "The Individual vs. the Mass Society," Critical Issues and Decisions, Series III, Graduate School, U.S. Department of Agriculture, "Economic Growth and Productivity," by Leon H. Keyserling, and Other Articles by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Harold Taylor and Peter H. Odegard
  • The New York Times, August 31, 1964, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, August 26, 1964, "Keyserling Upholds Heller," in Re Letter to the Editor by Arthur F. Burns, August 22, 1964
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Rabbi Joseph Hager, Message to The Synagogue Light, June 16, 1964
  • Commercial and Financial Chronicle, September 3, 1964, Letter to the Editor from Leon H. Keyserling, September 1, 1964
  • U.S. News & World Report, September 14, 1964, "Good Times Will Stay Good," by Leon H. Keyserling, "The Tax Cut May Lead to Renewal of Inflation," by Arthur F. Burns, and "Prosperity Will Carry Well Into Next Year," by Walter Heller
  • The Progressive, October 1964, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Seymour Harris' Review of The Mythmakers, by Bernard N. Nossiter
  • New City, Man in Metropolis: A Christian Response, October 15, 1964, "Public Spending and Illusions of Affluence," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Progressive, December 1964, "Toward Bolder Action," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Essays on Economic Planning Presented to Professor P.C. Mahalanobis on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, "The Three Basic Purposes of An Economic System," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • As We See It, AFL-CIO Public Service Program, "Housing Makes Jobs," Leon Keyserling, Participant and Harry W. Flannery, Moderator, American Broadcasting Company, January 26, 1964
  • San Francisco Labor, Published by San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO [not dated], "Automation: Blessing or Curse?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Verbatim Transcript, "Under Discussion: Can We Eradicate Poverty in America?" February 9, 1964, WNEW-TV, New York, Host: Richard D. Hoffner and Participants: Michael Harrington, Leon H. Keyserling, William H. Peterson, John Sweeney, Dr. Ellen Winston and Bayard Rustin
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Job Crisis Conference, New York City, June 13, 1964
  • "Economics and the Social Question--Keyserling" [draft]
  • The National War College, Washington, D.C., July 13, 1964, Topic 15, Defense Strategy Seminar 1964, "The U.S. Economy: Problems and Prospects," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • American Institute of Planners, Proceedings of the 1964 Conference, Newark, New Jersey, "Planning As An Instrument of National Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Transcript of Proceedings, Conference of the Retail Clerks International Association Leadership Institute, Washington, D.C., September 1, 1964
  • Keynote Address of Leon H. Keyserling, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Working Conference, Detroit, Michigan, September 13, 1964
  • Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association Annual Meeting of Members, November 18, 1964
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., 1964-1965, "Potential of American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Under Discussion, "The Great Job Hunt", WNEW-TV, Produced by Richard Klinger, Moderated by Warren Rogers, Panelists: John F. Henning, T. George Harris, Leon H. Keyserling and Professor John E. Ullman, Hofstra University

Box 37

  • Vol. XVI--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1965 [list of items in Keyserling's sixteenth bound volume]
  • Printers' Ink, The Weekly Magazine of Advertising and Marketing, January 1/8, 1965, "I Predict the Economy: Both Marketing and Consumption are Found Deficient for Our Economy Today," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Banking, Journal of the American Bankers Association, January 1965, "Bank Profits and Easier or Tighter Credit" [unfinished article]
  • The Washington Post, February 1, 1965, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of January 27, 1965, "Moving Misery Around"
  • The Washington Post, March 6, 1965, Editorial Re Leon H. Keyserling, "Food Unlimited," and Keyserling's Response, March 15, 1965, "Keyserling Answers"
  • The Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, April 10, 1965, "Dubious Wisdom of the 1964 Tax Cuts"
  • The New York Times, April 11, 1965, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial, "New Tax Cut for Poor Suggested by Dillon"
  • The American Historical Review, Vol. LXX, No.3, April 1965, Review by Leon H. Keyserling of Rexford Tugwell and the New Deal, by Bernard Sternsher
  • Encounter, Vol. XXIV, No.5, May 1965, "When Will U.S. Economists Catch Up?--A Critical Comment on J.K. Galbraith," by Leon H. Keyserling, and a Letter by John K. Galbraith, June 1965, "Galbraith's Reply," and by Keyserling July 1965, "Galbraith and Economics"
  • The Nation, June 7, 1965, "Poverty and the Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, June 7, 1965, "Keyserling Scores Martin Speech Comparing 1965 with Late 1920's," Statement by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Republic, June 12, 1965, "The Great Society: A New Kind of Balance Sheet is Needed," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Current, July 1965, "The Future of Agriculture: Have U.S. Surpluses Been Exaggerated?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Dunkirk-Fredonia (New York) Observer, July 19, 1965, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, August 24, 1965, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, August 20, 1965, "Policies and Programs to Cut Jobless Assailed"
  • The Washington Post, August 25, 1965, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Max Lerner's Article in The Evening Star, "Johnson Moving Beyond Old Goals"
  • Challenge, The Magazine of Economic Affairs, September-October 1965, Challenge Debate between Gerhard Colm and Leon H. Keyserling, "Can We Afford Our National Goals?"
  • The New York Review of Books, Vol. V, No.2, August 26, 1965, The Bogey of Automation by Daniel Bell, and Letter to the Editor in Re Daniel Bell's Review by Leon H. Keyserling, November 25, 1965
  • The New York Times, December 6, 1965, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial, "Mr. Quill: Please Note," November 20, 1965, and "A Stand-by Emergency Tax," November 23, 1965
  • ADA World Magazine, Vol. I, No. 3, December 1965, "Economy Not Meeting Needs," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Aspects of the Unemployment Problem," Presentation to the National Commission on Technology, Automation and Economic Progress, by Leon H. Keyserling
  • National War College, Washington, D.C., May 25, 1965, Address by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Address by Leon H. Keyserling, North Dakota Farmers Union 39th Annual Convention
  • "How Fast Are Our Senior Citizens Entering the Great Society?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Seminar on Manpower Policy and Program, U.S. Department of Labor, "How Well is the Employment Act of 1946 Achieving Its Goal?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Vol. XVII--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches and Press Releases, 1966 [list of items in Keyserling's seventeenth bound volume]
  • The New York Times, January 21, 1966, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "TWU Pact Declared within Guidelines"
  • The Washington Post, February 6, 1966, "Policy Good But--Not Good Enough," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, February 7, 1966, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, January 28, 1966, "Living Cost Factor in Price-Wage Guidelines," in Re Letter to the Editor from Myron L. Joseph, January 27, 1966, "Keyserling Disputed on Transit Raise"
  • The Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., 1965-1966, "Potential of the American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times Book Review, February 27, 1966, "Something for Everybody," a Review by Leon H. Keyserling of The Guaranteed Income, edited by Robert Theobald
  • The Washington Post, March 10, 1966, "Economists Favoring Prompt Tax Increase" and "Participants in Survey" [by Leon H. Keyserling, et al.]
  • The New Republic, April 2, 1966, "The Case Against a Tax Increase," by Edwin L. Dale, Jr., and Leon H. Keyserling's Letter to the Editor, April 23, 1966, "Taxes From Whom, for What?"
  • The Washington Post, April 28, 1966, "War Strategy at Home," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, May 9, 1966, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, April 29, 1966, "Against Rise in City's Reality Tax"
  • Social Service Outlook, Vol. I, No. 3, June 1966, Published by the New York State Department of Social Welfare, "7 Marks of Poverty," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, June 16, 1966, "Economic Reappraisal," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Current, July 1966, "A Proposal to Increase Taxes and Public Spending," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, June 26, 1966, "Economic Impact... Liberals Change Minds on Tax Hike," by Hobart Rowen, and Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, July 3, 1966 in Re Rowen's Article
  • Challenge, The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Vol. 15, No. l, September/October 1966, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "New Economics vs. New Deal;" Seymour Harris, "Professor Harris Replies"
  • The Synagogue Light, Vol. 33, No. l, September-October 1966, "Promise for the Future," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Council Woman, National Council of Jewish Women, Vol. 28, No. 5, October 1966, "Speaking Up--The Best Anti-poverty Program for the Aging--More Money," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Evening Star, Washington, D.C., October 20, 1966, "An Economist's View--Boost Federal Spending Now," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Dun's Review, September 1966, "A Soliloquy for the Guideposts," and Leon H. Keyserling's Letter to the Editor in Re Article, November 1966
  • The Washington Post, November 1, 1966, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "The 'Freedom Budget'," in Re Editorial of October 28, 1966, "The Freedom Budget"
  • Wall Street Journal, November 9, 1966, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of November 1, 1966, "A Poverty of Thought"
  • The New Republic, November 26, 1966, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling on "Economic Growth," and Letter to The Editor by John H. Makin, November 12, 1966, "Economic Turnabout," in Re TRB from Washington
  • Twentieth Anniversary of the Employment Act of 1946, An Economic Symposium, Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 89th Congress, February 23, 1966
  • Press Release, "The Real Problems of the Great Society," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling at National Workshop for Religious Liberals, Washington, D.C., March 15, 1966
  • Press Release, March 16, 1966, Tribute to James G. Patton, in Address of Leon H. Keyserling, National Farmers Union Convention, Denver, Colorado, March 16, 1966
  • The Human Condition, Vol.3, "Man in Society," Lectures Delivered During the University of New Hampshire's Centennial Year, Published by the University of New Hampshire Press, 1967, and Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, University of New Hampshire, March 24 1966
  • The World at Ten, WNDT-TV, Newark, New Jersey, Text of Program Examining Mayor John Lindsay of New York City's Tax Proposals, with Participation by Murray Drabkin, Mayor Lindsay's Tax Adviser, and by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, December 1966, Vol. 42, No. 12, "The New Health-Care Economy: Forces Reshaping Social Policy, Structure, Financing and Quality of Care--The Moral Basis of Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "The Moral Basis of Economic Policy," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1966

Box 38

  • National War College, Washington, D.C., April 29, 1966, "Current Significant Economic Policy Considerations," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Programs: Present and Future," by Leon H. Keyserling, Talk given at St. Francis College, Biddeford, Maine, May 7, 1967
  • Northwestern Review, Summer 1966, "Can We Have Guns and Butter?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "The Responsibility and Involvement of Social Welfare in Shaping a Broader War on Poverty," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, 93rd Annual Forum, National Conference on Social Welfare, Chicago, Illinois, May 31, 1966
  • Proceedings of the 5th Constitutional Convention, The Ohio AFL-CIO, Cleveland, Ohio, June 1-2-3, 1966
  • "Wage Policy and Economic Progress," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 14th Biennial Convention, Textile Workers Union of America, Montreal, June 22, 1966
  • Planning Conference on Poverty and the Aging Sponsored by the Golden Years Foundation and the University of Notre Dame, August 21, 22, and 23, 1966, "The Economics of Poverty and the Aging," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, February 23, 1966, Excerpts from Statement of Leon H. Keyserling in Re 1966 Economic Report of the President, and Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers, Submitted to Congressional Joint Economic Committee at Its Request
  • Press Release, March 1, 1966, Excerpts from Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling Before House Committee on Agriculture on "Food for Freedom" Proposal of the President, March 1, 1966
  • Press Release, Address of Leon H. Keyserling in Opposition to Proposed Increase in New York City Property Tax at Meeting of New York Real Estate Board, March 23, 1966
  • Press Release, April 21, 1966, "The Moral Basis of Economic Policy," Excerpts from an Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Health Conference, New York Academy of Medicine
  • Press Release, August 19, 1966, Highlights of Statement of Leon H. Keyserling, Emergency Board in American Airlines- Transport Workers Union Wage Dispute, Washington, D.C.
  • Press Release, October 5, 1966, Summary Statement of Leon H. Keyserling on Proposal to Suspend Investment Tax Credit, Senate Finance Committee
  • Vol. XVIII--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches and Press Releases, 1967 [list of items in Keyserling's eighteenth bound volume]
  • Partisan Review, Winter 1967, "America," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Reporter (Draft not Published) [Article Drafted by Leon H. Keyserling, November 22, 1966 in Re Article in The Reporter, November 17, 1966, "Coming to Grips With Unemployment," by Sar A. Levitan and Garth L. Mangum]
  • Harper's Magazine, February 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Article by Michael Harrington, "Taking the Great Society Seriously"
  • Congress Bi-Weekly, A Journal of Opinion and Jewish Affairs, Vol. 34, No. 4, February 20, 1967, Bayard Rustin and Leon H. Keyserling on the Freedom Budget for All Americans, "Needs and Resources," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Republic, March 18, 1967, "Guaranteed Annual Incomes," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Republic, March 25, 1967, "Sharing Revenue with the States," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Citizens' Crusade Against Poverty, Washington, D.C., "Two Economists Analyze the President's Budget"--Leon H. Keyserling and James Tobin
  • The New Republic, April 22, 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Article by Joseph A. Pechman, "Money for the States"
  • U.S. News & World Report, April 24, 1967, "Next Upturn-- When? Top Forecasters Give Their Answers" [views of Walter W. Heller, Raymond J. Saulnier, Leon H. Keyserling and Edwin G. Nourse]
  • IUD Agenda, May 1967, "Massive Nationwide Economic and Financial Measures...By Our Federal Government...," Leon H. Keyserling, Conference on Economic Progress
  • Duns' Review, Vol. 89, No. 6, June 1967, Article Featuring Leon H. Keyserling, "After Vietnam--What?"
  • The Reporter, May 18, 1967, "The Pitfalls of Guaranteed Income," by Sar A. Levitan, and a Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, June 1, 1967 in Re the Levitan Article
  • Post-Times-Herald, Washington, D.C., June 2, 1967, "Price of New Economics," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, July 19, 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "On Economic Growth," in Re Seymour Harris' Letter of June 30, 1967
  • The New Republic, June 10, 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Supporting the Poor"
  • Review--"The 'New Economics', Not New Enough"--Leon H. Keyserling's Review of National Economic Policy, by James Tobin, Yale University Press, 1966
  • The New York Times, July 8, 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling Re Salary Demands of New York City Teachers and Articles by Gene Currison, "Teachers Defend Salary Demands," June 9, 1967
  • "Employment and the 'New Economics'," by Leon H. Keyserling--Reprinted from The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Vol. 373, September 1967
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Rabbi Mayer Hager, The Synagogue Light, July 19, 1967
  • The Reporter, September 16, 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "The Urban Coalition"
  • The Beaufort (South Carolina) Gazette, September 28, 1967 Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Article by Chlodilde R. Martin, "Freedom Library," September 7, 1967
  • Freedomways, A Quarterly Review of the Negro Freedom Movement, Vol.7, No. 4, Fall 1967 (Fourth Quarter), "The Freedom Budget," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, October 15, 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Keyserling on Tobin," in Re Article by James Tobin, "Tobin: Case for Tax Increase Simple, Powerful," October 8, 1967
  • The New Republic, October 21, 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re "New Economics"
  • The Housing Yearbook 1967, National Housing Conference, Washington, D.C., "Toward Priorities in U.S. Economic Performance with Stress Upon Urban Housing and Other Community Improvements," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, November 1, 1967, "Close GNP 'Gap', Keyserling Says," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Business Week, December 2, 1967, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Wage Demands of Textile and Transport Workers Unions in New York City
  • Oral Argument of Leon H. Keyserling, Penn-Central Merger Case, United States Supreme Court, January 9, 1967
  • Congressional Record, Remarks of the Vice President, Secretary of Labor, and Others at NLRB Voter Observance, March 1, 2, 9; April 3 and 4, 1967
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., March 3, 1967, "Potential of the American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Transcript of Speech by Leon H. Keyserling, President of Conference on Economic Progress, Washington, D.C., "Is the U.S. Economy Rich Enough to Afford Justice"- Comments on Remarks Made by Dr. Milton Friedman [not dated]
  • University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, March 6-8, 1967 "The Pros and Cons of 'New Economics'"
  • 74th Annual Welfare Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, "Does the 'New Economics' Encompass the General Welfare?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Revolution of Ideals, Critical Issues and Decisions, Series IV, Graduate School Press, U.S. Department of Agriculture, "Next Steps in the 'New Economics'," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The National War College, Washington, D.C., May 5, 1967, "Current Significant Economic Considerations," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • A Report from the Proceedings of the NCRAC Plenary Session of June 29-July 2, 1967, Atlantic City, New Jersey, National Community Relations Advisory Council, New York, "The War on Poverty: Next Steps" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Office of Economic Opportunity, Discussion of the Honorable Jonathan Bingham, Congressman, 23rd District of New York; Hyman Bookbinder, Assistant Director, Office of Economic Opportunity; and Leon H. Keyserling, July 18, 1967
  • Comments of Leon H. Keyserling to a Special Meeting of the Executive Coordinating Committee of the United Planning Organization, August 2, 1967
  • The National War College, Washington, D.C., August 25, 1967, "Domestic Economics and Their Relation to National Power," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Lecture by Leon H. Keyserling, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, February 2, 1967, "The Nation's Accounts" [incomplete draft]
  • Columbia University Seminar on Labor, May 17, 1967, Speaker: Leon H. Keyserling; Subject: "What Now with the 'New Economics'," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Text of Address by Leon H. Keyserling at National Mobilization Conference for Israel Bonds, New York City, September 17, 1967
  • University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 9, 1967, "The Guaranteed Income in Its Proper Setting," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, January 20, 1967, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Business and Professional Associates, American Jewish Congress, New York, January 19, 1967
  • Press Release, March 1, 1967, Highlights of Statement of Leon H. Keyserling to Congressional Joint Economic Committee on President's Economic Report and Annual Report of CEA Submitted March 1, 1967
  • Press Release, March 11, 1967, "The War on Poverty," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 47th Anniversary Luncheon, League for Mutual Aid, New York, March 11, 1967
  • Press Release, March 13, 1967, "Does the 'New Economics' Encompass the General Welfare?"-- Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Minnesota Welfare Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Press Release, March 31, 1967, "The Construction Industry: Unsolved Economic Problem," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Chicago, Illinois
  • Press Release, June 8, 1967, Highlights of Factual Findings Regarding Teachers' Pay in New York City, by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, June 28, 1967, Keyserling Assailed Martin's Proposal for Large and Immediate Tax Increase
  • Press Release, June 28, 1967, "Have We Taken Our Eye Off the Ball?" Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling at Economic Review Luncheon of First Institutional Company, New York City
  • Press Release, October 3, 1967, "Is a Tax Increase Necessary", Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Luncheon Meeting of the National Business Council, New York
  • Press Release, Summary Statement of Leon H. Keyserling Supporting Higher Pay for New York City Transport Workers

Box 39

  • Vol. XIX--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1968 [list of items in Keyserling's nineteenth bound volume]
  • U.S. News & World Report, January 15, 1968, "Where 'New Economics' Went Wrong" [views of Gardner Ackly, Walter Heller, Raymond J. Saulnier, Arthur F. Burns, Leon H. Keyserling and Edwin G. Nourse]
  • AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, March 1968, "Pseudo-Liberal Phrases vs. Johnson's Progressive Deeds," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Leon H. Keyserling's Letter to Members of the Board, Americans for Democratic Action, January 29, 1968 in Re Keyserling's Article, "What Happened to the ADA?"
  • The New York Times, March 31, 1968, "Beyond Election, What Should Be Done About the Economy? 5 Views," by Arthur Lack [views of Leon H. Keyserling, Otto Eckstein, Alan Sproul, Walter E. Hoadly and Paul McCracken]
  • Justice, April 1, 1968, "'Liberal' Rhetoric vs. LBJ Achievements," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The National Jewish Monthly, Published by B'Nai B'rith, May 1968, "Israel's Economy Faces the Future," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Republic, May 25, 1968, Letters to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. in Re Robert F. Kennedy
  • Response to Questions Posed by Saturday Review, by Leon H. Keyserling, June 8, 1968
  • Letter to the Editor, The Washington Star by Leon H. Keyserling, June 11, 1968 [in re Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s Appearance on "Face the Nation," in Tribute to Robert F. Kennedy]
  • The Wall Street Transcript, June 17, 1968, "Forward from the 'New Economics'," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Are the Poor Always with Us?" Review by Leon H. Keyserling in The New York Times, August 18, 1968 of Permanent Poverty: An American Syndrome by Ben B. Selegman, Chicago, Quadrangle Books
  • Letter to the Editor of The New York Times by Leon H. Keyserling, August 21, 1968 [in re his resignation from the ADA]
  • The Synagogue Light, New Years Messages, "Standing by Israel," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Federal Finances and the Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, Reprinted from the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Vol. 379 (September 1968)
  • Draft Article by Leon H. Keyserling and Henry M. Christman [re William H. Davis, not dated]
  • The Beaufort (South Carolina) Gazette, September 19, 1968, Letter to the Editor on Abe Fortas' Confirmation as Chief Justice of the United States
  • The New York Times, September 20, 1968, "Freedom to Teach," Petition by Ad Hoc Committee to Defend the Right to Teach, New York City, Michael Harrington and Tom Kahn, Co-Chairmen [signed by Leon H. Keyserling, et al.]
  • Post-Times-Herald, Washington, D.C., October 10, 1968, "Makeup of the CEA" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Correspondence between Leon H. Keyserling and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. in Re 1968 Election, 1968-1969
  • Journal of Commerce, December 6, 1968, "The Future of the Council" [featuring Paul W. McCraken, Leon H. Keyserling and others]
  • Western Conference of Teamsters Workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, January 22, 1968, Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "U.S. Economic and Social Policies"
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., January 31, 1968, "Potential of the American Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Economic Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, April 1968 [annotated draft]
  • "Beneficiaries of Public Programs" by Leon H. Keyserling, April 23, 1968 [annotated draft]
  • Lecture of Leon H. Keyserling before the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, May 8, 1968, "U.S. National Economy"
  • Press Release, May 14, 1968, "Forward from the 'New Economics'," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, New York Society of Security Analysts, New York City
  • "Individual Responsibility and National Purpose," by Leon H. Keyserling, Commencement Address, Cottonsville Community College, Cottonsville, Maryland, June 6, 1968
  • Freedom & Union, Magazine of the Democratic World, Vol. 24, No. 2, February 1969, "Panel Discusses Monetary-Economic Reasons for Exploring Atlantic Federation Now" [Keyserling was one of the participants]
  • Press Release, February 14, 1968, Leon H. Keyserling Resigns from Americans for Democratic Action
  • Press Release, March 6, 1968, Keyserling Urges Changes in U.S. Balance of Payments Policy
  • Press Release (not dated), Statement of Leon H. Keyserling, "Macy Employees are Paid Too Little"
  • Digest and Press Release, August 20, 1968, "Nationwide Educational Excellence" (Prepared by Leon H. Keyserling for the American Federation of Teachers)
  • Press Release, October 17, 1968, Highlights of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling Before Florida Public Service Commission on Behalf of Florida Power & Light Company in Opposition to Flow-Through, October 16, 1968
  • Vol. XX--Articles, Speeches and Unrecorded Speeches, 1969 [list of items in Keyserling's twentieth bound volume]
  • Symposium on Rural-Urban Migration, Statement of Concern, October 1968
  • Letter of Leon H. Keyserling, Conference on Economic Progress, to Dr. James Duesenberry, Chairman, Commission on Mortgage Interest Rates, Department of Housing and Urban Development, February 4, 1969 [in re Keyserling's role in drafting of the National Housing Act of 1934]
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, Interviewer: Judith H. Byne, Cornell University, March 19, 1969 [draft]
  • The American Zionist, Published by the Zionist Organization of America, Vol. LIX, No. 8, April 1969, "Economics and Ethics: America and Israel--A Dialogue with Leon Keyserling," by William Berkowitz
  • Draft Statement by Leon H. Keyserling on Tax Policy, April 28, 1969
  • The Washington Post, May 15, 1969, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Evaluating Administration Tax Policy"
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Dr. Herbert Stein, Council of Economic Advisers, June 9, 1969 [in re Stein's book, The Fiscal Revolution in America]
  • Congressional Digest, October 1969, "The Question of Federal Revenue Sharing with the States--Pro & Con" [con position taken by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • The New York Times, December 14, 1969, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Article on Arthur F. Burns by Milton Viorst, "The Burns Kind of Liberal Conservative"
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling--Interviewed by Stephen Goodell, January 9, 1969 [annotated draft]
  • Co-op Contact [not dated], "Prices, Interest, Taxes and the Consumer," by Leon H. Keyserling, Address before Consumer Assembly of Greater New York, January 18, 1969
  • Congressional Record--House of Representatives, "Prices, Interest, Taxes and the Consumer," by Leon H. Keyserling [entered into the Congressional Record by Congressman Wright Patman, June 2, 1969]
  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., Perspectives in Defense Management, June 1969, "Poverty As An Economic Problem," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Address of Leon H. Keyserling Given at Conference Luncheon, National Committee for Labor Israel [undated draft]
  • ICAF (Industrial College of the Armed Forces) Address of Leon H. Keyserling, June 5, 1969
  • "The Economics of Pipeline Companies" by Leon H. Keyserling to Independent Natural Gas Association of America, Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 8, 1969

Box 40

  • "The Economics of Survival," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, National Apartment Association Convention, Dallas, Texas, September 9, 1969
  • "The Economics of the Utility Industries," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, New York State Utility Executives Conference, Ellenville, New York, October 2, 1969
  • Conference on Government Economic Policy--Uncorrected Version [draft], October 27, 1969
  • United Synagogue of America, 1969 Biennial Convention Proceedings, Kiamesha Lake, New York, October 26-30, 1969, "How to Stop Poverty," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Introduction of Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Yitzhak Rabin, by Leon H. Keyserling, Women's National Democratic Club, Washington, D.C., November 17, 1969
  • Discussion of Tax Incentives for Real Estate by Leon H. Keyserling, Tax Institute of America Symposium, Princeton, New Jersey, November 20, 1969 [draft]
  • Recollections of Leon H. Keyserling, Memorial Service for Warren Jay Vinton, November 22, 1969
  • Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Histadrut Gala, November 29, 1969 [draft]
  • Press Release, March 9, 1969, "Keyserling Challenges Council of Economic Advisers' Diagnosis of Inflation"
  • Press Release, March 18, 1969, Excerpts from Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling Before House Ways and Means Committee on Behalf of Realty Committee on Taxation in Opposition to Changes in Depreciation Provisions Related to Real Estate, March 17, 1969
  • News Release, September 1969, Histadrut National Committee for Labor Israel, New York, Rosh Hashana Message by Leon H. Keyserling, President, National Committee for Labor Israel
  • "The Economics of Natural Gas Pipeline Companies," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Meeting, Independent Natural Gas Association of America, Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 8, 1969
  • Press Release, September 26, 1969, Highlights of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling in Part Representing Realty Committee on Taxation and in Part as Independent Economist, Senate Finance Committee, September 26, 1969
  • Press Release, October 9, 1969, Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on H.R. 11546 Before Subcommittee of House Committee on Education and Labor
  • Press Release, October 12, 1969, "Keyserling Urges Drastic Revision of Tax Reform Bill"
  • Press Release, December 19, 1969, "Keyserling Testifies on Behalf of Transport Workers"
  • Vol. XXI--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases and Separately Bound, 1970 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-first bound volume]
  • The Wall Street Journal, February 20, 1970, "Thinking Things Over," by Vermont Royster in Re Correspondence from Leon H. Keyserling to The Wall Street Journal, February 4-9, 1970 in Re Royster's Column, "Thinking Things Over," February 3, 1970
  • The Washington Post, February 6, 1970, "Inflation and the Cost of Money," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Republic, Letters to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, April 4 and 11, 1970; by Arthur M. Okun, February 14, 1970; by Louis J. Walinsky, January 17, 1970; and by Edward E. Herman, January 17, 1970 in Re "New Economics"
  • All Souls Unitarian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana, "The Genuine Issues Raised by Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling, March 15, 1970
  • The Washington Post, June 12, 1970, Editorial, "A Railroad in Deep Trouble," and Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial
  • Letter to the Editor of the Easton (Pennsylvania) Express, June 19, 1970 in Re "Fixed Income" Letter of Pen Argyl, June 2, 1970
  • Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post by Leon H. Keyserling, June 25, 1970 in Re Article by A. David Rosenbloom, "Railroad and the Court," June 22, 1970
  • The Baltimore Sun, June 28, 1970, "In the Railroad Industry, l Plus l is Minus l Called the Penn Central," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, August 16, 1970, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Address by Chief Justice Warren Burger of August 10, 1970, and Correspondence Between Leon H. Keyserling and Chief Justice Burger of August 20, 24, 26 and 31, 1970; Letter to the Editor of The New York Times, August 24, 1970 by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Chief Justice Burger's August 10 Address; and Article in The Evening Star by Lyle Dennison, September 2, 1970, "Burger's Efforts to Monitor Speech Reprints Draws Fire"
  • The New Republic, October 3, 1970, "Which Economists Have Flunked Out?" by Leon H. Keyserling, Regarding "Why Economists Flunk Out," by Melville J. Ulmer, The New Republic, September 19, 1970
  • The New York Times, October 8, 1970, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of October 2, 1970, "Man-Made Fuel Crisis"
  • The Washington Post, October 29, 1970, "Call for 'Revolution' in Economic Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling upon Accepting "Man of the Year" Award, American Jewish Congress, Washington, D.C., January 28, 1970
  • Press Release, February 5, 1970, Excerpts from Keynote Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Conference, United Neighborhood Houses, New York, February 5, 1970
  • LID [League for Industrial Democracy] Looking Forward, "Inflation and Recession," Address by Leon H. Keyserling
  • New School Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 3, October 31, 1970, "Inflation and Recession," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Perspectives in Defense Management, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, July 1970, "The Human Dimension of Resource Allocation," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Production, The Magazine of Manufacturing, Vol. 65, No. 6, June 1970, "Capital Recovery Law: Where Do We Go from Here?" Roundtable Discussion Involving Leon H. Keyserling et al.
  • CEF, National Education Association Committee on Educational Finance Conference, San Francisco, California, April 5, 6 and 7, 1970, "Proposals for National Foundation Programs," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Histadrut Foto News, September 1970, "Let Us Reach the Youth," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling at Dinner of the National Committee for Labor Israel in Honor of U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke, Boston, Massachusetts, September 24, 1970
  • Speech Not Dated or Titled re Economics and National Security Issues [first page of speech missing]
  • Title News, The Official Publication of the American Land Title Association, January 1971, "The Economy and Housing-- Tomorrow and the Next Day," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • A Draft of an Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, October 28, 1970 (Revised)
  • "Economics and the War in Vietnam," by Leon H. Keyserling [draft of speech]
  • Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Economic Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, April 1968
  • Transcript of Speech by Leon H. Keyserling on Economic Issues of Human Relations, 26th Annual Institute of Race Relations, Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, July 7, 1969 [Annotated Draft]
  • Press Release, February 25, 1970, Summary of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on the Crisis in Housing Before House Banking and Currency Committee
  • Summary of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling Before Congressional Joint Economic Committee, July 24, 1970
  • Press Release, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "The Economy and Housing--Tomorrow and the Next Day," Annual Convention, American Land Title Association, New York City, October 16, 1970
  • Press Release, December 20, 1970, Conference on Economic Progress

Box 41

  • Vol. XXII--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches and Press Releases and Separately Bound, 1971 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-second bound volume]
  • "The Needed Revolution in Economic Policy: A New Approach to the Problem of Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling, September 30, 1970
  • "Should Wage Policy Rest on Fact or Fancy?" Draft Article Proposed for The New York Times Magazine, January 29, 1971
  • The New York Times Magazine, January 3, 1971, "How to Stop Inflation: Stop Raising Wages," by Edwin L. Dale, Jr.
  • Letter to the Editor of The New Republic by Leon H. Keyserling, April 27, 1971 in Re Article by Melville J. Ulmer, April 24, 1971, "The Inflation/ Unemployment Seesaw--Applied Nixonomics"
  • Letter of Leon H. Keyserling to Dr. Hugh S. Norton, Department of Economics, University of South Carolina, June 10, 1971 in Re Employment Act of 1946
  • Letter of Leon H. Keyserling to Rabbi Meyer Hager, Synagogue Light, July 1, 1971
  • The New York Times, July 15, 1971 Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling on "Unemployment-Inflation Trade-off," in Re Views of Paul W. McCracken, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, in Front-Page Article on July 8, 1971
  • Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post by Leon H. Keyserling, July 20, 1971 in Re Article by Herbert Stein, "U.S. Economy Given 'Progressing' Report After Serious 1969 Illness"
  • "Comparative Trends in Real Economic Growth, Unemployment, and Prices, 1952-1971: The 'Trade-off' Exists only in the Minds of Some Economists," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Planning Instead of Cross Purposes--Toward a Mature National Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling, September 7, 1971 (Keyserling's Master Copy)
  • National Committee for Labor Israel, New York, Rosh Hashanah Message--5732 by Leon H. Keyserling, "A Better Society is Israel's Goal"
  • "The Democratic and Republican Records in Full Perspective, 1947-1971," Redraft, September 21, 1971
  • The Washington Post, November 13, 1971, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "On the 5.5 Per Cent Guideline and Economic Growth Rate"
  • Letter to the Editor, Monthly Labor Review, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor by Leon H. Keyserling, November 30, 1971l in Re Walter Heller Article on Economic Growth and Ecology
  • Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, February 21, 1971
  • Perspectives in Defense Management, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Winter 1971-1972, "Social Needs and National Priorities," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Crisis of the American Economy," Notes from a Seminar at the Institute for Policy Studies, Session I--"Nature of America's Economic Crisis," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, March 8, 1971, "The President's Domestic Program: Old Wine in New Bottles," by Leon H. Keyserling, 40th Annual Convention, National Housing Conference, Washington, D.C., March 7, 1971
  • Congressional Record, March 31, 1971--Extension of Remarks of Congressman James H. Scheuer of New York, Including Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, "The President's Domestic Program: Old Wine in New Bottles"
  • Press Release, Remarks of Leon H Keyserling at Discussion of Penn Central Railroad Merger, March 8, 1971
  • "Economic Promises vs. Economic Policies," Excerpts from Speech of Leon H. Keyserling, CBWL-Hayden Stone, Inc. Luncheon Meeting, New York City, May 11, 1971
  • National Tax Journal, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, September 1971, "Revenue Sharing: Its Implications for Present and Future Intergovernmental Fiscal Systems: The Case Against," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, August 30, 1971 [Draft]
  • Electrical World, "Financing the Growth of the Seventies," Proceedings of the Utilities Executive Conference, New York, October 26-27, 1971, "How Will the U.S. Economy and the Utilities Fare in the '70's," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The American Economic Review, Vol. LXII, No. 2, May 1972, Reprint, "Keynsian Revolution--Discussion," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Leon H. Keyserling, Presentation Before the Democratic Study Group, October 27, 1971
  • Press Release, March 17, 1971--Highlights of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on $2,000,000,000 Accelerated Public Works Proposal, Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives
  • Press Release, July 22, 1971, "Revenue Sharing: Its Implications for Present and Future Intergovernmental Fiscal Systems," The Case Against--Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, National Tax Association Seminar, Washington, D.C., July 22, 1971
  • Press Release, August 18, 1971, "Keyserling Scores President's New Economic Program"
  • Press Release, Excerpts from Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on Policies Following the Wage-Price 'Freeze', House Committee on Banking and Currency, October 4, 1971
  • Press Release, October 13, 1971, Summary of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling Before Senate Finance Committee on Tax Bill under Current Consideration
  • Press Release, October 27, 1971, Brief Summary of Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "How Will the U.S. Economy and the Utilities Fare in the Decade Ahead?"
  • Press Release, December 17, 1971, Summary of Leon H. Keyserling Study and Testimony in Re Transit Workers' Pay
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, Harry S. Truman Library (Jerry N. Hess), Washington, D.C., May 3, 10, 19, 1971 [several drafts] [1 of 2]
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, Harry S. Truman Library (Jerry N. Hess), Washington, D.C., May 3, 10, 19, 1971 [several drafts] [2 of 2]
  • Vol. XXIII--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases and Separately Bound 1972 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-third bound volume]
  • The Washington Post, January 16, 1972, "Keyserling Sees Confusion About National Goals, Means" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Euromoney, March 1972, The Journal of International Money and Bond Markets, "The Mistakes of U.S. Economic Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Daily News, March 7, 1972--Letter of Leon H. Keyserling, "In Defense of Nathan"
  • The Washington Post, April 3, 1972 in Re Letter to the Editor by Louis J. Walinsky of March 6, 1972
  • "Have Plumbers and Other Construction Workers Been 'Paid too Much'," a Comprehensive Study by Leon H. Keyserling, May 1973 [1972]
  • "What Hurts Construction Workers Damages the Whole U.S. Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling, June 30, 1972

Box 42

  • "Pay Goals for Plumbers and Other Construction Workers," by Leon H. Keyserling, August 1, 1972
  • Histadrut Foto News, September 1972, Rosh Hashana Greetings 5733 from Leon H. Keyserling, President, National Committee for Labor Israel
  • The Synagogue Light, Vol. 39, No. 1--September 1972, "Tasks for the Years Ahead," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Inadequate Activity Within the Industry, 1953-1971 and Goals for 1972-1980" by Leon H. Keyserling [re Construction Industry]
  • Letter to the Editor of The New York Times from Leon H. Keyserling, September 18, 1972 in Re Article on Wilbur J. Cohen
  • "What's Really Wrong with the U.S. Economy and Needed Changes in Current National Policies," October 5, 1972 by Leon H. Keyserling [draft]
  • "Common Sense about Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling, October 28, 1972 [sixth in series of articles highlighting a comprehensive study by Leon H. Keyserling, submitted to the United Association
  • "The Persistently Erroneous Management of the Federal Budget from the Viewpoint of Construction Activity," by Leon H. Keyserling, December 5, 1972 [seventh article for the United Association]
  • "Analysis of Federal Spending & Impact on Social Priorities," March 9, 1972, National Priorities Conference, Washington, D.C. [panel consisting of Leon H. Keyserling, Arthur M. Okun and Robert Eisner with comments by Stanley Sheinbaum]
  • "Policies for the Aging in an Economic, Social, and Political Perspective," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 25th Conference on Aging, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 12, 1972
  • "The Great Depression: Causes, Effects, Solutions," a Symposium, "The Legacy of the New Deal" [participation by Leon H. Keyserling, Harry Magdoff and Martin Gainsbrugh]
  • Histadrut News, National Committee for Labor Israel, September 1972, Statement on Soviet Jewry by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 25th Conference on Aging, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 12, 1972
  • Press Release, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 75th Annual Program Meeting, New York State Welfare Conference, New York City, November 15, 1972
  • Press Release, "Economic Growth and Social Purpose," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 2nd National Rural Housing Conference, Washington, D.C., November 29, 1972
  • The Washington Post, December 7, 1972, Advertisement, "Come Home, Democrats," The Coalition for a Democratic Majority [signed by Leon H. Keyserling and others]
  • Vol. XXIV--Articles, Speeches, and Unrecorded Speeches, 1973 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-fourth bound volume]
  • "The Coming Crisis in Residential and Commercial Construction," by Leon H. Keyserling, January 16, 1973
  • Hadassah Magazine, Passover Issue, April 1973, "The Nixon Budget," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Further Comments on Pay of Plumbers and Other Construction Workers," by Leon H. Keyserling, April 5, 1973
  • The New Leader, April 2, 1973, "The Politics of Pat Moynihan," by Gus Tyler, and Comments of Leon H. Keyserling on Gus Tyler's Article, April 14, 1973
  • Summary on Recommendations of Economic Advisory Council of American-Israel Chamber of Commerce for the Prime Minister's Economic Conference, May 11, 1973
  • Challenge, The Magazine of Economic Affairs, May/June 1973, "What's Wrong with American Economics?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Jerusalem Post, May 28, 1973, "Challenges of the Next 25 Years," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "P.C. Mahalanobis: An Appreciation," by Leon H. Keyserling, Reprinted from "Samvadadhvam," House Journal of the Indian Statistical Institute, Vol. 10, No. 1
  • Letter to Rabbi Meyer Hager, Editor, The Synagogue Light, by Leon H. Keyserling, July 24, 1973
  • The New York Times, September 29, 1973, "The Economy in the Long Run," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, November 19, 1973, "The Roots and Implications of the 'Energy Crisis'," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Republic, November 28, 1973, "The Roots and Implications of the 'Energy Crisis'," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Toward a New U.S. Foreign Policy, Beginning with the Middle East," Prepared for Committee for U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East [second draft, December 19, 1973]
  • Press Release, March 5, 1973, "Housing Performance and Housing Needs," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 42nd Annual Convention, National Housing Conference, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1973
  • "The Israel Economy: Performance, Goals and Problems," by Leon H. Keyserling, Symposium on American-Israel Economic Relations, American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., Washington, D.C., April 27, 1973
  • Congressional Conference, "Rural and Urban America--Conflicts and Common Ground," Washington, D.C., May 9, 1973
  • "Action for Aged Blacks: When?" A Conference of the National Caucus on the Black Aged, Inc., Washington , D.C., May 16-17, 1973, "Income Action," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "When Will American Economic Policy Catch Up?" 10th Annual Forecasting Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 7, 1973
  • Press Release, "Full Employment," Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Legislative Conference on Public Service Employment, Washington, D.C., September 20, 1973
  • Press Release, November 15, 1973, "Humanism in World Affairs," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Conference of Christians and Jews Dinner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 14, 1973

Box 43

  • Vol. XXV--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, and Poetry 1974 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-fifth bound volume]
  • Business Week, November 10, 1973, "The Limits on Economic Advice," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, February 17, 1974, "An Analysis of Scarcity Economics and Its Results," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Advocate (Retail Clerks), April 1974, "Taxes Can Help Us Achieve Full Employment and Prosperity," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Letter to the Editor, The Washington Post, by Leon H. Keyserling, April 12, 1974 [draft] Re Hobart Rowan's Column of April 11 1974 [urging discussion of Dr. Milton Friedman's proposal on wages, interest rates, corporate earnings, taxes, and inflation]
  • The Washington Post, May 12, 1974, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling
  • National Conference on Social Welfare, "A Program for Income Redistribution," by Leon H. Keyserling, May 25, 1974
  • Business and Society Review/Innovation, Summer 1974, No. 10, "A System Worth Improving," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Challenge, The Magazine of Economic Affairs, July 7, 1974, "Shortages Everywhere--and Especially in Economic Thought," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, July 14, 1974, "How to Fight Inflation," by Leon Keyserling
  • The New York Times, July 28, 1974, Letters to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, July 22, 1974 in Re Article by John K. Galbraith published July 20, 1974
  • Letter to the Editor of Time Magazine by Leon H. Keyserling, August 2, 1974 [in re statement in July 29 issue of Time: "Congress became so antagonized by CEA Chief Leon Keyserling's partisan support of Truman Administration policies that President Eisenhower let the Council go out of business briefly in 1953."]
  • "Economics and Morality--A Guide to New National Economic Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling, Atlantic Monthly, August 9, 1974
  • Letter to Rabbi Meyer Hager, The Synagogue Light, by Leon H. Keyserling, July 3, 1974
  • Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1974, "What is to be Done About Inflation? Ford's Program is Upside Down," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Letter to Senators Edmund S. Muskie and Peter H. Dominick, Senate Committee on the Budget, by Leon H. Keyserling, September 19, 1974 [in re Federal budget]
  • Center Magazine, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, "Inflation and What to Do About It--Viewed in a New and Broader Perspective," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Leader, November 11, 1974, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling [in re housing]
  • "Full Employment Without Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling, [draft article, incomplete]
  • Press release, March 5, 1974, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "Can American Economics Face the Future?" Meeting Sponsored by American Bank and Trust Company, New York City, March 4, 1974
  • Child Welfare, Journal of the Child Welfare League of America, Inc., Vol. LIII, No. 8, October 1974 ["Making Politics Work for Children," by Keyserling]
  • "Irresponsible Economics Under President Nixon and Areas of Democratic Responsibility," by Leon H. Keyserling, Presentation to H. R. Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, June 18, 1974
  • Press Release, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Gas Men's Round Table, University Club, Washington, D.C., September 3, 1974
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Subject: "Current National Economic Policies and the Policies Needed," Management Institute, University of Wisconsin Extension, September 13, 1974
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "Inflation, Recession, and a New Approach to Both," Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara, California, October 1, 1974
  • The State of American Society, Proceedings from Special Symposium Conducted in Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of California State University, Long Beach, October 2, 1974, "Inflation, Recession, and Shortages: How to Remedy Them," by Leon H. Keyserling; Interview for "Newsmakers" Program, KNXT-TV, Los Angeles, October 6, 1974; "The Modern American Economy: What's Going Wrong and What We Should Do to Right It," by Leon H. Keyserling, Long Beach, October 3, 1974, Etc.
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "The Economic Consequences of Detente," National Committee of American Foreign Policy, Washington, D.C., October 21, 1974
  • Dollar, The Academy for Contemporary Problems, November 2-3, 1974, "Full Employment Without Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, March 19, 1974, Summary of Study of Transport Workers Pay, by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Home of M.D.K. and L.H.K. [Mary Dublin Keyserling and Leon H. Keyserling], November 24, 1973, "Odes to Members of Wardman Park Monday Night Steak Club after 25 Years: November 24, 1973 Composed, with Affection, by Leon H. Keyserling, Rendered, standing and with Gusto, by the Wives of the Members" [odes to Oscar R. Ewing, Clark M. Clifford, John L. Thurston, C. Gerard Davidson, Charles F. Brannan, Charles S. Murphy, David A. Morse, Leon H. Keyserling, J. Donald Kingsley]
  • Tributes to LHK Staff, at Dinner at His Home, February 23, 1974, by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Vol. XXVI--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately and Material Prepared for Others, 1975 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-sixth bound volume]
  • "The Role of Housing in Economic Restoration," by Leon H. Keyserling, January 9, 1975
  • CDM Notes, The Coalition for a Democratic Majority, January/February 1975, "Ford's Economic Program," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Skeptic, The Forum for Contemporary History, Special Issue No. 6, "Economics and Morality," by Leon H. Keyserling (an Interview)
  • Center Report, February 1975, "Inflation and What to Do About It," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Letter to Congressman Henry S. Reuss, Chairman, House Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, by Leon H. Keyserling, February 7, 1975 [in re H.R. 212 "to lower interest rates by monitoring an adequate supply and an improved allocation of credit"]
  • "To Piddle or to Plan--the Needed Reconstruction in Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Recession, Inflation and How to Overcome Both," A Study of the Economy in Crisis and a Vigorous Program for Economic Recovery by the Task Force on the Economy of the Coalition for a Democratic Majority, Leon H. Keyserling, Chairman
  • The Washington Post, March 9, 1975, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "How Not to Save the Railroads"
  • Letter to Wallace J. Campbell by Leon H. Keyserling, February 28, 1975 (for March 11, 1975)
  • Congressional Record--Senate, "How Not to Save the Railroads," by Leon H. Keyserling, Entered into the Congressional Record by Senator George McGovern, March 11, 1975

Box 44

  • "The Logistics of Full Economic Recovery," by Leon H. Keyserling, March 4, 1975 (for March 15, 1975) [draft]
  • Congressional Record--Extension of Remarks, April 16, 1975, of Congresswoman Bella S. Abzug [including the testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on H.R. 5247, authorizing local public works]
  • "From Piddling to Planning--the Needed Reconstruction in National Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling, April 24, 1975 [annotated draft]
  • Democratic Review, April-May 1975, "To Improve the Environment: Full Economic Growth, Full Employment and Priorities," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Viewpoint, An IUD Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 2, Second Quarter, 1975, Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, "To Procrastinate or to Plan--Reconstruction in National Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Political Observer, a Monthly News Bulletin on Policy, Politics, and People, Published by Coalition for a Democratic Majority, May 1975, "Are Tax Cuts Enough? We Need More Public Investments," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Economics, Morality, and National Planning," by Leon H. Keyserling, May 27, 1975 [draft]
  • Galley [Keyserling review of an article about the economics of the Korean War]
  • Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, June 3, 1976, from Leon H. Keyserling [re protests against handling of the City University of New York matter]
  • "A Brighter View of Humphrey-Hawkins," by Leon H. Keyserling, June 14, 1976
  • NANA Press Release, June 20, 1975, "Need for Economic Planning Under Freedom," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • National Committee for Full Employment, "Economists and Social Scientists Attack Contrived Unemployment-Inflation Tradeoff," [signed by Leon H. Keyserling and others]
  • Challenge, The Magazine of Economic Affairs, July/August 1975, "For a Full Employment Act by 1976," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Congressional Record--Extension of Remarks, July 21, 1975, Remarks of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins [including copy of text of Leon H. Keyserling's article, "For a Full Employment Act by 1976"]
  • The Synagogue Light, Vol 42, No. 1, September 1975, "Israel's Immense Burdens," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Press Release, Statement of Leon H. Keyserling, September 19, 1975, on Treasury and Labor Department Opposition to H.R. 50, The Proposed "Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act"
  • The Full Employment News Reporter, Vol. 1, No.2, September/October 1975, The National Committee for Full Employment, "Full Employment and Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Comments on September 30, 1975 Discussion Draft of Bill, "To Establish Rules and Procedures for the Congressional Review of Biennial Balanced Economic Growth Plans and for Other Purposes" ("Bolling Proposal," Prepared by Leon H. Keyserling)
  • The United States Catholic Bishops Conference, "Toward Full Employment: The Moral Basis of Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling, November 12, 1975 (Corrected and Passed on to John Carr, 1-5-77)
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling (Conference on Economic Progress) to Congressman John Conyers, Jr., November 19, 1975 [in re Democratic Issue Group]
  • The Washington Post, December 12, 1975--Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, December 12, 1975, in Re Editorial, November 30, 1975, "Employment in the Recovery"
  • The Washington Star, December 21, 1975, "An Open Letter to The Washington Post and the Striking Newspaper Unions," Committee for a Fair Settlement, Executive Committee [Keyserling was a member]
  • Urban Affairs, Hunter College of the City University of New York, Committing the Nation to Full Employment-- Proceedings of Conference, February 14-15, 1975, [Keyserling's testimony]
  • Press release, February 18, 1975, "Toward Full Recovery by End of 1976," Excerpts of Address by Leon H. Keyserling, "The Economic Outlook is What We Make It," Meeting, New York Chapter, Bank Marketing Association, New York City
  • G. Tsai & Company, Inc., Member New York Stock Exchange Inc., "Is Economic Policy on the Right Track?" by Leon H. Keyserling, April 15, 1975
  • "Long Range Economic Planning in a Free Society," A Congressional Conference, May 22, 1975, The Fund for New Priorities in America [Keyserling's testimony]
  • "Goals for Full Employment--The Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976," Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Los Angeles [Keyserling's testimony]
  • "Liberty and Justice for All," Hearing, Sacramento, California, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Committee for the Bicentennial, "Work," October 2-4, 1975 [Keyserling's testimony]
  • "Certain Inalienable Rights," Institute for Study of Civic Values, Dresher, Pennsylvania, "My Long Association with the Labor Movement," by Leon H. Keyserling, November 11, 1976
  • "New York: A City in Crisis," an Edited Transcript of a Special Colloquy on Capitol Hill, Published by Fund for New Priorities in America [Keyserling's testimony]
  • "The Damaging Application of the 'Trade-off' Theory to Reduce Inflation," Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Valley Conference, Organized by Terry Sanford, Washington, D.C., December 4, 1975
  • Press Release, February 25, 1975, Excerpts from Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on "Equal Opportunity and Full Employment" Bill, Committee on Education and Labor
  • Press Release, October 3, 1975, "The Moral Basis of Economic Policy," Conference of Catholic Bishops, Sacramento, California
  • "Areas of Interest for Committee on Full Employment," by Leon H. Keyserling (Second Draft, March 19, 1975 Prepared for March 21, 1975 Meeting of Committee)
  • Full Employment Action Council, Washington, D.C., Letter to "Congressman," from Coretta Scott King and Murray H. Finley, Chairpersons, April 28, 1975
  • "The 'Costs' of H.R. 50--The Hawkins-Humphrey Bill," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Twelve Essentials for Full Employment Legislation," by Leon H. Keyserling, October 23, 1975 (Prepared for Full Employment Action Committee)
  • "Federal Budget Policy and the National Economy," October 29, 1975 (for Congressman Hawkins)
  • Summary of October 8, 1975 Discussion Draft Revision of "Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act," November 1975
  • Reply to September 17, 1975 Congressional Budget Office Criticism of H.R. 50 (Prepared for Congressman Hawkins by Leon H. Keyserling), November 10, 1975
  • "We Must Restore and Maintain Full Employment and Full Production with Greatly Reduced Price Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling, Draft, November 25, 1975
  • Vol. XXVII--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, and Materials Prepared for Others, 1976 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-seventh bound volume]
  • Political Observer, A Monthly News Bulletin on Policy, Politics, and People, the Coalition for a Democratic Majority, January 1976, "Trustbusting, a New Populist Nostrum?"--An Interview with Leon H. Keyserling [also an interview with Paul H. Nitze, "The Strategic Arms Controversy"]
  • "Feasibility of Reducing Unemployment to 3.0 Percent Within Three Years of Enactment of Humphrey-Hawkins Bill," by Leon H. Keyserling, January 26, 1976
  • Fortune, March 1976, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Questions and Answers in re H.R. 50," Subcommittee on Equal Opportunities, Majority Staff Document, Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman (Prepared by Leon H. Keyserling, Release at Press Conference, March 12, 1976)
  • The New York Times, April 5, 1976, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling [in re March 19, 1976 editorial on the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • Lewiston (Idaho) Morning Tribune, April 11, 1976, "Toward Full Employment Within Three Years," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, April 11, 1976, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Employment and Wage-Price Controls [in re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • The New Republic, May 1, 1976, letter to the editor by Leon H. Keyserling "The Possible Dream" [in re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Michael Harrington, Editor, The Democratic Left, June 4, 1976 [in re Humphrey- Hawkins Bill]
  • Congressional Record--Extensions of Remarks, August 23, 1976, Extensions of Remarks of Congressman John Conyers, Jr., [including article by Leon H. Keyserling on the Humphrey- Hawkins Bill, " A Brighter View of Humphrey-Hawkins"]
  • Los Angeles Times, June 27, 1976, "Humphrey-Hawkins Would Take Us Off Economic Roller-Coaster," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Washington Post, August 14, 1976, "Unemployment, Inflation and Humanity," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Charles L. Schultze, Brookings Institution, September 2, 1976 [in re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • Correspondence Between Leon H. Keyserling and Paul A. Samuelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 2-27, 1976 [in re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • Letter to the Editor of Challenge by Leon H. Keyserling, September 22, 1976 [in re Murray L. Weidenbaum's article on the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • The New York Times, October 1, 1976, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling [re article by Leonard Silk on September 8, 1976]
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Dr. Jerry J. Jasinowski, Carter for President, October 6, 1976 [in re Carter's Economic Policy]
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Jimmy Carter, October 7, 1976 [re economic policy]
  • Letter to The Washington Star from Leon H. Keyserling, October 8, 1976 in Re Editorial of September 28, 1976 [re balancing the budget]
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Walter W. Heller, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota [in re his article in the Wall Street Journal of October 19, 1976 on the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • Business Week, November 22, 1976, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of November 1, 1976, "The Best Laid Plans..."
  • The Wall Street Journal, December 6, 1976, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling [in re article by Dr. Herbert Stein, "All Out for Tax Reduction," November 15, 1976]
  • Public Interest Economics, Washington, D.C., December 15, 1976, "Keyserling on Full Employment," by Leon H. Keyserling

Box 45

  • Press Release, "Responsible Impatience Regarding Unemployment," Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, Full Employment Conference, Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Social Change, Atlanta, Georgia, January 14, 1976
  • "Memorandum in Re: Status of Humphrey-Hawkins Bill," by Leon H. Keyserling, January 29, 1976, Full Employment Action Council, Washington, D.C.
  • Outline of Leon H. Keyserling Talk at Phelps-Stokes Conference, September 23, 1976, "Implications of National Planning and Economic Growth in the Management of Higher Education in the U.S.," September 13, 1976
  • Press Release, December 14, 1976, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "Proposals to Stimulate the Economy," Conference on Economic Issues for 1977, The Washington Journalism Center Luncheon, Washington, D.C.
  • Press Release, Highlights of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on Hawkins-Humphrey "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976" (H.R. 50), Equal Opportunity Subcommittee, House Committee on Education and Labor, March 15, 1976
  • Press Release, March 22, 1976, "Study for Transport Workers: Highlights of the Study," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Statement of Leon H. Keyserling, Full Employment Press Conference, Detroit, Michigan, April 30, 1976
  • Press Release, Highlights of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on S. 50, Humphrey-Hawkins "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976," Subcommittee on Employment, Poverty, and Migratory Labor, Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, May 14, 1976
  • "The Federal Reserve System and Its Mismanagement of Other People's Money," (Prepared for M. W. Thatcher), February 16, 1976
  • "Comments on Possible Action Programs Under H.R. 50," March 11, 1976 (Prepared for Hawkins Press Conference, March 12, 1976)
  • "Toward A New Abundance, Justly Shared," March 21, 1976 [annotated draft]
  • Testimony of Congressman John Conyers on H.R. 50, Hawkins-Humphrey Bill, April 14, 1976, Subcommittee on Manpower etc., House Committee on Education & Labor, Draft, April 9, 1976
  • "Answer by Congressman Hawkins to President Ford Speech of April 26, 1976, Attacking Hawkins-Humphrey Bill," April 27, 1976 [draft]
  • Testimony of Congressman Hawkins for Senate Banking and Currency Committee, May 25, 1976 [prepared by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • The Washington Post, May 30, 1976, Letter to the Editor by Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, "Disparaging and Flippant Comments on the Jobs Bill"
  • Summary of Highlight Issues of S. 50 and H.R. 50, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976," Position Paper No. 1 Issued by Senator Hubert H. Humphrey and Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins
  • Press Release, Revised July 9, 1976, "Senator Hubert H. Humphrey and Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins Announce Proposed Amendments to Humphrey-Hawkins Bill"
  • Memorandum from Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins to Leadership Members of the House (i.e. Those meeting on Monday, July 26, 1976) in Re Improper Actions of Staff Member of House Committee on the Budget Inimical H.R. 50
  • Comments on Changes in H.R. 50 Proposed by Congressman Simon, August 10, 1976
  • "Cost," in Fact Sheet One, September 8, 1976 [re Humphrey- Hawkins bill]
  • Comments on S. 3543, the Dole Bill, September 14, 1976
  • Comments on H.R. 13399, Kemp-McClure Bill ("Jobs Creation Act"), September 14, 1976
  • Comments on Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 50 Offered by Mr. Esch, Committee Print of June 26, 1976
  • Congressional Record--House, September 21, 1976, "Explanation of New Revised Full Employment Bill"
  • Congressional Record--Extension of Remarks, September 23, 1976, Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, "Reply to House GOP Policy Committee Economic Statement"
  • Congressional Record--Extension of Remarks, October 1, 1976, Statement of Augustus F. Hawkins in Re H.R. 50, "The Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976"
  • "My Economic Creed for America," Draft, October 12, 1976 [prepared for Jimmy Carter by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • The New York Times, November 5, 1976, Letter to the Editor by Augustus F. Hawkins [in re article by Alfred J. Tella of October 27, 1976 in re unemployment]
  • Letter from Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins to Editor of Israel Today, November 11, 1976 [prepared by Leon H. Keyserling in re Humphrey-Hawkins Act]
  • Letter to the Editor of Nation's Business by Augustus F. Hawkins, November 11, 1976 [prepared by Leon H. Keyserling] and Article by Dr. Lacy H. Hunt, "The High Price of Full Employment Legislation"
  • Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post by Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, November 11, 1976 [prepared by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • Vol. XXVIII - Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, and Material Prepared for Others, 1977 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-eighth bound volume]
  • "Full Employment and Economic Justice: Resources for Education and Action," United States Catholic Conference, Washington D.C., "Toward Full Employment: The Moral Basis of Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Statement in Re Joint Economic Committee by Former Chairmen, Council of Economic Advisors, January 12, 1977 [signed by Leon H. Keyserling, Raymond H. Saulnier, Walter W. Heller and Arthur H. Okun]
  • "The New Economic 'Package' Needs Enlargement and Restructuring," (Article Requested by the National Observer), January 22, 1977 [draft prepared by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • The Washington Post, February 2, 1977, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "The Case for Job-Creation, Rather Than Tax Breaks" [in re editorial of January 11, 1977, "Mr. Carter's Cautious Economics"]
  • Letter to The New York Times Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, February 2, 1977, in Re Article by James H. Evans, "...And What Congress Proposes"
  • Dun's Review, a Dun & Bradstreet Publication, March 1977, "Tax Cuts Versus Spending," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post by Leon H. Keyserling, March 3, 1977 [in re article by James L. Rowe on Federal Reserve Board]
  • Challenge, March-April 1977, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill"
  • Studies in Economic Analysis, Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1977, University of South Carolina College of Business Administration, "The Expediency and the Failure of Macroeconomic Policy: Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling Before the Joint Economic Committee of the 95th U.S. Congress"
  • The National Center Reporter, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 1977, The National Center for Community Action, "The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill: Why It Should Be Enacted and Why The Opposition to It Is Wrong," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New Leader, April 11, 1977, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "On Unemployment" [re Lane Kirkland's criticisms of President Carter's economic package]
  • Comments by Leon H. Keyserling for Conference on President Truman's Administration of the Presidency, at Kansas City, May 5-7, 1977
  • Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post, by Leon H. Keyserling, May 25, 1977 Re Editorial of May 25, 1977 [in re Carter position on balanced budget]
  • "National Policies for Optimum Economic Performance," by Leon H. Keyserling, August 1, 1977
  • Letter of Leon H. Keyserling to Rabbi Meyer Hager, The Synagogue Light, August 10, 1977
  • Letter to the Editor of The Beaufort (South Carolina) Gazette, October 6, 1977 in Re Editorial of September 30, 1977, "Can Humphrey-Hawkins Bill Be Fixed to Halt Inflation?"
  • "The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill Is Strong and Sound," by Leon H. Keyserling, November 25, 1977
  • The New York Times, December 29, 1977, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Editorial of December 4, 1977, "A Tax Cut: No Longer When But How"
  • Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post by Leon H. Keyserling, December 29, 1977 [in re Post editorial of December 25, 1977 re wisdom of replacing Dr. Arthur Burns as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board]
  • Comment Upon Professor Wiltz' Paper, Truman Library Institute Conference, May 2, 1975--Comment by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "We Must Restore and Maintain Full Employment and Full Production with Greatly Reduced Price Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling, Draft, November 25, 1975 [prepared for A. Philip Randolph]
  • Radio Interview [Keyserling], Columbia, South Carolina, April 1, 1977, "Economic Conditions and Policies"
  • The Economics of the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany: Responsibilities and Challenges in a Changing World, "U.S. Economic Policy and the New World Economic Order," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Congressional Record--Senate, July 19, 1977, Tribute to Herbert T. Edwards by Senator Alan Cranston [including remarks by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling at Closing Plenary Session of Israel Bonds Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, September 11, 1977

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  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies, Erwin C. Hargrove, Director, Nashville, Tennessee, October 14, 1977
  • Full Employment Action Council Statement to UPI Endorsed the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Bill, November 22, 1977
  • Press Release, February 24, 1977, Excerpts from Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on National Economic Conditions and Proposed Policies Before the Joint Economic Committee, February 24, 1977
  • Draft Statement Prepared at Request of Congressman John Conyers for Issuance by a Wide Grouping of Concerned Signatories, January 3, 1977
  • Letter Prepared for Congressman Parren Mitchell, Chairman of Congressional Black Caucus, to Send to Senator Howard Cannon, Chairman of the Senate Rules Committee Regarding Proposal to Weaken or Abolish the Joint Economic Committee
  • Statement Prepared for Press Conference Called by Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins and John Conyers, Jr. on President Carter's Economic Program, January 10, 1977
  • Statement to House Budget Committee on President's Economic Package by U. S. Representative Augustus F. Hawkins, January 25, 1977
  • Letter from Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, January 25, 1977 to His Colleagues in Re to the "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1977" ("Humphrey-Hawkins Act")
  • Form Letter from Congressman Hawkins in re Subcommittee on Manpower and Employment Opportunities, February 3, 1977
  • Press Release [in re Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins announcement of hearings on ways to reduce unemployment] January 31, 1977
  • Opening Statement of Congressman August F. Hawkins, Chairman, Subcommittee on Employment Opportunities, House Committee on Education and Labor at Hearings on Various Bills to Reduce Unemployment, February 8, 1977
  • Questions for Congressman Hawkins to Ask Dr. Schultze at Meeting with Congressional Black Caucus, February 9, 1977
  • Congressional Record, February 17, 1977, Remarks of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins [in re criticism of Humphrey-Hawkins bill by Dr. Raymond J. Saulnier, who served as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Eisenhower]
  • Suggested Priority Work Program for Group Developing Support for the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, March 9, 1977
  • An Action Resolution Calling for Prompt Enactment of the "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1977"
  • A Letter Signed Jointly by Senator Hubert H. Humphrey and Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins to President Carter, June 9, 1977 Re the "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1977 (S. 50 and H.R. 50)
  • Press Release, June 12, 1977 from Office of Senator Hubert H. Humphrey [in re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • Suggestions for Congressman Hawkins for Floor Speech, Black Caucus Meeting with President, etc., September 6, 1977
  • Highlights of Current Situation on Full Employment [prepared for Augustus F. Hawkins and for the Congressional Black Caucus]
  • Suggestions for Discussion of Humphrey-Hawkins Draft as of Now, September 21, 1977 (Prepared for Hawkins)
  • Memorandum, Remaining Points of Difference in Re Humphrey- Hawkins Bill between Representatives of Sponsors and Representatives of the Administration, September 27, 1977 (Prepared by Leon H. Keyserling)
  • Current Status of Humphrey-Hawkins Bill and Outstanding Issues for Decision, September 27, 1977 [prepared by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • Changes in Bill Responsive to Views of Candidate or President Carter and His Economic Advisors, September 27, 1977
  • Remaining Points of Difference in Re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill Between the Congressional Sponsors of the Bill and Representatives of the President, October 12, 1977
  • Comments, by Sponsors of Bill, on Draft of October 21, 1977, Representing Agreements to Date Between Sponsors and Representatives of the President, October 21, 1977
  • Copy of Letter from Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins to Dr. E. Lavonia Allison, Director, North Carolina Health Manpower Development Program, October 21, 1977
  • Answer to Congressman Ashbrook in Re H.R. 50 [prepared for Congressman Hawkins, October 31, 1977, by Leon H. Keyserling]
  • Discussion Paper Related to November 7, 1977 Draft of Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, November 7, 1977
  • Summary of Revised Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, November 14, 1977
  • Form Letter Signed Jointly by Senator Hubert H. Humphrey and Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, November 30, 1977
  • Vol. XXIX--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, and Material Prepared for Others, 1978 [list of items in Keyserling's twenty-ninth bound volume]
  • Challenge, January-February 1978, "The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill Is on the Beam," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, Columbia University, by Ed Edwin, February 15, 1979 (Interview No. 1), and March 14, 1979 (Interview No.2)
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. VI, No. 1, March 1978, "The Council of Economic Advisors Since 1946: Its Contributions and Failures," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Pamphlet, Full Employment Action Council, March 1979, "The President's 1979 Economic Report and Budget vs. Fulfilling the Humphrey-Hawkins Act of 1978"
  • "To Overcome Inflation, We Must Change National Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling, May 19, 1978
  • The New Leader, July 3, 1978, "Responses to 'The Other Economy'," by Leon H. Keyserling, and May 8, 1978 issue, "The Other Economy: America's Working Poor," by Gus Tyler
  • News Story (UPI)--"Leon Keyserling: The Pursuit of Full Employment," by Donald H. May
  • Comments on S.50, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act: as Reported by Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, July 31, 1978
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Rabbi Meyer Hager, The Synagogue Light, August 8, 1978
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Stuart E. Eizenstat, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs and Policy, August 14, 1978
  • Conference on Economic Progress: Letter Sent to Meany, Young, Biemiller, Oswald, Roberts, J.C. Turner, Finley, Wurf, King..., October 23, 1978
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Richard L. Strout, Christian Science Monitor, November 1, 1978
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling, November 2, 1978 [re Carter's policy on unemployment and inflation]
  • Announcement, A [American] J [Jewish] Congress, National Capitol Chapter, December 1978, Speech by Leon H. Keyserling, Economic Issues, January 8, 1979

Box 47

  • NANA [North American Newspaper Alliance] Article, January 5, 1979, "Should We Have Wage-Price Controls? Truman's CEA Chairman Offers His View"
  • Letter to the Editor of The New York Times, by Leon H. Keyserling, January 2, 1979 in Re Letter to Editor by Ralph W. Borsodi and Letters to the Editor from Arthur C. Holden and A. Richard Galub, November 9, 1978-January 2, 1979
  • The Washington Star, December 29, 1978, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling in Re article by Arthur Burns, "Recession Can Be Helpful...," December 15, 1978
  • "What We Can Learn From the New Deal," Address of Leon H. Keyserling at Second New Deal Gathering, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1978
  • Press Release, May 13, 1978, Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling Upon Receiving Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters, University of Missouri, Kansas City, May 13, 1978
  • Press Release, Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "Economic Trends in Israel and Their Business Significance," May 26, 1978, at All Day Seminar on Business Opportunities in and with Israel, Cleveland, Ohio
  • Unrevised Transcript of an Address by Leon H. Keyserling to the 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Administrators of Labour Legislation, St. Andrews-by-the- Sea, New Brunswick, July 26, 1978
  • State of Israel Bonds, Fall Leadership Conference, September 15-17, 1978, Washington, D.C., "Keyserling Predicts Good Year Ahead"
  • Proceedings of the Forty-first Annual Convention, Western Canadian Regional Council No. 1, International Woolworkers of America, AFL-CIO-CLC, Vancouver, B.C., October 2-6, 1978
  • Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "The Progress and Viability of the Economy of Israel," Bankers Meeting, West Palm Beach, Florida, November 3, 1978
  • Press Release, March 21, 1978, "Summary of the Study" [in re transport workers in New York City]
  • Resolution on Full Employment for Atlanta Meeting, Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration, January 13, 1978
  • Draft, "The Dimensions of Reaching Full Employment: Estimating the Size and Cost of the Task," January 26, 1978 [in re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill]
  • "Why Not a Quantitative Goal for Price Stability?" February 3, 1978
  • Questions and Answers on the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978," (S. 50 and H.R. 50), February 6, 1978
  • Comments on Republican Recommended Humphrey-Hawkins Provisions, February 6, 1978
  • Comments on Minority Views in Report of House Education and Labor Committee Regarding the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (H.R. 50)
  • The Washington Star, March 7, 1978, Letter to the Editor by Augustus F. Hawkins in Re Editorial of February 24, 1978, "The Cost of Humphrey-Hawkins"
  • Comment on Substitute Republican Amendment to H.R. 50..., March 6, 1978 [annotated draft]
  • Comment on Ashbrook Amendments to H.R. 50 by Leon H. Keyserling, March 13, 1978
  • Remarks of Congressman Hawkins Upon Approval of H.R. 50 by the House of Representatives, March 16, 1978
  • The New York Times, May 8, 1978, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Strengthened Humphrey-Hawkins Bill," May 2, 1978, and Letter to the Editor by Shlomo Maital, Jose Berrocal, Brian Jaffe, Monica Schebs, and Jonathan Victor, Princeton University, April 25, 1978
  • Commentary in Re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978," Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, May 30, 1978
  • Abbreviated Comments in Re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill As Approved by Senate Committee on Human Resources, June 6, 1978
  • Key Suggestions in Re Humphrey-Hawkins Bill Now Being Considered by Senate Committee on Banking,, Housing and Urban Affairs, June 13, 1978
  • Comments on S. 50, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act," As Reported by Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, July 31, 1978
  • Remarks of Augustus F. Hawkins of California, "Full Employment Needed Now," August 17, 1978
  • Prepared for FEAC (Full Employment Action Council) [a group of economists, including Keyserling, who supported the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, S. 50, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978"]
  • Washington Post, Letter to the Editor by Senator Herbert H. Humphrey and Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, October 5, 1978 in Re Editorial of October 4, 1978, "Humphrey-Hawkins Again"
  • Statement on Humphrey-Hawkins Bill Prepared by Leon H. Keyserling, October 1978
  • Comparisons of House and Senate Versions of "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978," by Congressman Hawkins, October 14, 1978
  • Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, Statement on House Passage of Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, October 15, 1978
  • "Economic and Social Gains in the 'Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978,' and Analysis of Major Provisions of the Act," by Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, October 1978
  • Letter from Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins to George Meany, President, AFL-CIO, October 19, 1978
  • Draft Letter to President Jimmy Carter, December 18, 1978 [re economic and social conditions]
  • Vol. XXX--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately and Materials Prepared for Others, 1979 [list of items in Keyserling's thirtieth bound volume]
  • Letter to the Editor, The Washington Post, January 2, 1979, by Leon H. Keyserling [in re the Hobart Rowen article, December 23, 1978]
  • Dynamic Years, For Working Americans in Their Middle Years, January-February 1979 [feature story on Leon H. Keyserling]
  • Letter to the Editor, The Washington Post, June 22, 1979, by Leon H. Keyserling in Re Post Editorial, June 20, "Bosworth Blames Citizens For U.S. Inflation Problem"
  • Letter to Rabbi Meyer Hager, The Synagogue Light, August 1, 1979, from Leon H. Keyserling
  • Oral History Interview of Leon H. Keyserling by Ed Edwin, Washington, D.C., November 7, 1979
  • Policy Studies Journal, the Journal of the Policy Studies Organization, Vol. 8, No. 3, Winter 1979, "The Problem of High Unemployment: Result of Muddled National Economic Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Tribute to Robert R. Nathan by Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Awards Dinner, National Consumers League, Washington, D.C., April 3, 1979
  • "Economics of the Truman Administration," May 4, 1980 [annotated draft]
  • "Toward More Realism and Relevance in National Economic Policy," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Atlantic Economic Conference, Washington, D.C., October 11, 1979
  • Press Release, Conference on Economic Progress, November 2, 1979, "New Study: Why National Economic Policies are Failing, and What to Do"
  • "A Call for Clarification," Draft, January 9, 1979 [in re Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978]
  • Press Release, Congressional Black Caucus, January 19, 1979, Statement on National Economic Policy
  • Statement of Congressman Hawkins for Congressional Record, February 5, 1979, "Analysis of White House 'Rationale' of Fiscal 1980 Budget Contained in Statement Entitled 'Minorities' in the 1980 Budget"
  • Questions and Answers on the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978" (S. 50 and H.R. 50), February 6, 1979

Box 48

  • February 12, 1979, Suggested Questions for Appropriate Witnesses for Hawkins Subcommittee on February 13-14, 1979 [annotated draft]
  • Full Employment Action Council, March 1979, "Where are National Economic Policies Headed? The President's 1979 Economic Report and Budget vs. Fulfilling the Humphrey- Hawkins Act of 1978"
  • Suggested Comments for Honorable Parren Mitchell in Re Economic Policy and Humphrey-Hawkins Act, April 10, 1979
  • "Optimum Growth, Price Stability and Full Employment: A Joint Venture," from the office of Congressman Gus Hawkins
  • Congressional Record, Extension of Remarks of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, May 3, 1979, "Optimum Growth, Price Stability, and Full Employment: A Joint Venture"
  • Congressional Record-House, April 30, 1979 Statement by Congressman Hawkins [in re trade-offs between unemployment and inflation]
  • Prepared for Bayard Rustin, May 15, 1979, FEAC [Full Employment Action Committee] Dinner for Congressman Hawkins
  • Letter from David L. Bazelon, United States Circuit Judge, to Leon H. Keyserling, May 31, 1979 in Re "Hawkins Celebration for Leon Keyserling"
  • Congressional Record, June 5, 1979, "Balanced Economic Growth and Low Unemployment will Foster High Productivity," Remarks of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins
  • Congressional Record, June 11, 1979, Extension of Remarks of Hon. Augustus F. Hawkins, [in re President Carter's economic policy]
  • Press Release, July 16, 1979, "Hawkins Calls Carter Speech Encouraging But Does Not Go Far Enough"
  • Draft Statement, August 2, 1979, "Have We Policies Now to Overcome the Recession"
  • Challenge, September-October 1979, The Growlery, "The Humphrey-Hawkins Act is Being Violated"
  • Draft Letter to Honorable Clarence J. Brown by Augustus F. Hawkins, September 24, 1979 [in re Midyear Economic Report of the Joint Economic Committee]
  • 96th Congress, 1st Session, Committee Print, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978," Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives
  • Suggested Insert on p. 28 of the Draft of the Report Dated September 17, 1979, "Testimony at Oversight Hearing"
  • Suggested Questionnaire in Re September 20, 1979 Testimony of Charles L. Schultze, Revised Draft, October 1, 1979
  • Congressional Record--Extension of Remarks of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins [in re Inflation], November 28, 1979
  • Oral History Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies, Erwin C. Hargrove, Director, Nashville, Tennessee, October 14, 1977
  • Vol. XXXI--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, and Material Prepared for Others, 1980 [list of items in Keyserling's thirty-first bound volume]
  • Memorandum to Peter Eckstein and Members of the Economic Policy Task Force, January 16, 1980, by Leon H. Keyserling, Re Long Range Aspects
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. VIII, Number 1, "Toward More Realism and Relevance in National Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Alumni News Edition, May 1980, "Rexford Guy Tugwell: An Appreciation," by Leon H. Keyserling, '28; Columbia College Today, Fall 1980
  • "The Poverty of American Economics," a Review of The Full Employment Alternative, by Andrew Levison, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, by Leon H. Keyserling, June 27, 1980
  • Letter to Rabbi Meyer Hager, The Synagogue Light, by Leon H. Keyserling, July 25, 1980
  • The New York Times, October 22, 1980, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling [in re Federal Reserve Bank]
  • Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, Interviewed by Heclo, Corrected by Keyserling as of November 28, 1980 [draft]
  • "Wall Street Week," with Louis Rukeyser, "Making Economic Policy," August 29, 1980 [Leon H. Keyserling was a guest on the program]
  • "Tribute at Services for Philip M. Ritz," by Leon H. Keyserling, December 22, 1980
  • Press Releases, Conference on Economic Progress, June 16, 1980, and December 10, 1980
  • Letter from Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins to President Jimmy Carter, January 7, 1980 [in re the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978]
  • Press Release from Office of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, January 30, 1980, "Hawkins Deplores Postponing Achievement of Goals"
  • Congressional Record--Extension of Remarks of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, January 31, 1980
  • Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, February 19, 1980, by Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins in Re Editorial of February 16, 1980, "Swiss Cheese and Economic Policy"
  • Draft Statement of February 27, 1980, prepared for former Senator Albert Gore
  • Draft Suggestions in Re "Direct Controls in the Perspective of the Total Economic Picture"--Prepared for Congressman Hawkins (Annotated)
  • Draft on February 29, 1980 Memorandum of Congressman Dodd (Annotated)
  • Congressional Record--House, April 23, 1980, Remarks of Congressman Hawkins [in re Budget Debate]
  • Letter to Congressman Jack Kemp, May 14, 1980, from Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins [in re Congressman Kemp's proposal for job strategy in the inner city]
  • Congressional Record, Extensions of Remarks of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins [in re talk about an economic recession], July 28, 1980
  • Correspondence Between Congressman Jack Kemp and Augustus F. Hawkins, May 23, 1980 and August 25, 1980
  • Draft Statement from Office of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, August 26, 1980, "The Problem of Problems: Unemployment"
  • Congressional Record, Extensions of Remarks, Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, August 28, 1980 [in re President Carter's Economic Policy]
  • Statement from Office of Congressman Hawkins, Fall of 1980 [in re inflation and unemployment]

Box 49

  • Vol. XXXII--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, and Material Prepared for Others, 1981 [list of items in Keyserling's thirty-second bound volume]
  • The New Leader, March 9, 1981, "The Root of Our Economic Woes," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Responses by Leon H. Keyserling to Questions Posed by Dr. Brazelton, February 24, 1981 [in re "Goals to Achieve- Goals of Humphrey-Hawkins Compared with Projections of Current National Policies"]
  • Letter to Calvin Kytle, Seven Locks Press (Cabin John, Maryland), June 24, 1981 from Leon H. Keyserling [comments on Beyond Despair by Robert Theobold]
  • Letter to Rabbi Meyer Hager, The Synagogue Light, by Leon H. Keyserling, July 23, 1981
  • Draft Interview with Leon H. Keyserling by Katie Louchheim, November 20, 1981 [annotated draft]
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. IX, Number 4, December 1981, "International Implication of U.S. Economic Performance and National Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The University of Toledo Law Review, Vol. 12, Winter 1981, "Should the President and the Congress Obey the Law? A Case Study Based Upon the 1978 Humphrey- Hawkins Act," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The Heritage Foundation, The Heritage Lectures, "The Economics of Discrimination," a Debate Between Walter Williams and Leon Keyserling
  • Conference on Economic Progress, Message to NFU [National Farmers Union] Convention, Orlando, March 1-4, 1981 from [by] Leon H. Keyserling
  • Record of Interview with Leon H. Keyserling by Richard M. Valelly, Harvard University, December 30, 1981 [in re Wagner Act of 1935]
  • Press Release, March 21, 1981, highlights of remarks of Leon H. Keyserling at Luncheon Under Auspices of Center for the Study of the Presidency, Hyatt Regency Hotel, March 21, 1981 [in re Reagan's economic program]
  • Press Release, July 15, 1981, Brief Summary of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, "Housing Related to other Economic Performance and Policies...," Subcommittee on Housing and Community Development, House Committee on Finance and Urban Affairs
  • Statement from Office of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, Winter 1981 [in re economic growth]
  • Vol. XXXIII--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, Materials Prepared for Others, 1982 [list of items in Keyserling's thirty-third bound volume]
  • Manuscript Draft in Re Rexford Guy Tugwell by Leon H. Keyserling [annotated and edited by Keyserling, January 7, 1982]
  • Press Release, INA (Independent News Alliance), February 18, 1982, "U.S. Economic Policy What's Wrong--and How to Right It," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • The New York Times, March 11, 1982, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling [in re article on W.W. Rostow's call for wage-price freeze]
  • Draft Act, July 1, 1982, [to adjust policies of the Federal Reserve Board and System]
  • Congressional Record--Senate, July 30, 1982--Economists in Opposition to a Balanced Budget Amendment [included in list of Economists is Leon H. Keyserling]
  • Draft Article, "To Piddle or to Plan," by Leon H. Keyserling (prepared for Institute for Policy Studies), October 1, 1982
  • Draft Article, November 4, 1982, "Do Conditions Overseas Explain Our Economic Distress?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, November 27, 1982, "Change the Economy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Social Policy, Winter 1982, "Reaganomics Make No Sense," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, LaGuardia Centennial Luncheon, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., November 12, 1982 [annotated draft]
  • "The Lessons of the New Deal for Today," Address to the Woman's National Democratic Club on Centennial of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Birthday, January 29, 1982 by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Excerpts from Remarks of Leon H. Keyserling, Regarding FDR Then and Now at American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., December 27, 1982
  • Press Release, Highlights of Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Congressional Joint Economic Committee, February 5, 1982 [in re national economic policy]
  • Suggestions for Congressman Hawkins, October 26, 1982
  • Volume XXXIV--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, [1983--list of items in Keyserling's thirty-fourth bound volume]
  • Committee Print, "How to Implement the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978: Toward 4 Percent Unemployment, 3 Percent Inflation, and a Balanced Budget by 1987," Subcommittee on Employment Opportunities, Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, March 1983
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. XI, No. 3, September 1983, "U.S. Economy, Performance and Prospects, and Needed Corrective Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • "Expansion of Ultimate Demand: Key to A Full and Sustained Recovery," by Leon H. Keyserling, September 17, 1983 [fourth draft--corrected]
  • The New York Times, October 16, 1983, Letter to the Business Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "CEA Leaders"
  • An Open Letter to Democrats and Republicans on the Structure of the American Economy, Sponsored by Social Democrats, USA, Printed in The New Republic, October 31, 1983
  • Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. XIII, Number 1, Winter 1983, Center for Study of the Presidency, Seymour Martin Lipset, Ed., Party Coalitions in the 1980's (San Francisco California Institute for Contemporary Studies 1981), Reviewed [by Keyserling]
  • "Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal Legacy," A Wilson Center Conversation, January 28, 1983--Featuring Recollections by William Leuchtenburg, Leon Keyserling, James MacGregor Burns, Michael Lacy and James C. Wright, Jr.
  • Press Release, February 2, 1983, "What's Gone Wrong With National Economic Policies and How To Correct Them," Highlights of Talk by Leon H. Keyserling at Meeting of Congressional Group and Others, Democratic Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C.
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Cohen-Keyserling, March 3, 1983 [portions of a conference of scholars held at the Library dealing with Senator Robert F. Wagner and social economic legislation, pages 53-58 of transcript]
  • "U.S. Economy, Performance and Prospects, and Needed Corrective Policies," Address by Leon H. Keyserling, 15th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Paris, March 15, 1983
  • "Harry S. Truman, The Man and the President," by Leon H. Keyserling, Presidential Conference on Truman, Hofstra University, April 14-16, 1983
  • Press Release, Conference on Economic Progress, March 21, 1983 [re unemployment and inflation]
  • Vol. XXXV--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, Materials Prepared for Others, 1984 through 1985 [list of items in Keyserling's thirty-fifth bound volume]
  • Washington Law Review, A New Deal Symposium, "The New Deal and Its Current Significance in Re National Economic and Social Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Letter to the Editor of The New York Times by Leon H. Keyserling, November 20, 1984 [in re Catholic bishops pastoral letter on economic and social policies]
  • Press Release, "A Close-up Appraisal of Harry S. Truman with Accent Upon Economic Policy," by Leon H. Keyserling at Truman Centennial Celebration, University of Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri, March 1, 1984 [also annotated draft]
  • Press Release, March 2, 1984, "What's Wrong with U.S. Economic Policy and How to Right It," by Leon H. Keyserling, Address to Missouri Valley Economics Association, Radisson-Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri
  • Press Release, June 25, 1984, "From Roller Coaster to Stable Growth: Reconstruction of National Economic Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling, Annual Western Economic Association International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 25, 1984
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Harlan Cleveland, Director, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, July 5, 1984

Box 50

  • Press Release, September 7, 1984, "Current Domestic Significance of President Truman's Record," by Leon H. Keyserling, The Wilson Center, Smithsonian Institution, September 7, 1984
  • Press Release, November 17, 1984, Excerpts from Address of Leon H. Keyserling, "Current Significance of the Wagner Act of 1935," Seminar of National Capital Labor History Society and Washington Chapter of Industrial Relations Research Association, New Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.
  • Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post, February 26, 1985 [in re James G. Patton of the National Farmers Union]
  • Correspondence Between Leon H. Keyserling and Eric Cox, February 6, 1985 and March 12, 1985 [re Keyserling's Washington Law Review, essay on the New Deal]
  • Letter of Leon H. Keyserling to Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland of Milwaukee, Monsignor George G. Higgins of the Catholic University of America, and Ronald T. Krietemeyer, Office of Domestic Social Development and World Peace, August 9, and 20, 1985 [in re pastoral letters of Catholic bishops on economic and social policy, Liberty and Justice for All]
  • Draft Speech, "Pump Priming," by Leon H. Keyserling, September 28, 1985
  • Letter from Leon H. Keyserling to Senator Daniel J. Evans, October 12, 1985 [in re constitutional amendment on balanced Federal budget]
  • "Scrap the Gramm-Rudman Bill," by Leon H. Keyserling, October 28, 1985
  • "Rexford Guy Tugwell," by Leon H. Keyserling, Revised Draft, December 31, 1985
  • "Gardiner Coit Means," by Leon H. Keyserling, Revised Draft, December 31, 1985
  • "The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., and Dr. Leon H. Keyserling," May 29, 1985 [annotated draft transcript of conversation]
  • National Defense University, Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C., 3rd Annual Mobilization Conference Proceedings, "Mobilization--Economic Analysis and Industrial Policy," December 1-2, 1983, Leon H. Keyserling and Robert R. Nathan, Panelists
  • "National Economic Performances and Policies, 1947-1985: Why Do Economists Not Learn from Long Experience?" Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Western Economic Association, Anaheim, California, July 2, 1985
  • "Why Have Economists Learned So Little From U.S. Economic Experience Since World War II?" Address by Leon H. Keyserling, Atlantic Economic Society, Washington, D.C., August 31, 1985
  • Press Release, Prepared February 22, 1985, Suggested Questions to Ask Mr. Volcker at Hearings of House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs
  • Vol. XXXVI--Articles, Speeches, Unrecorded Speeches, Press Releases, Bound Separately, Materials Prepared for Others, 1986 Through 1987 [list of items in Keyserling's thirty-sixth bound volume]
  • Correspondence Between Leon H. Keyserling and Herbert S. Colton, January 28 and February 10, 1986 [in re National Association of Home Builders Housing Hall of Fame]
  • Challenge, The Magazine of Economic Affairs, March-April 1986 and November-December 1986, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, "Let's Get This Straight"
  • The New York Times, Letter to the Editor by Leon H. Keyserling, December 5, 1986, "Bishops' Letter Offers an Economic Solution"
  • Remarks of Award--Recipient [for] Leon H. Keyserling at 40th Anniversary Symposium on Employment Act of 1946, Sponsored by the National Committee for Full Employment, Washington, D.C., March 6, 1986
  • "What's Wrong With American Economics?" by Leon H. Keyserling, Annual N. Arnold Tolles Memorial Lecture, School of Business, State University College of Arts and Science, Geneseo, New York, October 9, 1986
  • "Holder of the Pen: An Interview with Leon H. Keyserling on Drafting the Wagner Act"
  • Challenge, The Magazine of Economic Affairs, May-June 1987, "Will It Be Progress or Poverty?" by Leon H. Keyserling
  • Letter to the Editor of The New York Times by Leon H. Keyserling, June 29, 1987 [in re June 27, 1987 tribute to Arthur F. Burns]
  • Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. XVII, Number 1, Winter 1987, Review by Leon H. Keyserling of Presidential Power in the United States, by Raymond Tatalovich and Byron W. Daynes (Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1984)
  • Press Release, March 5, 1987, "The Money Problem and the Economic Problem," Address of Leon H. Keyserling, 13th Annual Convention Eastern Economic Association, Washington, D.C.
  • Draft Article, "Leon Keyserling and Economic Growthmanship," by Robert Collins, Department of History, University of Missouri-Columbia [given in April 1989 at St. Louis meeting of the Organization of American Historians]

TESTIMONY FILE, 1940-1987: Congressional Testimony File, 1940-1987

Box 51

  • Studies and Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, 1956-1978 [list of materials in his personal library]
  • Appropriations for U.S. Housing Authority, 1940-1942
  • Senate Committee on Banking and Currency Inflation Control (1948) and Defense Production Act (1951)
  • Joint Committee Economic Report--Monetary Policy and Management of the Public Debt, 1949 and 1952
  • Joint Committee Economic Report on Economic Reports of the President, 1949-1952
  • Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committees on Foreign Relations; Public Works; Labor; Economic Reports of the President; Disarmament; and Minimum Wage, 1955 and 1957
  • Senate Committees on Finance; Banking and Currency; Taxation; Monetary Policy; Housing, 1955, 1957 and 1958

Box 52

  • Joint Economic Committee--Employment, Growth, Price Levels; House Government Operations and Amendment Employment Act, 1959
  • The World Development Corporation, The Peace by Investment Corporation--Benjamin A. Javits and Leon H. Keyserling, 1959-61
  • Banking and Currency; Housing (2); Labor and Public Welfare; The Aged; Joint Economic Committee; Money and Credit, 1960-1961

Box 53

  • Railroad Mergers--Anti-Trust and Monopoly Subcommittee, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 1962-1963
  • Public Works (Senate and House), Nation's Manpower Revolution, Hours of Work, Senate Rules and Procedures, 1962 and 1963
  • Economic Reports (2), State of the Economy and Policies for Full Employment (Joint Economic Committee), 1962 and 1963
  • Taxation (2), Senate Finance Committee, 1962 and 1963
  • Economic Report and Fiscal Policy Issues (Joint Economic Committee), Prevalent Monetary Policy and Du Pont [Estate and Bank Holding Company Act of 1956] (House Banking and Currency Committee), 1964
  • Economic Report, Manpower Report, Agriculture, Poverty, Public Assistance to the Elderly, Amendments to the Employment Act, 1965

Box 54

  • Economic Report; 20th Anniversary of the Employment Act; Tax Stabilization; Investment Credit; World War on Hunger; Puerto Rico, 1966
  • Economic Report; Full Opportunity and Social Accounting Act; Consumer Credit Protection; Program for the Aging, 1967
  • Economic Report, Monetary Policy, 1968
  • Economic Report; Tax Reform; Public School Aid; Metcalf Bill, 1969
  • Economic Report, Midyear Economic Review; Manpower; Emergency Home Financing, 1970
  • Economic Report; Public Works; Taxes; Revenue Act; "Phase II," Economic Stabilization, 1971

Box 55

  • Farm Workers in Rural America; Economic Report, 1971 and 1972
  • Economic Reports (2); Mortgage Credit for Residential Housing, 1973 and 1974
  • Economic Report; Planning; Humphrey-Hawkins Bill; Budget; Public Works; Gas, 1975
  • Economic Report; Social Costs of Unemployment; Humphrey- Hawkins Bill; 30th Anniversary [Full Employment Act of 1946], 1976
  • Economic Report; House Budget Committee on Economy and Economic Stimulus Proposals, 1977
  • Prepared Study of "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act" and U.S. Economy and Policies, 1978

Box 56

  • Invited Comments on President's 1978 Economic Report (Joint Economic Committee); Humphrey-Hawkins Bill; Social Security; Kemp-Roth and Other Tax Proposals; Dollar Rescue Operations and Other Domestic Implications; Testimony on President's 1979 Economic Report, 1978 and 1979
  • Economic Report; Future Housing Industry, 198l
  • Employment-Unemployment; Voluntary Service, 1982
  • Oversight Hearings on Humphrey-Hawkins; Comments on Federal Reserve Board Monetary Policies, 1983
  • 1984 Economic Report; Income & Jobs Action Act of 1985, 1984 and 1985
  • Oversight Hearings; Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1987; 1987 Economic Report, 1986 and 1987

TESTIMONY FILE, 1940-1987: Non-Congressional Testimony, 1962-1974

Box 57

  • "The Move Toward Railroad Mergers, A Great National Problem," Railroad Labor Executives' Association, February 1962
  • Interstate Commerce Commission--Finance Docket Numbers 21989 and 21990--In the Matter of Pennsylvania Railroad Company--Merger with New York Central Railroad Company, Washington, DC, April 1963
    • [1 of 10--April 8, 1963]
      [2 of 10--April 9, 1963]
      [3 of 10--April 10, 1963]
      [4 of 10--April 11, 1963]

Box 58

    • [5 of 10--April 15, 1963]
      [6 of 10--April 16, 1963]
      [7 of 10--testimony of Leon H. Keyserling]
      [8 of 10--exhibit H, witness: Leon H. Keyserling]
      [9 of 10--exhibit H, witness: Leon H. Keyserling-- revised]
      [10 of 10--oral argument of Leon H. Keyserling, October 21, 1965]
  • United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Borough of Moosic, Plaintiff, Against United States of America, Defendant, Civil Action No. 10054--Affidavit of Leon H. Keyserling, June 1967; and the Supreme Court of the United States, October 1966 Term, City of Scranton, et al. Against United States of America, et al, January 6, 1967
  • Federal Power Commission Project No. 2338--Cornwall Project, Consolidated Edison Company, Prepared Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Vol. I, Main Text, November 1966
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling on Behalf of Natural Gas Pipeline Companies (Preliminary Draft, December 1966)

Box 59

  • Statement of Leon H. Keyserling on Behalf of Boston Gas Company Opposing Flow-through of Accelerated Depreciation Before the Department of Public Utilities of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, March 20, 1969
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Jersey Central Power & Light, New Jersey Power & Light, 1969 Rate Cases
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Brooklyn Union Rate Case, 1969
  • Proposed Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling in Re New England Utilities Unification Case, July 29, 1969
  • State of New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners, Direct Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, June 15, 1970
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, United States vs. Florida Power Corporation, et al, Civil Action No. 68-297 Civ. T., Middle District of Florida (First Preliminary Draft, January 15, 1971)
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Northern Natural Gas Company, Docket No. RP 7480 (Revised April 16, 1971) [1 of 2]
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Northern Natural Gas Company, Docket No. RP 7480 (Revised April 16, 1971) [2 of 2]

Box 60

  • Metropolitan Edison Statement No.---, Witness: Leon H. Keyserling, June 30, 1971 (1st Draft)
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling Before the Public Service Commission of Montana in the Matter of the Application for New Electric and Gas Rate Schedules by the Montana Power Company, September 27, 1971 [testimony and charts]
  • Testimony Before the Florida Public Service Commission, Docket No. 71627 EU, Testimony and Exhibit of Florida Power & Light Company, Witness: Leon H. Keyserling, February 1972
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, Washington, DC, April 1973
  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling, Water Meter Case, December 24, 1974 [excellent background information on Keyserling's career]

STUDIES AND REPORTS FILE, 1937-1983: Labor Relations File, 1959-1980

  • "The Urgent Need for Higher Police Pay," A Study in Economic Justice and True City Economy, April 1959 [re New York City police]

Box 61

  • "No Increase in Property Taxes in New York City," A Keyserling Report, 1965
  • "Higher Pay for New York City Transport Workers: The Workers Deserve It; The City Can Afford It," by Leon H. Keyserling, December 1965
  • "Toward Higher Pay in the Public Schools of New York City," by Leon H. Keyserling, June 1967
  • "Another Look at the Glass Container Industry," A Research Study for the Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada by Leon H. Keyserling, August 1967
  • "Why the NYC Transport Workers Deserve the Wage Increase They Now Seek," by Leon H. Keyserling, October 1967
  • "Minimum Wages in Puerto Rico: The Problem Reexamined After Two Years," by Leon H. Keyserling, December 1967, Revised February 1968
  • "The Railroad Trainmen Deserve Large Pay Increases Now," by Leon H. Keyserling, March 1968

Box 62

  • "The Employees of Macy's Deserve Large Pay Increases Now," by Leon H. Keyserling, March 1968
  • "The Paper and Allied Products Industry: Wage Trends and Wage Needs," by Leon H. Keyserling, June 1968
  • "Pan Am Flight Engineers' Pay: What the Flight Engineers Deserve and Pan Am Can Pay," by Leon H. Keyserling, January 1970 (Ralph E. Miller's Copy)
  • "TSO Workers Should Receive Overtime Pay: A Study in the Perspective of Wage Trends and Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling, February 1970
  • "Toward Proper Pay for Service Employees in Apartment Houses in New York City: What is Socially Just is also Economically Sound," by Leon H. Keyserling, March 1970
  • "Fair Compensation for Railroad Operating Employees: What Employees Deserve and the Railroads Can Afford," by Leon H. Keyserling, August 1970
  • "Appropriate Wage Adjustments for Consolidated Edison Workers: What the Workers Deserve and the Company Can Afford," by Leon H. Keyserling, January 1971
  • "The Giant Food Company: Performance, Problems, and Prospects," by Leon H. Keyserling, with the Assistance of Ralph E. Miller, January 18, 1972

Box 63

  • "The Plumbers and Other Construction Workers: Why They Need More Jobs and Improved Pay; a Study in the Perspective of the Nationwide Public Interest," by Leon H. Keyserling, February 1972
  • "Projections Made for Texas Gas Transmission Corporation," by Leon H. Keyserling, February 29, 1972
  • "Data in the Form of Charts in Re Giant Food-Union Groups," Prepared by Leon H. Keyserling (Only a Fractional Portion of the Total Study), March 1972
  • "The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company--Its Performance and Its Needs, Attention to Depreciation and Flow-through, in Terms of the Public Interest," Prepared Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling (Third Draft April 4, 1972)
  • "Toward Improving the Prospects for Real Estate Activity--A Study of Needed Changes in National Policies," by Leon H. Keyserling, January 1973
  • "Rebuttal of Charges of Discrimination on Basis of Sex with Respect to Bakery Clerks and Managers at Giant Food, Inc.," by Leon H. Keyserling, March 15, 1974
  • Initial Direct Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling--Kellogg Company, April 18, 1980
  • "Outlook for Metal Working Industries in the United States," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1957
  • "The New York Dress Industry, Problems and Prospects," by Leon H. Keyserling, November 1963

Box 64

  • "Minimum Wages in Puerto Rico in the Setting of Economic Development," Vol. I--Text and Charts by Leon H. Keyserling, July 1965

STUDIES AND REPORTS FILE, 1937-1983: International Economics File, 1955-1979

  • Report in Re Indian Statistical Institute Submitted to ISI Review Committee by Leon H. Keyserling, August 12, 1966
  • "The Flow of Funds, to Date and Potential, From the United States to Israel," A Study of Fund-Raising by the American Jewish Community Submitted to the American Friends of Israel by Leon H. Keyserling, 1956
  • "Israel's Needs and Our Responsibilities;" "Speeding Israel's Progress;" "The Economy of Israel: Progress Under Freedom" by Leon H. Keyserling and Mary D. Keyserling, 1955, 1957 and 1959
  • "Israel's Economic Progress," study by Leon H. Keyserling, 1968
  • "Israel's Economic Progress, and What Others May Learn from the Record of Policy and Performance" by Leon H. Keyserling, 1979

STUDIES AND REPORTS FILE, 1937-1983: Conference on Economic Progress File, 1954-1983

Box 65

  • "Toward Full Employment and Full Production; A National Prosperity Program for 1955; Full Prosperity for Agriculture," by Leon H. Keyserling and Mary D. Keyserling, 1954 and 1955
  • "The Gaps in Our Prosperity; Consumption--Key to Full Prosperity," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1956-57
  • "Wages and the Public Interest; The 'Recession'--Cause and Cure; Toward a New Farm Program," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1958
  • "Inflation--Cause and Cure; The Federal Budget and ' the General Welfare'," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1959
  • "Tight Money and Rising Interest Rates; Food and Freedom," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1960
  • "Toward Full Employment Within Three Years," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1976
  • "The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill and U.S. Economy and Policies," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1977

Box 66

  • "Jobs and Growth," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1961
  • "Poverty and Deprivation in the United States; Key Policies for Full Employment," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1962
  • "Taxes and the Public Interest; Two Top-Priority Programs to Reduce Unemployment," by Leon H. and Mary D. Keyserling, 1963
  • "The Toll of Rising Interest Rates; Progress or Poverty," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1964
  • "Agriculture and the Public Interest," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1965
  • "The Role of Wages in a Great Society; A 'Freedom Budget' for All Americans," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1966
  • "Goals for Teachers' Salaries in Our Public Schools," by Leon H. Keyserling

Box 67

  • "'Liberal' and 'Conservative' National Economic Policies and Their Consequences, 1919-1979," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1979
  • "Money, Credit and Interest Rates: Their Gross Mismanagement by the Federal Reserve System," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1980
  • "How to Cut Unemployment to 4 Percent and End Inflation and Deficits by 1987," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1983
  • "Achieving Nationwide Educational Excellence," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1968
  • "Taxation of Whom and For What?" by Leon H. Keyserling, 1969
  • "Growth with Less Inflation or More Inflation Without Growth?" by Leon H. Keyserling, 1970
  • "Wages, Prices and Profits," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1971
  • "The Coming Crisis in Housing," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1972
  • "The Scarcity School of Economics; Full Employment Without Inflation," by Leon H. Keyserling, 1973-1975

STUDIES AND REPORTS FILE, 1937-1983: Miscellaneous File, 1937-1970

Box 68

  • Full Employment Act of 1945, Hearings and Reports, U.S. Senate, 1945
  • "The New England Economy," A Report to the President Transmitting a Study Initiated by the Council of Economic Advisers and Prepared by the Committee on the New England Economy, July 1951
  • The Natural Gas Pipeline Industry Reports, 1969-1970
  • Adverse Report of the Committee on the Judiciary on a Bill to Reorganize the Judicial Branch of the Government, Stanford, Connecticut, the Overbrook Press, 1937 [This report relates to the "court-packing" controversy in 1937.]
  • Changing Education-"A Ten-Year Plan to Save the Schools: Achieving Nationwide Educational Excellence," by Leon H. Keyserling

CLIPPINGS FILE, 1933-1983: Chronological File, 1933-1983

Box 69

  • 1933--Senator Robert F. Wagner [1 of 6--in re National Industrial Recovery Act]
  • 1933--Senator Robert F. Wagner [2 of 6--Hugh S. Johnson--NIRA and Labor Problems]
  • 1933--Senator Robert F. Wagner [3 of 6--NIRA Codes for Industries]
  • 1933--Senator Robert F. Wagner [4 of 6--NIRA Codes for Industries, II]
  • 1933--Senator Robert F. Wagner [5 of 6--NIRA Codes and the Coal Mining Industry]
  • 1933--Senator Robert F. Wagner [6 of 6--Resignation of Dudley Cates as Assistant Administrator for Industry because of NRA policy dispute with Administrator Hugh S. Johnson, September 1933]
  • 1933--National Recovery Act and Labor Board, September 1 - October 31, 1933] [1 of 3--NRA Codes for Coal Industry]
  • 1933--National Recovery Act and Labor Board, September 1 - October 31, 1933] [2 of 3--Permanent NRA Plans]
  • 1933--National Recovery Act and Labor Board, September 1 - October 31, 1933] [3 of 3--Codes for Labor Unions Under NRA]

Box 70

  • 1933--National Recovery Act and Home Mortgage Plans [1 of 2]
  • 1933--National Recovery Act and Home Mortgage Plans [2 of 2]
  • 1937-1940--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File I [1 of 3]
  • 1937-1940--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File I [2 of 3]
  • 1937-1940--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File I [3 of 3]
  • 1940-1946--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File II [1 of 2]
  • 1940-1946--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File II [2 of 2]
  • 1946-1947--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File III [1 of 2]
  • 1946-1947--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File III [2 of 2]

Box 71

  • 1947-1948--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File IV
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • 1949 (January-March)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity- File V
    • [1 of 3]
      [2 of 3]
      [3 of 3]
  • 1949 (April-September)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity-- File VI [1 of 2]
  • 1949 (April-September)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity-- File VI [2 of 2]
  • 1949 (October-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File VII [1 of 2]

Box 72

  • 1949 (October-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File VII [2 of 2]
  • 1950 (January-April)--Leon H. Keyserling, Personal Publicity-- File VIII
    • [1 of 4]
      [2 of 4]
      [3 of 4]
      [4 of 4]
  • 1950 (May-June)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity File IX
    • [1 of 3]
      [2 of 3]
      [3 of 3]
  • 1950 (July-August)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity File X

Box 73

  • 1950 (September-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XI
    • [1 of 3]
      [2 of 3]
      [3 of 3]
  • 1951 (January-October)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XII
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • 1951 (November-June 1952)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XIII
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • 1952 (July-December 1953)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XIV
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]

Box 74

  • 1954 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XV
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • 1955 (January-March)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity-- File XVI
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • 1955 (April-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity-- File XVII
  • 1956 (January-December)--Leon H Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XVIII
    • [1 of 3]
      [2 of 3]
      [3 of 3]

Box 75

  • 1957 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XIX
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • 1958 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XX
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • 1959 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XXI
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • 1960 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XXII
  • 1961 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XXIII
  • 1962 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XXIV
  • 1964 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XXV

Box 76

  • 1965 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XXVI
  • 1966 (January-December)--Leon H. Keyserling Personal Publicity--File XXVII
  • CLIPPINGS FILE, 1933-1983 Council of Economic Advisers File, 1946-1958
  • Special Folders, 1947-1950 [in re disagreement on the Council of Economic Advisers which led to the resignation of Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, and his subsequent criticisms of President Truman's economic policies]
    • [1 of 3]
      [2 of 3]
      [3 of 3]
  • First Annual Report to the President, December 18, 1946
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • First Quarter Report to the President, April 4, 1947
  • Foreign Aid Report the President, October 28, 1947
  • Second Annual Report to the President, December 13, 1947
  • First Quarter Report to the President, April 6, 1948
  • Third Annual Report to the President, December 24, 1948
  • Fourth Annual Report to the President, December 27, 1949
    • [1 of 3]
      [2 of 3]
      [3 of 3]

Box 77

  • Fifth Annual Report to the President, December 28, 1950
  • Sixth Annual Report to the President, December 1951
  • President Truman's Mid-Year Economic Report, July 1950
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • President Truman's Mid-Year Economic Report, July 1952
  • President Truman's Mid-Year Economic Report to Congress--Book I, January-July 1947
    • [1 of 3]
      [2 of 3]
      [3 of 3]
  • President's Economic Report to Congress--Book II, January 14, 1948 and July 30, 1948
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • President's Economic Report to Congress--Book III, January 7, 1949 and July 11, 1949
    • [1 of 3]
      [2 of 3]
      [3 of 3]

Box 78

  • President's Economic Report to Congress--Book IV, January 6, 1950
    • [1 of 2]
      [2 of 2]
  • President's Economic Report to Congress--Book V, January 1951
  • President's Economic Report to Congress--Book VI, July 1951
  • President's Economic Report to Congress--January 1953
  • President Truman's Statements and Messages Other Than Economic Reports [1 of 3]
  • President Truman's Statements and Messages Other Than Economic Reports [2 of 3]
  • President Truman's Statements and Messages Other Than Economic Reports [3 of 3]
  • Former President Truman's Economic Talks, 1958
  • Leon H. Keyserling as a Member of the Council of Economic Advisers, 1949

Box 79

  • Testimony of Leon H. Keyserling Before the Joint Economic Committee on General Credit Control and Debt Management, March 12, 13 and 14, 1952

CLIPPINGS FILE, 1933-1983 "Important Clippings" File, 1959-1983

  • Important Clippings--1959
  • Important Clippings--1960
  • Important Clippings--1962-1963
  • Important Clippings--1964
  • Important Clippings--1965 [1 of 2]
  • Important Clippings--1965 [2 of 2]
  • Important Clippings--1966
  • Important Clippings--1967
  • Important Clippings--1968
  • Important Clippings--1969
  • Important Clippings--1971-1973
  • Important Clippings--1974
  • Important Clippings--1975

Box 80

  • Important Clippings--1976-1977
  • Important Clippings--1978-1983

CLIPPINGS FILE, 1933-1983 General Clippings File, 1963-1971

  • General Clippings--1963 [1 of 2]
  • General Clippings--1963 [2 of 2]
  • General Clippings--1964
  • General Clippings--1970
  • General Clippings--1971
  • MEDC (The Mayor's Economic Development Committee), 1969 [Washington, DC]
  • CLIPPINGS FILE, 1933-1983 Clippings Re Price Increases, Tax Cuts and Interest Rates File, 1955-1959
  • 1955 (January)--Economic Report to the President
  • 1955 (March)--Argument Against Tax Cuts
  • 1957 (January)--in Re Defense
  • 1957 (April and July)--Savings Bonds and Interest Rate Increases
  • 1958 (December)--in Re Proposed Budget
  • 1959 (March)--Necessity for Raising Production
  • 1959 (March)--in Re Price Increases

CLIPPINGS FILE, 1933-1983 Conference on Economic Progress File, 1954-1975 Box 81

  • Agriculture and the Public Interest, 1965
  • Coming Crisis in Housing, 1973
  • Consumption: Key to Full Prosperity, 1957
  • Freedom Budget for All Americans, 1960-1967
  • Full Employment Without Inflation, 1975
  • Full Prosperity for Agriculture--Press Coverage & Comments, 1955-1956
  • Gaps in Our Prosperity, 1956
  • Growth with Less Inflation, 1970
  • Inflation, 1959
  • Jobs and Growth, 1961
  • Key Policies for Full Employment, 1962
  • A National Prosperity Program for 1955
  • Poverty and Deprivation in the U.S., 1962-1965

Box 82

  • Progress or Poverty, 1964-1968
  • Recession: Cause and Cure, 1958
  • The Role of Wages in a Great Society, 1966
  • Scarcity School of Economics, 1974
  • Taxes and the Public Interest, 1963
  • The Toll of Rising Interest Rates, 1964
  • Toward Full Employment and Full Production, 1954
  • Toward a New Farm Program, 1959
  • Two Top-Priority Programs, 1964
  • Wages and the Public Interest, 1958
  • Wages, Prices and Profits, 1972
  • CEP--Miscellaneous, 1954-1961 [1 of 5]
  • CEP--Miscellaneous, 1954-1961 [2 of 5]
  • CEP--Miscellaneous, 1954-1961 [3 of 5]

Box 83

  • CEP--Miscellaneous, 1954-1961 [4 of 5]
  • CEP--Miscellaneous, 1954-1961 [5 of 5]
  • "New York As Seen by Foreign Travelers, 1800-1830," Submitted in Competition for the New York Historical Society Prize by "CFM" [Note: "CFM" is Leon H. Keyserling], May 1927
  • "Japanese Resistance to Western Penetration, 1850-1922, Part One," Submitted in Competition for the Chandler Historical Prize by "ET" (Leon H. Keyserling), May 1928
  • "Japanese Resistance to Western Penetration, 1850-1922, Part Two"
  • Letters from Hubert H. Humphrey to Leon H. Keyserling, 1960-1977
  • Letters from Lyndon B. Johnson to Leon H. Keyserling, 1948-1971
  • Letters from John F. Kennedy to Leon H. Keyserling, 1952-1963 [including a Report from Keyserling, "Toward a National Purpose in Our Economic Life: Specific Goals and How to Achieve Them," May 20, 1960]

Box 84

  • Books Published 1934-1987 with Chapters Published by Leon H. Keyserling Photocopies of Keyserling Portions of Books in Collection [1 of 2]
  • Books Published 1934-1987 with Chapters Published by Leon H. Keyserling Photocopies of Keyserling Portions of Books in Collection [2 of 2]
  • Awards, Honorary Degrees, Photographs, Legislation Documents, and other Oversized Items
  • Brazelton, Professor W. Robert, Department of Economics, University of Missouri, Kansas City-Correspondence, 1976-1987
  • Copies of Economic Documents (correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, etc.) 1945-1947 [1 of 7]
  • Copies of Economic Documents (correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, etc.) 1945-1947 [2 of 7]
  • Copies of Economic Documents (correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, etc.) 1945-1947 [3 of 7]
  • Copies of Economic Documents (correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, etc.) 1945-1947 [4 of 7]
  • Copies of Economic Documents (correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, etc.) 1945-1947 [5 of 7]
  • Copies of Economic Documents (correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, etc.) 1945-1947 [6 of 7]

Box 85

  • Copies of Economic Documents (correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, etc.) 1945-1947 [7 of 7]

MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1945-1989 (2001 Accretion) Conference on Economic Progress Publications File, 1956-1983

  • Agriculture and the Public Interest: Toward a New Farm Program (1965)
  • The Coming Crisis in Housing (1972)
  • Full Employment Without Inflation (1975)
  • The Gaps in Our Prosperity (1956)
  • How to Cut Unemployment to 4 percent and End Inflation and Deficits by 1987 (1983)
  • Jobs and Growth (1961)
  • Money, Credit and Interest Rates: Their Gross Mismanagement by the Federal Reserve System (1980)
  • Poverty and Deprivation in the U.S.-The Plight of Two-Fifths of a Nation (1962)
  • Progress or Poverty (1964)
  • The Role of Wages in a Great Society (1966)
  • The Scarcity School of Economics (1973)
  • Taxation of Whom and for What-"Tax Reform" Versus Tax Reform (1969)

Box 86

  • Taxes and the Public Interest (1963)
  • The Toll of Rising Interest Rates-The One Great Waste In the Federal Budget (1964)
  • Toward Full Employment Within Three Years (1976)
  • Wages, Prices and Profits (1971)

MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1945-1989 (2001 Accretion) Printed Materials File, 1966-1989

  • A "Freedom Budget" for All Americans, A. Philip Randolph Institute (1966)
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, March 1978, Leon H. Keyserling, "Council of Economic Advisers Since 1946: Its Contributions and Failures"
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, March 1980, Leon H. Keyserling, "Toward More Realism and Relevance in National Economic Policy"
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, December 1981, Leon H. Keyserling, "International Implications of U.S. Economic Performance and National Policies"
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, September 1983, Leon H. Keyserling, "U.S. Economy, Performance and Prospects and Needed Corrective Policies"
  • Atlantic Economic Journal, September 1987, John M. Virgo, "In Memoriam, Leon H. Keyserling, 1908-1987"
  • Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Interview With Hubert Humphrey Re "The New Humphrey- Hawkins Bill," May/June 1976
  • Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Murray L. Weidenbaum, "The Case Against the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill," September/October 1976
  • Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Walter W. Heller, "Activist Government: Key to Growth," March/April 1986
  • Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, James Tobin, "Employment Act of 1946," Special Issue, May/June 1986
  • Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Leon H. Keyserling, "Progress or Poverty," May/June 1987
  • Hearings Before the House Committee on Education and Labor, 99th Congress (1985-86)
  • The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, "Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1977" (S. 50 and H.R. 50): Toward Goals for America (1977)

Box 87

  • NATO and the Founding of the Atlantic Alliance, Conference, Harry S. Truman Library, September 20-22, 1989
  • The 1987 Joint Economic Report: Report of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States
  • University of Miami Law Review, November 1987, Interview with Leon H. Keyserling, "Holder of the Pen: An Interview with Leon H. Keyserling on Drafting the Wagner Act"