Dates: 1924-1964
Assistant Secretary of the Interior, 1933-1946; Under-Secretary of the Interior, 1946-1949; Secretary of the Interior, 1949-1953.
The papers of Oscar L. Chapman include correspondence, printed materials, speeches, press releases, and other documents mostly relating to his service in the Department of the Interior and other aspects of his public life.
See also Oscar L. Chapman oral history.
Size: 40 linear feet, 3 linear inches.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Delbert A. Bishop and Roland W. Doty Jr. (1961); Jan Davis and David Clark (2015); Tammy Williams and intern Micaela Reiss (2023-2025).
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Note | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
Oscar Littleton Chapman was born on October 22, 1896 in Omega, Virginia. He served in the United States Navy from 1918-1920. In 1920, he married Olga Edholm, who died in 1932. He attended the University of Denver and University of New Mexico before he obtained his LL. B. from the Westminster University in 1929. He was admitted to the Colorado Bar in 1929. In 1930, he served as campaign manager for Edward P. Costigan’s Senate campaign and became involved in Democratic Party politics. After he aided Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1932 presidential campaign, Roosevelt appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Interior in 1933. In 1940, he married Ann Kendrick. He continued to serve in the Department of the Interior and became Under Secretary of the Interior in 1946. In 1949, President Truman nominated Chapman to become Secretary of the Interior, a position he held until the end of the Truman Administration in 1953. From 1953 to 1978, he worked as a lawyer with the firm of Chapman, Duff, and Paul in Washington, D. C. Oscar Chapman died on February 8, 1978 in Washington, D. C. and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
The papers of Oscar L. Chapman include correspondence, printed materials, speeches, press releases, and other documents mostly relating to his service in the Department of the Interior and other aspects of his public life. The collection is arranged in seven series.
The Correspondence File, 1933–November 1949 contains personal correspondence, newspaper clippings and other written materials related to Chapman’s early career in the Department of the Interior. Correspondence relates to Chapman’s work with the Democratic Party, communications with public officials from his home state of Colorado, the Inaugural Committee of 1948, and jobs, positions, and references for jobs and positions in Washington D.C. There are also several communications about Loyalty Board trials, in which associates of Chapman were questioned.
The Correspondence and Reference File, 1933–November 1949 consists of a variety of written materials pertaining to Oscar Chapman’s early career with the Department of the Interior and other political and social organizations. This series, organized by group or association, includes several memorandums, guest lists, pamphlets, and programs for various events. Some categories of groups include civil rights associations, foundations for the creation of national monuments, and groups concerned with an independent Israel. Chapman was also involved with the Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations and this collection includes several associated files, including one related to the investigation of author Robert Morss Lovett.
The Correspondence File, November 1949-1953 contains letters, telegrams, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, publications, and other materials related to Oscar Chapman’s service as Secretary of the Interior. Some of the materials relate directly to his work as Secretary. Much of the material is more personal in nature, including invitations to official and social events and requests for assistance in gaining a position or getting an appointment with President Harry S. Truman.
The Public Statements and Addresses File contains speeches, transcripts of hearings, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, and other materials. Most of this material is related to his work with the Department of Interior and consists of bound volumes of his speeches and remarks that were given to him upon his retirement from the Department of Interior.
The Political and Patronage File contains letters, memoranda, reports, telegrams, itineraries, press releases, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and other materials related to Oscar Chapman’s role in the government and work with the Democratic Party. Topics addressed include Democratic Party officers and committees in various states; fundraising for the Democratic Party in general and specific candidates and races, including Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners; congratulatory messages received by Oscar Chapman upon his promotions within the Department of Interior; and presidential campaigns from 1936 through 1952.
The Reading File contains copies of outgoing correspondence from Oscar Chapman to both personal and professional contacts during Chapman’s service with the Department of Interior.
The Subject File contains books, correspondence, telegrams, newspaper clippings, published materials, certificates, memorabilia, reports, memoranda, and other materials related to the life and work of Oscar Chapman. Included in these materials are correspondence, reports, and a biography of Senator Edward Costigan of Colorado, with whom Oscar Chapman worked in the 1930s. This series also contains reports from the National Petroleum Council dating from the 1960s, and other materials related to various aspects of the petroleum industry.
Container Nos. |
Series |
1-18 |
CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1933–November 1949 Correspondence, newspaper clippings, telegrams, telephone transcripts, and other printed materials related to Oscar Chapman’s early career in the Department of the Interior. Arranged alphabetically by last name. |
19-25 | CORRESPONDENCE AND REFERENCE FILE, 1933–November 1949 Correspondence, newspaper clippings, telegrams, memorandums, guestlists, invitations, pamphlets, and other printed materials related to organizations that Oscar Chapman associated with. Arranged alphabetically by name of association or group. |
26-48 | CORRESPONDENCE FILE, NOVEMBER 1949-1953 Letters, telegrams, newspaper clippings, memoranda, pamphlets, invitations, and other printed materials related to Oscar Chapman’s time as Secretary of the Interior. Arranged alphabetically. |
49-52 | PUBLIC STATEMENTS AND ADDRESSES FILE, 1933-1952 Speeches, transcripts of hearings, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, and other materials related to Oscar Chapman’s service with the Department of Interior and his membership in the Democratic Party. Arranged chronologically. |
53-66 | POLITICAL AND PATRONAGE FILE, 1933-1952 Letters, memoranda, reports, telegrams, itineraries, press releases, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and other materials related to Oscar Chapman’s role in the government and work with the Democratic Party. Arranged alphabetically by folder title. |
67-85 | READING FILE, 1946-1953 Copies of outgoing correspondence from Oscar Chapman. Arranged chronologically. |
86-92 | SUBJECT FILE, 1924-1964 Letters, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, newspaper clippings, printed materials, scrapbooks, programs, and other materials related to the life and career of Oscar Chapman. Arranged alphabetically by folder title. |
Box 1
- A-Al
- Adams, Senator Alva B.
- Adams, Clarence
- Albright, Horace M.
- Am-An
- Ammons, Governor Teller
- Ap-Az
- Baj-Bal
- Bam-Baz
- Bem-Ben
Box 2
- Ber
- Bes [folder empty]
- Bet-Bez
- Bi [folder empty]
- Billikopf, Jacob
- Bl
- Bloch, Ivan
- Bo
- Bodemuller, H.R.
- Brannan, Charles F.
- Br-Bri
- Brierly, Justin (Edw. D. White)
- Bro-Brz
- Brownlow, James A.
- Bua-Buq [folder empty]
- Bur
- Bus [folder empty]
- But
- By
- Cab-Cap
- Calendar Sheets of Oscar L. Chapman, 1946
Box 3
- Calendar Sheets of Oscar L. Chapman, 1947
- Calendar Sheets of Oscar L. Chapman, 1948
- Calendar Sheets of Oscar L. Chapman, 1949
- Car-Caz
- Carhart, Arthur H.
- Carroll, John A.
- Ce
- Ch
Box 4
- Cherrington, Dr. Ben M.
- Ci-Cl [folder empty]
- Coa-Cok
- Col
- Collins, Clem and Collins, Harker
- Com-Con
- Coo-Cop
- Costigan, Mrs. Edward
- Cor-Coz
- Cr
- Craig, Albert G.
- Cu [folder empty]
- Cunningham, Dr. T.D.
Box 5
- Da
- De
- Dewson, Mary
- Dexter, Louis (The New Commonwealth) [folder empty]
- Di [folder empty]
- Dickerson, Fred E.
- Do-Dp
- Downing, Warwick M.
- Eg-El
- Em-En
- Ep-Es
- Ernst, Morris L.
- Ev
- Ew-Ez
- Fa-Fe
- Farley, James A.
- Fi-Fl
- Fischer, Mrs. Valentine B. (Helen)
- Frasier, George Willard
Box 6
- Fo-Fz
- Ga
- Ge [folder empty]
- Gi
- Ginsberg, Charles
- Girault, Thomas L.
- Gl
- Go
- Gra
- Granik, Ted
- Gre
- Gri [folder empty]
- Gro [folder empty]
- Gross, John E.
- Gru [folder empty]
- Gruening, Ernest
- Gu [folder empty]
- Guest List, Reception, January 19, 1949, The Westchester
- Ha-Hal [folder empty]
- Ham-Haq
- Hannegan, Robert E.
- Har
- Harl, Maple T.
Box 7
- Has-Haz
- He
- Hi-Hj
- Hildreth, Melvin
- Hilliard, Benjamin C., Jr.
- Hoa-Hog
- Hol [folder empty]
- Hom-Hop
- Horbein, Phillip
- Hos-Hoz
- Hu
- Hy
- I
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, November 16, 1935-October 6, 1937
Box 8
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, January-June, 1938
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, July-December, 1938
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, January-March, 1939
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, May, 1939-July, 1940
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, Report of Proceedings, National Health Conference [1 of 4]
Box 9
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, Report of Proceedings, National Health Conference [2 of 4]
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, Report of Proceedings, National Health Conference [3 of 4]
- Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities, Report of Proceedings, National Health Conference [4 of 4]
- Ja-Jl
- Jm-Jz
- Johnson, Senator Ed C.
- Johnson, Louis
- Ka-Kh
- Kettering, C. Edgar
- Killion, George
- Kl-Ko
- Kr-Kz
Box 10
- Labor, Secretary of
- Laf-Lag
- Lan
- Le
- Li
- List of Appointments, 1934-1935
- List of Appointments, 1936
- List of Appointments, 1937-1938
- List of Appointments, 1940
- List of Appointments,1941
- List of Appointments, 1942
Box 11
- Lo
- Lu-Ly
- Ma
- Mac-McC
- McCormick, J.E.
- McCusker, Dick
- Manly, Basil
- Marsh, James A.
- Mast, Eugene H.
- McD-McG
Box 12
- McGlone, William F.
- McH-McZ
- Me
- Mi
- Mo
- Moehlman, Arthur B.
- Morrisey, Thomas J.
- Moynihan, Charles J.
- Mu
Box 13
- My
- Na
- Ne
- Ni
- Nicholas, Ralph A. [1 of 2]
- Nicholas, Ralph A. [2 of 2]
- Nicholson, Rex L.
- Nicholson, Rex L.: Reorganization, Bureau of Land Management (Incl. Grazing)
- No
- Norlin, George
- Nu-Ny
Box 14
- Oa-Of
- Om-Oz
- O’Mahoney, Senator Joseph C.
- Pa
- Pauley, Edwin, Testimony Case of
- Pe
- Pf-Pn
- Photographs, Proposed Developments at Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site, Hyde Park, New York
- Pinchot, Gifford
- Po
- Pr
- Pu
- Q
- Ra
- Rem-Rez
- Rei
- Rf-Rn
Box 15
- Rob
- Roc-Rop
- Roche, Josephine
- Roche, Josephine (RE: Miss Switzer)
- Rogers, Byron
- Roq-Roz
- Ru-Ry
- Sa
- Sc
- Se
- Secretary of the Interior, 1933-1934
- Secretary of the Interior, 1935-1941
Box 16
- Secretary of the Interior, 1942-1946
- Sh
- Shelley, Jack (California State Federation of Labor)
- Si-Sl
- Sm
- So-Sp
- Sta-Stn
- Stainback, Ingram M.
- Stapleton, Ben F.
- Stapleton, Ben F. (1942-1949) [1 of 2]
Box 17
- Stapleton, Ben F. (1942-1949) [2 of 2]
- Su-Sz
- Sweet, William E.
- Ta-Tg
- Th-Tn
- To-Tz
- Travel Vouchers
- Tuck, William M.
- V
- Wab-Wal
- Walker, Walter
- Wam-Waz
- We
Box 18
- Wh
- Whatley, Barney L.
- Whitley, Ennis Parker
- White House
- Wia-Wil
- Wim-Wiz
- Wo-Wz
- Youngs, James Roy
- Y-Z
Box 19
- American League For Free Palestine
- American Legion [1 of 2]
- American Legion [2 of 2]
- American Palestine Committee [1 of 2]
- American Palestine Committee [2 of 2]
- Anderson, Marian - Concert [1 of 2]
- Anderson, Marian - Concert [2 of 2]
Box 20
- Anderson, Marian - Mural
- Black, Justice Hugo – Testimonial Dinner Committee: General
- Black, Justice Hugo – Testimonial Dinner Committee: Correspondence [1 of 2]
- Black, Justice Hugo – Testimonial Dinner Committee: Correspondence [2 of 2]
- Black, Justice Hugo – Testimonial Dinner Committee: Letters from Sponsors
- Black, Justice Hugo – Testimonial Dinner Committee: Patronesses
- Black, Justice Hugo – Testimonial Dinner Committee: Sample Kit of Material
- Bronson Cutting Memorial Committee
- Business Group
Box 21
- Carver, Dr. George Washington - Committee
- Colorado - General
- Colorado Public Utilities Bill
- Colorado Springs Cantonment - Letters Re
- Dies Committee Publicity - Letters Re
- Disabled American Veterans
- FSA - Administrator - letters re appointment of
- Guest Lists
- Hadassah
- Howard University
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Interdepartmental Committee Investigations [1 of 3]
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Interdepartmental Committee Investigations [2 of 3]
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Interdepartmental Committee Investigations [3 of 3]
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Cases Submitted to the Interdepartmental Committee for Advisory Opinion
Box 22
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Disposal of Cases
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Employees Loyalty Oath No. 9835
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Minutes of Meetings
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Opinions on Cases [1 of 2]
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Opinions on Cases [2 of 2]
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Pending Cases
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Policy and Procedure
- Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations - Secretary’s Letter to Kerr Committee
- Letters Re Appointment of Federal Security Agency Administrator
- Little Cabinet
- Military Government Board - List of Applicants
- Military Government Board - List of Colorado Applicants
- Monopoly Committee
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- Naval Marine Post 101 (Ed Anderson)
Box 23
- Negro Affairs
- Organizations
- Park Service – Jackson Hole, Wyoming [1 of 2]
- Park Service – Jackson Hole, Wyoming [2 of 2]
- Potash: General [1 of 3]
- Potash: General [2 of 3]
Box 24
- Potash: General [3 of 3]
- Potash: Material – Senate Potash Hearings, 1945
- Property – 1314 Marion Street, Denver
- Public Defender, Cook County, Illinois
- Racial Minority Groups
- Racial Tensions in War Production Centers, December 1, 1943
- Radio Station - Pueblo
- Rocky Mountain Area Planning
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Foundation
- San Francisco Conference, September 18, 1949
Box 25
- Tobacco Festival
- Town Meeting of the Air
- University of Denver Alumni Association
- Upper Monongahela Valley, Committee on [1 of 2]
- Upper Monongahela Valley, Committee on [2 of 2]
- Western Conference—Littell, Dimock, etc.
Box 26
- Aa-Ak
- Adams, Alva B - Tunnel
- Address by Walter Hallanan, Dinner for Secretary Oscar Chapman, December 8, 1952
- Agriculture-Interior Relations: Department Relations
- Agriculture-Interior Relations: Reorganization of Agriculture (S. 1149)
- Al
- Am-Aq
- Ar
- As-Az
- Assistant Secretaries’ Conferences
- Awards and Presentations
- Baa-Bak
Box 27
- Bal-Bar
- Bas-Baz
- Bea-Bel
- Ben-Ber
- Bes-Bez
- Bi
- Bl
- Boa-Bon
- Boo-Boz
- Bra
- Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture Charles
- Bre-Bri
- Bro
Box 28
- Bru-Bry
- Bu-By
- Ca
- Calendar Sheets, 1950 [1 of 2]
- Calendar Sheets, 1950 [2 of 2]
- Calendar Sheets, 1951 [1 of 2]
- Calendar Sheets, 1951 [2 of 2]
Box 29
- Calendar Sheets, 1952 [1 of 2]
- Calendar Sheets, 1952 [2 of 2]
- Ce
- Ch-Ci
- Cherry Blossom Festival
- Christmas Cards Received
- Cl
- Coa-Col
- Colorado State Society
- Columbia Valley Administration
Box 30
- Com-Coy
- Confidential
- Cr
- Cu-Cz
- Da
- Davidson, C. Girard – Assistant Secretary
- Davies, Ralph K.
- De-Dh
- Di-Do
- Doty, Dale E. – Assistant Secretary
Box 31
- Dr-Dy
- Ea-Ek
- El-Ep
- Er-Ez
- Evening Engagements, 1950
- Evening Engagements, 1951
- Evening Engagements, 1952
Box 32
- Fa
- Fe-Fl
- Fo-Fr
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Foundation
- Fu-Fy
- Ga-Ge
- Gi-Go
- Gra-Gre
- Gri-Gy
Box 33
- Haa-Hal
- Ham-Har
- Hardy Report
- Has-Haz
- Hea-Hez
- Hearing Regarding Nomination as Secretary of the Interior
- Hi
- Ho
Box 34
- Hu-Hy
- I
- Ickes, Harold L.
- Ickes Memorial Concert, April 20, 1952
- International Resource Conference
- Invitations, A-M
- Invitations, N-Z
- Invitations – Pending
- Ja-Je
Box 35
- Jo-Ju
- Ka-Ke
- Ki-Kl
- Kings River Project Hearing
- Kn-Ky
- La
- Lea-Les
- Let-Ley
- Li
Box 36
- Lo
- Lu-Ly
- Luncheons
- Maa-Man
- Mar
- Mas-May
- Me
- Memberships
- Mexican Oil
- Mi
Box 37
- Moa-Moo
- Mor-Moz
- Mu-My
- McA-McC
- McD-McL
- McM-McW
- Na-Ne
- National Conference of Christians and Jews
- Ni-Ny
- Northrup, Vernon D. – Administrative Assistant Secretary
Box 38
- O’B-Oh
- Ok-Oy
- Pa
- Pea-Pey
- Pi-Pox
- Potash: General
- Potash: Potash Development
- Potash: Searles Lake Potash Properties
- Power Information
Box 39
- Pr-Py
- Q
- Ra-Rc
- Re
- Rhi-Ri
- Roa-Rog
- Roh-Roz
- Roanoke Rapids Dam
- Rose, Robert R. – Assistant Secretary
- Ru-Ry
Box 40
- Sa
- St. Lawrence Seaway
- Saline Water Program
- Sc
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Defense [1 of 3]
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Defense [2 of 3]
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Defense [3 of 3]
Box 41
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Defense, Extra Copy [1 of 2]
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Defense, Extra Copy [2 of 2]
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Hearing Correspondence, A-B
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Hearing Correspondence, C-G
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Hearing Correspondence, H-M
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Hearing Correspondence, N-S
Box 42
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Hearing Correspondence, T-Z
- Schoeppel Hearing, September 1950: Scrapbooks
- Se
- Searles, Richard D. – Under Secretary
- Segregation in Public Facilities, Washington, D. C.: General [1 of 2]
- Segregation in Public Facilities, Washington, D. C.: General [2 of 2]
- Segregation in Public Facilities, Washington, D. C.: Swimming Pool Operation, 1950
- Segregation in Public Facilities, Washington, D. C.: Swimming Pool Operation, 1951
Box 43
- Segregation in Public Facilities, Washington, D. C.: Swimming Pool Operation, 1952
- Sea Water Distillation
- Sh
- Si-Sm
- Sn-Sta
- Speaking Engagements
- Sponsorships
- Ste-Sty
- Su
Box 44
- Surplus Property [1 of 3]
- Surplus Property [2 of 3]
- Surplus Property [3 of 3]
- Sw-Sy
- Synthetics
Box 45
- Ta-Te
- Territories: Guam
- Territories: Virgin Islands Corporation
- Th-To
- Tr-Tu
- Trips: List of Trips & Speaking Engagements
- Trips: Jackson Day Dinner, Los Angeles, California and Nebraska Reclamation Association, Grand Island, Nebraska, January 23-26, 1950
- Trips: Second Annual Roosevelt Day Dinner, Chicago, Illinois, January 27, 1950
- Trips: Youngstown, Ohio, February 4, 1950
- Trips: Homecoming, Denver, Colorado, March 1, 1950
- Trips: Annual Convention, National Rural Electrical Cooperatives Association, March 7, 1950
- Trips: President’s Western Trip, May 6-18, 1950
Box 46
- Trips: Youngstown, Ohio and Paducah, Kentucky, June 17-18, 1950
- Trips: American Petroleum Institute Convention, Los Angeles, California, November 12-15, 1950
- Trips: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, St. Louis, Missouri, April 24, 1951
- Trips: Chicago, Illinois and Omaha, Nebraska, May 5, 1951
- Trips: Mexico City, Mexico, July 25-26, 1951
- Trips: Venezuelan National Petroleum Convention, Caracas, Venezuela, September 8-18, 1951
- Trips: American Petroleum Institute, Chicago, Illinois, November 7, 1951
- Trips: Pacific Northwest, November 22, 1951
- Trips: Hawaii, December 5-18, 1951
- Trips: New York, August 26-28, 1952
- Trips: Travel Vouchers, 1949-1953
- Tw-Ty
- U
- Under Secretary
- V
Box 47
- Waa-Wal
- War-Way
- Warne, William E. – Assistant Secretary
- We
- West Frankfort, Illinois Mine Disaster, December 21, 1951
- Western Development Conference, San Francisco, California
- Wh
- White House: President
- White House: White House Staff
Box 48
- Wic-Win
- Wir-Wit
- Wo-Wy
- X-Y-Z
Box 49
- 1933-1937 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 1
- 1938-1945 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 2
- May 18, 1941 – "I Am An American" Day Celebration, Alton, Illinois
- Ca. 1943 – Statement Before Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys
- June 10, 1944 – Colorado-Big Thompson Project
- September 20, 1944 – Testimonial Dinner for Ferdinand Smith
- 1946 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 3
Box 50
- 1947 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 4
- 1948 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 5
- January 1 through November 30, 1949 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 6
- January-February 1949 – Statements Before the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
- December 1, 1949-March 31, 1950 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 7
- January 1950 – Mark Trail Radio Series
Box 51
- March 24, 1950 – Capitol Cloak Room Radio Interview, CBS
- April 1-June 30, 1950 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 8
- July 1, 1950-June 30, 1951 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 9, Part 1
- July 1, 1950-June 30, 1951 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 9, Part 2
- July 1, 1950-June 30, 1951 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 9, Part 3
Box 52
- January 1, 1952-July 30, 1952 – Public Addresses and Statements by Oscar Chapman, Volume 10, Part 2
- February 13, 1952 – Transcript of Press Conference
- April 17, 1952 – Transcript of Hearing Before Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
- April 29, 1952 – Transcript of Press Conference
- Undated – Speech Before Inter-American Conference on Renewable Natural Resources
- Undated – "Interior’s Sword Makes a Mighty Plowshare"
Box 53
- A
- Alaska, 1950
- Americans for Democratic Action
- B
- Burke, J. Frank
- C
- California, 1940
- California, 1946
- California, 1948 Presidential Trip
- California, 1950
- California, 1952
Box 54
- Colorado, 1933 [folder empty]
- Colorado, 1934
- Colorado, 1935
- Colorado, 1936
- Colorado, 1938
- Colorado, 1939
- Colorado, 1940
- Colorado, 1942 Senatorial Campaign [1 of 2]
- Colorado, 1942 Senatorial Campaign [2 of 2]
- Colorado, 1944
- Colorado, 1945
- Colorado, 1946
- Colorado, 1949
- Colorado, 1950
- Committee for ‘44
- Congratulatory Messages, 1933, Assistant Secretary
Box 55
- Congratulatory Messages, 1946, Acting and Under Secretary of the Interior, A-C
- Congratulatory Messages, 1946, Acting and Under Secretary of the Interior, D-H
- Congratulatory Messages, 1946, Acting and Under Secretary of the Interior, I-M
- Congratulatory Messages, 1946, Acting and Under Secretary of the Interior, N-R
- Congratulatory Messages, 1946, Acting and Under Secretary of the Interior, S-Z
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, A
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, Ba-Bo
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, Br-Bz
Box 56
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, C
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, D
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, E
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, F
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, G
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, H
Box 57
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, I-J
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, K
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, L
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, M [1 of 2]
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, M [2 of 2]
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, Mc
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, N
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, O
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, P
Box 58
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, Q-R
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, Sa-Sm
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, Sn-Sz
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, T
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, U-V
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, W [1 of 2]
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, W [2 of 2]
- Congratulatory Messages, 1949, Secretary of the Interior, X-Y-Z
- Congressional Campaign, 1946
Box 59
- Connecticut, 1950
- D
- Democratic National Committee, 1946
- Democratic National Committee, 1947
- Democratic National Committee, 1949
- Democratic National Committee, 1951
- Democratic National Committee – Chairmanship
- Democratic National Committee – General
- Democratic National Convention, 1952
- E
- Expenditures – Democratic Committee
- F
- G
- Gahagan, Helen
- General Political, 1938
- General Political, 1942
- General Political, 1943
- General Political, 1949
- General Political, 1950
Box 60
- General Political, 1952 [1 of 2]
- General Political, 1952 [2 of 2]
- H
- I
- Ickes, Harold
- Independent Voters’ Committee of the Arts and Sciences for Roosevelt
- J
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Colorado Jefferson Day Dinner Committee
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Cheyenne, Wyoming with Midwest and Western States Conference; Denver, Colorado, May 1951
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Everett, Washington, March 29, 1950
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: General
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Jackson Day Dinner, 1950
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 18, 1950
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Raleigh, North Carolina Jackson Day Dinner
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Speeches
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Souvenir Programs [1 of 2]
Box 61
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: Souvenir Programs [2 of 2]
- K
- Kansas, 1950
- Kenin, Harry M.
- L
- Lists
- Los Angeles, California
- M
- Mc
- Miller, Governor Leslie A.
- N
- Neuberger, Richard
- Nevada, 1950
- New Mexico, 1950
- New York – O’Dwyer-Lehman, 1949
- O
- Olson, Richard C.
- Oregon, 1952
- P
Box 62
- Packard, John C.
- Personal
- Presidential Campaign, 1936
- Presidential Campaign, 1940
- Presidential Campaign, 1944: June 1943-September 1944
- Presidential Campaign, 1944: October 1944-January 1945
- Presidential Campaign, 1948: A-G
Box 63
- Presidential Campaign, 1948: H-O
- Presidential Campaign, 1948: P-Z
- Presidential Campaign, 1948: General
- Presidential Campaign, 1952: Governor Stevenson’s Staff
- Presidential Campaign, 1952: Michigan Trip
- Presidential Campaign, 1952: New England to Baltimore Trip Schedule
- Presidential Campaign, 1952: New York Trip
- Presidential Campaign, 1952: Oregon and Washington Trip
- Presidential Campaign, 1952: Schedules of Campaign Trips
- Presidential Campaign, 1952: West Coast
- Q
- R
Box 64
- S
- South Dakota
- T
- U
- Utah
- Virginia
- W
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Willkie, Wendell
- Y
- Young Americans for Roosevelt
- Z
Box 65
- Card File of Names and Addresses of Chapman Correspondents, A-O
Box 66
- Card File of Names and Addresses of Chapman Correspondents, P-Z
READING FILE, 1946-1953
Box 67
- Correspondence, April 24-May 17, 1946
- Correspondence, May 20-May 31, 1946
- Correspondence, June 3-June 14, 1946
- Correspondence, June 17-28, 1946
- Correspondence, July 1-August 31, 1946
Box 68
- Correspondence, September 1946
- Correspondence, October 1946
- Correspondence, November 1946
- Correspondence, December 1946
- Correspondence, January 1947
- Correspondence, February 1947
Box 69
- Correspondence, March 1947
- Correspondence, April 1947
- Correspondence, May 1947 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, May 1947 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, June 1947 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, June 1947 [2 of 2]
Box 70
- Correspondence, July 1947 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, July 1947 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, August 1947 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, August 1947 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, September 1947
- Correspondence, October 1947
- Correspondence, November 1947 [1 of 2]
Box 71
- Correspondence, November 1947 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, December 1947
- Correspondence, January 1948 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, January 1948 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, February 1948 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, February 1948 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, March 1948 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, March 1948 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, April 1948 [1 of 2]
Box 72
- Correspondence, April 1948 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, May 1948 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, May 1948 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, June 1948
- Correspondence, July 1948
- Correspondence, August 1948 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, August 1948 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, September 1948
- Correspondence, October 1948
- Correspondence, November 1948
- Correspondence, December 1948
- Correspondence, January 1949
- Correspondence, February 1949
Box 73
- Correspondence, March 1949 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, March 1949 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, April 1949 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, April 1949 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, May 1949 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, May 1949 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, June 1949
Box 74
- Correspondence, July 1949 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, July 1949 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, August 1949 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, August 1949 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, September 1949 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, September 1949 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, October 1949
- Correspondence, November 1949 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, November 1949 [2 of 2]
Box 75
- Correspondence, December 1949 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, December 1949 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, December 1949 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, December 1949 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, December 1949
- Correspondence – Personal, January 1950
- Correspondence, February 1950
- Correspondence – Personal, February 1950
- Correspondence, March 1950 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, March 1950 [2 of 4]
Box 76
- Correspondence, March 1950 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, March 1950 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, March 1950
- Correspondence, April 1950 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, April 1950 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, April 1950 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, April 1950 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, April 1950
- Correspondence, May 1950 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, May 1950 [2 of 4]
Box 77
- Correspondence, May 1950 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, May 1950 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, May 1950
- Correspondence, June 1950 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, June 1950 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, June 1950 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, June 1950 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, June 1950
- Correspondence – Personal, July 1950
- Correspondence, August 1950 [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, August 1950 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, August 1950 [3 of 3]
- Correspondence – Personal, August 1950
- Correspondence, September 1950
Box 78
- Correspondence – Personal, September 1950
- Correspondence, October 1950
- Correspondence – Personal, October 1950
- Correspondence, November 1950 [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, November 1950 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, November 1950 [3 of 3]
- Correspondence – Personal, November 1950
- Correspondence, December 1950 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, December 1950 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, December 1950 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, December 1950 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, December 1950
- Correspondence Digest, August-December 1950
Box 79
- Correspondence, January 1951 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, January 1951 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, January 1951 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, January 1951 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, January 1951
- Correspondence, February 1951 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, February 1951 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, February 1951 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, February 1951 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, February 1951
- Correspondence, March 1951 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, March 1951 [2 of 4]
Box 80
- Correspondence, March 1951 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, March 1951 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, March 1951
- Correspondence, April 1951 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, April 1951 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, April 1951 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, April 1951 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, April 1951
- Correspondence, May 1951 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, May 1951 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, May 1951 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, May 1951 [4 of 4]
Box 81
- Correspondence – Personal, May 1951
- Correspondence Digest, January-May 11, 1951
- Correspondence, June 1951 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, June 1951 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, June 1951 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, June 1951 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, June 1951
- Correspondence, July 1951 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, July 1951 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, July 1951 [3 of 4]
Box 82
- Correspondence, July 1951 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, July 1951
- Correspondence, August 1951
- Correspondence – Personal, August 1951
- Correspondence, September 1951 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, September 1951 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence – Personal, September 1951
- Correspondence, October 1951 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, October 1951 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, October 1951 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, October 1951 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, October 1951
- Correspondence, November 1951 [1 of 3]
Box 83
- Correspondence, November 1951 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, November 1951 [3 of 3]
- Correspondence – Personal, November 1951
- Correspondence, December 1951
- Correspondence – Personal, December 1951
- Correspondence, January 1952 [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, January 1952 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, January 1952 [3 of 3]
- Correspondence – Personal, January 1952
- Correspondence, February 1952 [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, February 1952 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, February 1952 [3 of 3]
- Correspondence – Personal, February 1952
- Correspondence, March 1952 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, March 1952 [2 of 4]
Box 84
- Correspondence, March 1952 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, March 1952 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, March 1952
- Correspondence, April 1952 [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, April 1952 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, April 1952 [3 of 3]
- Correspondence – Personal, April 1952
- Correspondence, May 1952 [1 of 4]
- Correspondence, May 1952 [2 of 4]
- Correspondence, May 1952 [3 of 4]
- Correspondence, May 1952 [4 of 4]
- Correspondence – Personal, May 1952
Box 85
- Correspondence, June 1952 [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, June 1952 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, June 1952 [3 of 3]
- Correspondence – Personal, June 1952
- Correspondence, July 1952 [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, July 1952 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, July 1952 [3 of 3]
- Correspondence – Personal, July 1952
- Correspondence, August 1952 [1 of 2]
- Correspondence, August 1952 [2 of 2]
- Correspondence, September 1952
- Correspondence, October 1952
- Correspondence – Personal November 1952
- Correspondence – Personal, December 1952
- Correspondence, January 1953
SUBJECT FILE, 1924-1964
Box 86
- Advisory Committees
- Alaska Oil Exploration
- Albright, Horace M. – Testimonial Dinner, December 4, 1959
- Aluminum
- Al Sarena Mining Claims Case – Case File
- Al Sarena Mining Claims Case – Hearings, House of Representatives, January 26, 1956
- Al Sarena Mining Claims Case – Hearings, Senate, January 31, 1956
- Anderson, Marian – Concert, April 9, 1939
- Anderson, Marian – Mural, 1943
- Baylor College – Annie Kendrick
- Biographical Sketch, Oscar Chapman
- Certificates
- Colorado Daily and Weekly Newspapers
- Correspondence – Miscellaneous, 1933-1963
Box 87
- Costigan, Senator Edward P.: Correspondence with Oscar Chapman, 1932-1933
- Costigan, Senator Edward P.: Correspondence with Oscar Chapman, 1934
- Costigan, Senator Edward P.: Correspondence with Oscar Chapman, 1935
- Costigan, Senator Edward P.: Correspondence with Oscar Chapman, 1936
- Costigan, Senator Edward P.: List of Applications General Received Through Senator Costigan’s Office, 1932-1936 [1 of 3]
- Costigan, Senator Edward P.: List of Applications General Received Through Senator Costigan’s Office, 1932-1936 [2 of 3]
Box 88
- Costigan, Senator Edward P.: List of Applications General Received Through Senator Costigan’s Office, 1932-1936 [3 of 3]
- Costigan, Senator Edward P.: List of Positions Received, 1932-1936
- Directory, National Petroleum Council, 1952
- Greater Washington American Relief for Korea Committee, 1953
- Harvey Machine Company
- Hawaii: Memorandum on the Transfer for Fort De Russy
- Hawaii: Paradise of the Pacific, Hawaii, February 1952
- Invitation to the White House, December 1938
- Israel in Its Glory: A Decade of Achievement, Editors, Abe Harman and Yigael Yadin
- Japanese Peace Treaty, Address by President Harry S. Truman, 1951
- Letter to President Truman, January 17, 1953
- List of Books and Files
- Manuscript – Senator-Stateman, Six Years with Edward P. Costigan in the U. S. Senate, by Lee Johnson
Box 89
- Memorabilia
- Mscellaneous
- National Petroleum Council [1 of 3]
- National Petroleum Council [2 of 3]
- National Petroleum Council [3 of 3]
- National Petroleum Council, Government-Industry Cooperation, 1960, Volume I
- National Petroleum Council, Government-Industry Cooperation, 1960, Volume II
- National Petroleum Council, Government-Industry Cooperation, 1960, Volume III
- National Petroleum Council, Government-Industry Cooperation, 1960, Volume IV
- National Petroleum Council, Government-Industry Cooperation, 1960, Volume V
- Newspaper Clippings [1 of 2]
Box 90
- Newspaper Clippings [2 of 2]
- Nursing Care, 1954
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: General [1 of 2]
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: General [2 of 2]
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: Confidential
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: Gas
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: Gas Council
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: Iranian Oil
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: List of Certificates of Service
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: Personnel
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: Questions by Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: Statement to the Preparedness Subcommittee of the Senate on Armed Services [1 of 2]
- Petroleum Administration for Defense: Statement to the Preparedness Subcommittee of the Senate on Armed Services [2 of 2]
Box 91
- Petroleum Cartel, 1952 [1 of 2]
- Petroleum Cartel, 1952 [2 of 2]
- Photographs
- Postcards/li>
- Publications
- Records Concerning Electric Power and Submerged Lands, 1946-1952
- Report of the American Technical Mission to India, August 1942
- Roosevelt, Eleanor
- Scrapbook, June 1933-October 1935
- Scrapbook, 1933-1943
- Scrapbook, 1933-1949
- Scrapbook, January 1934-October 1952
- Scrapbook, May 1934-June 1943
- Scrapbook, 1934-1937
- Scrapbook, June 1, 1935
- Scrapbook, 1937-1952
- Scrapbook, March-April 1939
- Scrapbook, April 12, 1946 and 1951
- Scrapbook, November-December 1949
- Scrapbook, 1949-1950
- Scrapbook, 1950
- Scrapbook, September 1950
- Scrapbook, October-November 1950
- Scrapbook, November 1950-September 1951
- Scrapbook, December 1950
- Scrapbook, 1951
- Scrapbook, July-December 1951
- Scrapbook, August-December 1951
- Scrapbook, October 1951-January 1952
- Scrapbook, 1951-1955
- Scrapbook, January-June 1952
- Scrapbook, July-October 1952
- Scrapbook, October 1952-January 1953
Box 92
- Scrapbook, March-July 1954
- Summary of History of the Naval Petroleum Reserves
- Tidelands Oil Controversy: Continental Shelf
- Tidelands Oil Controversy: Testimony
- Tidelands Oil Controversy: Tidelands, 1941-1947
- Tidelands Oil Controversy: Tidelands, 1948-1949
- Tidelands Oil Controversy: Tidelands, 1950-1951
- Tidelands Oil Controversy: Tidelands, 1952
- Truman, Harry S. – 73rd Birthday Celebration
- U. S. News and World Report, December 2, 1949
- Women’s American ORT