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Truman, Louis W. (Louis Watson), 1908-2004

Legacy Remap
Truman, Louis Watson, 1908-

Receiving Line at the Farewell Dinner for Lieutenant General and Mrs. Louis W. Truman

Mrs. Louis W. Truman (center, in short light colored dress) greets people in the receiving line before the dinner and dance given to honor her and her husband, Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (fourth from left, partly obscured). General J. D. Torrey stand next to Mrs. Truman. Brigadier General Patrick Cassidy can be seen between the two women on the far right. The event was held at the Officer's Club at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. All others are unidentified.

Receiving Line Prior to the Farewell Dinner Held in Honor of Lieutenant General and Mrs. Louis W. Truman

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (third from left) and Margaret S. (Mrs. Louis) Truman greet guests at the Farewell Reception, Dinner and Dance. Standing next to Mrs. Truman is General J. D. Torrey. The dinner was given in the Truman's honor at the Officer's Club, Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. All others are unidentified.

Lieutenant General and Mrs. Louis W. Truman at Farewell Dinner Held in Their Honor

Guests attend a farewell dinner and reception held in honor of Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman and Mrs. Margaret S. Truman at the Officer's Club, Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. Left to right: Captain Maddox (an aide to General Truman), Lieutenant General Truman, Mrs. Truman, General J. D. Torrey, unidentified woman, Brigadier General and Mrs. Patrick Cassidy.

Receiving Line at the Farewell Dinner for Lieutenant General and Mrs. Louis W. Truman

Lieutenant General and Mrs. Louis W. Truman (fourth and sixth from left, partly obscured) can be seen over the shoulders of the guests in the receiving line at the Farewell Dinner being held in the Truman's honor. Brigadier General Patrick Cassidy (far right) can be seen shaking hands with an unidentified woman. The event was held at the Officer's Club, Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. All others are unidentified.