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Armed forces officers

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Tour

This scene includes a partial view of what appears to be a Gray Line sightseeing bus filled with U.S. Navy personnel taken during an inspection tour visit of Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews to the U.S. Naval Shipyard at San Francisco, California. Secretary Matthews is seated in civilian clothes directly behind the bus driver. Other Navy officers in view are not identified.

Military Chaplain's Association Convention

Overall banquet view of the head table and those attending the Military Chaplain's Association twentieth annual convention held at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, California. Principal speakers at the dinner included Secretary of the Navy, Francis P. Matthews, who is seated at back table behind the microphone and General Mark W. Clark, Chief of the Army Field Forces who is seated second to the right of Secretary Matthews.

Joint Orientation Conference Held At Fort Benning, Georgia

A group of military and government official are shown seated together while attending a Joint Orientation Conference held at Fort Benning, Georgia on November 4-5, 1949. Identification includes left to right: General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force; Vice Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations; Louis Johnson, with gun in hands, Secretary of Defense; J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff of the Army; and Francis P. Matthews, Secretary of the Navy.

Military and Government Officials Arriving At Fort Benning, Georgia

A group of invited individuals are shown having just departed from a United States Air Force airplane. They include left to right: General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Louis Johnson, Secretary of Defense; unidentified; Francis P. Matthews, Secretary of the Navy; and W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force. They are attending a Joint Orientation Conference held at Fort Benning, Georgia on November 4-5, 1949.