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Armed forces officers

Brig. Gen. F. L. Hayden, Senator Millard Tydings, During July 1947 Trip to the Far East

Brig. Gen. Frederic L. Hayden (center), Senator Millard Tydings, and unidentified woman, during July 1947 trip to the Far East. They are in Okinawa, Japan. From: Presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Pacific in Tokyo, Japan, July 1946.

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Signs the Japanese Surrender for the United States

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz (seated) is signing the Allied Surrender Terms agreement which finalized the unconditional surrender of the Japanese and the end of the war with Japan. Behind Admiral Nimitz are (left to right) General Douglas MacArthur, Admiral William F. Halsey and Rear Admiral Forrest Sherman. Other soldiers and sailors in the background are unidentified. The ceremony took place aboard the USS Missouri. This includes a duplicate photo and negative. From a Scrapbook presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters U. S.

Emperor Hirohito pays a precedent shattering visit to Supreme Commander MacArthur

Emperor Hirohito, in formal morning attire, pays precedent shattering visit to Supreme Commander Douglas MacArthur at headquarters in Tokyo. From a Scrapbook presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters, U. S. Army Forces, Pacific, in Tokyo, Japan, July 1946. (These photographs have also been reproduced in 8x10 and placed in the regular photo boxes).

General MacArthur greets President Manuel Roxas just before the Philippine Independence Inaugural ceremonies at the Luneta in Manila

General Douglas MacArthur greets President Manuel Roxas just before the Philippine Independence Inaugural ceremonies at the Luneta in Manila. Congressman C. Jasper Bell and Postmaster Robert Hannegan look on. From: Scrapbook presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters U. S. Army Forces, Pacific in Tokyo, Japan, July 1946.

General MacArthur greets President Manuel Roxas on his arrival in Manila for the Independence Ceremonies

General Douglas MacArthur (right) greets President Manuel Roxas of the Philippines on his arrival in Manila for the Independence Ceremonies. From: Scrapbook presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters U. S. Army Forces, Pacific in Tokyo, Japan, July 1946

Dinner in honor of Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of the Internal Revenue

Shown together during a dinner in honor of Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of the Internal Revenue are Lt. Col. Harry Vaughan, Joe Holland, Leo Laughren, Ralph Toesnfeldt and Senator Harry Truman. From: The Album, Knights of the Cauliflower Ear Proudly Acclaim the Presidential Appointment of Hon. Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

Senator Harry S. Truman met by several military men upon arrival in Washington D.C. after his election as Vice President

Following the arrival of Senator Harry S. Truman at National Airport in Washington D. C., the Vice President Elect is met by several military men in preparation for his trip into the Capital. Matthew Connelly is seen just behind Mr. Truman in the hat. See 97-2075,76 and 77 and 97-2080 for more shots of his trip and arrival.

Senator Harry S. Truman, Vice-President Elect, visits with unidentified uniformed Air Force man while on way to Washington, D.C

Senator Harry S. Truman, Vice-President Elect, visits with an unidentified uniformed Air Force man while aboard the airplane which is taking him from Kansas City, Missouri to Washington, D. C. following his victory election as Vice President. See 97-2075, 97-2076, 89-37 and 77-104 for additional shots of this trip.