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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman and Mrs. Truman Enjoy Lunch with Their Vacation Party

President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess Truman eat lunch on the lawn of the Little White House in Key West, Florida with some members of their vacation party. Seated from left to right: Charles W. Jackson, Philleo Nash, Eben Ayers, John R. Steelman, Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Walter Bedell Smith, President Truman and Mrs. Truman. Others are unidentified.

Participants in "Battle Report - Washington" Pose for a Photograph

Participants in the television program "Battle Report - Washington are gathered on the set of the show. From left to right: Gordon Dean, one of the original Commissioners of the Atomic Energy Commission; Robert McCormick, NBC's Washington Manager of TV News and Special Events; John Steelman, producer of the television show for the Truman Administration; and Major Oscar Tibbetts.

President Harry S. Truman Addresses an Audience While Visiting San Juan, Puerto Rico

President Harry S. Truman delivers an address while visiting San Juan, Puerto Rico. Behind the President (from left to right): Colonel Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to the President; Honorable Julius A. Krug, Secretary of the Interior; Honorable Jesus T. Pinero, Governor of Puerto Rico; Honorable Luis Munoz Marin, President of the Puerto Rican Senate; Vice-Admiral Daniel E. Barbey, Commander Caribbean Sea Frontier; Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Army Aide to the President, Captain Robert L. Dennison, Naval Aide to the President. The speech took place at the San Juan Naval Air Station.

President Harry S. Truman and His Party Pose for Photograph During Visit to Key West

President Harry S. Truman and members of his vacation party pose for photograph in the garden of the Little White House in Key West, Florida. Back row, left to right: Administrative Assistant to the President Donald Dawson, Assistant Press Secretary Eben Ayers, General Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan, Leslie Biffle, Special Counsel to the President Clark Clifford, Stanley Woodward, General Wallace Graham, Captain Robert Dennison, William J. Bray, Jonathan Daniels. Front row, left to right: Correspondence Secretary William D.

Participants in "Battle Report - Washington" Pose for a Photograph

Participants in the television program "Battle Report - Washington" examine some material as they prepare from the show. From left to right: John D. Hickerson, Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs; John R. Steelman, producer of the television program "Battle Report - Washington" for the Truman Administration; and Colonel L. M. Gosorn of the United States Army.

Participants in "Battle Report - Washington" Pose for a Photograph

Participants in the television program "Battle Report - Washington" pose for a photograph. Standing from left to right are: Major General Harry G. Armstrong; Robert McCormick, NBC's Washington Manager of TV News and Special Events; and Captain Irving T. Duke. Seated is John R. Steelman, producer of the television show for the Truman Administration.

Participants in the Television Program "Battle Report - Washington"

Participants in the television program "Battle Report - Washington" are gathered around John Steelman, Assistant to President Harry S. Truman, seated at the desk. Standin, from left to right are: Major General Thomas White, Major General Lawrence C. Jaynes, Dean Rusk, W. Averell Harriman, and John C. Green. Robert McCormick, NBC's Washington Manager of TV News and Special Events leans on the desk.

Participants in "Battle Report - Washington" Pose for a Photograph

Participants in the "Battle Report - Washington" program pose for a photograph on the set of the show. Standing, from left to right: Marine Colonel Homer Litzenberd; Lieutenant Commander Estelle [last name illegible]; Robert McCormick, NBC's Washington Manager of TV News and Special Events; George J. Schoeneman, Internal Revenue Service; Henry J. Byroade, Director German Affairs, Department of State, and Colonel Stephen Y. McGiffert. John R. Steelman, the producer of the show for the Truman Administration, is seated.

Participants in "Battle Report - Washington" Pose for a Photograph

Participants in the program "Battle Report - Washington" pose for a photograph. Standing, from left to right: Ted Ayers; Rommy G. Vildzius; Kenneth Wells; Willard Caldwell; John W. Gibson; David Brinkley; Ludumilla Nemec; Major General Roy H. Parker and Rommy G. Vildzius. John R. Steelman, producer of the show for the Truman Administration, is seated.