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Armed forces officers

Amputees Visiting with Major General Harry Vaughan

A delegation of four amputees (all unidentified) representing those at Thomas M. England Hospital in Atlantic City, New Jersey visit with Major General Harry Vaughan (seated, center), President Harry S. Truman's Military Aide. They are visiting with General Vaughan at the White House to protest the closing of the Army's largest amputation center. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol 2.

British Joint Staff Mission Members Receive Medals from President Harry S. Truman

High British Officers of wartime British Joint Staff Mission receive medals from President Harry S. Truman (center in civilian dress). From left to right in the front are Marshal Douglas Colyer, General Sir Gordon N. Macready, President Truman, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, and Admiral of the Fleet Sir James Fownes Somerville. From left to right in the second row are Admiral Williams D. Leahy, Admiral Ernest J. King, General George C. Marshall, General Thomas Handy, and General Ira Eaker.

President Harry S. Truman and the General of the Brazilian Expeditionary Forces

President Harry S. Truman greets the General Joao Batista Mascarenhas de Moraes, General of the Brazilian Expeditionary Forces in Italy, during his two week visit in the United States. Front row, left to right: President Truman, General de Moraes, and Ambassador Carlos Martins of Brazil. Back row, left to right: General Zenobio de Costa and Air Brigadier Antonio Appel Netto. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol. 1.

President Harry S. Truman Becomes a Life Member in the Military Order of the World Wars

Members of the Military Order of the World Wars presented President Harry S. Truman with an insignia making him an Honorary Past Commander-in-Chief in the Order, as well as Life Membership certificate. President Truman was already a member of the Kansas City Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars. From left to right: Major E. Kemper Carter, Captain Arthur Brookfield, Admiral William H. Stamon, President Truman, Commander David Sholtz, General George C. Marshall, and Colonel Edwin S. Bettelheim, Jr.