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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

November 21, 1950

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Memorandum Limiting the Number of Supergrade Positions in Defense Agencies]
(Staff Meeting)
Mr. Harold Keats, National Counsellor, AMVETS General Alexander A. Vandegrift Mr. John Hundley Mr. William Ruder (General Harry Vaughan will bring group in. Will present to President a "dog tag" for blood test in connection with Civil Defense program)
Mr. James D. Mooney (Former President of General Motors Export Corp. Request made by Mr. Gratz who said Bill Boyle would like to have Mr. Mooney come in)
The President received group from the Poultry and Egg National Board and National Turkey Federation and accepted Turkey for Thanksgiving. The following were present: Mr. Warren D. Johnson Mrs. Warren D. Johnson~Dr. Alfred Van Wagenen Mr. Victor Pringle~Dr. Roger C. Corbett Mr. Frank Frazier~Mr. C.F. Smith Mr. T. Baker Jones Mr. M. C. Small (Arrangements made through Mr. C.F. Smith)
H.E. Senor Don J. Rafael Oreamuno, newly appointed Ambassador of Costa Rica (Arranged through State)
Mr. Henry Ford Hon. Richard Patterson, Jr., Ambassador to Guatemala (Mr. Matthew Connelly called Mr. Ford at suggestion of Ambassador Patterson)
Honorable Walter B. Huber, Congressman from Ohio
Honorable George Marshall, the Secretary of Defense (Usual weekly appoinement - one-half hour)
Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army
Honorable James M. Mead, Federal Trade Commissioner Honorable John Carson, Federal Trade Commissioner Honorable Stephen J. Spingarn, Federal Trade Commissioner (Commissioner Mead called Mr. Connelly and requested this appointment)
(Mr. Al Hiemann) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet Meeting - (Vice President absent; Secretary of Commerce absent; Secretary Foley for Treasury; Solicitor General Perlman for Justice) (Lt. Colonel Clifford Curtis briefed the Cabinet)
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture
(Mr. U.E. Baughman, Chief, Secret Service) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Harry B. Mitchell, Chairman, Civil Service Commission
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture Mr. James J. Shaw, Mayor of Trinidad, Colorado Mr. Raymond D. Nixon, City Manager of Trinidad Mr. Joseph F. Nigro, City Attorney, Trinidad Mr. Joe LaCrue, County Commissioner, Las Animas County, Colorado Mr. John Kancilia, County Commissioner, Las Animas County Mr. Ernest Porter Dr. James Donnelly (Secretary Brannan asked for appointment to discuss serious economic condition in south central Colorado and seek assistance)
Honorable H. Merle Cochran, American Ambassador to Indonesia (Arranged through State - Mr. Cochran will be here through today and requested appointment)
(The President and Mrs. Truman gave a luncheon at Blair House for Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Martha of Norway) (The following guests were present: Miss Margaret Truman TRH Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Martha Colonel and Mrs. Nikolai B. Ostgaard - Aide-de-Camp to the Crown Prince Mrs. Munthe de Morgenstierne The Secretary of State and Mrs. Acheson Hon. William D. Hassett Honorable and Mrs. John F. Simmons Hon. and Mrs. Charles U. Bay - American Ambassador to Norway Mr. Eigil Nygaard - Counselor of Embassy Major General and Mrs. Harry H. Vaughan
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD (Weekly meeting in Cabinet Room)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Advisory Board on International Development, on Foreign Economic Policy]
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen on Aid to Yugoslavia]
Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, N.S.R.B.
(General W.B. Smith) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay)
Honorable John Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury
Honorable Lewis W. Douglas, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain (Arranged through Secretary of State's office. The Ambassador in city for holiday and wishes to pay respects)
Senator Millard Tydings, Senator from Maryland
Senator Frank P. Graham, North Carolina (Arranged through Jonathan Daniels)
(Honorable James Webb, Under Secretary of State) (Honorable Delos Rentzel, Chairman, CAB) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Lawrence Giannini, President, Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Gaddy and two sons (Flew here from Colorado to spend 60th wedding anniversary with son, Mr. Paul Gaddy. They used to live in Missouri county where President was commissioner)
(Honorable James Bruce) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Dr, and Mrs. Bruce Forsythe) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Schwarz and children, Mary Ann and Bill) (Mr. Schwarz is Mrs. Forsythe's brother. Are here spending holiday with the Doctor's family)
(Honorable George Allen) (Mr. Conrad L. Wirth, Chief of the Land and Recreational Planning, National Park Service) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Allen called Mr. Matthew Connelly - want to talk with the President re the Library at Grandview)
(Mr. and Mrs. George Halle) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Howard McGrath, Attorney General
(Honorable Gordon Dean, Atomic Energy Commission) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate on Statehood for Hawaii and Alaska]
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen Recommending Extension of Rent Control]
(Congressman John McCormack, Massachusetts) (Mr. Howard W. Fitzpatrick, Sheriff, Middlesex County, Mass.) OFF THE RECORD
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkeley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House Honorable Scott Lucas, Senator from Illinois Honorable John McCormack, Congressman from Massachusetts
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Harley M. Kilgore, Senator from West Virginia
Honorable William Benton, Senator from Connecticut (Has been to Bermuda with Governor Bowles. The Governor plans to see Secretary of State Wednesday or Thursday of this week; and the Senator asked to talk with the President before then)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Lunch) - (Downstairs) (The President attended surprise birthday party for General Robert Landry and General Harry Vaughan)
Honorable Burnet R. Maybank, Senator from South Carolina
Honorable Richard Bolling, Congressman from Missouri
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked for half-hour)
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable W. Elmer Harber, Chairman, R.F.C. Honorable Walter L. Dunham, Member, R.F.C. Honorable William E. Willett, Member, R.F.C. Honorable C. Edward Rowe, Member, R.F.C. Honorable Walter E. Cosgriff, Member, R.F.C. Dr. G.G. Oberfell (Chairman Harber called Mr. Matthew Connelly last evening to ask if the R.F.C. Members might call and pay respects to the President, at same time bringing along Dr. Oberfell, the man they want to head up R.F.C. program for synthetic rubber production. Dr. Oberfell is retired but was formerly with Phillips Petroleum Company)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable Paul Aiken
Judge Stephen Rice, Tax Court of the United States (Newly appointed; asked if he might come in and thank the President for his appointment) Mrs. Rice and two small sons
General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff General Clarence R. Huebner (Arranged by General Harry Vaughan. General Huebner retiring as Deputy Commander in Chief of the European Command and Com- manding General of U.S. Army Forces in Europe; to report on his mission to the President)
(Mr. Louis Kranitz, of St. Louis, Mo.) (Mr. Dan Nee) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged at suggestion of Joe Healey)
(Mr. Tom Evans) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. John E. Bierwirth
Honorable George Marshall, Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Honorable Perle Mesta, American Minister to Luxembourg
(The President left for office of the Attorney General [J. Howard McGrath], where he attended OFF THE RECORD Luncheon)
(Dr. Allen Valentine) OFF THE RECORD
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
General Omar N. Bradley
Cabinet Meeting (All present except Agriculture; Under Secretary McCormick represented Agriculture) (General Bradley briefed the Members of the Cabinet - OFF THE RECORD)
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the F Street Club where they attended a dinner given by Senator and Mrs. Clinton Anderson)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Urging Legislation Authorizing Further Assistance to Yugoslavia]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Advisory Board on International Development]
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Edward S. Crocker, 2d., the American Ambassador to Iraq (Asked for this thru Division of Protocol)
Honorable Raymond M. Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency
Honorable E.L. Bartlett, Delegate from Alaska
Mr. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. (Wrote to the President, stating he was back in this country from one of his periodic jaunts abroad; that he expected to be in Washington around this time and hoped he might have a chance to chat with the President)
International Development Advisory Board and others (The following members were present:) WEBB, Honorable James E., Under Secretary of State BENNETT, Dr. Henry G., Administrator, Technical Cooperation Adm. WAYNICK, Hon. Capus M., Act. Adm. Technical Cooperation Adm. ROCKEFELLER, Hon.Nelson A.~HINES, Mr. Lewis G. DANIEL, Robert P.~PARRAN, Thomas FIRESTONE, Harvey S., Jr.~POE, Clarence H. GERARD, James W.~POTOFSKY, Jacob S. HANNAH, John A.~SAVAGE, John L. HECKEY, Miss Margaret~WHEELER, Mr. Charles L.
Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, N.S.R.B. (Usual Wednesday appointment)
Honorable Carl Hayden, Senator from Arizona
Honorable John A. Carroll, Congressman from Colorado
The President received the Collectors of Internal Revenue of the United States (Meeting in Washington, and asked thru Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder] to be received) (The following were present:) ALSUP, James M.~ANDERSON, G.W. BOWERS, William P.~BUCKLEY, J.L. BUSEY, Harry F.~CAMPBELL, Addington B. CAMPBELL, Ellis, Jr.~CAREY, Thomas M. CARVER, Parker P.~CLARK, Frank G. CLAUSON, Clinton A.~COYLE, Farrell D. CRENSHAW, Stuart L.~CRIPE, Ralph W. CROSS, Alvin H.~DAVIS, William E. DEANE, James F.~DELANEY, Denis W. DONNELLY, Charles A.~DOUGLASS, Robert L. EARLE, Hugh H.~FAHS, John L. FINNEGAN, James P.~FITZPATRICK, John J. FLY, Eugene~GALLAGHER, Thomas A. GLENN, Seldon R.~HALPIN, Frank M. HENSLEE, Lipe~HOFFERBERT, George HOOKS, Gilbert C.~JARECKI, John T. JOB, Wallwin T.~JOHNSON, James W. JONAS, Oscar M.~JONES, Henry C. KASPER, Thomas C.~KEEFE, F. Clyde KILLEN, Ernest E.~KREHBIEL, A.J. LAMB, James S.~LOCKHART, Harold A. LUCKENBILL, H.D.~MANN, Marietta C. MANNING, John E.~MARCELLE, Joseph P. MASARIK, C.S., Jr.~McDONALD, Joseph T. McMAHON, Denis J.~NICHOLS, Ralph O'MALLEY, George~RICHARDSON, Sam E. RIDDELL, Robert A.~ROBINSON, Thomas M. SCHOENEMAN, George J.~SCOFIELD, Frank SELF, William D.~SHAUGHNESSY, Frank J. SMITH, Francis R.~SMYTH, James G. SQUIRE,Clark~STUART, William P. STURR, Walter R.~TAYLOR, Ernest C. VIDAL, Steven P.~YOKE, F. Roy
The President received group from the Savings and Loan Association of Kansas City, Missouri (In Washington for annual convention of National Savings and Loan Association League. Both Mr. Vivian Truman and Mr. Eugene Donnelly wrote to Mr. Connelly, expressing hope the President could see this Kansas City group.) (The following were present) MITCHELL, Mr. and Mrs.~WEBB, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. BENNETT, Mr. Howard~SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton RUPARD, Mr. and Mrs. Marion~RUPARD, Janie (daughter) RICHARDSON, Mr. and Mrs. R.J.~BALLARD, Mr. John FAULKNER, Mr. O.K.~JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. Roy HUND, Mr. and Mrs. M.A.~JOHNSON, Mr. Gene (son) HUND, Miss Patricia (Daughter)~WEBB, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BAUGHMAN, Maude (Sister of~BROOKS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Mrs. Hund)
(Ellsworth Bunker) (Mr. Don Dawson) OFF THE RECORD
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Staff Meeting)
Mr. George Killion
Mrs. India Edwards (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
Dr. F.W. Olsson, of Kansas City (Mr. Ralph Taylor wrote Mr. Connelly that Dr. Olsson, who is Mr. Taylor's dentist, would be in Washington at this time; was his first trip to Washington and would like to pay his respects to the President)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Honorable Maury Maverick (Wired Mr. Connelly that he would be here and hoped he might see the President; is also bringing to the President a set of "Perry's Expedition to Japan," which he says is very valuable.)
Honorable Bennett Champ Clark, Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (Called Mr. Connelly early in the week to ask for this)
Honorable William M. Boyle (Usual weekly appointment)
(David H. Powell, Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
Admiral Jonas Ingram
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget