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Dennison, Robert L. (Robert Lee), 1901-1980

Spina greeting Truman with others at Truman's seventy-eighth birthday party

Frank Spina (fourth from right, foreground) greeting former President Harry S. Truman at Truman's seventy-eighth birthday luncheon at the President Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. In the picture from left to right are: Sidney Souers, George Killion, Louis Truman, Edwin A. Locke, Jr., Robert Dennison, former Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson, Frank Spina, former Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder, former President Harry S. Truman, and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Shown Together on the Lawn of the Little White House in Key West are President Truman and Family with White House Staff

Shown together on the lawn of the Little White House are left to right, back row: Stephen Springarn, General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Charles Ross, General Harry Vaughan, General Wallace Graham and David Niles. Front row are, left to right: John Steelman, Bess Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman and William Hassett.

Aboard the submarine Corporal are: Admiral Robert Dennison, William Hassett, Secretary J. T. Koehler, George Elsey and Charles Murphy

Aboard the submarine Corporal are left to right: Admiral Robert Dennison, William Hassett (back to camera), Secretary J. T. Koehler, George Elsey (head turned) and Charles Murphy. From: Album gift from Admiral Robert Dennison.