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W. Averell Harriman During His 1959 Trip to the Soviet Union

Accession Number
Black & White
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HST Keywords
Soviet Union; Tajikistan

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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Exterior view believed to have been taken in Stalinabad, Soviet Union. W. Averell Harriman and his wife Marie are seated with a native family. Charles Thayer wrote the following in his typewritten account of the trip: "We took a drive through the town [Stalinabad], stopping in the heart of the individual housing area. Here the Mayor suggested we pick any house at random to visit. We went to a neat little blue painted building nearby, knocked and walked in, to find the owner, Mr. Mirza Khudo Dodaev, having luncheon with his wife, three married sons and daughters in law, his mother and an uncountable number of grandchildren. Mr. Khudo Dodaev was draped in his pajamas, and his wife was bare-footed though in a nice flowered cotton dress." Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA). Trip visits included Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Yalta, etc., as well as areas in Siberia and the Urals, and ended with a meeting with Nikita Khrushchev. Original negative.

June 6, 1959